The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix watched Krys breathlessly as she pulled away from her, unsure of why she stayed still, though it felt nice. As Krys pulled out of Bella she sighed, then watched as she put her fingers into her mouth, smiling at her response, "...Thanks..." she said trying to catch her breath, as she felt Krys' soft lips on her body, heading south. As Krys started to lick her she arched her back again. Bellatrix sighed as she was licked, as Krys bit down she let out a slight squeek, and after a bit Bellatrix started to moan once again, from pleasure.
Krys loved hearing Bellatrix moan for her and at that moment she could care less if someone walked over and seen them. Krys finished licking every bit of Bellatrix's juices up and moved her body back up and laid beside the older witch and looked into her eyes and stroked the side of her face before kissing her softly. Krys summoned another blanket to layover the two of them until Bellatrix was ready to get herself dressed. "You're amazing Bellatrix, you don't know how long I've wanted to do that" ,Krys said quietly as she wrapped her arms around the older witch and held her close.
Bellatrix continued to moan until Krys stopped, moving back up to her. Bella's chest heaved as her breath started to even out again. As they kissed Bella could taste her own juices on Krys' lips. Smiling at Krys, looking into her eyes, "No're amazing. I haven't felt this great in...I can't remember when." she stated and as Krys wrapped her arms around Bellatrix, she cuddled close into her, cuddling in the blanket, not really caring that she was nearly completely naked, not caring about dressing yet.
Krys ran her hands up and down Bellatrix's bare back as she looked into the older witch's eyes. "You deserve to feel great ya know and if I need to be the one to make you feel that way I'd be more then willing to any time you wanted, even if it's just massaging your back or spoiling you with whatever you want ,I'll do it" ,Krys told her. She kissed her softly again then continued to hold her close and rub her back. "I've never felt this good in my life" ,Krys told her as she closed her eyes and relaxed taking in everything that had just happened.
Bellatrix was happy truely happy for once, nothing could ruin this. Bellatrix felt young again, though she's not that old. "Thank you love, if I ever need anything I'll let you know." She stated that was anothing thing she felt, Bellatrix felt loved and she loved Krys in return. Bellatrix smiled at her comment, Bella purred nuzzling into Krys, as Krys'hands ran on her back. Bellatrix felt spent, wanting to stay in Krys' arms.
Krys noticed Bellatrix looked tired and kissed her softly on the forehead, "You can nap on me for a little bit if you want love, we've got the whole day" ,Krys said quietly. She didn't care if Bellatrix fell asleep as long as she was with her. Krys figured they could both just relax a bit seeing there was still time before lunch. When Krys came out into the garden alone she would usually nap or read and with Bellatrix there she enjoyed just laying with her and letting her choose what they did.
Bellatrix smiled and cuddled closer to Krys. She wanted to stay awake to be awake with her but Krys had exhuasted her, with the pleasure she gave. Bella didn't have any plans that she knew of, so she didn't mind relaxing in the garden, with Krys. Bellatrix normally relaxed or yelled or cried when she went into the garden just to vent, to make her feel better. As she cuddled she began to doze.
Krys noticed Bellatrix begin to doze off and stroked the side of her face gently as she laid with her. She couldn't remember the last time she just laid down and held someone, Krys had almost forgotten how it felt to truly love someone and she knew she was starting to love Bellatrix. Krys laid there and let Bellatrix sleep for a little while and waited until she woke up to get their lunch out. Krys was thinking of things they could do later, she wanted to do something nice for the woman to Krys Bellatrix deserved a lot more then she could ever give her but she would give her what she could.
After about 30 minutes to an hour Bellatrix started to stir and awake, yawning and streching a bit. She looked at Krys and smiled softly. Bellatrix felt so loved for the first time, and she was sure she was falling even further for the girl. Bellatrix caught a chill, standing to finde her clothes before snuggling back into the blacket, with Krys.
When Bellatrix woke up Krys looked down and smiled, "You hungry yet"? she asked before kissing Bellatrix on the head. "You look so peaceful when you sleep, not that I was watching you like a weirdo" ,Krys told her laughing. She sat up and grabbed the back pack and looked through it. "Well I know the elf always makes meals especially for certain people and well I eat anything so you'll have to tell me which meal is yours" ,Krys smiled and passed the back pack over to the older witch so that she could look through it.
"Kinda." She stated, getting comfortable again. "Sure you weren't, then how would you know I look peaceful? By the way I don't always look that way when asleep, a lot of the times I...I have nightmares..." She stated slightly doubtful and ashamed. Bellatrix sat up taking the bag and found her meal. "Chicken parm. So this ones yours."She stated handing the bag back.
Krys blushed when Bellatrix caught her out, "Shh don't tell no one I'm a weirdo" ,Krys said laughing. She reached into the bag and grabbed her meal, "Mac and cheese with ham, the best stuff ever" ,Krys said smiling. "I'm such a kid sometimes". Krys dug around in the bag for forks and drinks. Krys looked at Bellatrix, "So uhmm what should we do after this, you want to take a walk around or maybe climb a tree or something, there's a tree house somewhere in this big old garden. Me and Draco used to play in it when we were kids".
"Don't worry I won't, If I did then I'd have to share you...and I don't wanna!" She stated smiling at her sounding like a little girl. Biting into her meal, beginning to eat. "There's nothing wrong with that, trust me I'm 4 years old." She joked Cissy was always telling Bella to grow up though it wasn't all her fault she acted like a four year old. "Hmmm I don't know...Climb a tree? Why? What's the point in that?" Bellatrix asked, she never climbed a tree never needing to plus with how she was brought up, there was no time or room to climb a tree, it was un lady like, not like a Black. "Tree house?"
"You know what I don't wanna share you either" ,Krys said and poked Bellatrix's nose playfully. "Yeah a tree house mine and Draco's father's had it built when we were younger to keep us occupied as they worked" ,Krys told her before she took a bite of her own food. "I haven't been in it for years I can't remember where it is, me and Draco used to spend hours on end in there".
Bellatrix smiled and giggled a bit as Krys didn't want to share her with anyone either, poking her nose. "Interesting, Alright sure we can go to your tree house.." Shee said She didn't mind as long as she was with krys. Taking another bite and chewing.
Krys looked at her and smiled, "Ok so after we finish we'll hunt for the lost tree house" ,Krys said laughing then took another bite of food. "It should be somewhere close I can't imagine it'd be too deep out there". When Krys finished eating she waited for Bellatrix to finish then stood up and cleaned everything up and held her hand out for Bellatrix to grab a hold of to help the woman up. "This should be fun" ,Krys said with a huge smile on her face.
"Yes when we've finished we will hunt for your tree house. I doubt it would be too far." She stated, Narcissa wouldn't allow it. Bellatrix finished a few bites after Krys, wiping her hands on her dress. Bellatrix took Krys' hand, in order to stand up. "Yes let's hope so." Bella said smiling at her.
Krys held Bellatrix's hand as they walked, she felt cheesy but it was ok. She looked in every tree they passed, they walked for about a half an hour before Krys looked up and smiled, "It's in this one" ,she said letting go of Bellatrix's hand and rushing over to the base of the tree and muttered something that made steps appear. The steps were by far better then any muggle tree houses steps, instead of a wiggly dangerous old ladder there were actual stairs to climb up to get into the tree house. "Wait until you see this, me and Draco were so spoiled" ,Krys said laughing as she climbed up the stairs. When she got inside her smile grew even bigger, the place was as big as a two bedroom apartment and that's because well it had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a sitting room. "Me and Draco used to spend weeks in here when our parents would let us, we had our own little world away from everyone else" ,Krys told her. "Now I want to share it with you, I now it sounds cheesy and childish but I like being able to spend time with you with out everyone looking over our shoulders or watching every move we make". Krys held out her hand again. "Come here I'll show you the porch, you get a great view of the stars out there during the night".
Bellatrix held onto Krys' hand as she held hers as they walked through the Malfoy's garden. Bellatrix looked up into the tree's for her tree house. Bellatrix rushed over following Krys to the tree looking at it. She smiled, I can believe you two were spoiled rotten." She stated playfully. As Krys went up Bella followed behind her. Bellatrix looked around with a smile on her face, "It's Beautiful..." She stated Bellatrix looked at Krys she thought it was really sweet, "I like that idea too, the walls down have eyes and ears here." Bellatrix said taking her hand walking with her to the deck, "Won't they know about the tree house and check it if we are missing?"
Krys looked at Bellatrix and smiled, "They can look all they want unless they know the password to get the stairs to appear they're not getting in here" ,Krys stated. Krys led Bellatrix out onto the porch, there were two chairs and a small table on it. "If you want we can just sit here and watch the sunset then look up at the stars before we have to go back to the manor" ,Krys suggested as she walked behind Bellatrix and wrapped her arms around the older witch's waist. She kissed Bellatrix on the cheek, "Well the sun don't set for a while so let me show you around the place".
"Wont they know the password unless you've changed it?" She asked knowing that they built it so obiviously they'd know the password. The view would be amazing from there watching the sun set then the stairs, in the night sky. "I'd like that, sounds like a wonderful why to end the day." She stated feeling like nothing could ruin her day. As Krys' arms wrapped around her she giggled laying her hands on top of Krys's. "Okay lead the way."
"Don't worry me and Draco changed the password the last time we were in here" ,Krys told her as she led her back into the tree house and showed her around. First Krys showed her the kitchen which had been restocked every month since the tree house was built and before stuff went bad it was fed to the animals in the garden. Krys then showed her Draco's room and then her own. Then the two finally made it into the sitting room and Krys lit the fireplace and sat on the couch and patted the seat next to her motioning for Bellatrix to sit down.
Bellatrix went along for the tour, looking at each room that was shown to her. She liked the layout of the tree house it was nice. As Krys lit the fire place patting the couch, for her. She walked over sitting down snuggling into her. Watch the warm fires glow as as they sat there.
Krys held Bellatrix as the sun set, she had never spent time with anyone like this before, just relaxing and sitting there silently as they looked at the sky. She smiled and kissed Bellatrix softly on the forehead as the night sky took over the daylight. The two spent a little while looking at the stars before heading back to the manor for dinner. Krys took Bellatrix's hand as they walked down the path and when they got to the manor she let go so that no one would be suspicious.

When they got inside Rodolphus was sitting at the kitchen table he looked over to Krys she could tell he was drunk, "So what the fuck were you doing with my wife you little dyke"? He snapped nastily. Krys gritted her teeth and scowled at him. "Nothing we went for a walk" ,Krys said calmly trying to prevent further confrontation. She went to walk away but Rodolphus stood up and grabbed her by the arm, "Don't fucking lie to me, I know you've had a thing for her ever since you two bonded after the mission went to shit" ,Rodolphus was squeezing Krys' arm pretty hard, luckily she was built and could take it. "Why do you even care hmm? You didn't seem to give a shit about her when shit got out of hand, you ran like a fucking coward that night and I saved Bella and took a fucking nasty hit while doing it" ,Krys spat becoming more angry. She then smirked and let out a small laugh, "I know why you care now, you're drunk and horny all you want out of the woman is sex, typical....she deserves so much better then you, filthy fucking traitor". Rodolphus gritted his teeth and let go of Krys' arm. Krys shook her arm out and went to look at Bellatrix and tell her to go get Narcissa and tell her Rodolphus was drunk and being a dick again but as she turned He raised his hand ready to hit Krys in the back of the head. "RODOLPHUS PUT YOUR FUCKING HAND DOWN AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"! Krys spun around and seen Narcissa standing in the door way she walked over to Rodolphus and slapped him across the face. "You son of a bitch how dare you raise your hands on that girl I should fucking kill you" ,Narcissa hit him with almost every word she said, Krys had never seen Narcissa so mad she had also never heard the woman swear so much. Just as Narcissa was about to crack him again he slapped her in the face knocking her on the floor. Narcissa grabbed the side of her face and looked at him. He went to go at the woman again and stopped dead in his tracks when he seen two pairs of feet standing in front of him, when he raised his head both Lucius and Severus were standing there giving him a death glare. Lucius cruciod him, "If you ever put your hands on my wife again you will receive a lot worse then this I can promise you that" ,Lucius hissed before him and Snape threw Rodolphus out the door.

Snape came back into the house and grabbed Krys by the shoulder gently not trying to anger her. "We need to have a talk" ,he told her leading her into the sitting room. When they got into the sitting room Krys sat down and looked at her father, "Krys you can not get tied up with Bellatrix, I know you like her and you think she's intriguing but you're young and don't know what you want and you are making a big mistake" ,he told her as calmly as he could. Krys didn't want to hear it instead she stood up and looked at her father, "Listen dad I love you and I know you're trying to look out for me but please don't I'm a fucking adult and can take care of myself and if I'm making a mistake with her let me find out for myself get off my fucking case" ,Krys snapped before going up to her room and shutting the door.
Bellatrix was smiling almost as brightly as the stars were shining, as Krys held her watching the sun set. Bellatrix felt like a school girl again, not being this close to anyone except Severus.  Their fingers were intertwined with one another, as they walked back, to the manor.  Bellatrix followed in after Krys seeing her drunk of a husband all signs of a smile faded. Maybe everything that had just happened was a dream, maybe it wasn't real. If looks could kill Rudolphus would be dead. "Shut up Rudy you're drunk." Bellatrix stated then listen to Krys tell half of the truth. 

As Rudolphus grabbed Krys her eyes went wide and wild, "Let her go, Rudy!!!" she barked slight worry sneaking into her voice.  Bella was still a moment as she said she saved her taking that hard hit, which could have killed her, feeling bad about it though it wasn't her fault her husband was a traitor. Bellatrix didn't see where Krys was going at first, then caught on, not like he was going to get anything out of her one leaving her for the Aurors, being a traitor, being an ass to her and Krys, almost killing Draco....yeah 'no' way in he'll unless he caught her off guard magically binding her, then taking advantage of wasn't happening. 
 Bellatrix watched closely about to find her sister, until she heard her in the door way.  Seeing Rudolphus about to strike Krys, Bellatrix was angry but she smiled as Narcissa flipped out hitting and cursing him, until she saw her sister on the floor, Bellatrix quickly went to her sister, "Cissy!!" she knelt on the ground with her.  Bellatrix stayed with her sister watching what was happening as Rudy was thrown outside, by the men. Bellatrix stayed with her sister for awhile after Krys had left, then went up to her room relaxing on her bed. 
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