The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bella's smile grew, "And you are mine, forever and for always." she stated still in Krys' embrace, kissing her at the same rate. "I hate this's nearly as bad as being cursed except it keeps coming back...I can't wait either." She explained, she tears finally coming to an end. Bella gave Krys a curious look, "Of coarse I want it...I want you....If I didn't I wouldn't have excepted it. No one can change my mind, unless under a curse....but that's not likely. We just have to get Rudolphus to agree to a devorce." By law since she was still married unless her and her husband split she couldn't be with Krys.
"If I have to I'd kill him to be with you" ,Krys told Bellatrix, she meant it Krys loved Bellatrix and would do anything to be with her. "I know you're in pain love, I'm sorry it should be over soon, just keep taking the potions and you'll be better in no time". Krys snuggled up to Bellatrix even more, she wished that Bellatrix didn't have to deal with the pain and was doing everything to make sure she was at least comfortable. Krys kissed Bellatrix's neck softly as she tangled her fingers into Bellatrix's. "I love you so much" ,she whispered when she got to the older witch's ear.
The thought of killing her husband for them to be together made her smile, "But The Dark Lord says he's still needed which is why he is still alive..." Bella stated, they couldn't go over Voldemort's head and kill him if he was indeed still needed for their cause. "Don't be sorry love, you're not the one causing me pain...I hope so." The pain had started to lessen from the poyion she took. She smiled as Krys nuzzled into her closer. Bellatrix sighed as Krys kissed her neck feeling her fingers becoming tangled in her hair, she loved the feeling. "I love you too babe." she whispered back.
Krys loved hearing Bellatrix sigh whenever she kissed her neck, she couldn't wait for the older witch to feel better so she could do more without being afraid to hurt her. "I've never felt more comfortable in my life you know that love, being with you makes me feel amazing" ,Krys told her. "And I've never loved anyone more then I love you". It was true, Krys had been with a number of girls but none of them compared to Bellatrix, everything about the woman made Krys love her more and more everyday.
Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys' wanting to be as close to her as possible. Krys made Bellatrix feel loved and safe, all in one. "Really?" Bella asked she didn't know much about Krys' past relations but for her to feel so much for Bella, she found it interesting. "The only one I thought I loved more than anything was The Dark Lord, But I've found my Love, my true love, and no one will take you away from me." She stated Knowing no one really seemed to support them but they wouldn't quit. Bella grew tired and rested her head, falling asleep within minutes.
Krys fell asleep soon after Bellatrix, she loved the feeling of being close to the older witch. Krys liked the thought of being married to the older witch and she didn't care what anyone else thought, she didn't care about the age difference, she was going to continue to love Bellatrix and be there when ever the woman needed her.

Krys was setting everything up for what she had planned for Bellatrix, the older witch had healed up nicely and the potions seemed to help. Narcissa had agreed to babysit, even though she didn't necessarily approve of Krys and Bellatrix's relationship she had accepted that the two weren't going to stop seeing each other. After everything was set up Krys showered and put on her best tux for the night. She had a nice dinner set up in the garden and then she planned on taking Bellatrix for a walk around the garden, it wasn't much but at least it would give Bellatrix a break from everything for a little while.
Belltrix was finally healed it was a long two weeks, but she felt great, and her beauty started to return to her. Her beauty before Azkaban had ever touch her, taking away her natural beauty. She was happy, and you could just tell, she had a certain glow, different the pregnant glow, but a glow of happiness. Krys had told her to dress nicely, so she broused through what she had, and what Krys had bought her. She didn't feel like wearing her black, she felt another color would be a nice change. Bellatrx pulled out a deep crimson red dress,with a matching corset, and boots, she was back to her tighter clothing, after dropping what the baby gave her. Bellatrix pinned her hair back out of her face some after she brushed through it removing the knots. Laceing her corset, tying her boots, applying make-up. Bella was happy her sister agreed to baby sit for her, she needed a break, and needing to be on her feet a bit after being on bed rest. Krys hadn't told Bella what she had planned but she couldn't wait, she played with the shiny ring on her finger.
Krys made sure everything was perfectly set up for Bellatrix before going to get her and bring her out to the garden. She made sure nothing had been forgotten then made her way to Bellatrix's room, when she opened the door her jaw dropped, Bellatrix looked absolutely amazing. Krys felt as if she were going on a date for the first time in her life. After a few seconds Krys realized she had been staring at Bellatrix and quickly broke the silence, "So are you ready to go love" ,she asked with a smile. "You look amazing".
Bellatrix looked herself over another time making sure she looked purfect, not that it mattered, she could be in a cardboard box and Krys would still complement her. Bellatrix looked and felt as if she were going out for the first time, not as a death eater and not as a crazed lunitic who only wanted to destroy things. She looked and felt normal. Bellatrix sat down on her bed waiting for Krys to come and get her. As soon as she heard footsteps and the door begin to open, she stood up, with good posture. Seeing Krys's reaction made Bellatrix smile and blush slightly, this did feel like a first date with the one who you've been crushing on, finally going farther then friends. "Thank you. Of course I'm ready, are you?" She asked as she walked over to Krys.
"Of course I'm ready love, let's go" ,Krys said still smiling, she was completely happy with Bellatrix and right now she wanted nothing more then to see the older witch happy. Krys led Bellatrix outside, there were lanterns lit and candles all around where they were going to be sitting. There was a table set with a black tablecloth with silver trim, there were silver plates on the table and a bottle of expensive wine in the center of the table. "Well it's not too much but it's something" ,Krys told Bellatrix, she felt a little upset that she couldn't give Bellatrix more. Krys walked over to the table and pulled a chair out for Bellatrix then sat down herself. "The food should be here any minute".
Bellatrix walked out with Krys, happier than can be. Bellatrix gasped and her eyes widend at the site, the garden was beautiful, the flame of the candles seemed to dance, the sliver trim shimmered beautifully againt the black, and one of her favorite wines sitting in the center. Krys had out done herself this time. "Not too much? Krys this is above and beyond it'swonderful. Bellatrix followed kissing Krys softly as she sat down on the chair that was pulled put for her.
Krys smiled at the appreciation shown by Bellatrix, she still thought she could've done more but was happy that Bellatrix liked what she had done. When the food arrived Krys opened the bottle of wine and poured her and Bellatrix a glass, "I hope this is ok someone tipped me that you like this particular wine so I bought it" ,Krys told her. She took a sip from her glass and began eating, "If it's ok with you I'd like to have dessert over there" ,Krys pointed to the spot where they first officially got together. "It's too cold to do what we did last time but it's been nearly a year and I thought it might be nice to go back to where it all started". Krys blushed a little bit and took another sip from her glass as she nervously waited for Bellatrix's response.
Bellatrix smiled at Krys as she sat across from her. "Well the little birdy told you right, I do happen to like this kind of wine." She stated then took a sip from it, placing her napkin on her lap, before starting to eat. For once Bellatrix didn't play with her food, feeling almost as if they were out to dinner. The food seemed even better, maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, but it was deishious. Bellatrix looked over to where krys was pointing, and it was were they had fooled around, when they had their picinic. Bella turned back to Krys, smiling blushing softly. "Alright sounds good to me."
Krys smiled when Bellatrix agreed to her idea, When Krys finished eating she stood up. "I'll go set everything up, wait here I'll be right back" ,Krys told Bellatrix before kissing her on the cheek. She walked over to the spot and summoned a blanket then put a charm on it to make it feel as if they were sitting on a comfortable bed or sofa instead of the hard ground. Krys waved her wand and a few orbs of dim lights surrounded the spot, it was just enough for the two to be able to see what they were doing and not be blind. When Krys finished setting the area up she told the house elf to grab the dessert and set it up on the blanket. She walked back over to Bellatrix and sat down until the older witch finished her dinner before taking her over to the blanket.
Bellatrix nodded and stayed as Krys told her too, but she was curious to how Krys was doing it. Once krys was gone she watched curiously though unable to see what she was doing. As she was coming back Bella continued eating only having a bit left, taking anouther sip of her wine. Smiling as krys sat back down, finishing up. Bella wiped her mouth then stood up waiting for Krys to escort her over.
Krys grabbed Bellatrix's hand gently and walked her over to the blanket, she then handed her a red rose and sat down. "I know the flower might be a bit too cheesy, right"? Krys joked, she wasn't too great at the romantic thing but she did try. Krys pulled Bellatrix into an embrace and held her close before she started eating her dessert, "I hope I did ok love, I want you to be happy" ,Krys told her. She kissed her on the cheek then let go of her so she could eat her dessert. Krys looked up at the night sky, "It's been a while since I was able to just look at the stars, I'm glad I'm out here with you tonight there's no one I'd rather be with".
Bellatrix entwined her finger's with Krys' as they walked over to the blanket, another beautiful sight. With the dim orbs, the wonderful display, the garden and the view of the stars. Bella smiled, "No, not at all," She stated smiling giving Krys a kiss on the cheek then pulling out a white rose handing it to Krys, "Unless that's also concidered cheesy." She joked back. Bellatrix cuddled into her as she pulled her into a close embrace. Bella looked up ay Krys, "You did better than ok, love. You did fantastic, I am happy, he would have never done this." SHe didn't want to speak his name, Rudolphus, while they were having such a grand time, but wanting to tell her she was far better than he ever had been. Bella started to eat her dessert, then looked up to the stars, "Me too love it's such a lovely night, I'm glad you thought of this. Me neither love."
Krys ate her dessert pretty quickly, she normally ate fast so it wasn't unusual. She laid back and put her hands behind her head and looked up into the sky, she waited for Bellatrix to finish her dessert before handing her a small box, "Seeing as I already gave you the ring, I figured I'd get you something else for tonight" ,Krys handed Bellatrix the box, it had a silver locket inside it. "You can put whatever you want in there, picture wise anyway" ,Krys said she kept her eyes on the sky as she laid there everything felt so perfect at the moment and she let herself relax for once.
Bellatrix tried to finish with Krys but it didn't work she couldn't that fast, and she made a pouty face, playing around, then began to eat again. She finished a bit quicker than she normally would. "You spoil me far too much love, I wish I was able to get you something..." She stated feeling bad, that she had nothing for Krys besides that white rose. "Krys it's beautiful, well I know two people who will fit nicely in there. " She stated refering to Krys and the baby. Bellatrix, placed the locket around her neck then laid down cuddling into Krys, looking up at the sky.
Krys put her arms around Bellatrix when she cuddled up to her, she ran her hand up Bellatrix's back. Krys wanted Bellatrix bad but she didn't want to say anything and ruin anything they were doing. They had only fooled around once and Krys had only slept with Pansy one time when her and Bellatrix weren't talking. Krys had never really respected a woman as much as she did Bellatrix, she would never treat her the way she treated Pansy behind closed doors. She laid there silent for a while just looking up at the sky and holding Bellatrix, the woman she loved more then anything in the world. "Do you want to go back to your room"? Krys blurted out without thinking. Her face turned red again and she sighed, "S-Sorry that was a bit forward" ,Krys said apologetically.
If Bellatrix were a cat she would be purring loudly she was so content, Krys had treated Bella as if she were a lady, like she used to be treated, before she went mad, which she really wasn't all that crazy. Bella and Krys had fooled around in that very spot, and the only other person she had fooled around with was the Dark Lord, though that wasn't by choice, it was an order, which she couldn't say no too, and now had a beautiful baby girl, and was happy to have Krys back, and to be in her arms. Bellatrix smiled, as Krys asked if she wanted to go back inside, back up to her room to be exact. She giggled slightly, "I'd thought you'd never ask." she purred softly into Krys' ear.
Krys bit her lip at the way Bellatrix purred the words into her ear, she grabbed Bellatrix and kissed her hard but passionately on the lips. Krys stood up and held her hand out to help Bellatrix to her feet. When they got to Bellatrix's room Krys shut the door and locked it before pulling Bellatrix into her and kissing her again. Her body began to heat up and her breathing became more heavy, she felt as if she could just collapse if she wasn't holding on to Bellatrix. "You are so beautiful" ,Krys said quietly as she broke the kiss briefly. She led Bellatrix to the bed and laid her down, she did it a bit roughly and hoped Bellatrix wouldn't get too mad, Krys couldn't help herself anymore she had to have Bellatrix and she had to have her right then and there.
Bellatrix wasn't expecting Krys to grab her and kiss her the way she did, she took her beath away. Bella blinked a moment, before grabbing hold of Krys' hand as she was pulled up. Once in her room, she stood and watched as Krys locked her door, this timme Bella was ready for it and kissed Krys back. Bella's breath became heavier, she was glad krys was holding her, and she held onto Krys, making sure she wouldn't give out. Bellatrix smiled at Krys's comment unable to speak as her breath was heavy. As Bella was pulled and placed onto the bed, rather roughly, just made Bella want her more. Bellatrix watched Krys, reaching back as she started to undo her corset lace.
Krys broke the kiss after she laid Bellatrix down, she was about to apologize for her roughness when she noticed Bellatrix undoing her corset. Krys bit her bottom lip and looked at Bellatrix with a fire in her deep blue eyes. Krys quickly unbuttoned her jacket and took it off tossing it to the floor, she then got to work on her tie which was being a pain in the ass like usual whenever she wanted to take it off. "Fucking stupid thing" ,Krys growled after she had finally gotten it off, She unbuttoned the top of her shirt then leaned down and kissed Bellatrix again with even more passion then before.
Bellatrix being the tease she was, she untied the corset but left it on. Bellatrix could see the fire in Krys' eyes, the magificant blue fire that burn in her beautiful eyes. Bella untied her skirt and arm warmers, leaving the skirt on and removing the arm warmers. Bellatrix laughed as Krys fought with her tie, Bella was about to get up and help her but then she got it. Bellatrix met Krys with the kiss being passionate, Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys as they kissed, then she pushed her away gentely. "Sound proof the room..." She whispered having a feeling they may get loud and she didn't need Cissy, Severus, Lucius, Voldemort, or Rudolphus to hear them, or give them a reason to check on them.
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