The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix laughed as Krys joked, "Yes you could always do that?" Though it kinda hurt Bella to think Krys would go back to someone who had hurt her, though maybe it was the same as Bella being Voldemort's lap dog, he always hurt her mentally or physically, but she still followed him, loved him. "Don't worry I won't" Bellatrix said facing the other way, so to not look at krys as she changed. "What was that?" Bellatrix asked not hearing what Krys had said but knowing she spoke. Bellatrix smiled as Krys cuddled back into bed with her, oh how she wished she could be young again.
Krys kept mentally arguing with herself as she laid in bed with Bellatrix, she never wanted someone so bad that she couldn't have. She was young her hormones were crazy and she was attracted to Bellatrix and wished badly that she could just have one night to do whatever she wanted if not more. Krys sighed then laid back and just looked at Bellatrix, "I really enjoy your company ya know" ,she told her before pulling her a little bit closer.
Bellatrix layed there in Krys warm embrace loving it, never thinking she'd be attracked to a woman. Bellatrix smiled, "as I yours," she stated. As Krys pulled Bellatrix closer, she pulled away, looking at her still smiling. Gently Bella turned around laying facingKrys, then moving closer to he, nuzzling into her. No body realized how cuddledly and needy Bellatrix really was living most of her life behind a facade.
Krys couldn't help but look into Bellatrix's eyes when she had rolled over, she could get lost easily if she really wanted to. When Bellatrix cuddled closer to her she smiled and wrapped her arms around her tightly. Krys never knew how comfortable Bellatrix's body was and how much she really enjoyed just laying with her. "You're feels nice" ,Krys told her then smiled. "I kinda don't want to move anytime soon" ,she admitted. Krys had never felt so comfortable and wanted in her life it was a nice change even if it was only for a short while.
Bella snuggled into her comfortably as Krys wrapped her arms around her. Bellatrix smiled giggling slightly, "What did you expect? Just because I run around like a cold, strong, heartless bitch doesn't mean I always am..." She stated losing her words for a moment. laying like this reminded Bellatrix when her or her sister was hurt or when one just needed to be held, this was similar but completely different. Bella smiled up at her, "I'm okay with that" she said softly.
It didn't take long for night to come, Krys was so comfortable that she fell asleep laying there. She woke up in the middle of the night because she was cold and noticed Bellatrix was still there and smiled. Krys pulled the blankets over both of them and cuddled back up to the older witch. When she woke up in the morning she pulled Bellatrix closer and held her until she woke up.
Bellatrix could hear Krys' heartbeat, it was a steady rythem like the beat of the drum. Hearing her breathing become heavy she looked up to Krys to find her sleeping, she smiled lightly, her own eyes growing heavy. Within minutes Bellatrix fell asleep. As the blanket was placed onto her she snuggled into it as well as Krys, relaxing once again. When morning had arrived she felt her body being moved waking up,, her eyes slowly opened looking at Krys, "Morning..." she sighed still groggy.
"Morning" ,Krys replied with a smile. "Stay here I'll go get us some food". Krys got up and made her way out the door and down the stairs. When she got down to the kitchen Narcissa was sitting at the table with her usual morning cup of tea and a copy of the daily prophet. "Good morning Narcissa" ,Krys said as she looked at the house elf making breakfast. "So Bella wasn't in her room last night, any idea where she may have went"? Narcissa asked. Krys looked at Narcissa and tried to come up with a quick excuse in her head until she seen the huge smirk on Narcissa's face. "She fell asleep in my room last night, we did nothing I promise you" ,Krys told her honestly. "Krys thank you" ,Krys looked at Narcissa confused, "For taking care of her she doesn't get that much". "Honestly Narcissa she took care of me I just fixed her ribs and a couple of cuts" ,Krys said after Narcissa finished talking.

Krys made her way back into her room being followed by the house elf carrying a tray of food. "Just put it on the bed" ,Krys told the elf. When the elf left she sat down on the bed then looked at Bellatrix, "So Narcissa knows you slept with me" ,Krys said smiling trying to mess with Bellatrix, she waited a few moments to make Bellatrix think the worse. "She knows we didn't do nothing though".
Bellatrix nodded and snuggled back into the blanket as Krys left to get breakfast. She layed there resting waiting for Kris to return. As Bellatrix heard movement and then Krys' voice she looked up at her, with a light smile. "What?" Her smile quickly faded as her eyes grew wide, "What did she say? What does she think? How does she know? We didn't do anything..." Bellatrix rambled watching Krys. Then as Krys spoke she glared and pouted slightly at the young Snape. "Don't scare me like that...she gets upset with me very easily and I'd rather not explain things to her."
Krys laughed at the look on Bellatrix's face, "I had too ,the look on your face was priceless" ,she said smirking. "Don't worry I told her nothing happened but it seemed she already knew, she even thanked me for taking care of you or some rubbish like that" ,Krys said laughing a bit. She didn't really believe she took care of Bellatrix as much as the older witch took care of her. Krys grabbed a cup of orange juice off the tray and took a sip, "Damn that elf can make some good fucking juice, at least there still some elves out there that know what their job is" ,Krys said, she was still fuming about the Dobby situation.
"You're playing with fire, Krys, becareful you might get burned," Bellatrix stated smiling wickedly, sitting up. Bellatrix tilted her head sideways, "Hm...Cissy was good at knowing things without being told..." She stated seeing that her sister is trusting them now which is a little odd, from what happened the other night. "Oh she did? hmph I don't need anyone to take care of me i'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." She scoffed, having her arrogant Black family pride. She reached over to the tray grabbing a piece of toast, bitting into it. "I only like one house ellf, but he was given to Sirius His name was Kreature he was the best having the same views as we do, he was great...for an elf..."
Krys looked at Bellatrix and smirked, the same cocky smirk she gave almost everyone right before she was about to be arrogant, "Well Bella maybe I want to get burned ever think of that, then again maybe you're the one playing with fire and you should be careful not to get burned if you catch my drift" ,Krys laughed hysterically after what she said. ", I can't even keep a straight face.....Merlin it's too damn early.....where's my coffee"? Krys grabbed a cup and pointed her wand at it, "Watch this it's not the best coffee in the world but for a conjure it's decent" ,Krys said pointing her wand into the cup and making it fill with coffee. "Now only if I could do that with rum" ,she joked looking over to Bellatrix then grabbing a piece of toast for herself.
Bellatrix just looked at Krys, she couldn't think of what to say, what Krys had said, sounded so rediculous, that she started to laugh. "I can tell you're cracking up." Bella stated smiling. Bellatrix watched as Krys made herself a cup of coffee, "I can get the rum easy enough, but if I do Cissy will yell at I shouldn't drink this early in the morning, need to stay level headed...well as much as I can be now a days..." She stated plus if the Dark Lord needed her he wouldn't want her drunk... Bella took a plate of eggs taking her fork she sat there and played with her food, which she loved to do, mentally at times Bellatrix was a four year old, But she was trying to decide if she wanted to eat her food, she was going through one of her moments, when she thought she was fat, so she wouldn't eat trying to maintain her figure. Then she thought she was too thin, having to eat more to gain her figure but nothing inbetween, the two.
Krys looked at Bellatrix when she said she could make the rum easy enough, "Pssht Show off" ,Krys said jokingly. She grabbed a plate as soon as Bellatrix did and began to eat. Krys ate in a far different way then Bellatrix did, she ate like a growing teenager which meant inhaling her food. "You look really cute when you eat" ,Krys said smiling right before taking a sip from her cup to wash the food she had just crammed in there down. "I'm a freaking pig when I eat" ,she said laughing. "I don't have use a fork I use a shovel at least that's what Narcissa says. it's cuz of the way I hold my fork" ,Narcissa always laughed at how Krys ate, she held her utensils like a shovel digging into dirt but it was only because holding them the normal way was uncomfortable for her.
"Yes...yes I am." she stated smiling widely, it was what Bellatrix did best she was a show off it's just how she was brought up. Bellatrix finally starting to eat some of her meal, still in a minnor mood, she glanced at Krys who was nearly scarfing down her food. Smiling softly, "Am I? How am I cute when I eat?" She asked curiously. "Cissy and Lucius make a fuss because I always play with my food before i eat it, I taught Draco that little habit and it took forever for them to fix." She stated smiling at the thought it was funny at least to her it was. "Nah I've seen worse, you're just a growing teen." Bellatrix stated then laughed about krys using a shovel instead of a fork which was amusing.
"Oh Draco still plays with his food, trust me he just does it at school or when his mum ain't around" ,Krys told her. "I think almost everything you do is cute though" ,Krys admitted turning a little bit red in the face then shoving some more food in her mouth. When she was done chewing she took another sip of orange juice then looked at Bellatrix, "SOOOO what's on the agenda today"? Krys was pretty sure the dark lord wouldn't be handing out any tasks for at least a few days after what happened, he was probably going to sit and plan out his next move and work out the kinks before sending anyone else out again.
"Yesss...I taught him well..." Bellatrix smiled as she was tricky and Draco picked somethings ou from her. Bellatrix blushed some as Krys said that she thought nearly everything Bella did was cute. Bellatrix reached for her juice taking a sip, then she looked to Krys confused she didn't have anything planned and it wasn't likely the Dark Lord would be sending them out anytime soon, but she was never sure. "Umm..I don't know....Sorry I'd say you could go out and do something but the Auror's know you now, so that isn't wise....I normally hide in my room, wander the halls which gets boring fairly quickly, umm hang out in the library, or I end up in the garden...other than that there's nothing to do...sorry my husband fucked up you're life...least you wont be in hiding for long, as soon as the Dark Lord takes over we wont have to hide anymore."Bellatrix stated there really wasn't anything to do, but she had gotten used to it from years in Azkaban nothing but her memories, pain, screams, and her devotion to the Dark Lord. "What do you wanna do?" She asked rather dully.
Krys listened as Bellatrix listed the things she usually did and realized she did all those things too and it did get boring after a while. When Bellatrix asked Krys what she wanted to do she smiled, "Never ask me what I want to do anything I'd suggest would get us into a shit load of trouble with Narcissa" ,Krys said laughing she didn't even mean it in a perverted way, whenever Krys was alone in the manor with Draco Narcissa would come home to all kinds of messes including stuff being on fire at times.
"So we have nothing to do, then..." Bellatrix sighed. She was so bored of hiding she wanted to go out, she wanted to go out to parties and dinners and dances like she used to before she was married, before she was a death eater, or at least before she was a known death eater. bella looked at Krys for a moment maybe Bella didn't think that one through, "you're right plus I'm asking a teenage girl what she wants to do when there is nothing to do, not my best question." She stated smiling knowing that Krys would get into all kinds of troubles and end up having Bella right behind her.
Krys sat and thought for a minute before getting up and walking over to the window and looking outside. "It looks nice out, pretty warm actually, wanna go for a walk"? Krys thought it'd be nice to get out of the house even if it was just out and around the house. "I say we have fun with it we can pack a lunch and have a picnic in the woods back there, can you hike a little bit, well it's not much of a hike the woods are pretty much a part of the garden I just wanted it to sound less fluffy then let's go take a walk in the fucking garden" ,Krys laughed a little bit at her sarcasm. Then looked at Bellatrix and waited for an answer.
Bellatrix finished her plate, turning her head to watch Krys as she walked to the window. Bella raised an eyebrow at her thinking about it. "Sure, why not, nothing better to do...Of course I can hike, What trying to be tough? Something wrong with the garden?" Bellatrix teased laughing with her, never thinking a garden as fluffy, bunnies were fluffy.
Krys looked at Bellatrix, "I don't have to try to be tough I already am" ,she teased back. She grabbed her shoes and put them on before having the house elf pack a lunch. "Ok let's go" ,Krys said after the elf gave her a backpack with food in it. While they walked Krys looked around at stuff like she usually did when walking around in the garden. When they reached an area where no one could see them Krys looked at Bellatrix, "Is here good for you? No one can watch our every move, I know, I usually come here to get away from everyone when I'm mad". Krys pulled her wand out and summoned a blanket then laid down on it and looked up at the sky, she then looked over at Bellatrix, "You can sit down I won't bite".
Bellatrix rolled her eyes at her statement before standing up to strech. Bellatrix never took her shoes off yesterday there was too much to worry about at that point,to deal with her shoes. Bellatrix nodded walking with her out to the garden, it almost always seemed to change so there was something new to look at. "Yeah this is fine, really out in the garden is just another one of my hiding places, not this exact spot but yeah..." Bellatrix watched as Krys summond and layed on the blanket she looked so cute looking up into the sky care free. "Oh I know but you looked socute...I couldn't help myself but look at you a moment..." she stated with a slight blush, Bellatrix did have a great feeling for Krys. Bellatrix sat down next to her looking around.
Krys looked over and smiled at Bellatrix's statement, "Well thank you" ,she said in response. When Bellatrix sat down beside her and looked around Krys couldn't help but keep smiling. "It's nice out here isn't it"? she asked returning her gaze to the sky. "I love how blue the sky gets it's amazing and the trees and the smell of the flowers and stuff it's relaxing. This garden truly is beautiful, that's why I come here to get away, I will say this though today it's way more beautiful then usual, you wanna know why?....It's because you're sitting here with me you make everything more beautiful, I mean that" ,Krys didn't take her eyes off of the sky in fear of what kind of expression would be on the woman's face after she said something so cheesy.
"You're welcome," Bellatrix smiled at her then she laid down as well, right next to Krys. "Yes it's so beautiful and calm," Bellat stated looking upto the sky, it was a beautiful shade of blue, though she preferred watching the sunrise or sunset. "Yes I love how calm and relaxing it can be. Yes it is...No why is it any different today then normally," she asked curiously then blushed as she said it was because Bella was there. "Thank you Krys...I wish I can see what you see, "Bella said unable to see herself as pretty. "Thanks," she stated again looking at her smiling.
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