The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Oh yeah they're great especially smooshed between two graham crackers with a piece of chocolate" ,Krys stated as she picked Iracebeth up and sat her on her lap. She wasn't sure what the snack was called but she remembered having them at Hogwarts on night when the Slytherins threw a bonfire party.
"Nummies? Chocolate nummies." She knew chocolate she loved chocolate just like her mother. Iracebeth cuddled up with Krys, she loved Krys like her other mother or a big sister.
"Yeah chocolate nummies with other really good nummies mixed together" ,Krys said in response. "But you have to eat some dinner first ok". Within a few minutes after she said that the house elf brought them their dinner and Krys gave everyone a plate of food.
"Yay nummies!" Racebeth was excited she liked yummy things."Okay" she said defeated she wanted the other nummies. Bellatrix smiled at how cute her daughter was being. Bellatrix watched as the house elf brought them all food. "Bellatrix please eat something." Narcissa stated even though this was thi first time in a while she had been around her sister and she knew something was up."Cissa I will, just not at the moment, I'm not hungry right now."
Krys noticed the two talking and Narcissa telling Bellatrix to eat and decided to not chime in knowing it would probably be a bad idea. She handed Iracebeth her fork and held her plate for her so that she could eat, the elf gave Rover his food and Krys waited for Racey to finish before she ate her food.
"Bella..." Narcissa said, "Not now and not here Cissy, I'll eat just not know." she stated sincerly she really wasn't hungry due to waking up late therefore eating late, plus she was in and out of depression. Narcissa let it be then continued to eat hr food.Racey sat there and ate her food,she whated the treat afterware, she ate what she could without being too full."All done?"
Krys looked at Racey's plate and smiled, "Very good you can have that treat as soon as everyone's done eating I'll have Donovan make it ok" ,Krys stated. She grabbed her plate and began to eat quickly so she could give Racey the treat as quick as possible knowing she would be tired soon.
Racey smiled brightly when Krys said she could have her treat, then frowned a bit when she said as soon as everyone else was done. "Otay..." she sighed. She looked around at everyone, looking at their plates. "That's gonna take forever Kys..." She statedm seeing a good portion on Narcissa's plate, Bellatrix hadn't even touched her food.
Racey smiled brightly, "Donovan!! Donovan!! Time to wake up pwease!!" She called remembering Krys said he was going to take a nap while they ate.
"Why don't you go sit with mommy and aunt Cissy while I wake him up"? Krys told Racey as she grabbed her wand. When she knew the baby was safe with her mom she pointed her wand at the fire, "Donovan the Dragon wake up and show us your tricks we are eager to see what kind of things you have in store for us" ,she stated. She gave Bellatrix and Narcissa a smile right before Donovan rose up from the flames, he smiled at Iracebeth and flapped his wings to wave. "Now Donovan Iracebeth here wants a treat do you think you can cook this for me"? Krys said holding up a marshmallow. She made Donovan nod his head yes before she threw the marshmallow into his mouth. Krys had the elf prepare the graham crackers and chocolate before she had Donovan spit the marshmallow fully cooked onto the graham cracker. "Now that's how you make this cookie sandwich thing muggles don't know how to make things fun they just use sticks" ,Krys said then stuck out her tongue playfully. She made Racey her treat and waited for it to cool off a bit before handing it to her. "I hope you like it kiddo make sure to let Donovan know what you think ok".
"Otay Kys," She stated climbing down and going over to her mother sitting in her lap. Racey stared aat the fir waiting for Donovan to appear. Bellatrix smiled at Krys for her cheesy introducyion but Racey loved it. Iracebeth smiled brightly and waved at Donovan. She watched as he cooked the marshmellows in his mouth before spitting it out. "Muggles are stupid remember, they can hardly survive. Once Krys gave it to Racey she took it and sniffed it. She then took a bite, and a huge smile spread across her face. "It's yummy...thank you"
"You are very welcome sweetheart and if you finish that one if your mom says it's ok you can have another one" ,Krys told her smiling. She loved how Iracebeth said thank you it was nice to see she learned manners so quickly. Krys looked to the other two, "Do you guys want one"?
Iracebeth got excited she wanted another one even though she wasn't finished with the first one yet. She was still chewing away on the marshmellow chocolate goodness. "Sure, Krys I'll try one." Narcissa stated smiling softly. Bellatrix thought about it, She was sceptically because it was something from the muggles. "Alright dear I'll have one."
"Alright then I'll make one for each of us and another for when you're done Racey" ,Krys said smiling. She threw four marshmallows into the dragons mouth and let them cook before making everyone their treat.
Racey finally finished the gooy mess of marshmellow and chocolate. She smiled when Krys said she can have another one. Bellatrix as she waited picked here and there at her dinner. Narcissa took a wet wipe and cleaned Iracebeth's hands.
Bellatrix took the treat that the house elf gave her. She examined it and sniffed it before she took a bite. She smiled once she did it was delisious who knew a muggle thing could actually be good. Racey ate hers then laughed and clapped at the fire dragon as he did tricks.
Krys ate one of her own and smiled as Bellatrix did, "I knew you'd like it love" ,Krys said with a smile. "So what time are the little ones going to bed"? She asked it was getting late and dark and she wasn't sure exactly what time it was so she didn't know when the two should go to sleep.
Bella smiled and nodded toward Krys she still had it in her mouth. She swallowed and thought for a minute, "in a little while I guess." She stated RAcey still seemed wide awake she didn't know where the pup was at the moment though. Bella would give them another few miinutes before they had to sleep.
"Alright no rush love I was just wondering" ,Krys said in response. She then turned to look at Narcissa, "So what are your plans for tonight"? She asked as she took another bite from her snack then made the dragon do more tricks.
"I know dear, we'll come to that when it get's here." Bella responed she then warmed her dinner and ate. Narcissa looked at Krys," Probably a glass of wine, make sure Rudy's not snooping through things, then cuddle with Lucius." She responed. Racey still loved the trick thinking the dragon was real.
"Rudy's still been snooping around"? Krys asked curiously. She had nearly forgot about him, "That sounds like a good night you guys can come out here later on as well if you'd like" ,Krys offered she looked at Bellatrix to see if she was ok with it as well.
"He's always snooping around, and through everything. He's worse than Wormtail." She stated it was a fact. "That sounds lovely dear I'll see what Lucius says." Narcissa replied. Bellatrix looked at Krys she still had some hard feelings toward her sister, for trying to keep her and Krys apart, then kissing Krys, But she was her sister and this was her house, so she couldn't do anytihing about it.
Krys noticed that Bellatrix looked at her, she seemed a bit upset. She got up careful not to make the dragon disappear and made her way over to Bellatrix. "I know you still have some hard feelings love but she is your family and you both love each other and I know it you only live once so don't waste it being angry with the ones you love" ,Krys whispered so only Bellatrix could hear her. She took kissed her on the cheek then smiled, "I love you". With the war coming closer and closer Krys knew how serious things were getting and knew there was a possibility that anyone could die during it and she just wanted the two to get along so if one of them happened to fall they wouldn't have died bitter towards the other.
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