The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Both Krys and Voldemort laughed at the man screaming as Bellatrix tortured him. The woman was vicious and Krys loved it, so did the dark lord. After a while Voldemort disapparated giving both Krys and Bellatrix instructions to summon him if Weasley gave up any information. "If you continue to be useless then we have no need for you and I'll be forced to fucking kill you" ,Krys snapped when he kept refusing to give up the location of Potter. "Oh and by the way I won't make it quick by using the killing curse, I'll drain your fucking body of all it's blood" ,Krys ran her finger up the blade of her knife as she said that. "Now what would your family think if they got news that you were murdered"? Krys laughed evilly knowing Arthur was now in fear for his life. "Just tell us where the boy is and this will end, if you don't I'm sure Bellatrix has a few more methods of torture she would love to use on you".
Hearing both of them luagh made Bella smile even more, she was being an example to Krys while getting closer to the Dark Lord wanting him to love her though in a sense she knew it was never going to be that way and she would probably be a lone for the rest of her days, since Rudolphus betrayed her and the Dark Lord she wanted nothing to do with him. "You really should listen Arthur...I mean without daddy around whats going to happen to your family?" Bellatrix cooed, she knew he was a family man, so he'd break if they threatend his life and family enough. "A slow painful death eventually we will have you choking on your own blood, once you're gone we'll go after your little family too." She sighed in a whispered hushed tone, as she got down close to him, it was loud enough for both of them to hear her but still quiet. "We only want the boy, we'll leave you all alone, we just want Potter."
"You should really listen to her Arthur we don't want to hurt you, just tell us what we want to hear" ,Krys said calmly. Arthur looked over to her and blatantly said "NO". Krys took a deep breath and stormed over to him and punched him in the face, "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? I GUESS I'LL GO PICK UP MOLLY THEN EHH? SHE SHOULD BE HOME ALL ALONE RIGHT NOW" ,Krys yelled as she walked away from the man. "Give him hell Bellatrix he has exactly one hour and if he doesn't tell us where Potter is I'm going to the burrow and grabbing his lovely wife and she can sit here along side her husband and suffer the same fate" ,Krys threatened. She eyed the man dangerously then turned her attention to Bellatrix, "Make him fucking scream". Krys leaned against the wall and anxiously waited for Bellatrix's next move, the woman may be crazy but she was brilliant when it came to torture.
Bellatrix smiled wickedly at Krys as she gave him to her to deal with. "Now we tried this the easy way, you'll tell me before the hour is up, if not you'll either be dead, insane, or your wife will be here beside you. CRUCIO!" He started to scream and flop around again. Belltrix took out one of her favorite toys, her dagger, it was tuched into her corset belt, then a pair of leather burn proof gloves. "Flagrante" She cursed the object touching it to his skin making him burn and where she touched she left it so his skin would blacken. Cackling as she did so. After a bit she removed the curse so she could touch her dagger again, then she pinned a shaky Weasley down face to face, "Where is the boy?" She asked. 'I Don't know?' Arthur replied. "You don't know, You don't know? I think you do know." She said ripping his sleeve she starved to carve the words Muggle-lover and liar, into his skin burning him again. "Curcio! CRUCIO!"
Krys laughed hysterically as she watched Bellatrix torture Arthur. When he again told her he didn't know where Potter was Krys shook her head getting more and more aggravated with him. She looked at her watch, "You got a half hour to tell us where he is Arthur do not piss me off you won't like the results" ,Krys said in a cold voice that sounded a bit like her father's. Krys tapped her foot annoyed and looked to Bellatrix who was bent over carving something into Arthur's arm, Krys couldn't help but look for a moment. She made her way over to the two and knelt down in front of them looking down into Arthur's face. "I'm a bit impatient Bellatrix I think I'm going to go pay a visit to dear old Molly a bit early" ,Krys stated before standing up and heading toward the door. "Last chance Arthur" ,She shouted as her hand touched the handle of the door and she opened it a bit. She received no answer, "OK then I'll be back soon" ,Krys said stepping out of the room.

Grabbing Molly and bringing her back was easy, the woman wasn't expecting it at all. Krys basically dragged her down to the room where Arthur was being tortured. When they got inside Molly screamed, "ARTHUR" ,she said running over to her husband who was sitting on the floor in pain. "I told you Arthur, I fucking warned you, now we're just going to have to ask your lovely wife where the boy is" ,Krys said looking to Molly. "Well.....Where is he"? Krys asked Molly. She received no answer still, "OK FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY"! Krys yelled, she was completely pissed off at this point. She walked over to Molly and slapped her across the face, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? WHY DO YOU WANT TO PROTECT THE BOY SO MUCH"?!
Bellatrix nodded her head and finished craving into his arm and waited for Krys to return this was starting to get bored she was normally done by now having the anwsers she needed for the Dark Lord, But he was being stubborn. Well maybe when Kyrs came back, this would loosen up. When Krys returned Bella smiled, "We're going to have some fun now." She stated mockingly. Bellatrix whated as Krys flipped out, but simple things like that wont work. "Oh well then, I quess we could leave them here to rot or kill them, But whats going to happen to your children? I'll make them suffer more than what I've done to youre husband starting with Bill, going down the lines. Until we get what we what."
Krys listened as Bellatrix talked and knodded in agreement with everything she said. "I'll be right back Bellatrix I'm thirsty" ,Krys said before making her way upstairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed the new bottle of firewhiskey and brought it with her when she returned to the downstairs. Krys opened the bottle and took a shot then walked over to Arthur and poured some of the liquid onto the cuts on his arm. Arthur screamed in pain and Molly winced at the sight of him being put through the pain. "I say it's your wife's turn to have a little fun with us" ,Krys said right before taking another shot. "Crucio" ,she said pointing her wand at Molly who screamed and twitched in pain. "Stop please" ,Arthur begged. Krys looked at him, "Is there something you'd like to tell us Weasley"? Krys asked as she let up on Molly.
Bellatrix looked at Krys then nodded her head. She started to pace as she waited for Krys to return thinking of new curses to torture them with.Bella looked at Krys curiously asshe returned with the bottle. Whatching her pour it onto the male, seeing him wince she smiled, then it grew as Molly was being cursed. "Hogsmeade he's in Hogsmeade this weekend. I've told you now Stop hurting her and let us go." Arthur said weakly. Bellatrix smiled and cackle, "oh how the mighty have fallen see what the power of you love can do, That was so hard now was it. " She stated, "I'll Call him again."
"We'll let you go when we have Potter" ,Krys stated before taking another shot. "For all we know you could be lying to us". Krys nodded when Bellatrix said she'll call the dark lord again. When Voldemort arrived and was informed of where Potter would be he smiled. "We'll grab him as soon as we have the chance" ,Voldemort said then looked to Bellatrix and Krys. "I'll send you two because then I'll know the job will get done". The dark lord had confidence in his voice as he said those words which made Krys grin, "Thank you my lord, I promise you we won't let you down, failure is not an option" ,Krys said bowing to the dark lord.
Bellatrix watched after she had called the Dark Lord waiting for him. Once there Bellatrix smiled a bit as they had gotten the information they needed, for him. "Thank you, my Lord, we wont fail you." Bellatrix Spoke in her airy hushed voice as she nearly always did when she spoke to him, then Bellatrix bowed low. AS Voldemort was gone again Bella had a thought, "What if it's a trap?" She asked Krys and before even getting an anwser she walked over to the couple she pulled out a piece of thier hair. She could tell them apart by the size Molly's was longer, "Polyjuice." Bellatrix stated Bella then turned to leave knowing if she didn't start now she'd never get finished, Plus seeing Kris with that bottle reminded her of the prior nights events and she was still unsure about how she felt.
Krys watched as Bellatrix left to go brew the potion, "I'll see you guys later" ,she stated as she stood up and walked out the door, closing and locking it behind her. Krys walked around the manor for a while before deciding to find Bellatrix. Nobody else was around for her to talk to and she didn't really want to converse with the Weasleys. When Krys found Bellatrix she had already gotten started with the potion, "Hey" ,Krys said trying to get her attention. She took another shot from the bottle then looked at Bellatrix, "I'm fucking bored do you need help with anything"? Krys asked.
Bellatrix had everything she needed to brew the potion it was just a pain to make. Well, not really it just took awhile. Most of the ingredients were already in the brew she just needed to add a few more things and wait for it to be done. She was relaxing in a chair with her feet on a foot stool, with her eyes closed. Bellatrix opened her eyes and looked over to the door, "Hey." Bellatrix streched, and said, "No not really but you're welcome to hang about, I think Lucius and Cissy went out to dinner or something and Rudolphus, is probably with a hooker or drunk somewhere..." she stated so it was just Krys and Bellatrix.
Krys sat in a chair near Bellatrix and sipped out of the bottle again. She watched for a while as Bellatrix finished up adding the ingredients. "By the way good call with the potion, Potter will walk right to us without even realizing who we really are. You're fucking brilliant" ,Krys stated right before sipping from the bottle again. "That's good those two need to get out and enjoy themselves sometimes" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix mentioning that Lucius and Narcissa had went to dinner. When Bellatrix mentioned Rodolphus Krys got a sour taste in her mouth, "Fuck him" ,she said plainly. She took another sip from the bottle then leaned her head back and held the bottle out toward Bellatrix, "Want some"?
Bellatrix looked at Krys, "Hmm...Oh Thank you," Bellatrix blushed slightly which was rare to see. "I've just been playing the game long enough, and since the Dark Lord put us on this, which I was surprised about, for something like this he'd put Crouch or Dolohov on, I figured that since it was a Weasley who told us where he is, they may have us walking right into a trap which, really isn't smart on there part cause if something happens to us, something will happen to them, and there family. All we have to do is play our part as worried Parents and take him aside and come back with the boy safe and sound." She explained the plan basically to Krys as it brew. "Yes with death eaters in and out all day, plus work, and draco, they need them time. " She stated in a sense Bellatrix was jealous of her youngest sister, she still had untouched beauty, she had a lovingg husband, a house of her own and sa son. While Bellatrix had the Dark Lord...Well not really. Bellatrix rolled her eyes about her husband, it was nothing new he figured since she didn't love him, and was always "flirting" with the Dark Lord he couldgo off with a whore. Bellatrix had even caught him doing it to, but he didn't care. Bellatrix looked at the bottle, she went to take she wanted it then decided better of it. "No Thanks if I don't pay attention this can backfire." She stated, putting her arm back to the chair. "Plus I drank last night way more then I should have and well it's not good when you hit my age."
"Ok fair enough" ,Krys said pulling the bottle away and taking another sip. "We definatly don't need anything to backfire not when things are going so perfectly right now". Krys looked at the older witch and noticed she had already finished what she had been doing. "So do you want to do something other then sit here" ,Krys said with a small laugh. "Like I said I'm bored and you look like you're just as bored as me so let's figure something out hmm". Krys wasn't the type to stay seated for too long she liked to be active.
Bellatrix nodded her head, and watched as she took the bottle away. "Exactly, I'm not taking any chances. Right now." She stated one wrong move and Voldemort might kill them both. Not that Bella would mind as long as he was the one to kill her. "We really shouldn't leave the potion unattended...But what did you have in mind?" Bellatrix asked. Sure Bella was bored she couldn't do much besides missions and she used to argue with Krys which took us a lot of time but they weren't fighting anymore, so it was boring stuck at the manor.
"Damn you're right we shouldn't leave the potion unattended" ,Krys said in agreement. "Hmm I didn't really have anything in mind I was kinda hoping you had an idea". Krys took another sip from the bottle then set it down. "I'm gonna go change real quick I'll be back this suit is making me hot" ,Krys stood up and walked out of the room and into her own bedroom. She changed into a pair of black pajama pants and a white tank top. Krys made her way back down the hall and into the room Bellatrix sat in. She grabbed the bottle again and fell back into the chair. "So did you come up with anything while I was gone"? Krys looked at the older witch and waited to see what she would say in response.
"No, no we shouldn't we don't want any mistakes." She stated, Bella looked at her confused, "We only just started talking without fighting How should I know what to do?" She asked her, "You look nice by the way," She liked the tuxes that Krys wore it was different. "Alright I'll be here." She stated watching her leave before closing her eyes again. " I did not sorry."
Krys sighed then took another shot, she looked over to Bellatrix and bit her bottom lip. Although Krys wasn't drunk the alcohol had definatly taken affect. Krys stood up and walked over to Bellatrix, "I have one idea" ,Krys said as she stood over the older witch looking at her. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact that they were in a bedroom that made Krys think it was a good idea to make another move on Bellatrix. Krys leaned down and pressed her lips to Bellatrix's and kissed her hard then bit down on her bottom lip softly before pulling away. "That one was probably better then last night's I'm not as drunk as I was" ,Krys said smirking. She took another shot out of the bottle before sitting back down. Krys looked at Bellatrix, "It's your move" ,Krys said in a challenging tone.
Bellatrix opened her eyes as she heard Krys get up and walk hearing her voice become closer. She looked at Krys tilting her head slightly, curious to what she meant. Then as she came closer Bellatrix knew what was about to happen, and she froze. Bellatrix shook slightly as Krys kissed her hard biting down lightly on her lip, this girl knew how to kiss. Bella wondered how she learned to kiss like that. Bella's breathing was slightly heavy as her chest heaved slightly, almost as if Krys had breathed life into her. Bellatrix looked at her once she was back in her chair, Bellatrix's face then went cold, She stood up checking the potion, then walked over to Krys, "Give me the bottle, you've had enough," She stated snatching the bottle from Krysm taking a drink. She knelt by her side looking her in the eyes, Bella brushed her hair out of the way, before kissing Krys solftly and gently. Pulling away from her looking back into Krys's eyes, "What would you want with a woman like me? I'm insane and I'm old enough to be your mother."
Krys looked at Bellatrix when she asked her what she would want with a woman like her, Krys pulled Bellatrix onto her lap and pulled her into her body and kissed her neck before whispering into her ear, "Isn't it obvious what I want Bellatrix? Can't you tell? I want to fuck you" ,Krys growled then kissed the older witch's neck again and bit down softly every now and then. She moved her lips back to Bellatrix's and kissed her hard again. Wanting more.....much more Krys moved her hands down to Bellatrix's hips and massaged them hard. Just as Krys thought nothing could go wrong she heard the door to the room open. "MERLIN!....BELLATRIX.....GET OFF MY DAUGHTER"! Snape's voice boomed into the room like a gunshot. Severus knew Krys liked women he'd walked in on her before but that was different the other times he had caught her in the act it was with someone her own age. Krys laughed at the sight of her father's face, he looked livid. "Krys a word......NOW"! he snapped giving Bellatrix a death glare.
Bellatrix willingly went into Krys's lap as she pulled her up, Bellatrix tensed for a moment as Krys pulled Bella into her body, she shook slightly. Bellatrix didn't know what to say as Krys asked her these simple questions, when Krys growled she jumped slightly. As Krys kissed her she sighed, and as She bit her Bellatrix squeaked. As the young witch kissed her she kissed her back almost as ferice as her. As Krys massaged Bellas hips her back arched. This girl was everywhere, on her body it felt so nice to be touched that way again, Bella let out a soft sigh. Bellatrix jumped hearinf Severus's voice, that crazy gleam returned in her eyes, "Please note your daughter is the one who has a hold of hans are clean....She came on to me." Bellatrix stated, not saying wheather she liked it or not.
Krys just continued to laugh even harder when she heard Bellatrix making excuses. Snape looked at Bellatrix, "And I suppose she just forced you to straddle and make out with her too hmmm"? Snape said sarcastically in response to Bellatrix's excuses. Krys stood up and grabbed the bottle of alcohol and followed her father out of the room after Bellatrix got off of her. "You just fucking ruined me possibly having the best sex of my life just there you know that" ,Krys said with a cocky smile on her face. Severus' eyes widened and he turned around swiftly and looked at his daughter. "First off I don't even want to think about you having sex, second especially not with that woman" ,he snapped. Krys laughed even harder, "Dad I'm not a fucking kid anymore ya know" ,Krys said right before taking a shot out of the bottle.

The two argued all the way into the kitchen, when they got in there Krys sat down at the table and took another sip out of the bottle. "Do you realize that Bellatrix is twice your age" ,Snape pressed, he looked at Krys then went into the cabinet and grabbed a glass. "If you're going to drink at least put it in a cup" ,he said coldly. Krys looked at her father as she poured a drink. "Yes dad I do realize she's twice my age that means she's experienced" ,Krys said in response to his question, she watched as he twitched at the mention of what Krys thought about Bellatrix sexually. Snape sat down and grabbed the glass Krys had just poured and drank it down. He was about to say something else when Narcissa and Lucius came into the room, "Hello Severus how's things"? Narcissa asked cheerfully taking a seat at the table. Lucius looked at the bottle on the table and grabbed a few more glasses and filled them, he gave one to everyone who was sitting at the table. Lucius looked to Severus, "So anything new"? He asked. "Not much just that Narcissa sister was messing around with my daughter" ,Snape snapped before downing his second cup. Krys laughed quietly into her own cup and Lucius looked as if he were about to burst. Narcissa's eyes widened and she stood up out of her chair, "BELLATRIX"! She screamed Krys knew she would end up taking her father's side just because Narcissa considered her a second child and messing around with someone far older then her was a big no no.
Bellatrix removed herself from Krys, "Quite frankly yes she did, I'm easy to pick up and move around my body mass, hasn't restored itself yet. By the way before you enter my room you knock!" She stated then went to check on the potion as Krys left with her father, maybe it was a good thing, Bella had never been with a woman before and she didn't want to be bad at it. Bellatrix hear them fightingg all the way down the stairs. Bellatrix relaxed back in her chair taking out a bottle she had hidden, starting to drink.

Bellatrix just heard her voice of reason calling and she was in trouble by the sound of it. Bellatrix turn her potion down to a low simmer covering the lid not wanting anything to happen to it. She took another drink before hiding her bottle. Bellatrix then went down the stairs, heading into the kitchen. "You rang?" Bellatrix responded looking at everyone in the room, partly drunk now. Everyone was nearly red in the face Krys and Lucius were about to burst while Snape and Cissy looked pissed. "How was dinner?"

"Dinner was fine, and yes I called you, explain yourself!" Cissy said through gritted teeth. "Like I told him," Bellatrix pointed to Snape, "She started it. She came on to me....You know what you're not going to believe me anyway just like him.." She stated then took a deep breath. "She kissed me I kissed back, big woop, I've already told her that I'm old enough to be her mother, she doesn't care, she still wants me. He's just jealous! because he had me and now he doesn't anymore...Maybe if he did go lusting for wittle miss prefect..Lily Evans...leaving find out she was with someone else...come crawling back...but due to the break up a contract was signed with the Lestrange family and the Black family. It's not my fault he missed out!! Where's your Lily now Snivilous huh? where is she now she dead..yeah she dead." Bellatrix ranted maybe the drink hit her a little bit harder than it should have or she was venting it was hard to tell, Narcissa figured it was the drink, for her sister never spoke about her personal live with anyone let along a group of people. Narcissa had known that Bella and Severus had been together, but she never knew why they broke up. "Bellatrix we are not talking about that right now. We are talking about you a married woman and his 18 year old daughter. Which I don't understand because just the othe day you hated each other, and now you're messing around her." Narcissa stated a little calmly but confussed, she knew if you yelled at Bella it would make things worse. Swallowing and swallowing hard, Bella's heart beat against her chest. "One last time I check I threw my ring at Rudy...I am no longer his!...You know what...fine After tomorrow...after we do what the Dark Lord asked us to do...I will never speak to your daughter again Happy? Does that make everything better?" She stated out of breath, and hurt, there waas water in Bella's eyes which was rare to see though it was faint and didn'y fall it was there, Bella herself was acting like a teenager.
Krys listened in shock at what Bellatrix was saying, "Holy fuck you two were together" ,she said in shock. When Bellatrix finished ranting and Narcissa spoke Krys kept quiet she didn't want to make things worse. "What the fuck? Doesn't any body give a fuck what I think? First everyone's trying to get us to stop fighting then when we do everyone has a fucking problem with it" ,Krys stood up and looked at everyone in the room. Krys was so angry she threw her glass at the wall, it smashed into pieces, "You know what fuck all of you, I'm fucking leaving" ,Krys snapped and walked out of the room nearly knocking Bellatrix over as she rushed past her.

Krys threw on a pair of loose fitting jeans and her shoes, she grabbed her black hoodie and a black baseball cap and stormed out of her room and back down the stairs. She opened the front door and left slamming it behind her. She apparated to Diagon Alley and walked to the Leaky Cauldron and sat down at the bar. Krys knew the owner and he knew damn well she was a death eater but didn't care. Krys looked at him when he came over to her, "Give me something strong please" ,Krys told him.
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