The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys sat in her room and did what she normally did when she was mad and that was bounce a ball off of the wall and catch it. When she knew her father had left she came back out and looked around for Narcissa, she found her sitting in the kitchen she had a bruise on the side of her face. "Narcissa I'm so sorry" ,Krys said quietly as she sat down next to the woman. "He was mad at me and hit you". Narcissa put her hand on Krys' shoulder and looked at her, "He's jealous of you because you treat her well" ,she stated before taking a sip of her tea that she had sitting on the table. "Nothing happened we just went for a walk" ,Krys lied, she never lied to Narcissa and hoped the woman couldn't tell. "I know Krys, don't you worry about me Lucius is taking care of that bastard as we speak" ,Narcissa told Krys before she got up and made her way to her bedroom.

Krys sat for a few minutes before grabbing a cup of juice and walking back to her room and sat down on the bed and relaxed leaving the door open this time since nobody was home that would harass her.
Bellatrix just hid in her room awhile, not wanting to do or see anything or anyone. She was so annoyed and pissed with her husband, how could he say such to Krys and how could he've hit her sister granted he was drunk.Though it didn't change the fact that he still hit her. Bellatrix was ready to kill him, she had never realized that Rudolphus only wanted her attention when he was drunk only wanting to use her as a fuck toy. She sighed, maybe that was all she was good for anymore...No Kyrs didn't view her that way, she knew she didn't. Bellatrix decided to leave her room to go and fetch a drink walking by Krys open door, she turned back knocking solftly.
Krys sat in her room throwing the ball against the wall, she looked over and seen someone pass but couldn't tell who it was because the door was only open a crack. When she heard a knock she turned her attention to the door and got up to open it the rest of the way, "Hey Bellatrix, come in take a seat" ,Krys told her as she made her way back to the bed and sat down. "Sorry about earlier ya now the incident with Rodolphus" ,she told her.
"Hey Krys..." She stated walking in, as she was instructed to do so taking a seat. Bella tilted her head slightly, "Don't be sorry It wasn't your fault, He just needs to keep his drunk mouth shut...I just can't believe he hit Cissy...It's not your fault I'm married to an asshole...then again it's not my fault either..Are you okay though?" She asked concerned.
Krys looked at Bellatrix, "I still feel bad he's an asshole I shouldn't have antagonized him, Narcissa wouldn't have gotten hit if she didn't have to defend me" ,Krys said, a tear fell from her eye and she wiped it away quickly hoping Bellatrix didn't notice. Krys cared about Narcissa like the woman was her own mother, she did help raise Krys after her real mother died. "If I see Rodolphus again I'm going to kill him" ,Krys said in a definate tone. She hated the man and every time she seen him he made her hate him even more.
"Don't feel bad because of him, it makes life much easier...maybe I'm too leanant when it comes to him...I mean he suffered just like I did for the same amount of time...Yes but that's how you are, it's a part of you...It was true though. Cissy never does anything she doesn't want to unless The Dark Lord tells her to do so or it involves her family...So she wanted to defend you, as did I but she got to it first..." She stated trying to relieve her burden, seeing the tear but paying no mind to it, Bellatrix smiled warmly at her, "He's not worth it dear trust you know we don't kill fellow dead eaters unless the the Dark Lord has said so..."
Krys looked at Bellatrix and smiled, "You're right love I'm just angry that's all" ,Krys said. Bellatrix had a way to make Krys smile no matter how upset she was and Krys loved that about her. Krys cuddled up to Bellatrix wanting to feel her warmth and well wanting to be held and to hold someone. "Stay with me for a while"? Krys asked quietly. Even though she spent the whole day with Bellatrix she still couldn't get enough of the woman and wanted to spend as much time as she could with her .
Bella's smile widened seeing her smile. As she cuddled into Bella, Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys holding her close and gently. She looked down to her caressing her cheek lightly, "Of course I'll stay..." Bellatrix said. She liked spending time being with the girl, she felt almost normal with Krys. Almost as if she had never step foot in Azkaban, her life was starting to level out again for the most part.
Krys sat there and enjoyed the warmth of the older witch, she moved her body in a motion so that the two could lay down. She smiled when Bellatrix said she would stay, Krys was happy when the older witch was around and she never wanted the feeling to go away. When Bellatrix caressed her cheek she got chills down her spine, "Merlin Bellatrix I love you so much" ,Krys told the older witch as she snuggled into her more. "Tomorrow while I'm out to repair the cabinet I'll go pick you up a few things like some clothes and maybe something even better". Krys wanted to spoil the woman, Bellatrix was her queen and she was going to treat her that way.
Bellatrix got comfortable as they layed down, still holding onto Krys. Bellatrix smiled brightly as a tear ran down her face without her knowing it, she was so happy and for the first time see was loved and not in a family sense. "I love you too Krys." Bella held her closer, kissing the top of her head, as she snuggled closer to her. "Oh...Krys you don't have to do that...just worry about the cabinet...that's the main focus right now." She stated though new clothes and whatever would be nice she did what to be a bother on Krys.
Krys propped herself up on her elbow then looked at Bellatrix, "Bellatrix, love, I'll have time after I fix the cabinet to go get you a few things and I have the money so why not spend it on someone I love" ,Krys leaned down and kissed Bellatrix deeply before the older witch could say anything to argue, Krys had made up her mind and she was going to spoil Bellatrix tomorrow whether the woman argued with her about it or not.
Bellatrix watched Krys curiously, as she propped herself up. Bella was about to speak when Krys's lips met hers, kissing her deeply. She was going to protest, Bella didn't want Krys to blow her money on her. Bellatrix kissed Krys back deep and passionatelt forgetting what she wanted to say.
Krys kissed Bellatrix for a few more seconds before breaking away and smiling at the older witch. "I really love kissing you do you know that"? Krys told her as she looked into the older witch's eyes. She ran her finger down Bellatrix's jawline then kissed her quickly again. Not realizing she had left the door open. "If you're going to do that stuff at least close the door in case Severus comes home" ,Narcissa's voice whispered into the room. Krys looked up with a scared expression on her face, she was at a loss for words until Narcissa just looked at her, smiled then shut the door. Krys looked back down at Bellatrix confused at what had just happened.
Bellatrix smiled at Krys, as she broke the kiss and spoke, "I can tell..." Bellatrix giggled as Krys looked into her eyes, feeling her finger on her jaw, Kissing again. As soon as Bellatrix heard her sisters voice her head looked straight at the door. Bellatrix smiled at her sister who seemed to warm up to the fact that the two women liked, even loved each other. Bellatrix looked up at Krys who was looking at her, "She's okay with it, well she's warming up to it...My sister knows me and your like her daughter so she knows how we function, she just is hiding it from your father..." She attempted to explain to Krys.
Krys' confused expression turned into a smile of relief, "Thank Merlin I thought she was going to hex us or something" ,Krys said right before letting out a laugh. "So I guess you can.....erm....spend the night....with me" ,Krys asked shyly. "And that doesn't mean I want to have sex's just been a while since I've had someone sleep next to me...and I miss the feeling". Krys kissed her softly again then smiled, "You don't have to of course if you don't feel comfortable".
Bellatrix smiled, "Oh no Cissy wouldn't hex us," she stated. She giggled with Krys, watching her, Bella's smile grew, "I'd love too, but what if your father returns?" Bellatrix askes, that was what she was afraid of. "I figured as much smat one," she stated giggling "No I understand completely I'm so used to sleeping with another, and from Azkaban, it became worse that was one thing Rudolphus was good for holding Bellatrix.
Krys laughed a little bit, "My father's gonna be at Hogwarts all week he's not gonna just come back and if he does I"m sure I'll be the one to hear it don't worry I won't let him bitch at you" ,Krys told her. She pulled the covers onto the both of them. "Get comfy ok" ,Krys told her before wrapping her arms around her again and kissing her deeply. "I'm liking this very much just to let you know" ,she said after breaking the kiss. Krys held Bellatrix for a while and dozed off with the older witch in her arms.
"True...oh I'm not worried...we always bitch at each other nothing new, we can't stand each other,and I don't trust him so...." Bellatrix stated cuddling into Krys, loving how warm she was. As they kissed Bella's mouth creased smiling a bit, kissing.  "As am I love as am I." She smiled closing her eyes, drifting of to sleep. 
When Krys woke up she smiled seeing Bellatrix with her still. She got up quietly in case Bellatrix was still sleeping and made her way to the bathroom then down to the kitchen. Narcissa was up as usual reading the paper and drinking her tea, "Morning Krys sleep well"? she asked. Narcissa knew sleep sometimes wasn't even an option for Krys. "Very well, I haven't slept that well in months" ,Krys replied. She went over to the coffee pot and poured two cups to bring back to her room. "Well I'm gonna go back to my room until she wakes up then I gotta go to Borgin and Burkes so I'll see you later". Krys made her way back to her bedroom and set the coffee down on the bedside table and laid down to wait for Bellatrix to get up.
Bellatrix was fast asleep, it was the longest she's slept, not being interupted by nightmares. Her world was being perfect once again, she was sleeping better, had someone to care for her, who she cared for in return. Life was good, Bella didn't feel Krys leave or come back into the room, but after a few minures the sweet smell of coffee was in the air. She started to stir smiling softly opening her eyes. "Morning Love, How did you sleep?" She asked softly turning to face Krys.
"I slept wonderfully love, best I've slept in months hell maybe even years" ,Krys said in response right before kissing her. "I bought you some coffee, I'm afraid I can't stay for breakfast I've got to be at Borgin and Burkes in about an hour and I've got to get ready". Krys pouted then took a sip of her coffee. "As soon as I get home we can do whatever you want I promise". Krys stood up and made her way to the bathroom and took a shower. She then put on a tux and did the normal routine she had for getting ready, "Well I better get going Draco will be sending something through soon" ,Krys told her before kissing her deeply. "I'm going to miss you so much while I'm out love". Krys apparated to Diagon Alley and walked to Borgin and Burkes.

Krys and Draco sent items back and forth, all different things such as notes, matchbooks, and an apple. Draco would send the things to Krys then she would alter them in someway so he would know she got them. She stayed in Borgin and Burkes for about 2 hours repairing minor damages on the cabinet before she left. Krys went to several other stores and bought Bellatrix a few things like dresses, some night clothes, and a necklace. When she finished up she sat down at the Leaky Cauldron to buy herself something to eat before heading home.
Bellatrix smiled at Krys, I know that feeling all too well, love. I’m glad you slept well. Bella sighed softly feeling Krys’ soft lips against hers. “Thanks I knew something smelled good.” She said smiling then she pouted a bit, “Oh…Alright. Yes, you don’t want to be late, plus that cabinet needs to be completed, so we can get into that damned school.” Bellatrix stated Krys had a mission with Draco and they needed it to work properly so they could take over Hogwarts. Bella smiled again “Okay, I’m sure we’ll think of something to do later.” She stated watching as Krys walked to the bathroom, sitting up taking a sip of her coffee. When Krys came back out Bellatrix stood up and walked over to her, “You look dashing.” She commented wrapping her arms around Krys’ neck. Nodding until Krys’ lips met hers again, only deeper, much deeper. Looking into her eyes smiling, “I’ll miss you, and can’t wait until you return, my love.” Bellatrix unwrapped her arms from around her neck so she could leave. Once Krys was gone, Bella sat back down on Krys’s bed relaxing, drinking her coffee. As soon as she was finished she called the house elf to take both hers and the young witch’s cup. Bellatrix loved the scent of Krys’ bed, it was heavenly, she stood and made the bed by hand no magic at all, then she conjured a white rose knowing it was her favorite flower, leaving it on her pillow.
Bella made her way down to the kitchen for breakfast seeing Narcissa there. “Morning Cissy.” Narcissa looked up and smiled, “Good morning Bella, You’re up early, How did you sleep?” Bellatrix looked over to her, smiling, “Fine…great…better than I have in years.” Narcissa nodded her head lightly in a sense giving up on what she thought of Krys and Bella, they were both doing the other one good. Bellatrix sat down and started eating eggs, with bacon, and toast having a glass of juice. Finishing up she cleaned her plate being annoyed by one of the house elf’s because it was begging for her not clean and to let it do it, but Bella paid it no mind as it begged and hurt itself. Once finished she kicked the creature out of the way, walking back over to her sister, kissing her cheek before, Bella left the room going to the library. She took a book, and started to read it trying to amuse herself, Bellatrix heard a pop picking her head up looking behind her she saw the Dark Lord, quickly got up and bowed her usual low bow, meant only for Voldemort. As he walked in, “Good Morning Bellatrix…” He stated in his cool voice that normally made her melt, but things were beginning to feel different with Bella, She had a love for Krys knowing that Voldemort couldn’t love. “Morning my Lord.” She replied smiling softly. Voldemort came closer to Bellatrix, “I wanted to…apologize for the other day, my actions were rather rash, it wasn’t yours or Krys’ fault…” He stopped there knowing she knew what he was talking about. She nodded her head, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “Yes, Thank you my Lord.” Bellatrix said watching him. Voldemort made his way to the other side of the couch, sitting down. “Have a seat, Bella.” He said motioning for her to sit. Bellatrix being obedient, sitting looking over at him. “I have a fool proof plan to discuss with you, you my most loyal obedient servant. You who I know won’t fail me, or betray me or sabotage everything.” The Dark Lord said, he had Bellatrix’s full attention at this point. “For security purposes, for if anything ever happens to me, there is a backup. If everything doesn’t work out properly and go according to plan. I want an heir…a successor to take over should something happen…In order for this to occur, I will need assistance, I need someone to hold and carry the child for me, and since you are my most loyal and most powerful out of the others, I’ve selected you to be the mother of my child.” He said still in the same tone basically finishing explaining what he wanted, unable to carry a child he needed Bella. Bellatrix was in complete and utter shock, her eyes had grown wide and her breathing deepened. “My…Lord…?” She stated feeling like she was choking on her words. What was she to do? She couldn’t just say no, she knew that would mean death, with no hesitation. Bellatrix was in love for the first time with someone other than the dark lord, she didn’t want to lose her or hurt her. Bellatrix knew either why, Krys would be hurt, she was hurting already thinking about it. Her choices were to say no and end up dead never seeing Krys again, unable to even say goodbye, or to say yes, and live, but losing Krys. This has got to be Bellatrix’s toughest decision that she has ever had to make. This was for the cause, so it was technically work, she’d be doing her job as a loyal death eater, but becoming heartbroken at the same time hurting the one she loves. Bellatrix also had a feeling also if she said no he might try and take advantage of either her sister or Krys, her sister was happily married and had a son, Krys one being only 18 was too much to put on her, plus the fact that she was gay, so she wouldn’t want anything to do with it. Bellatrix wanted to talk to someone, and wanted to cry making what would be her decision, making what she believed to be the best choice. “Yes…My Lord…I would be honored to carry you heir.” She stated smiling softly at him, blocking her mind showing that nothing was wrong. “Excellent. Come let’s go upstairs.” Voldemort said smiling at Bella, who looked shocked. “Right now?” She asked not realizing he meant, right then. “Yes the sooner the better, we will have to wait a while for it to arrive,” He said slightly amused taking Bellatrix’s hand leading her up to her room.
Once there he shut the door walking with her over to her bed. He pointed his wand at her stomach saying a fertilization spell increasing the count, and making sure it would catch. The dark lord muttered two other spells to make him hard and her wet, wanting to do this plus he had other things to do so the quicker the better in his mind. He started to kiss Bellatrix softly then becoming more passionate but nowhere near as passionate as her and Krys kissed. Voldemort untied Bella’s dress sliding it off leaving her there in her underwear, Voldemort stood and disrobed himself, standing before her naked, then kissing her again unhooking her bra and sliding down her panties. The Dark Lord gently laid Bellatrix down, mounting her, kissing her softly. Bellatrix was trying to be strong, she had to do this, she didn’t have a choice. Slowly Voldemort entered her, pushing himself in, holding there till her tight walls adjusted around him. Bellatrix whined and breathed deeply as he pushed in and held still, as he began to move in and out, Bellatrix started to whine and moan. Having felt this feeling in a long time, sure she had felt, Krys’ fingers inside her but it was completely different. This went on for a while Bellatrix had cum for him once but he was building up to insure their chances. As Bellatrix was about to cum for a second time, he pushed in deep holding her there, as he shot loads of hot cum into her, filling her. Bellatrix’s eyes grew wide as he came deep within her, as he finished he pulled out and started to dress. He gave Bellatrix a kiss, and left the room. As he left Bellatrix caught her breath, she felt so horrible she wanted to be held, she wanted Krys, but she knew as soon as Krys found out she would be so heart broken. By being with them both Bellatrix knew that The Dark Lord really didn’t care, he was only using her, but the 18 year old girl loved her and actually cared for her. Bellatrix looked for her clothes to dress, she’d have to explain everything to Krys who probably wouldn’t listen.
After Krys finished eating she apparated to just outside the manor, she noticed Voldemort leaving, she bowed to him and noticed him grab the crotch of his pants adjusting himself. Krys brushed it off even though it seemed unusual, she walked in the front door and made her way upstairs to her room and looked to see if Bellatrix was still there. When she noticed that the older witch wasn't in her room any more she made her way down the hall to Bellatrix's room, the door was open a crack so Krys just slowly pushed it open the rest of the way. Her heart sank at the sight before her, Bellatrix was half naked, Krys put two and two together and realized what had just happened. She refused to cry instead she dropped the bag of stuff she had picked up for the older witch in front of her, "So I guess you finally got what you wanted, you shouldn't be needing me anymore I suppose" ,Krys said quietly putting her head down not wanting to look at Bellatrix anymore. She felt so betrayed and used, hurt and lied to, Krys was a mix of emotions and all of them were bad. "Good bye Bellatrix" ,she turned and walked out the door and went back down the hall and into her room. She shut the door and dropped to her knees and cried harder then she had ever cried in her life, the young Snape had never experienced true heartbreak until now and she realized just how much it hurt, she would rather be crucioed by Voldemort for an hour straight then to feel this pain.

Krys walked over to her dresser and looked at herself in the mirror, she felt worthless like she'd never be good enough for anyone. Krys unbottoned her suit jacket and took it off, she proceeded to remove her tie and over shirt as well. When she was down to just wearing a tank top and her pants she reached into her pocket and pulled out her butterfly knife and twirled it open. She walked over to her bed and sat down, Krys looked at her right arm before cutting deeply into her skin, she gritted her teeth as the blade cut the flesh on her arm. She proceeded to cut three more cuts on each arm, she purposely missed the dark mark on her arm, even though Voldemort had slept with the woman she loved, Krys was still loyal until her dying day and that day could be today but she would never tarnish the dark mark.
Krys sat and watched as the blood poured out of her body and puddled at her feet, she began to feel dizzy and fainted collapsing on the floor causing a loud thud. The blood continued to gush from her arms and puddle around her limp body.

Narcissa had been sitting in the kitchen when she heard the loud bang caused by Krys' body hitting the floor, feeling that something just wasn't right she walked up to Krys' room and opened the door slowly. The sight made her let out a blood curdling scream, "SEVERUS! SEVERUS HURRY THE FUCK UP"! Narcissa yelled running over to Krys' lifeless body kneeling down beside her in the puddle of blood on the floor, tears poured from her eyes as she held Krys and kissed her forehead, "Why baby? Why"? ,she sobbed. "SEVERUS"! ,She yelled again crying hysterically. Snape turned the corner and he nearly fell to the floor in shock as he looked at his only child dying in Narcissa's arms, "Merlin" ,he choked before pulling out his wand and muttering a spell to close the wounds on Krys' arms. He then bandaged them up and cleaned the blood off of the floor. He then picked Krys up and placed her on the bed gently, "Narcissa there's a blood red potion in my cabinet grab it for me please be quick" ,Snape choked, his own tears starting to fall from his eyes. Narcissa left and returned quickly with the potion Snape requested. Severus poured the potion down his daughters throat and looked to Narcissa, "She nearly drained her body of half the blood in it, the potion will replace what blood was lost but she'll be in a coma for a few hours and when she wakes up she'll be weak for a few days" ,he told Narcissa. "I have to be back at the school, can you please watch her and make sure her bandages are changed regularly until the spell is done healing her" ,he asked. Narcissa nodded in agreement, "Go you need to get back to Hogwarts to watch over Draco, I'll do whatever needs to be done" ,she told him before he left. Narcissa took one last look at Krys before leaving the room and heading to her room to change out of the blood stained clothes she was wearing.
Bellatrix was half dress when she heard the door open, hearing a bag hit the floor. Slowly she brought herself to look at the young witch who looked so hurt. Bellatrix shook her head, “Krys…It’’s not like that, you know I need you,” Bellatrix said softly she looked at her hoping she’d look back, Bella’s eyes were wet, she looked as if she was about to cry, seeing the young witch so pained. “Krys…wait…” bellatrix stated pained as Krys left her, she bit her lip, grabbing her clothes to finish dressing. Tears falling from her face, she had felt similar pain like this before, except it was with Krys’ father. Bellatrix curled up on her bed crying into her pillow, she wished she could have told the Dark Lord no, wishing that she was stronger, and able to stand up but at the same time she would have died, if she refused.
Bellatrix would have followed after Krys but, she figured Krys would just need time and Bella needed to be able to form words to even explain it to her. Bellatrix jumped as she heard the thud, unsure of what it was until she heard her sister screaming for Severus. Krys had done something reckless. Bellatrix wanted to run over there to make sure she was alright but hearing the two scream and hearing the terror in their voices, thinking it better she stay where she was. She was able to hear what was going on, she heard her youngest sister crying, and her and Severus talk about the blood draining from her body, also hearing Snape choke on his words. Once Bellatrix heard the pop of Snape leaving, and Narcissa’s footsteps head away she snuck out of her room and into Krys’ seeing the lgirl so limp, so weak. Bellatrix started to cry, It was her fault, Krys would have died, and it was all Bella’s fault, She knew this pain, thee death or almost death of a loved one, she knew this all too well, But she didn’t think her love would do it, would do something so rash before knowing the whole story. Once Bellatrix gave her heart to someone it was theirs until they died, no longer wanted it, or they became more, but she would be loyal to them, in this case, The Dark Lord needed her for a mission and she had no choice but to except, but she still loved Krys. Bellatrix wanted to die herself, she didn’t care in a blink of an eye her world had crumbled again, A life without the young witch would be unbearable.
After about four hours Krys woke up and looked around the room, the sun was still out but it was beginning to set. She turned her head and seen a white rose sitting on her pillow, she picked it up and threw it on the floor then slowly got out of bed. Krys looked at her arms that were bandaged up, someone had saved her something she really didn't want to happen at that point in time. Krys made her way out of the room and down to the kitchen and sat at the table. Narcissa must've heard the young Snape's footsteps because soon after she appeared in the kitchen herself, "Krys, what happened"? Narcissa asked quietly putting a hand on her shoulder. Krys looked at her with sad eyes, "You guys should've let me die" ,Krys replied before making the house elf get her a bottle of rum. Narcissa grabbed two glasses from the cupboard and took the bottle from the elf when it returned. She poured them both a cup and looked at Krys again, "I could never just let you die, talk to me please" ,Narcissa said in an almost pleading tone. Krys looked at her and downed the glass of rum in one gulp, "Ask your sister" ,Krys said before grabbing the bottle and standing up. She walked out of the kitchen then out the front door, she sat on the porch and continued to drink out of the bottle to try and forget everything that had happened that day.
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