The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix stayed in place as she yaked into the toilet while Krys held her hair. She whined slightly nodding her head agreeing with Krys as she spit up again. She waited a few mintues, making sure she was finished before moving, flushing it down standing up gently. Bellatrix held onto Krys as she stood, she hated getting sick and she knew there was more to come for a bit any way. "Thank you..." she stated softly.
"You're welcome love, come on let's go get you cleaned up and comfortable, I already have the elf making you a light snack" ,Krys helped Bellatrix back to her room and laid her on the bed she then left for a moment to get the puppy and bring him back into the room. She placed the dog on the end of the bed then laid down next to Bellatrix and pulled the covers over them. Krys summoned a cup of water and some mouthwash, "Here spit it into the cup when you're done cleaning up" ,Krys told her as she handed her the stuff. Krys rubbed Bellatrix's belly in a soothing way to comfort her further.
Bellatrix nodded her head and went with Krys back upstairs to her room to relax. Another reason why Bella probably got sick besides being pregnant was because she hadn't been eating normally, then ate a big Breakfast. Bellatrix layed there, and took a few deep breaths this was going to be rough. She watched as Krys left then returned with the puppy. She took the cup and mouthwash from Krys, cleaning her mouth extremely well, before spitting into the cup. "She's so lucky I didn't kill her...I would have without a second thought." she stated then looked over at Krys, "What did she mean about you hitting and treating someone like trash?" Bellatrix questioned curiously, granted before they realized they cared for the other one, they called each other every name in the book. She placed her hand a top of Krys as she rubbed her belly.
Krys sighed, "The girl was Pansy's friend, I never hit her I shoved her because she was punching me and she fell to the floor and scraped up her arm pretty bad, both her and Pansy made it sound like I beat the shit out of her and for the record we both treated each other like shit the only reason I looked so bad is again Pansy and that little bitch made me out to be a monster" ,Krys explained if Bellatrix wanted to know she might as well hear it from Krys and get the truth instead of from someone else who would most likely lie through their teeth. "The only person who believed me was Draco, my last year at Hogwarts sucked because of that shit".
"I should have killed her..." Bellatrix stated again after she heard what Krys had said. Pansy didn't deserve to get away that easily. I believe you, you've never given me reason to think other wise, you're kind, and gentle, and snuggly." She stated though Bella sounded like she had discribed a teddy bear, but it was true then again maybe it was just her love talking. Bellatrix couldn't believe the nasty things that girl had said, Bella did feel a little self coinscious about herself though, again she was older, much older than Krys. "If I have to change anyones mind I soon as I ditch the little sea monkey I'll make them pay." She said smiling slightly.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix said she trusted her, it was nice to hear it was even nicer to hear Bellatrix compliment her the way she did, "You're so fucking cute you know that" ,Krys said right before kissing her on the head. "Don't call it a sea monkey love it's a baby not a creature" ,Krys said laughing. "And don't worry about changing anyone's mind I don't care what they think as long as I got you I'm happy everyone else can fuck off if they don't like me, I got who I want" ,Krys smiled and kissed Bellatrix quickly then snuggled into her wrapping the blankets around the both of them even more.
"No I'm not....You're the cute one." Bellatrix smiled playfully at her. Bellatrix raised an eye brow, "Are you sure about that...I mean after all it is my child...Lord only knows whats going to come right now it's a fetus so in other words a sea monkey." She teased and joked, giggling, she wasn't going to add the fact that the Dark Lord didn't look exactly human, so who knows how the child will look. "Oooh Krys, All I ever need is you...and Cissy...and the baby...and the puppy..and that's it. I found who I want. " Bella smiled cuddling into her, snuggling into the blanket.
Krys held Bellatrix close and looked into her beautiful eyes, she could get lost for hours just looking into the woman's eyes. "You're so beautiful and I'm sure the baby will be too" ,Krys said. She kissed Bellatrix softly as they laid there, "I love just being in here alone with you, seems like whenever we go anywhere someone starts something" ,Krys joked right before kissing her playfully. Krys ran her fingers through Bellatrix's hair and bit her lip, "I love you, I can't say it enough".
Bellatrix looked back into Krys' sparkling blue eyes, they were so light compared to her own. "Thanks as are you, I hope so...I wonder how much I'll actually be able to raise the child, or if it will just be taken." She thought aloud, thinking to the future for once since she had gotten pregnant. Bella smiled as krys kissed her soft and gentle. " I do too, I think it will always be that way Love, no one will understand, well besides Cissy she seems okay with it now." Bellatrix stated she knew there would have been problems with this not that she cared anymore she loved Krys and that was all that mattered. "I love you too Baby. I love hearing"

Narcissa had been doubling as Bellatrix's healer, since Bellatrix couldn't walk into St. Mungol's. Bella was now about 6 months along, with a very heathly baby. She no longer left her room unable to go up and down stairs without the baby kicking her painfully. Bellatrix could no longer fit on the windowsil so she stood and looked out the window, she was bored she wanted to go outside and go on walks but she was limited with the baby inside of her. The only place Bellatrix was able to get to without much trouble was the Library, she had been searching for names she didn't have a clue of what the gender was but she was still searching.
Krys' work had doubled, she was doing a lot more now that Bellatrix couldn't do any missions. Krys would leave early in the day and not come home until late at night, she ran around doing the dark lords missions without complaining. She would always stop at the sweet shop in Diagon Alley before she'd return home to buy Bellatrix something nice to keep her happy knowing the stress she must be under. Krys walked into the manor drenched from head to toe because it was pouring outside, for once she was home at a decent hour. "My goodness Krys you poor thing, go dry off and I'll fix you some tea" ,Narcissa told her when she seen her walk in. Krys made her way upstairs to Bellatrix's room before going to change, she placed the bag of cookies she bought on the bed and smiled weakly at the older witch, "The bag might be a bit wet but I cast a charm on the contents to keep them dry" ,Krys told her shivering her teeth chattering. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go change into something dry". Krys went to her room and changed into her pajamas and made her way back into Bellatrix's room and sat on the bed, she was still cold so she pulled the blanket up onto herself, "How was your day love"? Krys asked as she laid back onto the pillow.
Bellatrix was looking at yet another baby book which she was sick of looking at. She was sick of a lot of things, the limited movement was driving her mad, it was like Azkaban except Bella could at least pace with ease, now she waddled. Bella heard the door open and looked up, "Krys you're home earily....and you're soaked, it's that bad out?" She asked, she would have gotten up and went over to her but it was getting more difficult to move without help. "Okay, I'm not going anywhere." She smiled softly once Krys was got Bella lit the fire place though she was cozy she saw that Krys was freezing. When she came back her smile grew, "You know the more sweets you bring us the larger the babe and I will get." She joked though she loved the sweets and so did the unborn babe. "My day, same as always, not alowed on the stairs because the baby will kill me, still searching for names, no longer able to see my feet. How was your day? You look so tired love you should get some rest. Oh Cissy says the baby is fine still not sure of the gender if not she's just not telling me. What did you have to do this time?"
Krys laid rubbed Bellatrix's stomach, she loved feeling the baby kick when it did a cheesy smile came across Krys' face. "I'm sorry you're limited love" ,she said as she rubbed her belly. Krys laughed when Bellatrix said that she was going to make her and the baby huge if she kept getting them sweets. "I can't help it I know you like them and even if you got huge I'd love you just the same" ,Krys told her. She snuggled even closer cuddling the older witch. "I had to finish up the cabinet today, then I had to find some idiot and get information out of him to find another idiot, then I had to torture idiot number two because he wanted to get all proud on me, fucking moron, then after I got the info I reported to the dark lord and then I went to pick you and the baby up some cookies then I came home" ,Krys told her. Narcissa appeared in the door way, "Here Krys love I brought you some tea, and for you Bella a hot chocolate" ,Narcissa said as she placed the cups on the bed side table, she stayed for a bit to play with the puppy, "I'm stealing him for a little bit, I'll bring him back later I bought something for him" ,she said as she picked the small puppy up and cradled him like a baby. After Narcissa left the room Krys could hear her talking to the puppy the whole way to her room and it made her giggle.
Bellatrix could feel the baby kicking, it was being gentle now but before, one hurt so much she started to cry. She saw the smile that crept onto Krys' face which made her smile, Krys had been with Bella through tthe whole thing and she was gad for that it would've been murder alone. "It's okay, it's not your fault, plus it will be over soon. " She chuckled a bit. "I know they are so yummy, I know you would, I can't wait to run about again." Bella stated she missed running around and that would be great exercise. She closed the book wrapping her arm around Krys, as she snuggled in. "Idiots when will they ever learn? Well as soon as I'm able to go out again you are taking a break, you'll work yourself to death." She stated concerned knowing for a fact that her work load was twice as much without Bella. "Evening Cissy...Aww Thanks, you're the best. Don't spoil the pup too much." Bellatrix thanked then teased her sister as she craddled the puppy and carried him, away. She loved when Krys giggled it was so cute, Bellatrix yelped as the baby kicked her side hard, making her sit up, she held her stomach breathing deeply.
Krys sat up when Bellatrix did and quickly put her hand on top of Bellatrix's hand that was holding her stomach where the baby had kicked. "Aw love I'm sorry I'll tell ya I think you're having a boy with the way that baby rough houses all the time" ,Krys joked trying to make Bellatrix forget about the pain. Krys leaned down so that her face was near Bellatrix's stomach, "Ay you in there stop kicking your mum it's not nice" ,Krys said as if she were reprimanding a child. Krys moved her head back up to Bellatrix's then she kissed her, "Lay back down love you need some rest, I'll go get you another pillow to hug during the night I heard it helps with soothing the baby so it doesn't kick as much".
"It's okay, that one wasn't that bad, they have been worse," She stated the pain started to go away some."You never know, it could be a tough little girl, or a rough little boy, either way, I'll still love whatever it is, as soon as it gets out of me." She stated, watching as krys spoke to her belly,"Trust me I've tried it doesn't like me, I tell it to stop and it kicks more." She said thinking the baby was out to get her but maybe it was just her unstable mind. Bellatrix kissed Krys and layed back down, "You need more rest than I do." She spoke honestly Krys had been running around like a rag dool.Bellatrix grabbed her cup taking a drink. "Okay, If you think it will help..."
Krys got up and grabbed Bellatrix an extra pillow, she walked back over to the bed and put the pillow against Bellatrix's stomach then cuddled up to her wrapping her arm around her waist. "I hope this helps love" ,Krys said quietly. She kissed Bellatrix's neck softly as they laid there, "I love you so much, thank you for being so great to me". It didn't take long for Krys to doze off she was tired and her body was begging for sleep.
Bellatrix smiled at her, "Thank you love." she said cuddling with the pillow hoping the babe would calm down.Then as Krys cuddled up to her she wrapped her arms around Krys. It was nice to cuddle with Krys they hadn't cuddled in a long time, because Krys was always working and Bellatrix had a hard time staying up with the baby, she always felt tired. "I love you too baby, me, great to you? No you've been so amazing to me. Get some rest love" She stated softly kissing the top of Krys' head turning off the lights, and falling asleep.
Krys woke up early in the morning as usual and ordered the elf to get her and Bellatrix some breakfast, she didn't have anything to do for the day so she planned on staying in bed with Bellatrix all day. She waited for Bellatrix to get up before she got up to feed the dog, Narcissa must've brought him back while they were sleeping. "Morning love, how did you sleep"? Krys asked looking over at Bellatrix as she poured the dog food into a bowl, then filled another with water. When Krys finished feeding the dog she made her way back to Bellatrix and kissed her deeply. "I miss being able to just lay with you".
bellatrix was still asleep she was hardly up earily unless the baby got her up. Bellatrix started to stir, feeling a bit rested. "Morning, Peacefully for once, the baby was still all night. The pillow trick works." She stated softly still waking up. "What about you? Did you sleep well?" She asked then stifled a yawn. As Krys kissed her deeply she sighed into her kiss missing it, since Krys was always working. "I miss it too love, I miss you..." She stated Bellatrix felt lonely besides the baby and the puppy, and narcissa from time to time, "Everything will be back to normal in about 3 months." She stated it was getting closer to Bellatrix's due date.
Krys smiled, "After the baby's born and you're all healed up I'm going to fuck you like an animal" ,Krys said half joking right before kissing Bellatrix's neck. After a few minutes the elf came into the room with breakfast and set everything up for Bellatrix and Krys. "Mmmm food, I haven't ate real food in a while, I've been living off of chips and beef jerky" ,Krys said as she made them both a plate. Krys began eating and the puppy came onto the bed and started begging Krys for her bacon, "You're so spoiled you know that" ,Krys said jokingly as she gave the dog a piece of the bacon on her plate. She leaned down and kissed the little pup on the head then scratched behind his ears.
Bellatrix smiled brightly at Krys chuckling at her statement. Though Bellatrix didn't doubt it, having a feeling though she was teasing she meant it all the same. "Well that's something to look forward too." she teased back though she was half joking as well, she wanted Krys, though in her current state she couldn't have her. "Krys...You need to find time to eat at least one meal, that's not heathly." She stated concerned. "Than you," she stated before she feed both her and the baby. "Wooks wike you has baby too." Bella teased as the pup begged for bacon. "So you're free today?"
"I know I should eat but I just don't have the time" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's statement. She laughed at the comment about the puppy, "Yeah he is my wittle baby, and I loves him" ,Krys said cutely. "Yeah I'm free today the dark lord is sending someone else out seeing there's nothing too serious that needs to be done today" ,Krys took another bite of food and gave the puppy a piece of ham, every time Krys took a bite she gave the small pup something. "I plan on sticking to you like glue today love I've missed you so much lately".
"Well we'll have to find a way to fit it in." She stated, aa person couldn't live off of chips and jerky. "I can tell, he is a sweetie. You're so cute." Bellatrix stated. Bellatrix smiled "That's good you deserve a break, from work. I don't have a problem with that I've missed you too baby. I always miss you expecially when you leave before I wake and return once I'm asleep." She stated Bellatrix felt so alone as of late with out Kris
Krys kissed Bellatrix softly, "You're the cute one" ,Krys said playfully. She finished her breakfast then cuddled up to Bellatrix, it was nice to have a day off to spend with the older witch. "I hate leaving before you wake up, lately it feels like we never get any time together, I'm so happy to just lay here with you" ,Krys told her. She laid back onto the bed and the puppy climbed onto her and laid down, "Look at you, Mr.Spoiled you're so lucky you're cute" ,Krys said jokingly as she pet the dog and he fell asleep. "Uh oh now I'm not gonna be able to move for an hour, not that I planned to anyway" ,Krys said with a smile.
Bellatrix giggled at krys as she called her cute. Bellatrix had a new habit of eatting fast to appease her baby, who seemed to always be hungry. Bella was happy that Krys was home for once as of late, she missed her terribly. "I know love, it's okay though everything will go back to normal soon. We'll be together nearly all the time I'm happy you're home today." Bellatrix smiled at her kissing her softly. Looking at the pup now on Krys' lap, "You know when the baby is born, she is mine again." Bellatrix purred, she didn't always like to share but the puppy was cute and was there for the baby, which is going to be a full time job. "No you're stuck in bed with me and the pup." she joked.

Unfortunately their day together was over faster than expected and another few days had past, Bellatrix was stuck in the house alone with the puppy and the house elves. Everyone else was either working, or at school, and Narcissa needed to go and get something from the store. She was bored out of the mind one hand on her belly and the other was petting the dog. Bellatrix decided to strech her legs and walk around the halls. Rudolphus was lurking outside watching and waiting, once Narcissa had left he quietly snuck inside and made his way upstairs. Seeing Bellatrix walking, Bellatrix looked up and saw him her eyes grew wide. "Rudolphus? What are you doing here?" She asked shocked, she was unarmed and was in no condition to fight. "Well I came to talk with you, hopefully you had learned you lesson, but know i come back and see you pregnant." He stated. "It's not what you think Rudy..." She stated but was interupted, "Like Hell Bellatrix I am still your husband and first you go to that dike then you leave the bitch and go to another man, and are baring a child, i'm so sick of you're shit, enough is enough, I'll kill you myself, but I want you to feel pain so I'll start with the unborn child." He started yelling at her, and she started to back up, her breathing was heavy as. Then she was knocked backwards falling to the ground, "Curcio!" Rudy cursed Bellatrix and in her state she was sensitive to everything, she screamed bloody murder, her body in so much pain she was crying. A house elf popped up to see what was going on. "GET KRYS!!!!" She screamed and the house elf was gone before Rudolphus could try and hit it.

The elf arrived to find Krys on the job, "Miss Krys...Mistress Bellatrix...Master Rudolphus...Help!!" It stated in a paniced tone, before leaving with her.
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