The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys smiled back at Bellatrix after she had said thank you, "I wish you could see what I see too, cuz' to me you're perfect. I know I've said different in the past but now I know the real you and I love it". Krys looked at Bellatrix then laid her head on the older witch's shoulder, hinting that she wanted to be closer to her. "Sorry just feel like laying with you again, I just can't get enough of it" ,Krys said with a small laugh. "If you want me to piss off just say something".
Bellatrix's face melted, as Krys said she was perfect, smiling slightly brighter. She was right about that, Krys used to torment Bellatrix on her looks, and in general. "Bellatrix recalculated what Kris had saidabout knowing the real her and loving it. "I love you too, Krys." Bellatrix stated softly smiling at her, cuddling her form closer as Krys rested her head on Bella's shoulder. "There's no crime in wanting to be closer to someone." She stated as it was Bellatrix always loved to be close to someone, sister, boy friends, husband, Draco. Bellatrix loved to cuddle despite her murderess tendencies. "Plus...when you've been in the dark and cold for as long as I's nice to even talk normally to someone, other than family, excluding Rudolphus..." Bellatrix explained.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix said she loved her too, she fiddled with Bellatrix's dress while she laid with her nervously. Krys had never really been alone with Bellatrix in a place where they were sure not to get caught and it took all the strength in the world for Krys not to make a move on the woman again just to see how far it would go. She sat up and looked through the backpack and grabbed something to drink, "Do you want anything"? Krys asked looking down to Bellatrix. Krys propped herself up on her elbow and took a sip of the juice she pulled out of the bag while she waited for Bellatrix's answer.
Bellatrix smiled as she felt Krys playing with her dress. "Are you having fun?" she asked playfully, referring to her playing with Bella's dress. Bella closed her eyes a moment she never normally had time to just lay in the sun, it felt so nice and warm on her skin. As Krys addressed her she opened her eyes, "A drink would be nice," she stated sitting up, not really hungry since they recently had eaten breakfast. 
Krys reached into the back pack and grabbed Bellatrix a drink and handed it to her. She made her way to sit behind the older witch and rubbed her shoulders. "Figured you may need one" ,Krys said referring to the massage she was giving her. Krys Snape was never a person to be nice or do kind things for someone other then herself or on occasions people she was close to but Bellatrix was different the older witch did something to Krys and Krys felt good whenever Bellatrix did. "So you having fun sitting out here with me"? Krys asked smiling.
"Thank you," Bellatrix said taking a sip of her drink. As Krys' hands moved onto Bella's back for a massage, she tensed slightly before relaxing again, with a sigh. "It feels really nice, I do...I can't remember the last time I had one..." Bellatrix smiled softly, letting the young witch work out a few knots. "Yes, it beats being out here alone. I'm having fun, here, with you... What about you? Are you having fun out here...with me?" Bella's smile widened returning Krys' question, her heart felt so light, the last time she remembered feeling it was when Voldemort released her from Azkaban.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix told her the massage felt good, "I'm glad it feels good you deserve to feel good all the time" ,Krys whispered into her ear. "Being out here with you definatly beats being out here alone, and yes I'm having a lot of fun out here with you". Krys bit her lip as she ran her hands up and down Bellatrix's back, she loved to touch the older witch in any way she could. Krys leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Bellatrix's waist, "I'll get back to the massage in a moment, just need to rest my hands a little bit" ,she told her as she rested her chin on Bellatrix's shoulder.
Bellatrix smiled as she continued to rub her back, blushing as she was told she deserved to feel good all the time. She nodded agreeing with her happy that she was also having fun. Bellatrix loved the feeling of Krys hands on her back, Bella sat up slightly as Krys' arms snaked around her waist, looking down at her hands. "Alright." she said tilting her head some as Krys rested on her shoulder.
Krys sat holding Bellatrix for a little while, she slowly let her hands moved down to Bellatrix's thighs. She bit her lip nervously as she massaged the older witch's legs. "Don't kill me" ,Krys said before kissing her neck softly. At first Krys was nervous as hell but then that feeling came back, the feeling that she needed to prove something to Bellatrix. Krys moved her hands up Bellatrix's body then leaned over Bellatrix's shoulder and gently turned Bellatrix's head so that she was facing her before kissing her hard then biting her lip. "Ok now you can kill me" ,Krys said after she pulled away from the older witch.
Bellatrix watched as Krys' hands migrated from her waist to her thighs. "Kill you? Why would I do that?" Bellatrix asked softly, not sure what Krys was talking about, until she felt her soft lips upon her neck. Bellatrix's back arched slightly as Krys felt her body, she tilted her head a bit to give Krys better access to her neck. As Krys kissed her hard, she sighed softly as Krys bit her lip. Krys had taken Bella's breath away, she looked back at her, her eyes were slightly wider than normal.Bellatrix wasn't sure of what to do, Cissy told her no as did Snape, but Bella had strong feelings for the young witch. Bellatrix turned around to face her, she smiled softly then leaned in, kissing Krys passionately, wrapping her arms gently around her neck.
Krys kissed Bellatrix back as she wrapped her arms around her neck, the woman felt amazing it was the first time Bellatrix had kissed Krys first and Krys was going to make the best of this moment. Krys leaned back pulling Bellatrix with her making the older witch straddle her, she didn't break away from the kiss the older witch and her were involved in while doing all this. Krys reached her hands down to Bellatrix's hipa again and massaged them hard as she licked Bellatrix's bottom lip begging for the older witch to give her entrance into her mouth. Krys was breathing heavy and her heart was racing, she was lost in the moment completely and she loved it.
They continued to kiss passionately, Bellatrix loved it, she loved the attention Krys was giving her. As Krys went down Bella was pulled with her, her legs on either side of the girl, Bella wasn't afraid of hurting her since Bella was a twig herself. As Krys massaged Bella's hips she moved slightly sighing, she sighed into their kiss. As Bella felt Krys bitting her lip, she opened her mouth slightly letting her tongue lick her upper lip quick, before pulling away to see if her tongue would follow her. Bellatrix felt desirable again and she loved it, she felt adored and loved becoming lost in feelings she longed for.
Krys felt Bellatrix pull away from her and followed, she didn't want their fun to end just yet. Krys kissed Bellatrix roughly but good all at the same time, she let her hands move further up the older witch's body until she reached just beneath her breasts not wanting to move any further just in case it would make Bellatrix uncomfortable. Krys slid her tongue in and out of Bellatrix's mouth enjoying every second of it. Bellatrix made Krys want her more and more with every touch and every kiss they shared.
Bellatrix was being kissed with such force, it felt amazing. It was rough and passionate, fed through desire. Bella felt Krys hands explore her body, she loved how Krys was touching her. Bellatrix kinda forgot that Krys was a woman, by her touch it was more masculine to her, not ever being touch by another female like such before. Bellatrix felt Krys' hand rest just beneath her breasts, it was a little odd that an 18 year old girl was touching her and kissing her the way she did, but the feeling was amazing. As Krys' tongue entered and left Bella's mouth, Bella would meet her tongue basically following the same motion exploring the other one mouth. She love this, she loved everything Krys was doing to her, it was amazing, Bellatrix never wanted any of this to stop, wanting to be with the girl even more.
Krys felt Bellatrix's tongue move with her own and it only made her want even more. She gently laid Bellatrix onto her back putting her hand behind the older witch's head to make sure it wouldn't hit the ground underneath her to hard. Krys moved her lips from Bellatrix's and kissed up and down her neck biting it softly every now and then. Krys moved her hand up and grabbed Bellatrix's breast softly, she moaned softly at the feel of it in her hand. "" ,Krys told her as she kissed her neck. Krys moved her lips back to Bellatrix's and continued to kiss her passionately as she moved her hips in between Bellatrix's legs.
This was exciting for Bellatrix, one it had been 14 years since she had messed around with anyone, and because it was with Krys, Severus' daughter.  They kissed en shifted positions Krys was now atop of Bellatrix, while Bella was underneath Krys.  As their kiss broke Belka's breath was heavy from the force and how long they kissed losing her breath.  She sighed tilting her head as Krys softly kissed her neck and gently biting her, as Krys grabbed Bella's breast she arched her back some, sighing softly. Bellatrix smiled at Krys' statement. "" she replied breathlessly. Bellatrix welcomed Krys' lips back to her own as they kissed, passionately, feeling Krys move in between her legs. Bellatrix wraped her arms around Krys moving her hands up and down her back, biting lightly on Krys' lip
Krys loved the feel of Bellatrix's hands on her back, she deepened the kiss even more. Krys moved her hand down to underneath Bellatrix's dress and let it run the length of Bellatrix's bare thigh, lightly digging her nails into the woman's flesh as she moved her hand. Krys growled into the kiss and continued to rub the older witch's thigh. She loved how soft Bellatrix's skin felt and how welcoming the older witch was being to her touch. "I want you.....I don't care what anyone says" ,Krys said breathlessly after she broke away from the kiss. "Let me have you".
As the kiss deepened Bella began to drag her nails along Krys' back. Being careful of course since she had claws, instead of nails.  Bellatrix body shook feeling Krys' hand run up her skirt, brushing on her thigh. Bella loved the feeling of Krys' nails on her flesh, and how she touched her.  Bella's chest heaved as Krys pulled away from her, catching her breath, listening to how Krys wanted her, wanting Bellatrix to give herself to her. "Then take me....I'm yours..." she stars in response to Krys. 
When Bellatrix told Krys to take her she kissed Bellatrix again before untying the older witch's dress and taking it off her slowly. Krys sat up on her knees and looked at Bellatrix laying on the blanket half naked, in the middle of nature, she looked so beautiful just the sight of her body took Krys' breath away. Krys ran her finger from Bella's jawline down to her underwear line, she paused before letting her hand move further down, Krys moved her thumb to touch Bellatrix in her sensitive spot above her underwear, she gasped when she touched the older witch still shocked a bit that all of this was happening.
As Krys pulled off her dress leaving her in her bra and panties, she was glad it was a warm day otherwise she'd be freezing.  Bellatrix watched Krys as she looked at her, unsure of why she kept staring at her, but seeing the look in her eyes the look of amazement. Bellatrix watched as Krys slid her finger down her body to her underwear. As Krys touched a sensitive spot, Bellatrix gasped and her body shook slightly.  
Krys leaned down and kissed Bellatrix deeply before pushing the older witch's panties aside and sliding two fingers inside her. She moved them slowly in and out of Bellatrix at first but gradually got rougher the more she was turned on by the feel of the woman. All of Krys' cares and worries disappeared as she focused on making Bellatrix feel good, she wanted the woman to want more, Krys wanted to hear her moan out into the emptiness of the woods. Krys kissed the older witch's neck again as she moved her hands around focusing on trying to make Bellatrix orgasm.
Bellatrix sighed into the deep kiss that Kyrs administered. As Krys' fingers pushed into her she gasped, not being touched in so long nearly seeming like a virgin, though she wasn't. Bellatrix's breathing deepened as krys' fingerers pumped into her steadily.  When Krys' became rougher, Bellatrix became wetter, grabbing onto the blanket, moving her hilarity her. This young witch had the magic touch Bellatrix started moaning, trying not to be too loud, since technically they were just outside the manor though deep into the garden. She was so close now wanting to hold on for as long asshecould but it was difficult by the way Krys had her wound up.
Krys felt Bellatrix get wetter with every movement her hand made and it made Krys moan. Just the feel of Bellatrix being so hot and wet gave the young Snape pleasure, she didn't need anything else. "Fuck Bella you're so I make you feel that good"? Krys breathed into her ear before biting and sucking on it. Krys listened as Bellatrix moaned softly and kissed the older witch's neck for a while enjoying every second she was spending with the older witch. She moved her thumb over Bellatrix's clit as she continued to move her fingers inside her. Krys could feel herself getting wetter as she touched Bellatrix but she wasn't going to say anything her main focus was Bellatrix and making the woman feel amazing. Krys moved her lips back to Bellatrix's and kissed her passionately biting and licking her lips every now and then.
Bellatrix wasn't sure if it was all just Krys but most of it was, the other factor in play was she had been touched in 14 years, so it was amazing. Bella looked up at Krys, "Yes, yes Krys you really do. She said airily through her breath as her ear was bit she growled softly. As Krys kissed her neck Bella brought her hand to rest on her head running her fingers into her short hair. Bellatrix gasped and arched her back as Krys moved her fingers rubbing her lit at the same time. The young witch was rather skilled at pleasing someone, Bellatrix was slightly shocked by this knowledge. Bellatrix kissed her back, as they kissed Bellatrix couldn't hold on any longer, her walls started to contract and pulse moaning into the kiss finally cumming.
Krys felt Bellatrix tighten around her fingers and smiled into the kiss. She pulled away from Bellatrix's lips and sat up on her knees not removing her fingers from the older witch just yet. Krys looked down at Bellatrix and bit her lip before pulling her fingers out slowly then sticking them in her mouth. "Mmmmm you taste good love" ,Krys told her before leaning down and kissing Bellatrix's neck. She moved her lips all the way down the older witch's body until she reached her panties, Krys pulled them off and went down on Bellatrix licking every bit of the woman's juices off of her. She licked and bit and sucked on her aiming to make her cum at least one more time. The woman felt and tasted amazing Krys couldn't get enough of her.
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