The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix didn't ever really talk to the girl before so she never knew she was gayy, having this feeling that her and Draco had something together,guess she was wrong. "Yes we will, Potter's got a death wish for me. Because I killed my cousin, his Godfather, Yuck. Filthy blood tratior deserved to die. You got a point about your father..." She stated what she said was true but if he wasn't one of them she'd kill him. As Krys sat down about a second or two later she stood taking the bottle and filled her glass, there was probably about half a bottle left so she just brought the remaining bottle to the table. Bellatrix should have stopped at the second glass but she wanted that feeling of being betrayed gone. She didn't see Krys checking her out her mind was too lost at the moment to register somethings. "And I never thought I'd agree to something like it either. True that." Bellatrix raised her glass taking another drink from her glass, her mind started to become a little hazey.
"I fucking hate traitors, just to point that out. If my father ever turned his back on us I think I'd kill him myself" ,Krys told Bellatrix honestly. She killed off the rest of her second glass then filled her cup again. "Don't worry I'll buy some more tomorrow, we'll need it to celebrate the capture of Arthur Weasley" ,Krys said after she took another sip. She was starting to think Bellatrix wasn't so bad to be around, maybe it was the alcohol but at this point Krys didn't care she was actually enjoying the woman's company for once. Krys leaned back in her seat to get more comfortable before drinking some more, she looked over to Bellatrix, "So tell me why do you hate me so much"?
"As do I, Kill them all with the muggles and muddbloods, have you heard that someone doesn't think the mixing of Magical and Muggle blood is disdisguting and if given there way they'd have us mate with them, it's such a vial idea. Codos to you for the thought I've already started pruning my tree, time for the half blood and traitor and my other sister then i think that's it." Bellatrix stated disgusted at the thought. Bella looked at her, "I don't care, yes we will need more you need to be careful now they know your face." She stated she was said that the girl was going to have to go into hiding just like she had to giving up her free life and Bella loved going out, dancing, to dinner but was no longer able too. Maybe Krys wasn't so bad to be around, she took another sip,or then again Bella was killing her sorrrow in whiskey. For once they were getting along which was rare to begin with. Bellatrix laughed a moment, "Don't fatter yourself hun, I hate everyone except my family, besides the traitors and such, I don't know...maybe because of you'r father, your attituted, but I think the real reason is because you don't fear me like the others do, the rest of the death eaters besides the Dark Lord are afraid of me, inculding Rudy and even Cissy even my family fears me...but not you. What do you hate me, and don't say because I hate you thats so over done and childish theres something besides me hating you right?"
"I honestly don't have an answer for you, I don't know why I hate you it just happened" ,Krys broke out laughing. "I really don't know why I hate you isn't that just ridiculous". Krys drank some more then smirked "And just to let you know I fear no one even if they're psychotic death eaters, I had a rough upbringing not because of my father but the neighborhood I lived in was disgusting those filthy fucking muggles and their weapons and I was a target for violence just because I was different, I guess that's one of the reasons I formed a hatred for muggles, that and the fact a muggle killed my mother" ,Krys took another sip, the thought of her mother always upset her so instead of crying like she usually did she drank more. "Bottom line I think muggles a filthy fucking pigs and they should all die" ,Krys said as she lifted her cup and took yet another sip. "They're all disgusting I couldn't ever bring myself to sleep with one whoever thinks it's ok to should die with the rest of them".
As Kyrs broke out Bellatrix was right behind her, laughting like a fool not her mad crazy cackle but a normal laugh. "You don't know? How do you not know?" She asked still giggling. "Muggles are disgusting they all deserve to die, that's why were death eaters we don't have mercy for there kind or anyone asosiated with them. Ouch I'm sorry...they're really nasty creatures, One killed your mother? i hope they suffered for it." Bellatrix stated feeling bad for her, taking another sip. "Yeah I think shes a teacher at Hogwarts, teaching muggle studies."
"No the guy that killed my mother didn't even get into trouble for it, he works at a muggle prison he's a guard. Filthy fuck lied through his teeth to get off" ,Krys told her, she didn't know why she was telling Bellatrix so much but at this point she didn't really care. "As for that muggle studies teacher maybe we should grab her and teach her a lesson as well" ,Krys said half jokingly. "I fucking hate muggles and everyone associated with them, they should all fucking die worthless pieces of shit they're all animals". Krys took another sip then looked at Bellatrix, "So what made you realize that all muggles are filth"?
"That dick, Their legal system is fucked up, I was only charged with making people go insane and was to spend life in Azkaban. luckily I only had to serve 14 years." She stated if the Dark Lord didn't bail her out she'd be trapped. "Yeah we should but we'd need to get into Hogwarts first." She stated until then they couldn't get into the school. "As do I, flithy creatures and blood traitors alike. They're worse than animals." She took a drink, as Krys asked her how she came to dislike them. "I was raised that way, It's apart of the Black family we are The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, our lines can be traced to the middle ages. Tourjour Purr, Thats our motto Always Pure is what it means. If anyone of the family thinks otherwise they are disowned and burned off of the family tree like they never lived, like my Filthy disgusting sister, Marrying a muggle born. She broke all of our hearts, had a kid, Tonks, Nyphadora Tonks. No good bitch, married to a bloody werewolf. When I was a child I asked a lot of questions about them and why we hated them then it was explained then I was caught talking to one, one day unknowingly My father ripped me away and took me home, cursing me and beating it out of me so muggles are bad news they're barbarians. We are the purest family to ever live." Bellatrix explained taking another drink.
"Yeah it is, if I ever get the chance I'm going to crucio him until he begs for death" ,Krys said. "I think your imprisonment was unjustified you did nothing wrong". Krys drank some more then continued talking. "As for getting into Hogwarts, me and Draco are going to work on the two cabinets to make sure the pathway works between the two". Krys had been asked by Draco and Narcissa to help out and she of course agreed. Narcissa had accepted Krys as one of her own in a way, both Krys and Draco knew each other since they were little kids and Krys had been around Narcissa and Lucius for as long as she remembered. Krys thought of something and looked at Bellatrix quickly and smiled, "I've got an idea for after we capture that muggle lover Weasley, maybe we can go hunt that guard down and have a little fun with him, what do you say"? Krys suggested she wanted to show Bellatrix how sadistic she could really be and maybe earn some of the older witch's respect in the process.
"What will you do when he begs for death will you kill him or let him live?" she asked curiously, wanting to know the young witches torture method. "No I didn't I went in search of the Dark Lord it's not my fault they didn't give me my anwsers, I would have been able to fix it, and they wouldn't have even known I was there if I wasn't interupted but now they're crazier than I and don't even know they had a son together. Damn dementions feeding on Happiness and my memories, it was so cold, no magic anywhere about me, I lost so much in that cell, my beauty suffered greatly as well as my mind. I was so young and beautiful back then, I'll show you a picture later." Bellatrix stated as she drank more, she was ranting a bit due to the whiskey which was now a parent on her breath. "That's good as soon as we can get in the fun really begins." Bellatrix relizing her glass was empty again putting it to the side, trying to control herself she had maybe 4 or 5 cups by now and with her mental stability she shouldn't even be drinking. She saw Krys look at her and smile "What?" She asked then listened. "Alright sounds like fun, let's do it." Bellatrix was always down for a good torture, maybe the girl wasn't so bad after all. Then again they seemed a bit a like in a sense, but again it might just be the drink.
"I'd let him live of course" ,Krys said with a evil smirk. "Let him suffer for a while then come back to finish the job, make him feel like my mother felt then kill him". Krys fell silent for a moment and finished her third cup. When Bellatrix said that she used to look beautiful Krys looked at her, "What do you mean back then? You're still fucking hot I mean I'd fuck you" ,Krys said, the alcohol made her a bit more up front then she normally would be so she didn't think twice about what she had just said to Bellatrix. Krys looked at Bellatrix and smiled before grabbing the bottle again and pouring them both another drink. At this point Krys didn't care that she was a little drunk she was actually having fun with the older witch and it was starting to show.
Bellatrix smiled when she said she'd let him live, "I like it...never kill quickly unless ordered to do so, it's not as much fun as playing with them first." She stated Bellatrix didn't know of a death that really hurt her besides her aunt Walburga but she died naturally, so she couldn't blame anyone for it. Bellatrix rested her head in her hand. "Back when I was younger I had both men and women lusting after me, Women wanted to be me...but not now Azkaban took it all took everything from me." Bellatrix looked at her and started to laugh, "no I'm not...No you wouldn't you're just saying that..." Bellatrix figured it was just the alcohol talking for her. "No really I'll show you. Accio-Teenage/Twenty year old Bellatrix photo." She waited for the picture to come flying down the stairs. "This is my favorite photo I'm glad Cissy kept it." She said handing it over to Krys I was a simple picture of her happy, and to her full beauty no really sharp angles. "Cissy and I were goofing around, she had me model for her." Bella informed her as the picture tended to move. " You know if I keep drinking I won't wake up until late tomorrow." not that she had anything to do, she shrugged, smiled, and took another sip.
"Yes you are and yes I would and if you argue with me I'll just have to prove it" ,Krys said in response. When Bellatrix summoned the picture Krys looked at it and smiled, "You're still sexy Bella no matter what you think I honestly mean that" ,Krys could admit it she did believe Bellatrix was a beautiful woman and she wasn't afraid to tell her now that she had a few drinks in her. Krys took another sip of her drink and looked at Bellatrix again, "You know I never thought I would EVER say this but I'm having a great fucking time with you" ,Krys smiled then took another sip of her drink. She was looking forward to working with Bellatrix to capture Arthur Weasley.
Bellatrix smiled, "Don't you dare prove it...unless you got me drunk enough, don't even try!" She laughed as she said it, not that Bella would do anything about if she did try. Bellatrix was sure she was striaght but then it's not like she ever tried to be with a woman. "Thank you...Krys...That means alot to me, I haven't been called that in years. Rudolphus didn't even say it to me..." She stated her smile fell, she took another drink, Bella's smile returned "You know you're saying a lot of things that you'd normally never say," She smiled taking another drink. "Cissy's Gonna kill me if she finds out I let you drink." Bella stated knowing how her sister was. Bellatrix was looking forward to grabbing Weasley with Krys both pleasing the Dark Lord.
"Well maybe I should get you drunk enough then" ,Krys said with a smirk. Right now Krys was up for anything and having sex with Bellatrix seemed exciting to the young Snape. The alcohol definatly was taking effect and Krys was a horny drunk Draco knew that first hand. Krys and him had gotten a hold of a bottle while in Hogwarts and ended up doing some very dirty things together and of course regretted it later. Krys looked at Bellatrix when she had mentioned Rodolphus never telling her she was sexy, "You're husband is obviously blind if he doesn't notice how beautiful you truly are" ,Krys said as she got closer to Bellatrix, "I would kill to have a woman like you" ,Krys admitted. She ran her finger down Bellatrix's jawline before kissing her passionately. Even though Krys was drunk she still knew how to kiss a woman and she made sure through her drunkeness she kissed Bellatrix like a woman should be kissed, with passion.
Bellatrix laughed still thinking she was joking being to drunk to really care, taking another sip. "Well I mean he did when we were forced to marry he was quite found of me but I didn't love him, so after awhile he stopped trying. Thank you, you know you're actually quite sweet." She stated maybe it was the boose getting to her. Bellatrix watched her as Krys came closer, she smiled at her. Bellatrix looked at her slightly confused but she was still smiling, Bella caught a chill as Krys ran her finger down her jaw. Bella's eyes grew wide as there lips met each others. After a second or so she closed her eyes as Krys passionately kissed her, and she kissed her back. Bellatrix had never been kissed with such passion before, though she was drunk she knew what was going on.
When Krys pulled away she looked to Bellatrix and smiled, "Well I should probably head to bed now I've got to be up in the morning, then again if you wanted you could just come to bed with me" ,Krys smirked then gave Bellatrix a quick kiss before standing up. "Well I'll see you tomorrow" ,Krys bit her lip before turning around and making her way to her bedroom. When Krys got to her room she laid down and fell asleep right away her mind still on Bellatrix as she drifted off.

The next morning Krys was woken up to Narcissa shaking her lightly telling her Draco would be leaving soon. Krys rolled out of bed and drank a potion to sober herself up. Narcissa decided it best to apparate to a place close to platform 9 and 3/4 to avoid traffic. When they arrived the train was already there. Krys had a hoodie covering her face so that no one would recognize her. Everyone gave each other hus and said their good byes as Draco boarded the Hogwarts express. When they were done and the train had left Narcissa and Krys apparated back to the manor. Krys made her way up to her room and laid down to take a nap before she and Bellatrix set out to get Arthur Weasley.
Bellatrix opened her her eyes again, smiling in return at Krys. "Good night" She said nearly breathlessly, still shocked at how passionate her kiss was. Bella thought quickly and she shook her head. Kissing Krys again quick as she stood to leave. "Yes tomorrow." She said watching her leave, she was dumbstruck. One of being kissed so passionately and two being kissed by Krys who was also a chick. Bella's mind was swiming. She grabbed the bottle and finished what was in it, then finished her glass. Heading up the stairs to her room, taking out her wand, she leviated Rudolphus out of her bed and made him tumble down the stairs before shuting and locking the door. She fell straight to sleep thinking about what happened and the events of tomorrow.

Bellatrix slept threw saying goodbye to Draco though she'd see him again soon. She stayed asleep until her alarm which was set went off around five pm. She awoke with a massive headache and a hangover, finding her potion to reileve most of it, she when downstairs to grab some dinner before it was time to leave. "Well Good Morning you Drunk!" Narcissa said holding the empty bottle, "I'll buy a new let me be." she stated starting to eat.
Krys made her way downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table and ordered the elf to get her dinner. Narcissa and Bellatrix were already sitting at the table when Krys had made her way in. She looked to Bellatrix remembering what had happened the night before Krys would never admit she liked the way Bellatrix had felt when they kissed and that would probably only make things worse. Krys shook her head a few times as she ate to stop thinking about the events of the night before and focus on the task at hand.

When Krys finished eating she stood up and walked over to Narcissa and kissed her on the cheek, "I'm gonna go out for a while I'll be back soon" ,Krys told her. Krys looked at Bellatrix as she made her way out of the kitchen as a sign that she was ready. Krys walked out the front door and apparated to an alleyway close to the ministry and waited for Bellatrix to appear.
Before long Bellatrix finished her meal, looking up she saw that Krys had sat down to eat, she remember what had happened last night. She shook her head and took a drink, then she put on her cold and crazy mask, still acting like she didn't want anything to do with the young witch. Bellatrix liked their kiss more then she thought she would, though she wouldn't say anything about it, or even mention that they had shared a passionate kiss. Bellatrix remembered what they were to do. "Bella what was that racket last night?" Narcissa asked. "Racket what racket?" she asked like she didn't know anything. "It sounded like someone fell down the stairs." Cissy stated. Bellatrix sighed "Oh that racket...Rudolphus fell down the stairs." Bellatrix replied taking a drink, "Did you push him down the stairs?" Narcissa asked sternly. "No, I levitated him out of my bed to the stairs and made him tumble." She stated like it was nothing. "BELLATRIX!" Cissa screamed. "You don't have to yell I'm right here." Bella said as she listened to her sister rant catching Krys look.
Bellatrix stood and walked out. "Bella where are you going?" Narcissa asked. "I'm going to make sure the girl doesn't get into mischief The Dark Lord wouldn't want her dead now would he?" and with that Bellatrix was off, meeting Krys in the alleyway
Krys stood in the alley and waited for Bellatrix, when she finally appeared Krys looked at her and smirked. "You ready to do this"? She asked even though she already knew the answer. "C'mon let's go get this bastard" ,Krys said as she walked closer to the ministry. She watched and waited for Arthur Weasley. When the man finally came out of the building Krys looked at Bellatrix and pulled her butterfly knife out of her pocket and opened it. "I'll grab him" ,she said right before sneaking up behind Weasley. Krys put the knife to the man's throat and leaned into him, "Where are your auror friends now" ,she hissed into his ear right before apparating back to the manor with him. When they got Weasley to the manor Krys used a spell to bind his hands together. "Let's get you inside there's some people that want to talk to you" ,Krys said in an almost playful tone. She shoved him roughly up the pathway that led up to the front door of the manor.

When they got inside Narcissa nearly jumped out of her seat when she seen Arthur, "Get him downstairs" ,Narcissa said with a bitter tone as she looked him over. "Come on Arthur down you go" ,Krys said pushing him down the stairs to the holding cell type room. She took his wand and locked him inside.
"Of corase," She stated with a smirk ducking low out of site. Bella nodded and followed Kyrs closer keeping a lookout for Aurors or antone for that matter. Bella's smirk grew as she pulled out the knife he wont be expecting that. "I've got your back." Bella stated standing as soon as Kyrs had him, and apperated with them. Bella saw Krys bind Arthur with a spell, Bella was actually more so admiring Krys work she was doing a great job for this assinment. Bellatrix followed along it seemed like she was supervising Krys, she hardly had to do anything. "Evening Cissy," Bellatrix said as Krys tossed Weasley down the stairs. "I'll go Call him." Bellatrix stated excitedly. Lifting her sleeve from her left arm she touched the tip of her wand to it.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix said she was going to call the dark lord, "He'll be here soon" ,Krys told Arthur as she leaned her head against the bars of his cell. "We're gonna have some fun with you". She was excited and it showed, both her and Bellatrix would be rewarded for the capture of Weasley and the thought of impressing the dark lord made the young Snape nearly jump with excitement. Krys toyed with Arthur until Voldemort arrived, she got joy from his suffering the look of terror on his face made her laugh. Krys moved aside when she felt a hand touch her shoulder, it was Voldemort. Krys bowed and looked back up to him with admiration as he made his way over to Arthur. "Very good you two at least I know some of my followers can actually carry out a task properly" ,Voldemort said looking to Krys and Bellatrix.
Once he arrived Bellatrix bowed low as she always did. "My Lord...We got 'im Weasley we 'im in the cellar." She stated with excitement a longing, then she led the way to the cellar. As they got in the cellar bellatrix watched as Krys tormented the man, she saw a lot of herself in the young girl. As Voldemort moved toward Krys, Bellatrix stepped aside. "Of course My Lord, I would never disappoint you, I always get the job done." She stated about herself he knew it though she had spent 14 years in Azkaban and was still loyal to him, she figured krys would say something about herself.
"I'm here to carry out your noble work my lord, if Weasley knows where Potter is we're going to ind out" ,Krys told the dark lord who seemed very pleased to hear those words. Voldemort looked at Krys then to Bellatrix and back to Krys, "I want you to torture him, seems you've learned a lot so far, let's see what you can do" ,he said looking at Krys who opened the door leading into the cell a cold spine tingling laugh escaped the young Snape's mouth as she glared at Weasley. When every one was inside the cell Voldemort shut the door and returned his focus to the young death eater and waited for her to make a move. Krys twirled her wand in her hand for a moment pacing in front of Arthur, the look on his face was priceless. "Crucio" ,Krys said finally pointing her wand at Arthur, he squirmed and screamed in pain as she laughed. When Krys let up the curse Voldemort questioned where Harry Potter was, Arthur of course wouldn't budge even after being tortured. Krys played around with her butterfly knife twirling it around, Voldemort turned to Bellatrix, "It seems we have a fighter Bella show Mr. Weasley what we do with fighters" ,he hissed.
Bellatrix looked between the two when he said he wanted Krys to torture him, that was normally Bella's job. She didn't show weather it bothered her or not though. Open Krys was inside Bellatrix followed her, who was in turn followed by the dark lord. Bellatrix smiled as Krys laughed at the man on the ground. Bellatrix loved watching a torture just as much as being part of one. Bellatrixlooked at the Dark Lord as he said he was a fighter, which normally ment Bella's turn. She smirk widely letting out one of her famous cackles as she circled the man like a vulture waiting to strike. "Cruico!" She called that was her favorite curse and always liked to start out with it. "What about now Arthur?...If you wanna keep your eyes you'll tell me, there are a lot of nerves with in them...Where is Harry Potter?" She asked in a mock baby tone playfully, "No? Aww too bad...lets hope I make a mistake and don't blind you then..." Bellatrix pointed her wand and said, "Conjunctivitus." A curse that causes great pain to the victim's eyes. Bellatrix cackled again as he screamed louder and tried to grab at his eyes as tears fell from them.
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