The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"I want to baby you though hun you deserve to be spoiled my love now and in a few months and forever and ever and ever" ,Krys stated she meant it, she was going to spoil Bellatrix and make her feel special like Krys believed the older witch should. When Bellatrix kissed Krys passionately Krys moaned softly at the feel of the older witch's lips pressed against hers she loved the feeling of Bellatrix everything about her was amazing, the way she kissed Krys was so passionate and filled with a bunch of different feelings all of them exciting, it was something no one else could make Krys feel. She grabbed Bella's hips lightly as they kissed not wanting to ever stop.
Bellatrix smiled as she kissed Krys, she liked that Krys wanted to care for her, she liked being cared for on top of that it gave her sister a break. Bellatrix arched her back slightly as Krys grabbed a hold of her hips. Not wanting to stop, but then remember what Narcissa had said, Bellatrix pulled away for a second then pointed her wand at the door to close it. "We don't need you're father to walk in again now do we?" She stated playfully, she wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Bellatrix began to kiss Krys again.
Krys bit her lip when Bellatrix shut the door, "What's on your mind hmm"? Krys asked playfully right before their lips met again. Krys massaged the older witch's hips as they kissed, the woman was intoxicating, this was way better then drinking or anything else for that matter. Krys moved her lips from Bella's and leaned down to kiss her neck, she tasted so sweet her skin was soft and inviting to Krys. "I love you so much, let's not ever fight again" ,Krys said before kissing Bellatrix passionately again.
Bellatrix giggled playfully back, not sure if it ment anything, but she didn't what to be told to stop or to get Krys into trouble with her father. Bellatrix's back arched again as they kissed and Krys massaging her hips loving the feeling. When Bellatrix was with Krys nothing seemed to matter not age, or mental stability, nothing the world was at peace. Bellatrix tilted her head to give Krys plenty of access to her neck. She Krys kissed her neck she squeaked slightly, her lips were soft on her skin, she loved it, she loved her. "I love you too...Agreed." Bellatrix stated before her lips were blocked.
Krys continued to kiss Bellatrix with passion and love, she loved the woman it didn't matter how much older she was or if people thought she was crazy or if she was on the most wanted list, all that mattered to Krys was that Bellatrix was hers and they were together. Krys broke the kiss and moved her lips to Bellatrix's ear and bit down softly, "You have no idea what you do to me" , she whispered right before biting down again.
Bellatrix felt loved when she was with Krys, whether they were fooling around or not, nothing mattered. Bellatrix was breathing heavily as Krys broke their kiss, as Krys made her breathless. Bellatix giggled again as Krys took hold of her ears in her teeth, they were like two kittens playing together. "No, no I don't...But I'm sure I'll find out." She stated smiling as Krys bit down again. Bellatrix's hands started to rub the front of Krys's shoulders gently.
Krys' breathing got heavy as Bellatrix continued to touch and kiss her, the woman knew how to push Krys to her limits, it was hard for the young Snape to contain her urges when her and Bellatrix were together. Krys moved her hands underneath the t-shirt she had given Bellatrix and rubbed her back loving the feel of the older witch's bare skin. "I knew there's be more I'd like about you wearing my clothes...." ,Krys smirked then bit her lip, "They give me easier access to what I want" ,Krys growled then kissed Bellatrix's neck again and moving back to her ear to tease the woman some more.
Krys was probably more playful then Bellatrix was. Testing her limits, which with Krys there were no limits to mind or watch. Bellatrix felt Krys snake up the shirt, her warm but slightly chillled hands touching her back, Bellatrix purred as Krys hands ran along her back. bellatrix looked at her slightly confused, then smiled, laughing softly. "Yes so they do..." Bellatrix sighed as she went from her neck to her ear, as she switched teasing Bellatrix lightly dug her claws into Krys' back knead gently.
Krys gasped when she felt Bellatrix's nails and bit down a little harder onto her neck, "Damn Bellatrix, you're so sexy you make me want to do dirty things to you" ,Krys said jokingly. She kissed Bellatrix's lips again as she continued to run her hands up and down the woman's back, she lightly dug her nails into Bellatrix's skin to tease her even more, Krys loved teasing and playing around with the woman, Bellatrix was really the only one she had ever done this with, any other girl would've been fucked then thrown out but Bellatrix was different she meant a lot to Krys and Krys enjoyed the fact that they could play around and not just have sex all the time, she felt as if she finally found a relationship that meant something more then just physicality, Krys felt loved.
Bellatrix's smile widend as she heard Krys gasp, but then she gasped and squeaked as she bit into her neck. "It's good to know i haven't lost my touch...If you did I wouldn't stop you," She joked backed. Bella sighed as Krys kissed her lips yet again. Bellatrix gasped as Krys dug her nails into her back. "Krys you are such a tease... I love it." Bellatrix stated kissing Krys again biting lightly on her bottom lip, trailing her claws on her shoulders.
Krys moaned as Bellatrix bit down on her lip and clawed her back, "Bellatrix you make me want you so bad" ,Krys told her after breaking the kiss. She trailed her hands up to Bellatrix's breasts and grabbed them gently then kissed the older witch kissing her softly and passionately. Krys had never wanted anyone so much in her life, Bellatrix was amazing and beautiful and she was hers. Krys licked Bellatrix's bottom lip then slid her tongue into her mouth kissing her even more passionately.
Bella's breath was still heavy as Krys broke the kiss again, Smiling brightly. Bellatrix arched her shoulders back as Krys took took hold of her breasts. Bellatrix kissed with the same softness and passion asKrys matching her. Krys was stunning, Bellatrix never thought she would ever want a woman like this ever in her life, but Krys was different, she was special, Bellatrix wished she was able to do more for the young witch, but she couldn't go out, that was the big one, she couldn't go shopping, she couldn't go to dinner/out to eat, she couldn't see a movie or take her dancing, with out being turned in and back to Azkaban. Another thing Bellatrix couldn't do was grow old with Krys, she was already old, she wasn't sure what or how to repay Krys. As Krys's tongue licked her lip and entered her mouth, Bellatrix sighed and met her tongue with her own wrapping around it, kissing so passionately.
Krys moaned into the kiss as their tongues met, she moved one of her hands down to grab Bellatrix's hip again and massage it wanting to turn the older witch on and make her feel as loved as she made Krys feel. Krys felt as if the two fit perfectly together as if their bodies just molded to each other every time they touched. Krys pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath she leaned her head on Bellatrix's not wanting to lose their closeness too much, "Bellatrix I want to be with you forever, I love you so much you're everything I've ever needed in my life" ,Krys breathed right before kissing her softly again.
Bellatrix whined as they kissed, while Krys' hand went back to her hip. Bellatrix was turned on though she hadn't said anything, that's why she continued to play aroound, she was in a playful mood, and just being with Krys felt more powerful than any other magic. She now knew how Narcissa felt with Lucius, Bella had never had anyone who cared so much other than Krys's father and now her. Rudolphus had cared at first but Bellatrix couldn't love him. She looked into Krys's eyes as they stayed close to each other, breathing. "We will be, and if and when I die, I'll wait for you after you've lived you're life and we'll go off know, if there was ever a choice, between saving you or keeping my magic, I'd give up my powers inorder to save you." Bellatrix stated and she ment it, both of them, she'd give anything to save Krys, she had found love and she never wanted to lose her. Bellatrix sighed as krys kissed her softly.
Krys continued to kiss and touch Bellatrix, "I'd give up anything for you love, I realized I can't live happily without you....those few weeks we weren't speaking to each other killed me" ,Krys admitted. "I cried a lot". Krys ran her hand up into Bellatrix's shorts and rubbed her thigh gently as she looked into the older witch's eyes. "There is no where I would rather be then right here with you", Krys leaned up and kissed the woman again, she just couldn't get enough of Bellatrix.
"Neither can I, I cried so much, I was shocked that the room hadn't flooded. I couldn't bare it...I went to find you an...." Bellatrix stated then paused for a split second. "Any how we're talking now and that's all that matters, as long as we have each other." She stated trying not to think of what had happened last night. Bellatrix shifted slightly as Krys rubbed her thigh. Bella smiled happily at Krys' statement, "Nor would I, well if not here in my bed then over there in yours." She said playfully, she didn't care where she was as long as she was with Krys. Bellatrix kissed her back cuddling into her gently, still kneeding Krys' shoulders.
Krys loved the way Bellatrix touched her and the way they could just cuddle and be content, nothing else really mattered to Krys when Bellatrix was around. Krys laid with Bellatrix for a while kissing and holding her. After a while the puppy crawled up and licked Krys' face making her laugh, "You're a cute little guy aren't you"? She giggled like a little girl for once, Krys' weakness had to be animals, she sometimes liked them more then people. The puppy squeaked as Krys played with him, "You know what we should go introduce you to Narcissa, she'll like you a lot" ,Krys sat there talking to the puppy and petting him softly. Krys looked over at Bellatrix, "We should probably go and let her know we're ok now" ,Krys suggested.
Bellatrix felt the pup sneak up and steal a kiss from Krys, "Hey who said you could cut in?" Bella asked the small pup, petting him lightly. "He's a sweetie." Bellatrix stated then smiled at Krys's laugh it was so cute. "I know someone else who is a cutie too." She stated refering to Krys. "That's a great idea Cissy likes pets. Yeah that's probably a good idea too." Agreed Bellatrix with a soft smile. She kissed Krys softly and gently sliding off the bed, waiting for Krys.
Krys got up and scooped the little puppy into her arms and kissed it on the head. She followed Bellatrix down to the sitting room where Narcissa was, "Hey Narcissa" ,Krys said before sitting down on the couch, she pet the puppy as it snuggled up to her. Narcissa looked up and noticed the small dog, "Aw he's so cute" ,she said excitedly. Krys smiled and handed the pup to Narcissa who grabbed it and immediately started snuggling and kissing it, Krys laughed a little bit at how Narcissa was acting with the puppy. "So are you two ok now, no more of this suicidal rubbish" ,Narcissa said looking at the two in the room. Krys kissed Bellatrix on the cheek and smiled, "I think we're ok" ,she joked pulling Bellatrix closer to her and putting her arm around the older witch. After a few minutes Draco walked in followed by Pansy and the two boys. Pansy shot Krys a nasty look when she seen her sitting with Bellatrix, Krys paid no mind to it mainly because she was focused on Narcissa playing with the puppy, it was entertaining. Pansy leaned in toward Draco and whispered something that sounded a lot like 'fucking skank' while she glared at Krys.
Bellatrix watched as Narcissa played with the pup, she hadn't seen her this excited in awhile, it was so cute. Bellatrix watched her sister for a bit, smiling as she asked if they were okay, smiling wider as Krys kissed her. "We're fine Cissy." she stated then giggled as Krys pulled her closer. "Hello Sweetie." Bellatrix said finally seeing Draco. Bellatrix saw the girl but was trying to ignore her, looking toward her sister. Bellatrix heard the gir whisper 'fucking skank,' quickly Bellatrix snapped her head, her eyes looking wild and crazy, letting out a dark hiss, "What did you say?" She asked quickly, she stood and took out her wand pointing it at Pansy's heart.
Krys stood up quickly when Bellatrix pulled her wand on Pansy, she wrapped her arms around Bella's waist and pulled her close to her. "Relax love you can't be stressing yourself out like this" ,Krys whispered into the older witch's ear. Pansy looked at Bellatrix then at Krys, "So you fuck me then go and mess around with her"? Pansy said nastily. Draco looked confused for a moment, "Wait you fucked Krys, was that before or after you were in my room, fucking me"? He snapped. Pansy's face turned red and she bit her lip, "Draco it's not like that, I had sex with Krys before we got together" ,she told him. Krys' eyes widened and she shook her head, "Wow erm yeah this is awkward" ,Krys said. Pansy glared at Krys, "You're still more of a fucking skank then me, does your girlfriend know how you treat women Krys, Does she know about how you used to talk to your ex like she was a piece of garbage and that you slapped her across the face" ,Pansy hit a personal nerve with Krys. "Pansy you don't know shit about that so shut the fuck up or I'll let my GIRLFRIEND curse you" ,Krys threatened. Pansy laughed, "You're fucking nasty Krys you chose someone who's twice your fucking age and has probably fucked almost everyone she's ever met over me" ,Pansy hissed. "Yeah well at least when I fuck Bellatrix I don't have to shove my fist in her for her to get pleasure, so who really fucks everyone Pansy, your twat is like a black hole keep fucking talking" ,Krys snapped back making Draco laugh. Narcissa looked as if she were about to slap the girl across the face for the way she talked about Bellatrix. At this point Krys had let go of Bellatrix and was standing face to face with Pansy. "You have no fucking respect and it pisses me off you don't come into Narcissa's house and act like this" ,Krys stated calmly. Pansy sighed then slapped Krys across the face hard. "Fuck you Krys you're a worthless piece of shit and you always will be, continue living off your daddy, what are you gonna do when he dies you stupid bitch" ,Pansy kept slapping Krys in between every word. Krys avoided hitting the girl back because if she did she'd hurt her and she knew it.
Bellatrix held her wand in place but turned her head looking at her waist as Krys wrapped her arms around her then up to Krys' face, her eyes still had that crazed look to them. Bellatrix started to lower her wand until Pansy spoke again, "She was mine before she was yours you whore!" Bellatrix snapped. Bella turned her head to look at Draco, "Oh, so you mess around with MY girlfriend then you go after my nephew...hmmm I'm not liking these odds against you." Bellatrix stated in a minor sing song voice, wand still raised. "What a good 5 minutes after she was fucking you, you ran to him, for another go? At least I know where my loyalities lie." she stated slightly calmer but the girl was begining to make Bella sick. Bellatrix tilted her head slightly, slowly lowering her wand a bit. "Krys? What she talkin about?" Bell asked curiously about what Pansy had said about Krys' ex. At that Bella's hand and head snapped back to Pansy, as she sugguested Bellatrix was a slut, and called Krys sick for choosing an older mate. Bellatrix didn't think talking about them having sex was awkward at all, most people would. Though she didn't need to know the detail about Pansy. Bellatrix watched the two of them as Krys walked over to her. Bellatrix's eyes grew wide at what she said and at the fact that the Bitch was slapping Krys. 'Why is she not fighting back?' Bellatrix thought. Bella wasn't one to really be physical unless need be, but with her wand she was brillant. She knew that she could hurt Pansy easily, she had the power and she was pissed, not giving it a second thought moving over slightly as to not hit Krys, Bella flicked her wand and shouted "CURICO!" She kept at it for a few minutes, not at her full power it was light but painful, before becoming light headed, falling back onto the couch holding both her head and stomach.
Krys jumped when she seen Pansy drop to the floor while Bellatrix cursed her, when Bellatrix fell back Krys ran over to her. "PANSY GET THE FUCK OUT OR GO INTO THE FUCKING GUESTROOM BUT GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM BEFORE I KILL YOU"! Krys yelled as she sat beside Bellatrix and pulled her close to her. "Are you ok love"? She asked quietly stroking the side of Bellatrix's face gently. She looked to the house elf, "Go get her something to" ,she said. When the elf returned with a cup of juice Krys took it and handed it to Bellatrix, "Here this should make you feel better". Krys held Bellatrix close to her and tried to get her to relax so she wouldn't stress herself any more.
Bellatrix's breathing was heavy, Bella still didn't let go of her stomach moving the other hand from her head to her belly as Krys pulled her close. Bella looked up at Krys and nodded her head, "Yeah...I'm okay, I'm fine. just a little light headed is all." She whispered softly. Bella took the juice sipping at it, "Well now we know I can't do heavy magic for a while..." She stated trying to think of the possitive. Bellatrix had calmed down some finishing her drink. After a few minutes Bella began to feel strange, wiggling out of Krys's grasp, her eyes grew wide as she ran to the nearest bathroom, falling to her knees hovering over the toilet.
"Yeah you'll have to take it easy for a while, no more advanced spells love" ,Krys replied. When Bellatrix ran to the bathroom Krys rushed in after her, she held her hair back knowing the woman was going to puke. "Listen when you're finished we'll go back to your room and lay down, I'll make you something to eat so your stomach can settle and let you relax, I'll run you a bath as well, you need to relax love" ,Krys told her as she rubbed Bellatrix's back with her free hand.
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