The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Once Bellatrix drifted off to sleep she was out like a light. She also dreamed about various ways this was going to happen though she was still in her sleep cuddling her baby. Tears even in sleep fell from her eyes.
Bellatrix finally jolted awake, her eyes opened wide and looked around seeing her sleeping child and puppy, but Krys was missing. Bellatrix contiuned to just lay there figuring Krys needed to use the restroom or she needed some time to herself.
After a little while Krys made her way back to the tent and summoned the house elf, she had the elf go make them breakfast then made her way into the tent. "Good morning love" ,she said looking at Bellatrix.
Bellatrix heard Krys' voice, as she told the house elf to make them all breakfast. Bellatrix smiled up at Krys, "Morning dear. Where ya been?" She asked curiously still laying there not wanting to distrub the baby.
"I went for a walk in the garden love, took a look around" ,Krys said in response. She kept it simple not wanting to worry the woman, "So the kids are still asleep huh? That's a first" ,she said with a small smile usually it was Iracebeth and Rover up first.
"I see and how did it look, I haven't looked at it for awhile." She smiled reaching a hand to Krys since she couldn't hug her. Bellatrix then looked to the kids, "Yeah shocking huh? Racey hasn't let go of me yet. She's been holding tight to me all night. I think from her nightmare and the crying she did she's exhausted."
"Most of it looked lovely like usual of course there were a few spots that were just eh" ,Krys said in response. "Poor thing, she probably is exhausted we should let her sleep as much as she needs too I can always warm up her food if needed". Krys made her way over to Bellatrix and sat down next to Bellatrix.
"I'll look at it later. I bet it's just as lovely as always." She stated, she hadn't been there in awhile. "Yes This was the first bad dream she's ever had or al least the first one she's ever mentioned to me. My poor little baby expecailly such a dream as that." Bellatrix stated then rested her head on Krys' lap. still holding Iracebeth.
"We're going to sort this all out I promise, I can see about making a potion that will prevent her from having nightmares if you'd like" ,Krys suggested.
"I'm sure we will, love...I'm not sure if we should give her potions yet, she is young and it was only one though it was extremely bad. We should look into it but take it easy." She replied.
"We'll give it time, maybe she ate something and through her off. Yes, we'll just watch and wait monitor to make sure she's alright." Bellatrix agreed.
"Sounds good love" ,Krys said in response. After a little while the elf came back with their food, Krys told the elf to just set it up inside the tent.
"Hey love, What's for breakfast?" She asked curiously, whatever it was it smelled good. "Maybe the Marshmellows made her have the strange dream?" She stated it was possible after all.
"Damn you're right I shouldn't have gave her so much it's my fault" ,Krys stated. She felt bad now knowing that the baby could've had a nightmare because of what she fed her. "It's the usual stuff for breakfast this time I didn't want to go too overboard".
"It's not your fault we don't know it that was the cause of the nightmare plus I'm just to blame for not stopping it. It'll be fine I'm sure." She said trying to calm Krys. " SOunds good love."
"I'm going to wait until the kids wake up before I eat if that's ok" ,Krys stated, she had gotten so used to them all eating together that it felt weird when they didn't.
"No worries dear, I have a bit of a proplem so I'm waiting too." She was referring to Iracebeth being glued to her.
Krys let out a small laugh it was cute how the baby held on to her mother, the girl loved Bellatrix and Krys knew that was why she was so scared after having the dream.
Bellatrix softly stroked her baby's hair, at least she knew her baby loved her, Maybe Iracebeth figured if her mother was dragged off somewhere she would be going too. The poor thing must have been scared to death to be clinging so tightly to Bellatrix.
"Maybe later we can do something to cheer her up, do you have anything in mind"? Krys suggested. She wanted to take Iracebeth's mind off of the nightmare.
"Hm...I don't know what did you do as a child?" She asked curiously, Bellatrix tortured small animals, her sisters, and set things on fire. She didn't need Iracebeth setting the Manor on fire. Plus Krys' childhood was closer, maybe she knew something, being a modern child.
"Hm I used to have some toys I played with and I liked to draw stuff like that" ,Krys told Bellatrix in response. "When I got older I became a pyro and set stuff on fire for fun but we can't have her doing that now can we".
"Maybe she'll wanna draw or color or something...No Cissy would kill me..What age did you start?" SHe stated she didn't know how to be an only child since she had her sisters plus her cousins. Sh ewas hardly ever alone, and after her sisters were born her parent stopped doing things with her.
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