The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"You filthy fucking mudblood don't try and be brave right now" ,Krys spat at the weak figure laying on the ground before her. "Tell me where Olivander is and I'll let you go". The man cowered and whimpered, "Check his shop for Merlin's sake" ,the man whined. Krys slapped him across the face, "Do you think I'm fucking stupid that was the first place I looked" ,Krys kicked the man in the ribs and he yelped in pain. Krys raised her wand preparing to curse the man when she heard a pop and the voice of a scared house elf. Her eyes darkened when she hear Rodolphus' name, "Avada Kedavra" ,she hissed pointing her wand to the man on the ground, killing the man before apparating to the manor. She bursted through the front door and ran up the stairs to find Rodpolphus torturing Bellatrix. "You mother fucker, get away from her" ,Krys said darkly her hand gripped around her wand. Rodolphus turned to look at Krys, an evil smirk across his face, he let up on the curse and turned to walk over to Krys. "So you've come to save the day have you"? Rodolphus said darkly, "Not this time Snape you and you're whore can reunite in hell" ,he raised his wand again, "Avada......" ,Thankfully Krys knew what was coming because if she didn't she'd be dead by now. Krys punched Rodolphus in the face before he could finish saying the spell. Rodolphus' head turned with the hit and Krys tackled him to the floor, "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD"! Krys wrapped her hands around his throat and began to choke him and slam his head on the floor. Rodolphus' face was red and he couldn't breath, Krys was aiming to kill him with her bare hands, her eyes were crazed and something inside her definitely snapped when she seen the bastard hurting Bellatrix.

Narcissa came through the front door and set her bags down and told the elf to bring them into the kitchen, she heard the thud of Rodolphus' head hitting the floor again when Krys slammed it down hard. Narcissa ran up the stairs to make sure Bellatrix was alright and found Krys and Rodolphus going at it and Bellatrix was on the floor in pain, "Merlin, what happened"? Narcissa cried running over to her sister. There was a pop from behind Krys but she didn't turn to see who it was, "Krys, I'll take it from here" ,Voldemort's voice sounded colder then usual, Krys could tell he was angry but he spoke to her in a calm tone. She let go of Rodolphus and stood up and bowed for the dark lord. She made her way over to Bellatrix as the dark lord stood over Rodolphus, looking at him with utter disgust. "So you wanted to kill my child Rodolphus"? Voldemort questioned. Rodolphus' eyes widened and he started to try and make excuses, Voldemort simply put his hand up to silence the man. "You're lucky I need you Rodolphus or I'd kill you right now, seeing as I can't kill you I'll just torture you for a bit to make you think about what you've done" ,Voldemort raised his wand, "Crucio" ,Rodolphus screamed in pain as the dark lord cursed him.

Krys helped sit Bellatrix up and told the elf to get her something to drink, "Merlin Bellatrix are you alright" ,Krys said worried. She brushed the hair out of Bellatrix face and put her hand on the older witch's stomach, "Come on....kick for me" ,Krys whispered fighting back the urge to cry. After a few minutes Krys felt the baby kick hard and she let out a sigh of relief and kissed Bellatrix on the forehead. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you" ,Krys said letting herself cry a little bit not being able to contain it anymore. Krys turned her head when she heard scratching and yelping coming from Bellatrix's room. She got up and opened the bedroom door and the small puppy came running towards Bellatrix as fast as his little legs could go, he snuggled up to her and put his head on her belly. The dog knew something was wrong he was shaky and scared, he growled when he looked over at Rodolphus who was now lying on the floor limp and weak. The dark lord had let up the curse and looked over at Krys, "You're to stay here from now on until Bellatrix gives birth" ,he ordered before disappearing. Krys looked back to Bellatrix after the Dark lord left, "Come on let's get you in bed love" ,she said helping Bellatrix to her feet.
Bellatrix was in excruciating pain, she could feel the baby twisting and turning within her, she was fighting the pain as much as she could knowing it would hurt the baby. Bellatrix heard Krys' voice and was relieved that she was there but afford she'd get hurt. As he let up in the curse, Bella laid there limply. "NOOO!!!" Bellatrix screamed hoping to throw him off so he wouldn't hit Krys. She saw Krys punch and tackle him to the ground. Bellatrix watched as she choked him, then she closed her eyes she was in so much pain, unable to tell if the baby was alright. Bella mustered enough strength to move herself into a feadle position.  As soon as she heard her sisters voice she opened her eyes again.  Bellatrix's eyes grew wide as she saw Voldemort pop in.  Bella smiled as Rudolphus was punished though he deserved much more. Bellatrix sat up with Krys' and Narcissa's help. Bellatrix looked over at Krys a bit off she stated weakly,  "The Baby....check" That's all Bellatrix cared about, she had been cursed before, but not pregnant. She had to worry about the baby though it wasn't born yet. Bellatrix held her breath waiting to feel some response from the child within her. She started to breath easily again, as the baby kicked her hard, making her jump slightly.  Bellatrix raised her hand to touch Krys' face, wiping her tears away.  Bellatrix smiled softly as the puppy came running, snuggling with her, Bella pet him weakly as the pups head rested on her belly.  Bellatrix looked up at Voldemort as he spoke to Krys. She nodded her head lightly as keys helped her to her feet, she clung on to Krys. 
Krys walked Bellatrix back to her room, the pup following closely at their feet. When they got into the room Krys laid her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. "I'm so sorry this happened, that son of a bitch I can't believe him, he's lucky he wasn't killed" ,Krys said as she paced around the room, she was angry and worried all at once. She finally calmed down and laid next to Bellatrix on the bed and wrapped her arms around her, "I was so scared when I seen him hurting you, at first I honestly didn't know what to do, he tried to kill me" ,Krys said as she placed her hand on Bellatrix's belly. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you" ,Krys started crying again and pulled herself closer to Bellatrix, thankful that no one was harmed.
Bellatrix's body was still shaking from the effects of the curse. As Krys layed her down she watched as Krys started to pace the floor. "Don't be it's not your fault love." She whispered, unable to find her voice. As Krys' arms wrapped around Bellatrix, she held onto her. "Don't be scared, I told you I'm not going any where. Tonight was fortunate though if I lost the baby, I wouldn't be here. I know Baby, I saw...I saw him turn to you, and I was scared, if you had needed me I wouldn't have been able to help you." Bellatrix replied putting her hand gently on top of Krys'. "If you would have lost me, you'd continue to live on, and keep a heathy life, I told you I'd wait for you," She stated holding her as she cried, and as she did so did Bellatrix, she could have lost her life, her baby, and Krys all in one night.
Krys had never cried for another person as much as she did for Bellatrix, she loved the woman and it killed her whenever the older witch was hurt. Krys kissed Bellatrix's neck softly and continued to hold her close, "I'm never leaving you again, I don't care if you get sick of me" ,Krys joked trying to cheer the both of them up. She rubbed Bellatrix's stomach in a soothing way trying to comfort the older witch further. "Do you want a bath love, maybe it'll help you relax, I'll help you out of the tub when you're finished" ,Krys suggested. "And while you're in there I'll get you something to eat".
"Shh...Don't cry love, I'm okay..really." She stated hoping to calm the young witch. Bellatrix loved her, she liked seeing her emtions but not when she was this upset. "I'm alright with that, I would never get sick of you Krys, I love you too much for that." She stated smiling at Krys, losing the tingling feeling, Bellatrix looked at her belly as Krys rubbed it, She couldn't wait for the child to be born. "A bath does sound relaxing and my muscles would thank me for it after what just happened. Sounds good babe, but don't forget to grab something for yourself."
Krys smiled through her tears and got up, she kissed Bellatrix quickly before walking into the bathroom and filling the tub with warm water. She came back into the room and put her hand out for Bellatrix to grab a hold of, "Come on love it's all set" ,Krys told her. When Krys got Bellatrix to the bathroom she helped her get into the tub then made her way to the kitchen to have an elf make her and Bellatrix something to eat. Krys made her way back to Bellatrix's room and waited for her to yell when she was finished washing.
Bellatrix smiled wider seeing Krys smile, she watched as Krys went to the restroom to start a bath. When she came back Bella took her hand and gently stood up. Walking into the bathroom having krys help her, in kissing her quickly as she sat in the tub washing herself, and just soaking her aching body. After a bit, she finished when she was nice and clean, having a feeling Krys would be right outside she called, "Krys you there?" Waiting to see if she would answer her.
Krys sat and played with the puppy until she heard Bellatrix call for her, "Yes love I'm coming" ,Krys yelled through the door. She walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel and helped Bellatrix out of the tub. She then grabbed Bella her bathrobe while the older witch dried off. "The food should be ready by now, let's get you into something comfy and we can sit and eat" ,Krys said. She looked at Bellatrix and smiled, "You're so beautiful, do you know that"? Krys walked over to the woman and kissed her passionately, she thought Bellatrix was beautiful even with her big pregnant belly in fact she had a sort of glow to her that Krys liked. Krys opened the bathroom door for her and helped her back to the room, she grabbed Bellatrix some clothes and handed them to her. While Bellatrix got dressed Krys set up their plates and set them on the table near the bed.
Bellatrix sat waiting for Krys to come in to help her. She hated that she had to be so depended on Krys, yes she loved her, but Bella was always do for herself or others and never ask for help but this time she was stuck. Bellatrix dried off in the towel Krys had given her, then wrapped herself into the bath robe. "Alright." She stated with a smile. "You tell me as often as you can." She smiled at her, she loved hearing it though she still had doubts on her own beauty. bellatrix sighed into the passionate kiss Krys gave, Bellatrix put one hand on her stomach. "Thanks," she stated and started to dress in the baggy clothing which fit her normally now.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix put on the baggy clothing, she still thought it was adorable to see Bellatrix wearing clothes like that. Krys sat down on the bed and grabbed a plate for her and then handed Bellatrix her plate, "Here you go love eat up, the little tyke's probably starving after earlier" ,Krys said rubbing Bellatrix's belly as she spoke. The puppy did the usual and begged Krys for her food and Krys of course gave in and fed him off her plate, "I better break him of this habit or he'll be eating all of my food when he gets bigger" ,Krys teased. She looked over at Bellatrix and smiled, "I had the elf make you some cookies and hot chocolate for when you finish your dinner, figured you needed to be spoiled a little bit". Krys smiled again and continued to eat her food.
Bellatrix sat down, "Thank you love." She stated taking her plate from Krys. "It's not the only one, I think it had burned off what I had eaten this morning." She stated smiling as krys rubbed her belly, "You know it's not going anywhere too soon, you'll have plenty of time to rub it." Bellatrix teased it seemed Krys touched Bella's tummy more than she did. "You might want too, if not by the time he's older you won't have any food." Which wouldn't be a good thing. Bellatrix tilted her head and playfully glared at Krys, "I'm not Santa...You are going to make us fat, unfortunately we both like the same things." She teased.
Krys laughed at the Santa comment, "I know you're not Santa love, you're not nearly as fat as him, but you do eat about as much cookies as he does", Krys teased, "It's ok though cuz' I eat a lot of cookies too, been in the mood for pancakes though, maybe I'll have some for breakfast tomorrow" Krys said with a childish smile on her face. Krys finished eating her food and had the elf clean up the mess and bring her the plate of cookies and Bellatrix's hot cocoa. "Don't tell me you don't just love fresh baked cookies" ,Krys said as she grabbed one of of the plate and took a bite out of it.
"Not yet any way, before the baby's born I'll be as big as a house, with how much we eat and the sweets someone gets us." Bellatrix teased she lived the sweets Krys got for her and so did the baby it would have as much a sweet tooth as Bella herself. Bella laughed at the cookie comment, she was going to have to exercise after the baby was born.  "How do you go from cookies to pancakes?" she asked curiously, though smiling cause Krys looked so cute like a child.  As Krys finished so did Bella her strength was coming back more so now. Rudolphus seemed to take so much pleasure in hurting Bellatrix, probably from the years of torment including Azkaban. Bella took her hot coco taking a sip. She then grabbed a cookie, "you know I love them, actually anything freshly baked." She said taking a bite, smiling a Krys. 

Three months later Bellatrix hadn't been able to move too much but she could be up for a while. She was standing at the window, looking at the gorgeous day, her hand place on her belly rubbing it gently,  when suddenly her water broke, Bella gasped and her eyes grew wide. "CISSY!!! CISSY!!!!! KRYS!!!!" Bellatrix screamed. Narcissa came running seeing Bellatrix standing there, and water on the floor. "It's time. Come Bella get in bed," Cissy said helping her sister to the bed. Narcissa took away Bella's wand knowing how she was with pain, "Bella I'm going to restrain you, knowing how you handle pain, I don't need you hurting me, Krys, or yourself or the baby with your claws." Narcissa stated calmly. "WHAT??" She snapped then nodded her head Bella could be violent, expesically if there was pain inflicted on her. She let her sister cuff her hands and feet on each one. Bella started contracting, she began to scream. "Cissy!!! Cut it OUT!!!" Cissa looked at Bella "Push it will be over soon," she stated trying to keep calm. "Bella I see it's head come on. Push." Narcissa said Bellatrix looked at her and screamed, "I am pushing Cissy, cut it out of me!!! I am never doing this again!!!!" She screamed this hurt more than the crucatius curse. Finally the baby was removed from Bellatrix. "It's a girl,"Narcissa stated, Bella smiled weekly and passed out, while Narcissa cleaned the baby off.  
Krys was working on putting a few things into the new baby's room when she heard Bellatrix scream loudly for her and Narcissa, she ran into Bellatrix's room and seen the water on the floor and Narcissa binding Bellatrix's hands and feet. "Is this it, is it time"? Krys asked a little shaken up. Narcissa nodded and pointed toward the bathroom. "Go get some towels and warm water" ,Narcissa told Krys. She made her way to the bathroom quickly and grabbed everything that was needed. When she got back into the room she placed everything onto the bedside table and looked to Narcissa, a scared expression on her face, "Why is she screaming so much? Does it hurt that bad"? Krys asked a bit shaken. Narcissa looked over at Krys, "You have no idea love" ,she said, Krys' eyes widened and she gasped as she seen the baby now in Narcissa's arms. "I'll help you clean it off" ,Krys stated she wanted to help any way she could. After the baby was cleaned up Krys summoned a small blanket and some clothes to put on the little girl to keep her warm. After the baby was clothed and wrapped in the blanket Narcissa brought the baby over to Bellatrix and Krys shook the older witch gently, "Bellatrix, wake up and meet your daughter" ,Krys whispered. Narcissa looked as if she were about to cry she was so happy.
Bellatrix opened her eye's weakly as Krys shook her, she smiled softly. "Daughter....I have a daughter." She whispered breathlessly still tied in her restains. Bellatrix felt rather limp as she laid there, looking up over at them and the small bundle in her sister's arms. "This little...thing caused that much trouble?" She asked looking at them wanting to hold her baby.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix opened her eyes, "Yeah you've got a wee little girl" ,Krys said excited. She waved her wand to break the restraints off of Bellatrix. "Hold on I'll go get you something for the pain" ,Krys left the room and shortly after returned with a small bottle, "It's a potion that'll help you, I've made quite a bit of different potions that will help you out, I even made one that will help you get back to the way you looked before the pregnancy, so you can't ever call yourself fat" ,Krys teased. She kissed Bellatrix on the forehead and grabbed a wet rag to wipe the sweat from her face.
"Cissy? Are you crying?" Bellatrix asked softly. Narcissa looked at her taking her eyes off the babe, "I'm so happy for you Bella." She stated. Bellatrix smiled up at her, "Thank you love, those were a bit too tight." She said as she grabbed hold of her wrists rubbing them gently. "Sorry i was in a rush, plus you kept thrashing...." Narcissa confessed. "It really hurt...." Bella whispered. "Thank you love, you take such good care of me, really? That's good cause I never want to see my stomach again." Bellatrix said taking hold of Krys' hand gently, she teased she'd be happy to go back to her normal size. Bella took the bottle from her drinking it, as Krys wiped her forehead, with the rag. Bellatrix then turned her head toward her sister, reaching her arms out for her baby.
Krys smiled at Bellatrix's words, "You deserve to be taken care of love" ,she said softly before kissing her on the forehead. Krys moved to the side and let Narcissa hand Bellatrix her baby, "She's beautiful, just like her mum" ,Krys said a permanent smile stuck on her face for the moment. She looked at Bellatrix holding her daughter, Krys had never seen the older witch more happy in her life.
Bellatrix smiled as Krys kissed her head, As Narcissa gave the girl, Bella wrapped her arms around the small child. Bellatrix couldn't remove her eyes off of her, she had never thought she'd have a child, expecially now. She used to dream of mothering children, and now it had come true she had a beautiful baby girl. "She's so tiny..." Was all Bella could manage to say, she was still in shock besides carrying her for nine months Bella never thought that she'd actually have her own child. "Hey there, little one. What am I going to call you? You're so peaceful right now. I'll have to think about it more, don't worry." Bellatrix smiled having a conversation with the babe. Bellatrix looked over at Krys, "Would you like to hold her, love?"
Krys watched as Bellatrix held the baby and talked to her, she thought it was the cutest thing ever. When Bellatrix asked if Krys wanted to hold the baby her eyes widened, "Erm maybe I should wait until she's a bit bigger" ,Krys said nervously, the baby was so little and Krys was scared to hold her and Narcissa could tell. "Krys it's ok, she's not made of glass" ,Narcissa told her. Krys finally agreed and took the baby girl into her arms, her smile grew wider as she looked at the baby, Krys was being extra cautious and it made Narcissa laugh, "The big bad Krys Snape has a weakness" ,Narcissa teased. Krys shot her a playful glare, "Shhhssshh".
Bella's smile widend, "It's alright love, you won't hurt her." she stated softly. As Krys had her baby in her arms, Bella's smile brightend, it was adorable, Krys was acting like a nervous father would, and being Bella's partener, shw would be concidered the other mother or father. Bellatrix giggled watching the scene play out laying back down some, she had just gone through child birth though she had taken the potion Krys had, she was still worn and uncomfortable.
After a little while Krys started to get used to holding the baby and started to tickle and play with her as much as the baby would allow. The puppy was at Krys' feet looking up wagging his tail happily, "You'll have to wait my friend, she's too small to play" ,Krys told the pup. The baby fell asleep and Krys looked at Narcissa, "What do I do now"? She asked nervously. Narcissa smiled, "Give her to aunt Cissy and I'll go put her into her bassinet" ,Krys handed the baby over gently and Narcissa brought her over to the bassinet that was next to Bellatrix's bed and laid the baby down. Krys sat down on the bed next to Bellatrix and stroked the side of her face, "I'm so proud of you love, what you just did was amazing and I know you're gonna be a wonderful mother" ,Krys whispered smiling and looking into Bellatrix's eyes. "Get some sleep love you need it".
Bellatrix just watch the two, smiling. The site was heart touching, seeing Krys play with the baby. Bella then heard an excited little puppy, at someones feet. "Aww, a little pup is happy that the wee one is finally here." Bellatrix said knowing the puppy and the baby were bound together. Bellat tilted her head watching her sister take the baby away, to put her to bed, which was next to hers. bella looked away from the child when Krys started to touch her face, She smiled. "It's not that amazing when almost all females can do the same thing. You really think so?" Bellatrix questioned softly curious, she wasn't sure what kind of mother she would be, Bellatrix shifted down and laid still, looking up at Krys, she was indeed tired.
"Yes I know so" ,Krys said in response. "Let me get changed and I'll lay with you, if you'd like" ,Krys said as she got up and walked over to Bellatrix's dresser where most of her clothes were seeing she hadn't slept in her room since her and Bellatrix began being a steady couple. She changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top then made her way back over to Bellatrix, Narcissa who was still standing in the room laughed, "Krys you really need to stop stripping in front of people you're going to start making others jealous" ,Narcissa joked like she always did when ever Krys wore something that revealed her body or when ever she'd just randomly change in front of her or Bellatrix. Krys' ears turned red with embarrassment, she never thought she was anything that spectacular and thought Bella and Narcissa looked far better. Krys made her way back to the bed and laid down next to Bellatrix and cuddled up to her gently, not knowing how much touching the older witch could handle. Narcissa sat in a chair by the bed and looked at the two, "I'm glad you two are together, Rodolphus would have never taken care of Bella like you have" ,Narcissa admitted. "Well that don't say much, that prick couldn't take care of a toad" ,Krys joked as she laid her head down.
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