The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix smiled at her response, then nodded her head slightly as she wanted krys to lay with her. Bellatrix actually hated to be alone while in bed, always liking to cuddle. Bella was so used to Krys changing in front of her, it didn't phaze her half the time anymore. She looked over at her sister, "They shouldn't be looking then, she's mine." Bella teased smiling at both of them. Bellatrix wasn't sure how well she could move, so she let Krys cuddle up to her, smiling nuzzling her head on Krys shoulder gently. Bellatrix was still smiling then frowned and a crazed mad look appeared in her eyes, at the mention of her husband who wouldn't be taking care of her not that Bellatrix would let him unless need be, he'd be off getting drunk. Bella's body tensed slightly, she still wanted to kill him after what he had been doing to her in the past year.
Krys felt Bellatrix tense up at the mention of Rodolphus and before Bellatrix could snap and say something out of anger Krys kissed her passionately. "I think I'm gonna go find Lucius" ,Narcissa said giggling at the sight of Krys kissing her sister. She stood up and walked to the door, "Get some rest Bella if you need anything just let the elf know and he'll come tell me" ,Narcissa told her sister before leaving her room. Krys broke the kiss and looked at Bellatrix, "I love you so much" ,she whispered quietly before kissing Bellatrix's forehead again and snuggling up to her more.
As Kiss passionately kissed her she arched a bit moving hitting a sore spot, Bellatrix sighed, and whimpered in slight pain into Krys' kiss. Bellatrix listened to her sister who was leaving to find her husband, unable to pull away from Krys, she gave her sister a moovement of her hand saying she understood that if see needed her she'd tell the elf. As Krys broke the kiss, Bella inhalded deeply unable to do that before, not expecting Krys to kiss her. "I love you too baby." she said softly holding onto Krys lightly, a light in Bella's mind went off. The Baby was born they'd have to call the Dark Lord, though she'd rather wait until morning, being over exhausted from giving birth.
Krys held Bellatrix until she dozed off, Krys woke up early in the morning seeing she fell asleep early in the night. Krys got out of the bed slowly making sure she didn't wake Bellatrix, she made her way to the bathroom and took a shower. When she finished she got dressed and told the elf to make breakfast for Bellatrix and herself. She sat down in a chair in the room and waited for Bellatrix to get up, she went over to the baby to check on her a few times to make sure she was alright.
Bellatrix was alseep in no time, she felt drained of everything. There was in no way, shape, or form that Bella would awaken early, she had been through a lot in the past couple of hours. Unfortunately Bella's senses took over, smelling food and her stomach growled which woke her up. She opened her eyes and looked around Krys was no longer in bed with her. but she was curled under the blanket. She looked to the basenet where the baby was, then around the room she had gotten worried for a moment until she saw Krys in a chair. She sighed, "Morning."
Krys smiled when she heard Bellatrix talk, "Good morning love, I hope I didn't wake you up, I got you some breakfast" ,Krys said as she grabbed Bellatrix's plate and brought it over to her, she sat down on the bed next to Bellatrix and grabbed her own plate, "Mmmm Pancakes" ,Krys said smiling, she had been on a pancake kick for a while now. Krys heard a whimper and looked down to see the puppy with his eyes wide begging for the sausage on Krys' plate, "Ehh here you go" ,she said playfully as she threw a piece to the pup and pet him on his head. Krys turned to Bellatrix and kissed her on the cheek, "Did you sleep well my love"?
"No you didn't, but something smelled good and I got hungry...You're the best." Bellatrix stated okay maybe it was Krys but she didn't care. "You and your pancakes," Bella said, she knew Krys enjoyed her pancakes. "I thought you were going to stop that, if not the pup is going to eat your whole meal one day." Bella said looking at her as she ate her pancakes. "Fairly well Love, Thanks what about you?" Bellatrix questioned. "Krys in a bit do you mind calling the Dark Lord, I haven't the stregth and I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know the babe was born."
"Yeah but he's so cute I can't help it when he looks at me with those eyes" ,Krys said in response. "And I'm not the best you are love". Krys continued to eat her food and let the dog have a few more bites. "Yeah I'll summon him when I'm finished eating" ,Krys told her. She finished up her food rather quick like usual then summoned the dark lord. She heard the baby whine and she walked over to the bassinet and picked her up and brought her to Bellatrix, "I think she wants you" ,she said. Krys sat beside Bellatrix as the two waited for the dark lord to arrive.
"True it's okay he gets scraps from me every now and again." Bella smiled and stated. "I love you." She stated then continued to eat. For once she was finished before Krys was. Bella looked over to where the baby was when she heard the whine, "She hardly knows me, how could she want me." Bella joked, cradling the baby, to sooth her. "What do you think of Iracebeth?" Bellatrix asked, still thinking of what to call her, though Iracebeth wasn't a consitlation it was still an interesting and pretty name.
Krys smiled, "She knows you, I mean you two were connected for 9 months" ,she said. "I think that's a lovely name Bellatrix". After a while there was a pop and the dark lord stood before them Krys got off of the bed and bowed to show respect. He looked at Bellatrix and the baby in her arms. "Krys take a seat" ,he told the young witch and she obliged. "Yes my lord" ,Krys stated as she sat down in a chair facing him. She was a bit nervous not knowing what to expect from the man, he was now a father and Krys quite frankly didn't know what that meant due to him always being busy.
"Yes, well there is that, but if we were separated now, she wouldn't know me at all."  Bellatrix stated softly. She smiled at Krys glad that she liked the name choice, she hoped the Dark Lord would too. Bellatrix heard the pop and looked up, noticing it was the Dark Lord she bowed her head, before looking back up to him. "My Lord, The babe was born around eight last night, She's a beautiful healthy little girl, I was thinking of naming her Iracebeth." Bellatrix spoke softly still holding the baby in her arms. 
The dark lord paced around for a bit before taking a seat himself facing both Krys and Bellatrix, "It's a girl"? He asked coldly almost as if he were disappointed. "Well I guess we can't always get what we expect, we'll just have to work harder with certain things". Krys was unsure of what the dark lord meant by this but she didn't dare question him. "Krys....seeing as I'm too busy to be able to raise this child myself, and seeing you and Bellatrix have become rather close I want you to help raise this child, quite frankly you're the only one other then myself that I trust doing so" ,Krys was surprised with his words, she never knew how much trust Voldemort had for her and to trust her with helping Bellatrix raise his child meant he must trust her a decent amount. "Y-Yes of course my lord" ,Krys said in response, she didn't know what exactly to think, she was nervous as hell and didn't really know how well she would do with helping to raise a child. She could torture and kill someone any day of the week but parenting....well that was just scary to her, she worried she wouldn't be good enough for the job.

Krys' thoughts were broken by the dark lord's voice, "I have to get going once more, I trust that you two won't let me down" ,with that he left and Krys had her head down. "B-Bellatrix.....I...I'm not sure I'm good enough for this" ,Krys admitted quietly. "All I can promise is to do my best and I'm sorry if I end up screwing things up, I've never took care of a child before". She made her way back over to the bed and sat down next to Bellatrix and looked at the baby, she smiled then grabbed the tiny girl's hand.
Bellatrix watched the Dark Lord pace the floor, he didn't look too pleased. "Yes...My Lord, it's a girl..." Bellatrix confirmed holding the child closer to her. She was confused by what he said, work harder with certain things? He had trained Bellatrix with hardly any troubles. Bellatrix smiled, basically it would be like if her and Krys had a baby together instead of her and Voldemort. Bellatrix was happy that meant Krys wouldn't be on as many missions and nor would Bella they could play happy family together. "Of course not my lord," she stated, she couldn't let him down when it was her child too. Bella tilted her head, "Of course you are, you'll be fine, Do you think I've been a mother before, A sister yes but not a mother, this is why we have Cissy. That's all that can be asked love, you wont screw it up. It's not too difficult I used to baby sit for my parents, watching both sisters."
Bellatrix's words made Krys feel a little bit better, the older witch was right they did have Narcissa there and she had Draco so she knew how to raise a child. "So I guess we won't be going out as much from now on....not that I'm complaining at all, it's nice being here with you, when you're all healed up I have a surprise for you" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She continued to hold the baby's hand, it was so tiny compared to hers. "She's so little" ,Krys said smiling cutely. "I have a confession....I've never really seen a baby before" ,Krys was an only child and she had never really explored anything outside the manor or Hogwarts. Krys was happy for Bellatrix the woman looked as if she had knew exactly what she was doing with the baby, it was amazing.
"No, no we wont, Not like i went anywhere besides missions..." Bellatrix felt bad that Krys could no longer have a normal life thanks to her husband. She figured Krys being the age she was would go mad unable to go out. She smiled at Krys' words she liked being around Krys. "Asurprise, Tell me, what is it? Pleeease." Bellatrix stated though she had a feeling she knew what it was. "Yes she's tiny now, but painful before." She stated the baby was quite small but it hurt Bella to give Iracebeth life.Bellatrix tilted her head to the side, "You've never seen a baby before?"She asked curiously.
"I will not tell you what your surprise is because then it wouldn't be a surprise, I actually have a few surprises for you" ,Krys teased. She looked at the baby and tickled her softly. "Don't worry Bellatrix love if you take those potions as directed you should be healed within one maybe two weeks at most, Trust me it's worth the wait". Krys laid back and cuddled up to Bellatrix and the baby, "How are you feeling today though love"? Krys asked wondering if the potions were working at least a little bit so far.
Bellatrix pouted playfully, wanting to know what Krys had in store. She sighed, "Fine, I'll have to be pateint then." Bella watched the baby figet a bit, as Krys tickled her. "Weeks! I was back doing missions after azkaban 4 days after." She stated then sighed again. Bellatrix looked at Krys as she cuddle close, still in a lot of pain, Don't ever get pregnant on purpose anyway..." Bellatrix looked back to the baby, smiling at her.
"I don't plan on getting pregnant anytime soon love don't worry about that" ,Krys told her. She kissed Bellatrix on the cheek and snuggled into the older witch's neck. "I know it's going to be a bit but who knows sometimes the potions work faster on different people and you're strong so they may just work faster with you" ,Krys told her reassuringly. "So do you need anything love? I'm here to do whatever you need me to, just ask". Krys knew Bellatrix liked to be independent but she still insisted on helping the woman out whether she wanted it or not. Bellatrix was in no shape to do things on her own just yet.
"Good...You don't want to trust me." She stated with a smile. Bellatrix gently shifted the child into her arm and wrapped her other arm around Krys. "True but still, I'm so sick of bed rest!, I want to do things, I'm not used to being lazy for long periods of time." She explained, she thought for a moment "No I'm alright, love."As she said that, the baby began to cry, Bellatrix looked at her curiously then started to try and calm it."Shhh...shhh hush little one shhh.' Cooed Bella, then she thought again, "I think she might be hungry." Bellatrx bit he lip slightly, she remember Cissy said something about not trusting formula's, it's better to use you'r own milk.She removed her arm from around Krys and lifted her shirt some, holding the baby close.Iracebeth began to suckle upon her mother, it felt a little odd, but with out teeth Ircaebeth was gentle.
"I know you're sick of bed rest love I'm sorry I wish I could cure you faster, I promise we'll do something special when you're all healed up" ,Krys told her. When the baby started to cry Krys stiffened up, "What's the matter? Is she ok"? Krys asked panicky. She wasn't used to how babies worked, Bellatrix said the baby must be hungry and Krys sighed with relief, she moved her head so that Bellatrix could feed the baby. Krys watched in aw, she realized she was staring, "S-sorry I've just never seen that done before, i-it's interesting" ,Krys said. She looked away and busied herself while the baby fed, it was definitely something Krys would have to get used to.
Bellatrix smiled she couldn't wait to be healed, one she wouldn't be in pain and two she wanted to know what Krys was up too. "She's fine just hungry," She stated then looked at Krys who was staring at the baby on her breast. "Don't be sorry, the best way to learn and understand is by watching. My mother did it, Cissy did it, Don't care about the other one and now I'm doing it, It feels odd too." She stated then watched as Krys found something to keep her occupied. Bellatrix continued to hold the baby waiting for her to stop.
Krys fiddled around with the bottom of her shirt until the baby was done. "I'll get used to it eventually, I guess it's only natural right"? Krys said smiling a little bit nervously. She looked at the baby again who seemed to be dozing off, "Do all babies sleep a lot"? Krys asked curiously, "Sorry I know I ask a lot but I'm curious" ,Krys let out a small laugh. "Would you like me to put her to bed"? Krys asked. "Or would you like her to sleep with you"?
Bellatrix pulled the babe away gently as she finished, pulling her shirt back down. "Yes I assume so." She said then in her arms she felt Racey relax, dozing off. "Yes well remember also thiss is only her first day, as she grows she get less sleep and be more fussy. Don't be sorry I never had to deal with baby babies before, what I know is from what I've seen through my mother and sister. If you wouldn't mind returning her I'll crush her accidentally if she stays." She stated handing the baby to Krys.
Krys stood up and gently picked up the baby, she walked her over to the bassinet and kissed her on the forehead before putting her down. "She really is beautiful Bellatrix" ,Krys whispered. She made her way back to the bed and laid down next to Bellatrix, she cuddled back up to the older witch careful not to hurt her while she did so. "I can't wait until you feel better, you're going to like your surprise". Krys kissed Bellatrix then smiled, "Get in a nap if you need it love, she might get hungry again in a little while and that's one thing I can't help with" ,Krys joked.
Bellatrix watched the two walk over to the bassinet. "Thank you," Bellatrix replied softly laying back down, her back was sore from sitting the way she was. Bellatrix took a deep breath as Krys climbed back into bed. "I hope so if it's such a big secret, you know I could always look into your mind and see whats in there, your thoughts, your dreams..." She stated but she wouldn't she respected Krys too much to do so, plus she was currently weak. "A little rest wont hurt," She said snuggling into Krys, closing her eyes.
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