The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix turned away from Krys as she heard her shock about her and her father being together. Bellatrix then heard Krys start to rant not long after she was finished. Bellatrix watched as the cup flew, jumping as it shattered. You could say Bellatrix had abandonment issuses, which could also be what contributed to her mental instability. As she heard Kyrs say those words, it felt like a knife was just rammed into Bella's heart and was twisting. As Krys rush by her she nearly fell but she caught herself. Bellatrix couldn't take all of this she needed to go...she didn't know where but she needed to go. Bellatrix apperated to her room looking at her potion, then she remembered something, any potion can easily turned into a poision if it isn't done properly, she went over to her rack and took the dealy nightshade bottle and add some to the couldrin. She waited a minute or two for it to mix in then she took avial and filled it, putting it into her pocket. Then Bellatrix grabbed her bottle of Whisky Bellatrix apperated to a place where she was happy at one point besides school, she went to her aunt Walburga's summer home. Everything was as it was when she was younger. she went up to the room that was once where she stayed.

Narcissa took a deep breath, "Alright who's going after who?"
"Lucius I think it best I stay out of this they're both livid with me right now, would you mind going to get Krys" ,Snape asked quietly. He hated when Krys got upset with him. Lucius nodded and apparated to Diagon Alley almost instinctively. He walked into the Leaky Cauldron and seen Krys downing a glass of something. He made his way over to the young Snape and took a seat next to her. "Your father's worried about you" ,he stated quietly.

Krys looked over to the man sitting next to her, "Fuck him" ,Krys said in response to Lucius' statement. He let out a small laugh then told her what happened after she left. Krys looked over to Lucius, "Why should I care"? She asked stubbornly. "I'll be home later I just need to clear my head". It was obvious Krys was upset and Lucius didn't want to leave her in her current condition so he stayed and had a few drinks with her until she was ready to go back to the manor.

When they got back to the manor Krys sat down at the kitchen table again and looked down avoiding eye contact with her father. Snape said nothing, he didn't want to upset Krys any further. Krys sat there and tried to fight back the tears but was unsuccessful she quickly wiped her eyes hoping no one seen her crying. Krys got up quickly and ran up to her room and slammed the door and locked it. She hated showing any emotions and when it happened she got angry with herself. Krys stood still shaking for a moment before she punched the wall. She began to trash the room and cuss out loud as she broke and hit stuff.

Snape ran up the stairs when he heard the racket, "Krys stop this nonsense" ,he shouted through the door. "FUCK OFF"! Krys yelled back. Snape put his hand on his head and sighed. He looked to Lucius as he made his way up the stairs to join him, "You remember what happened last time she flipped out like this" ,Snape said Lucius nodded his head. "She's not going to come out or talk to anyone unless it's Narcissa" ,Lucius stated. "We might as well go downstairs and wait for her to get back with Bellatrix" ,he continued. "She's going to break her bloody hand again" ,Snape sighed as he followed Lucius back down stairs.
Bellatrix sat on the bed, crying, drinking from the bottle she had, she felt so alone, so worthless, it took her so long to torture the Weasley, before he even spoke. No body wanted her she wasn't needed anymore, Bella was way past her prime. Bellatrix took out the vial and dumped it into the the fire Whiskey, downing the whole bottle. Bellatrix cruled herself on her baby doll style bed from when she was a child.

"That means I've got Bella, where would she be?" Narcissa stated then thought about Bellatrix. Narcissa was shocked to see herself at their aunts summer home. Narcissa went inside shocked that it was basically untouched by anyone since her aunts death. "Trixie?...Bella?" Narcissa called hearing no reply figuring Bellatrix was hiding from her. There she saw her on her old bed. "There you are Bella...I had a hard time finding you." She stated sitting on the egde stroking her sister's hair. "Go away Cissy...I'm tired...let me sleep!" Bellatrix said weakly, sleepily.
"You ca sleep when we go home..cmon.." Narcissa said standing up noticing the bottle then seeing the vial. "Bellatrix what is that?" Bella didn't anwser. "What was in the vial?" She asked "I don't remember, let me sleep, go home... No body wants me there Cissy you know that," Her voice was just a whisper. "What about the Dark Lord?" Cissa asked starting to get annoyed and scared. "He doesn't wan't me...he doesn't need me he has her, she's powerful you know...I love you Cissy...Tell...tell...Krys., not to, drink the potion...get rid of it."

"Bellatrix No! Tell her yourself you're coming with me you are not dying you are to strong for that." Narcissa grabbed Bellatrix's shoulder and apperated back to the manor. Narcissa was crying as she picked up her older sister carring her to the couch taking her wand away. "SEVERUS...SEVERUS QUICK!!"
Krys continued to hit everything in sight, she heard a commotion down stairs and stopped what she was doing, "SEVERUS...SEVERUS QUICK!!" she heard Narcissa's voice shout she sounded worried. Krys opened her door and ran out of her room quickly and down the stairs. "Narcissa are you alright what's going on"? She asked as she walked into the room, her father appearing at the same time she did. Krys looked over to the couch and her heart sank, "Bellatrix...." ,she said in almost a whisper. She ran over to her and knelt down next to the couch and patted the side of her face. "Bella wake up" ,Krys said as she let the tears fall freely not giving a shit anymore. Snape apparated to his room and grabbed an antidote then apparated back to where Bellatrix was laying. "Give her this" ,Snape said handing Krys a vial. Krys reached out her bloody hand and grabbed the vial from her father and dumped it down Bellatrix's throat. She patted the side of her face again trying to get her to wake up. Not knowing that it took a few minutes for the antidote to take affect she got scared, "This is all my fault" ,Krys said right before laying her head down on Bellatrix's shoulder. At this point Krys was crying hysterically she put her arm around the older witch and hugged her tight. Snape said nothing and neither did anyone else they all knew it wouldn't be wise.
Narcissa's own tears were in her eyes falling down her face. Her sister the only sister she had left, not counting Andromeada, might be dying in front of her. Bellatrix's breathing was faint and low, she couldn't even register that Krys was there. Narcissa ran crying into her husband's arms afraid for her sister. Watch Krys try to wake up was sad, it was almost like a child to their mother or granndparent, or pet.. "No baby it's not you're fault, Trixie's got a lot of problems...but She's going to be okay, for she's strong. She can handle anything." Narcissa stated crying still not sure if her words were true she hoped they were. The liquid ran down Bella's throat after a couple of minutes nothing happend. The first thing Bella heard was sobbing she thought it was Narcissa, as her eyes opened slightly she saw it was Krys,"Shh don't cry...Krys you're bleeding...Why are you bleeding?" Bellatrix asked her voice not even above a whisper, stroking her hair gently. She gasped and started coughing as the antidote took effect. "Don't..drink..the..Polyjuice potion it's no good..."
When Krys heard Bellatrix's voice her eyes widened and she looked up into Bellatrix's eyes. Krys' already blue eyes stood out even more when she cried. Her expression quickly turned from sad to serious, "Don't you ever fucking do that again, I swear if you had died I would've killed myself" ,Krys told her grabbing the sides of her face. "And don't worry about me and why I'm bleeding, Why did you do that Bellatrix? I haven't cried in years you bitch" ,Krys said the last part jokingly to try and make Bellatrix smile, even in the worse situations Krys tried to cheer people up. "Are you tired, if so I'll walk you to your room and get rid of the potion while I'm up there" ,Krys looked around at everyone else in the room then back to Bellatrix, she leaned down and whispered low enough so that only Bellatrix could hear her, "I really care about you ya know".
Bellatrix gasped again, "Ow remind me, to never do that again... dying really hurts." Bellatrix stated as her chested heavy evening her breath. "There's no need for you to kill yourself, if I die...I mean I will die before you...Us Blacks don't live very long anyway, most don't make it to 100." Bellatrix stated truthfully, she would die eventually, for some reason her blood lines don't last for long there lucky to make it to 80. Bellatrix kept her eyes on Krys as she grasped her face. "I'll worry if I want too..." She whispered not wanting the others to really hear her. "Nevermind why I did it.." She wasn't 100 percent sure about why at the moment, plus she was weak as much as she'd hate to say it or admit to it she was and it showed as she laud there fighting the poision. "Don't call me a Bitch you whore." she said in a similar joking tone. She smiled at Krys, "Then we're even..." she stated Krys had made her cry as well. She groaned at some sort of pain, then nodded her head slightly she didn't want to admit weakness, and needing help. Bellatrix's face looked confused, she tilted her head slightly. Out of nowhere two tears ran down either side of her face. Narcissa was relieved still crying into her husband watching the two sit there, she'd have a talk with Bella later. Bellatrix's hand moved down her body seemig to look for something, "Cissy? Where's my wand?" she asked weakly. "I have it and you will get it back tomorrow." Narcissa stated softly, Bella wasn't about to fight for her wand, "Cissy?" "Yes Bella?" "Fix Krys's hand...oh and Cissy. " "What Bella?" Bella swallowed. "I sorry..."
Narcissa walked over to Bellatrix and kissed her on the cheek, "I love you Bella" ,she whispered. Narcissa looked over to Krys, "Let me see your hand" ,she told her. Krys put her hand out and Narcissa grabbed it gently. "What did you do to yourself"? ,she asked giving Krys a stern look. "She trashed her room and broke probably everything she owns" ,Snape said looking down at his daughter with a stern look of his own. "Krys!.....You can't do that whenever you get mad" ,Narcissa told her as she pointed her wand to Krys' hand and muttered a spell. Krys' bones cracked as the spell took effect making Krys grit her teeth. When Krys' hand was fixed she looked over to her father, "Sorry I flipped out" ,she said quietly. Krys had never been known to apologize to anyone but she knew when she was wrong and could admit it. "I'll be right back" ,Krys said standing up and walking into the kitchen. She came back into the room with a cup of liquid and handed it to Bellatrix, "Drink it you'll feel better and don't worry it's non alcoholic" ,Krys told her before sitting down.
Bellatrix looked at her younger sister as she walked over to her kissing her cheek. "I love you too Cissy." She said softly laying back against the couch needing to rest her head onto something. Bellatrix smiled, she had done that before,and once she was done she was so happy she was magic and able to fix everything. Then Bellatrix heard Cissy say she can't do that and she remembered her mother telling her that, but then she stopped trashing her room but small animals started to suffer. Bellatrix flinched slightly at at the sound it was one thing to break them, but then to fix them...Bellatrix looked at the cup then at her, cuping her hands to take it gently. It was good that was non-acoholic since Bella went and drank a whole bottle of fire whisky. Bellatrix gently sipped at it.
Krys sat for a few minutes longer then stood up quietly and without a word she left the room and went up to her bedroom. The past few days had taken a toll on Krys and when she got into her room she shut the door and broke down. She let herself fall onto her bed and buried her face into her pillow and started to cry. She was to awake to attempt falling asleep and wished she could just forget about everything, Krys stood up after a little while and paced around her room trying to think of something to take her mind off of things. When she thought everyone had went to bed she made her way down stairs and snuck outside to sit on the porch.
Bellatrix watched a Krys left the room, finishing her drink. Not long after Krys had left Bellatrix had fallen asleep, she was exhausted dying took it's toll on her. Narcissa looked at the other two, "Come on let's let her rest. Let's all get some rest, it's been a long day." Narcissa stated, as she kissed her sister's forehead, then went up the staairs followed by Lucius, then Severus as he went to his own room. Bellatrix looked so peaceful, as she slept, but she heard something, opening her eyes slightly to the dimly lit room she saw what she believed to be Krys going outside. Gently Bellatrix stood and make her way to the door opening it quietly. There she saw Krys, she smiled slightly. "For a moment I thought I was hilusinating, glad to know I wasn't." She stated leaning against the wall.
Krys sat for a while and looked out into the darkness, she started to cry a little bit again. "Fucking get a hold of yourself" ,She said quietly. When she heard Bellatrix's voice she jumped a little, mainly because she didn't want Bellatrix to know she was crying yet again. Krys wiped her face quickly and without turning around said, "You should be resting". Not that Krys didn't want Bellatrix out there, she just knew the woman must be exhausted and needed sleep. "We've got a lot to do tomorrow, I'm sure my father has some polyjuice potion we can use, I'll just ask him in the morning before he goes back to the school" ,Krys told her. "I have to go to Borgin and Burkes early in the morning before we go to Hogsmeade to get Potter, Draco's going to be testing things out and I have to make sure things work out on our end with the cabinet". Krys finished and looked behind her for a second then returned her focus to the ground.
Bellatrix smiled at her remark. "I know but when do I ever do the things that I should?" Bellatrix stated besides doing what Voldemort told her she tended to do most things opposite from what she was originally told. "Yes indeed we do this will all be over soon enough...we just need the boy then everything will be his. Okay makes more sense then trying to make another on right now. " Bellatrix said thinking again what a world would be with the Dark Lord on top and she'd basically be his right hand, unless he chose Severus for the two were always at war to what place they stood at in the Dark Lords favor. "If you have to be up so earily then way aren't you asleep?" Bellatrix asked out of the quick moment she looked back Bella could tell she was crying again, though she veiwed crying and feeling pain as weekness and Bella was in a ton of pain, she cried too. Bella walked over to Krys and sat down next to her, in a sense trying to make her feel better, but not really knowwing how to.
"I can't sleep" ,Krys said simply in response to Bellatrix's question. When Bellatrix came and sat next to Krys she turned her face away knowing she probably still looked as if she had been crying. "You really scared me ya know, seeing you laying there on the couch I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life" ,Krys admitted. Krys grabbed at the back of her neck like she usually did when she was nervous and sighed. "It's funny I really thought I hated you for the longest time and up until a little while ago I didn't know how much I actually gave a shit about you". Krys had no idea why she cared so much the two had only just started getting along a few days ago. Krys shivered a little bit as a cold breeze hit her body, she was only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, she didn't want to be inside though, there was way to much of a bad vibe in there right now no matter what room she was in.
"I know that feeling....It's a nice night." Bellatrix had, had many sleepless nights, it was nothing new to her. Bellatrix paid no mind as Krys turned her face away from her. Bella herself when she cried she never did it in front of anyone, the only one who knew she could cry was Narcissa,and Lucius, but he only knew because Narcissa had told him. She tilted her head as Krys said she had scared her, "Oh, What about the Arur attck i was scared...well more angry than anything. Maybe that's not a good example. Trust me you'll have tones of scares your only 18 years in, you have a long way to go. If I would have die, that would be it, you wouldn't have killed yourself...would you've?" she asked curiously. "That's shocking...No..until reasently, I didn't realize how much I care for you either..." Bellatrix didn't know the exact reason for her to care for the young witch maybe it was the fact that Krys was so much like Bella...maybe there was more to it. Bellatrix saw Krys shiver as they sat there, Bella was only in her dress, granted she had her arm warmer/sleeves on and the dress went to her ankles but she didn't really feel the cold, maybe after being in a cold cell for 14 years she learned to ignore it. Bella hestatied at first then wraped her arms around Krys pulling her closer to try and help warm her.
"The auror attack didn't scare me at all, I've been ganged up on before" ,Krys said quietly. "I dunno if I'd kill myself I might've tried though, it was my fault all this happened and if you died it would be on my hands" ,Krys still believed her actions were what caused all the drama to happen. When Bellatrix pulled Krys in she didn't fight it she instead leaned into the woman resting her head on Bellatrix's shoulder she curled up to her. Something about Bellatrix comforted Krys in a way and she felt as if she could sit there for hours with the older witch. "Thanks for coming to check on me" ,Krys said quietly. "You didn't have to".
"I see, well handled yourself well in it." Bellatrix stated remembering when she spoke about where she grew up. "No Sweetie, it wasn't your fault....I had a moment of...weakness. It wasn't the first time I tried...too many things happen at once over the years it gets worse. I told you I'm not mentally stable, like when your father...when he left me...I did what you did...I trashed my room, but I also cast a spell to make me bleed out. Cissy caught me in time, talked some sense into me. When our other sister ran off to marry outside a pureblood, and she was blasted from the tree I tried to poision myself, but it only turned me purple, Cissy laughed and yelled at me at the same time. Now from Azkaban to what happened with Rudolphus too much had built up my mind snapped as it often does,,,so in conclusion it wasn't your fault. Bellatrix basically craddled Krys as she curled into her. Bellatrix ran her hand threw Krys' hair it was soft and bella could be distracted at times. "You're welcome....I know, but...I wanted too."
"I shouldn't have flipped out the way I did nobody deserved that" ,Krys looked up into Bellatrix's eyes. "Did you really mean it when you said you would never talk to me again"? Krys asked choking up a bit. She refused to cry again even though the thought of being completely avoided by Bellatrix hurt a lot. "I just want to know cuz' I'd rather you go back to tormenting me then not talking to you at all". Krys told her, and it was true she'd rather fight like cats and dogs with Bellatrix if it meant they could still at least acknowledge each other. "By the way I'm sorry I ever made a move on you I should know better" ,Krys put her head back down and sighed. "I'm just a stupid kid" ,she whispered so quietly she didn't know if Bellatrix even heard her.
"You're young, it's what you do, I always flipped out at your age, mainly at Rudolphus though, I mean it's not like I really wanted anything to do with him then either." Bellatrix looked into Krys' eyes as she asked weather she wouldn't have spoken to her again. "Of coruse not, I was upset...I already told you I liked being around you and talking to you, it was an empty threat, just like if I said I'd never torture again...I enjoy that way too much to stop. I don't think I'd be able to torment you anymore...I like you too much to do it....But I would have gone around what I'd said and spoken to you weather it was a whisper in the hallway, on the job, or in one of the many rooms of the manor I'd talk to you somehow." Bellatrix stated looking back up out into the night hoping to give her some closure and comfort, but she didn't want to stay in the arguement, she was thinking of things that would satify the rest of them just to get out of the room. Bellatrix looked back at Krys, "Don't be sorry dear...I was at fault to I didn't try and stop you...I didn't want to stop you....I haven't been kissed or touched the way you touched and kissed me in years...I liked it...I told you I'm used to people making moves on me... well not resently, but I used to, men and women lusted for me when I was young before Azkaban even while I was married. and you're not a stupid kid, trust me have you seen Draco's friends? Young Crabe and Goyle, Now those are stupid kids just like there fathers. " Though she was quiet in saying it Bella heard her cuddling her closer.
Krys smirked when Bellatrix said she liked when Krys touched her, "Did you really"?! Krys asked excitedly then shook her head. "I seriously need to just leave things be.....never mind I asked.....I just never wanted to touch someone like that you just do something to me.....usually I'm nervous as hell with girls but with you I feel so aggressive.....I dunno it's probably the thrill of knowing it would be so wrong that turns me on so much" ,Krys took a deep breath then sat up and looked at Bellatrix and laughed when she made the comment about Crabbe and Goyle, "My goodness ain't that the truth, those two would lose their heads if they weren't attached" ,Krys smiled at the thought of how stupid those two really were and it made her feel a bit better about herself. " made me feel a shit ton better then I did's not easy to get me out of a bad mood once I'm in amaze me more and more every second I'm with you" ,Krys put her arm over Bellatrix's shoulder and laughed again, "Seriously Bellatrix we should of buried the hatchet years ago".
Bellatrix was amused at how excited Krys got when she said she liked how Krys touched her. "Yes really, I guess I'm not as straight as I thought I was...."She stated Bellatrix could tease but to actually do something was different. "Too late you already asked it." Bellatrix said as she laughed a bit. "Really? I don't know what I could have done to get you like that, since before a few days ago given the chance we would have killed each other. I wouldn't think you to be nervous...aggressive I could tell you have a very firm grip." Bellatrix said she discovered that when Krys was massaging and grabbing her hips. "See told you, you weren't stupid it you ae then at least they are worse off than you." Bella stated smiling at her. "But don't forget who you're talking to I'm Bellatrix Lestrange I can do anything..." She joked as Krys explained it was difficult to get her out of a bad mood. "Yeah we Should have, well we did now and that's all that matters."
Krys laughed yet again when Bellatrix got a little bit cocky, "Really? You can do anything huh"? Krys replied jokingly back. "I'm glad we buried the hatchet" ,Krys admitted. She stood up and held out her hand, "Come on let's go inside, I'll make a pot of's getting a bit chilly out here" ,Krys offered. She still wasn't feeling tired and if Bellatrix was awake then why not sit and just hang out for a little bit before they got tired.
"Yeah, I can do anything..." She laughed, then thought a moment, "besides going out in public, without getting the Auror's called on me..." She stated it was a whatever type thing nothing new. "So am I, Krys so am I," she smiled. She watched as Krys stood up, holding out her hand. Bella looked at her then to her hand, and took it. "Tea actually sounds nice...Is it? I didn't notice." She stated as she started to get up. Bellatrix was tired but she didn't want to sleep, she nearly died granted she almost killed herself she wanted to be awake.
Krys opened the door for Bellatrix then quietly closed it behind them. When they got into the kitchen Krys grabbed a tea kettle and filled it with water, then put it on the stove and turned it on. She pulled a chair out for Bellatrix to sit in before taking a seat herself. "You look so tired Bellatrix" ,Krys said with a small smile. "Maybe you should head to bed after you have your tea". Krys grabbed Bellatrix's hand and rubbed it with her thumb, "Don't stay awake just for me". After a few minutes the water was ready and Krys got up and made her and Bellatrix a cup of tea and placed them on the table. "Here you go I hope I made right for you" ,Krys said right before sitting down again.
"Thank you," She stated as Krys held the door open for her, she waited for her to close the door then walked with her to the kitchen. Bellatrix looked at her as she pulled out Bella's chair, "Thank you," Bellatrix smiled she like being treated like a lady, another feeling that she hadn't felt in years. Bella tilted her head, "I'm alright, really...I'm just alive..." She said looking down at her hand as Kris took it, her hands were warm compared to her own. "Thanks, I'm sure it's just fine." Bella said taking a sip, looking into the cup, she spoke again, "You know you're more of a gentlemen then my husband was..." She smiled at the thought, it was kinda funny.
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