The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys smiled, "I can always block you from my thoughts" ,Krys teased, she did know occlumancy, her father taught her when she was younger. "But I trust you so I don't have to block you out, I've got nothing to hide not from you anyway". Krys pulled the covers up and laid next to Bellatrix, she wasn't feeling too tired but she still laid in bed with the woman she loved. "Bellatrix, will you be with me forever"? Krys whispered quietly into the older witch's ear. "I love you and I don't want nobody else but you".
"True," She said with a smile, She was happy Krys had nothing to hide from her, she trusted Krys with hers and the baby's life. Belllatrix was like a cat at times, cuddling and nuzzling into Krys. Bellatrix pulled away slightly. "Of course Krys, I told you, I love you I'm your forever in life and death, for I will wait until you have hit your age, to join me. So we can cross over together."
Krys smiled she loved hearing the woman say that she loved her in return. She kissed Bellatrix the way she always did, with passion and love, when she pulled away she looked into Bellatrix's eyes, "I was going to give you this during a fancy dinner but I don't think I can wait to much longer" ,Krys said right before getting up and walking over to the dresser and grabbing something. She made her way back to the bed and laid back down next to Bellatrix, "Now I'm not exactly proposing because I don't want to push you into anything and well because unfortunately you're still married but I figured I'd get you one of these anyway" ,Krys held up a gold band that had a decent sized diamond on it with smaller diamonds surrounding it. "I bought it because I think if you love a woman then you should throw rocks at her" ,Krys joked. "I'm only kidding, I love you and this can be a symbol that maybe one day I can call you mine for sure".
As Krys kissed her she brought her hand up to Krys's face, then up to her hair, running her fingers through it, like she always did loving how soft it was. Bella smiled at her, then it faded and turned into a look of curiousity. She watched as Krys left her there on the bed, going to the dresser, then returning. As Krys said proposing her eyes grew wide,then gasped she was dumbfounded unsure of tho or could say, she was throughly shocked. It was beautiful and it must have cost a fortune and her joke was hilarious, Bella was laughing on the inside. Bellatrix looked into Krys' eyes and smiled warmly, "Yes....yes...I'll wear it, I won't be married for long so... I am yours and always will be." She was so happy and excited.
Krys smiled then kissed Bellatrix deeply, she was so happy to be with the older witch, the woman made her feel loved and appreciated, something she didn't feel with many people. When Krys broke away from the kiss she looked into Bellatrix's eyes again, "I'll always be here for you and the baby my love, you won't have to ever worry about a thing I promise I'll take care of you, and I'll take care of that precious little girl as if she were my own, thank you Bellatrix for everything". Krys leaned down and kissed her again, she couldn't get enough of the woman, Bellatrix always set something off in Krys that made her feel amazing.
Bellatrix kissed Krys back with the same force, Bellatrix couldn't believe this, She had found the love of her life. She also couldn't believe she was re-engaged, while she was still married. "This must have cost you a fortune...." She looked at the ring that sat on her finger, then back up to her eyes. Bella smiled but looked as if she were about to cry, she was so happy and Krys' words had touched her heart. "No, Krys....Thank you, You've given me so much already...I couldn't ask for more." She stated smiling as they kissed passionately, Bella broke the kiss. "You won't grow tired of me?" Bellatrix asked
Krys smiled, "It doesn't matter how much it cost love, I'd give up all the money I have to make you happy and to be with you, besides I have nothing else to spend my money on except buying myself new suits and stuff I might as well put good use to it by spending it on my new family" ,Krys said, she really did have a new family, with Bellatrix, the pup and now the new baby and she couldn't be more happy. Krys gave Bellatrix a funny look when she asked if she would ever grow tired of her, "Bellatrix my love I could never grow tired of you and I don't know how any one could". Krys kissed her again then pulled away and looked into her eyes, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me".
Bellatrix looked at Kyrs, "But you don't need to spend so much on me. Love, I have you and the baby that's all I need and Also Cissy. " She smiled at Krys. "Aww love, Family we have a family." She stated in realization, she had a happy little family for once, besides her sister. Bellatrix was happy, she had a baby, a doggy, and a partner she loved to death and after. "'re still young, with so much life to live, You may grow bored or tired of me..." She replied softly and saidly, before being pulled into Krys' kiss. After Krys spoke, she nuzzled into her, cuddling, with her, like a child would.
When Bellatrix nuzzled into Krys she smiled, "I'm sure we can come up with plenty of things to keep both of us entertained" ,she said wrapping her arms around the older witch. "I mean I can come up with a whole bunch just laying here". Krys kissed Bellatrix on the head and cuddled up to her as she held her close. "Don't worry love I'm here to stay and always will be". After a while Krys began to get a little tired and fell asleep holding Bellatrix in her arms, she felt so comfortable and Krys loved it.
Bellatrix smiled, she had issues and never wanted to lose Krys, but she couldn't stand the idea of abandonment, she had been abandoned too many times before. Bellatrix laughed as Krys said she could come up with tons of things while in the bed. Bella nuzzled closer she was so much like a child and a cat roped into one. Bella was tired, being the day after birth, she fell asleep right after Krys.

A few hours later Bellatrix was awoken by the baby crying, She gently slid off of the bed and walked carefully over to the babe, scooping her up in her arms, craddling her to get her to fall back to sleep. The baby only wanted to be comforted, nothing major, Bella held her close then rocked her gently. Bella then heard her sister call them for dinner, but Bella was in no condition to handle the stairs yet or to apperate down, plus she couldn't leave her baby. Narcissa then decided to bring dinner up to them. "Brought you two some supper, Bella what are you doing up?" Narcissa asked. "She was crying..." Bellatrix replied. "Get back to bed, she's fine now put her down." Narcissa stated placing the dishes on a near by table. As Bella got back into bed Narcissa helped her, noticing the ring on Bella's finger. "I thought you threw your ring?" She asked taking a closer look at it, "That's not your ring....Where did that come from?" Like she really needed to ask looking over at Krys.
Krys slept peacefully for a few hours, she woke up when she heard Narcissa tell Bellatrix to get back in bed. "Bellatrix you should've woke me up, you shouldn't be getting out of bed yet" ,Krys told her. As Narcissa helped Bellatrix back to the bed Krys heard her ask about the ring, "I don't know where it could've come from" ,Krys said sarcastically. Narcissa just shook her head, "Don't you two move too fast ok" ,she said giving Krys a look. "Don't worry we won't" ,Krys said in response. She looked over at the food on the table, "Thanks for bringing the food up, Bellatrix needs to eat" ,Krys said looking over at Bellatrix. She smiled then gave her a kiss on the cheek, the dog was already on the bed looking at Krys with a begging look in his eyes. "I don't even have my plate yet" ,Krys said laughing a little.
Bellatrix looked down and pouted, "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you." She stated as she climbed carefully into bed with her sister's help. Bellatrix smiled brightly as Krys scarcastically spoke to Narcissa. Bellatrix moved closer to Krys, Bella tilted her head slightly, listening to them talk. Bellatrix looked up at her, still pouting about her eating even if it were true, until Krys kissed her she smiled. "You have him well trained, love." Narcissa shook her head watching them, with the pup, it was cute but she feared they were rushing things a bit.
Krys pet the pup and grabbed a piece of ham from her plate and gave it to him, "You are the most spoiled dog I've ever met" ,Krys joked as she pet him. Narcissa laughed, "Watch out or that baby will be the next one who is spoiled" ,Narcissa joked. Krys looked up at her and smiled, "Oh I planned on it" ,she said right before taking a bite of food. "Narcissa why don't you have the elf bring your food up and you can sit in here for dinner"? Krys asked looking up at Narcissa.
"Now who's fault is that?" She smiled and asked. "I've told her as that puppy grows she will no longer have a plate." Bellatrix stated, stabbing at her ham, playing around like she normally did. "That's what I'm afraid of, but then again she spoils me and the pup so she can't forget the baby. Oh, Did I tell you her name? It's Iracebeth." Bella stated as she stabbed her fork in her food and bit off a piece. "Alright, Lucius is working late, so I'll join you." Narcissa called a house elf and told it to grab her plate. "That's a beautiful name Bellatrix...Bella stop playing with your food." Narcissa stated waiting for the elf to return, pulling up a chair. Bellatrix glared at her sister, taking another bite. Once Narcissa recieved her plate she sat down.
Krys laughed at how Bellatrix played with her food then gave her sister a glare. "You're so cute Bellatrix, you know your daughter's either gonna play with her food or shovel it in watching us eat" ,Krys teased. When Narcissa sat down Krys looked at her, "So how has your day been"? She asked. Krys kept feeding the puppy whenever it yelped and when her plate was empty she looked at Bellatrix, "I'm going to make a milkshake and get some cookies, you want some"? Krys asked, she gave Bellatrix a kiss and looked at her with a childish smile and waited for her answer.
Bellatrix turned her gaze to Krys who was laughing at her, She smiled when Krys called her cute. "My guess she'll do both, or she may get will all depend on what will work best for her..." Bellatrix stated wondering what the child will pick up from her and Krys then what traits of the Dark Lord she would have. Narcissa looked at the two of them, "Or you two could learn proper table manners, so the poor girl won't get sick. Bellatrix used to have table manners." Narcissa stated. Bellatrix looked back at her sister, "That was only when daddy was watching, when he turned away I played with my food and mummy laughed, then when daddy looked back I'd eat normally..." Bellatrix corrected, she had played with her food for as long as she could remember. Bella looked back to Krys, smiling then sweetly said, "Okay."
"Hey I eat normally" ,Krys said defensively, she was joking she knew she ate like an animal at some points. "You eat like a teenage boy" ,Narcissa said in response. When Bellatrix said okay to the milkshake and cookies Krys smiled and got out of bed, she made her way out the door and before she could leave Narcissa stopped her and motioned for her to come closer, "Get me a small bowl of ice cream too" ,she whispered, Krys nodded and smiled. "Okay I'll be right back". Krys made her way downstairs to the kitchen and got the stuff she needed to make the milkshakes. She had the elf make her a plate of cookies while she blended the milkshakes. Krys poured the milkshakes into glasses and topped them off with whipped cream and a cherry on top. She had the elf bring the cookies up and Narcissa's ice cream while she carried the two milkshakes. When she got into the room she smiled, "All done". Krys sat down on the bed and handed Bellatrix her milkshake and the elf gave Narcissa her ice cream. The plate of cookies were set on the table next to the bed.
Bellatrix laughed as Krys said she ate normally. Narcissa was right Krys ate like a teenage boy. Bellatrix smiled and watched Krys start to leave, before her sister stopped her, then continued again. Bellatrix finished her meal, she had been eating so much, eatiing actually made her feel sick but she didn't want to alarm anyone. It was most likely from rarely getting fed in Azkaban, being adjusted to not eating much, to having food handed to her. "Bella, you need to slow your roll." Narcissa stated out of the blue. Bellatrix looked to her sister, confused a minute. "What are you talking about?" Bellatrix asked curiously."Excepting that ring...Bellatrix you are rushing things,plus on top of that you're still a married woman. Krys is only 18 which you are no longer, no matter how old you act." Narcissa explained her point, and Bellatrix looked angered, upset, and hurt. "Cissy, I am 47 years old, I know what I'm doing.I love her She doesn't care that I'm older than her, or that she is younger than me, She makes me happy and I make her happy, and that's all that matters. I won't be married much longer I can garnity that. "Bellatrix snapped, slightly hiding her tears, behind anger. 'Think of you're options, Bella...Plus if you two have some kind of fight I'm sure that one of you won't make it just like before. You've almost died three times." Narcissa stated trying to make her see, she was happy they were together but they were most definately rushing things. "Shut up Cissy you don't understand." Bella snapped at her, Narcissa was going to continue till she heard foot steps, Bellatrix fell silent as well still holding back her tears, not giving her sister the satifaction. Bellatrix smiled softly, "Thank you love." she said taking her glass and taking a sip. "Thanks Krys," Narcissa said as if nothing had happened when Krys had been gone.
There was an awkward silence and Krys felt there was something wrong, "No problem" ,she said in response to Narcissa. She looked over and noticed the look on Bellatrix's face, "What's wrong? and don't lie to me I can see it in your eyes" ,Krys whispered. After being around the older witch for so long she could read her emotions pretty well. She looked at Narcissa and knew for a fact that it was about her, her father being Severus Snape and him knowing how to read people, he had taught Krys and Narcissa must've forgot to block out the conversation that had just taken place. Krys stood up again and looked at the two once more, "I'll just let you two continue with what you were talking about" ,Krys fought back the tears as she walked back out of the room, she patted her thigh to make the dog follow her and he rushed over and left the room with her.
Bellatrix sat and played with her straw, she was keeping herself distracted. Bellatrix turned to look at her, snapping out of her state "Hmm? Oh it's, I was just thinking, that's all." She stated of coarse she was lying she wasn't about to speak while her sister was still in the room. Bellatrix watched Krys curiously as she stood up, she knew Krys didn't surpass her blocks but Cissy on the other hand, probably forgot to block it. "Krys...KRYS!?" She whispered then became slightly louder, not wanting to wake the baby. Bellatrix shot a look at Narcissa, full of anger and hate. "What's wrong with you? Get out! Get out!!" Bellatrix asked, then sharply stated trying to get her to leave. Narcisssa didn't move from the chair, Bellatrix took another sip then sent she glass flying past her sisters head having it shatter on the wall. "Get out!!!" Bellatrix snapped making Narcissa jump, "A house elf will be up to clean that and to help you with the babe." Narcissa stated and headed toward the door."No filthy house elf is touching my child!" She harshly stated as her sister left, Bellatrix curled into a ball cuddling into her bed crying softly, pulling the blankets up.
Krys sat in a dark corner of the hallway playing with the puppy and crying quietly, she had thought at least Narcissa had accepted her and Bellatrix's relationship, apparently she was wrong. Krys heard a loud shatter and Bellatrix snap at her sister, after a few minutes Narcissa came walking out of the room looking very upset. Narcissa noticed Krys sitting in the dark, "You have to understand my point of view Krys" ,Narcissa stated. For the first time in her life Krys gave Narcissa a nasty look before standing up, "No I don't understand your point of view" ,Krys snapped coldly. "Why can't you accept that we're together, I mean I take care of her I love her yet nobody can see pass the fucking age difference, or maybe it's just because I'm a female". Narcissa gasped in shock, "Krys you know it's not like that it will never be like that"....Narcissa was cut off by Krys, "Then what the fuck is it huh? Why can't everyone just accept that she's happy and for once in my life I'm happy". Krys picked up the puppy and looked at Narcissa, "Honestly I'm done caring what people think, if you'll excuse me I'm going to see how my fiance is doing" ,with that Krys walked off and went back into Bellatrix's room, she felt bad for snapping at Narcissa but she was sick of all the bullshit. When she walked into the bedroom she seen Bellatrix curled up in the bed crying, Krys closed the door and put the puppy down then made her way back to the bed and laid next to Bellatrix and without a word sh gently turned Bellatrix to face her then kissed her deeply. When she pulled away she was crying herself, "I'm sorry I walked off" ,Krys told her as she stroked Bellatrix's cheek with her thumb.
Bellatrix was shocked that the baby hadn't woken up from the crash, she was glad her child was fast asleep, not that she'd know what was going on or remember it. Bella didn't want her to hear or she the violence so young, knowing that's all her life was going to consist of. Bella started to cry more, she hadn't taken the potion so she was in a great deal of pain, her body trying to heal itself. Why couldn't anyone understand, she had thought her sister of all people did, but she was wrong and she couldn't understand why. Bellatrix closed her eyes trying to block everything out, she didn't want to see, hear, or feel anything. Bellatgrix hadn't even known that Krys had returned to the bed, she was lost inside her own mind. She opened her eyes as she was kissed deeply realizing it was Krys, remembering she still had tears in her eyes, then seeing the tears in Krys' eyes. Bella looked Krys over, as if anyalizing her then she cuddled into her like a frightend, upset child.
Krys held Bellatrix close as the woman cuddled up to her, "Shh love it's ok I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" ,Krys whispered. She could tell Bellatrix was in pain, she sighed, "Bellatrix you need to take your potion I'll go get it" ,Krys told her. She stood up and made her way to the dresser and grabbed two bottles and brought them over to Bellatrix, "Here you go love, it'll make you feel better, I hate seeing you like this" ,Krys set the bottles on the table next to the bed and laid back down with Bellatrix.
Bellatrix calmed some being in Krys' embrace, though she was still in pain. Nodding her head in agreement to Krys being there and not leaving her, she cuuddled in closer loving the hold Krys had. "You don't want me to get up, I couldn't get it, plus it hurts to move right now..." Bella stated in her defense,if it had been in reach she would have taken it. She took the one bottle and drank it quickly despite the horrible taste it had. Once it was gone she made a disgusted noise, then nuzzled back into Krys, "I love you." she stated with a soft smile.
"I love you too" ,Krys said softly, "You are my world and then some". Krys kissed Bellatrix softly and continued to hold her close, she summoned the house elf and had him get Bellatrix and herself fresh milkshakes. "I can't wait until you're healed fully my love, there's so much I want to do with you". Krys ran her finger down the side of Bellatrix's face gently trying to comfort her further. "I don't care what anyone says I can't wait to be married to you, that's if you're sure you want it". With everyone talking in Bellatrix's ear Krys wasn't sure how it would affect their relationship, after all she had seen the same scenario many times before she ever got with Bellatrix and every situation ended badly.
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