The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix was gone before Krys had woken up, she was back in her room, shaking like a leaf, tears still in her eyes. She was muttering to herself...'It was my fault, if she would have died....I wouldn't go on, it's my fault...' Bellatrix knew Krys wouldn't come back to her, not now. It was too late, as she laid there her mind started to roam. "This is it....the last thing I do....I will carry the child for however long, then I'll leave the safety of the manor or I will go and die...there is nothing left to llve for.' She thought making things worse than they were. Bellatrix had so many problems, and abandonment was one of them. She had lost Snape, then Voldemort, then Azabakan where she lost everything, then Rudolphus, now Krys. Narcissa went to find her sister who was crying hysterically rocking back and forth on the windowsill. Narcissa looked at her crazed sister, slightly confused. “Bella?” Cissa questioned as she walked in over to her sister. “Bellatrix what happened? Tell me…Now!” Narcissa demanded. Bellatrix looked at her tears staining her face, reaching her arms out, “Hold me Cissy…please hol’ me.” Bellatrix said. “Narcissa looked at her She hated seeing her sister like this, “Not until you tell me what happened.” Bellatrix lowered her arms and looked down. “It’s all my fault…Krys almost died…because of me…” She started trying to keep herself together. “Krys left for Borgin and Burkes, this morning to work on the cabinet…I made her bed and left a white rose, her favorite flower on her pillow…I went to do something, I can’t remember now, but the Dark Lord came to speak with me, He wanted me for a mission, sorta…he wanted me to carry his child, for if something was to happen he wanted an heir to teach and so on…I had no real choice…If I said no, he would’ve killed me where I stood, then he would have gone to you and probably done the same, and then to Krys, I didn’t want either of you to suffer…Krys not liking men, then having to carry a child and so on, and you with your happy beautiful marriage and son, I wasn’t about to hurt or have either of you suffer, or have either of you dead…Cissy I LOVE Krys, more than anything, in the world, besides you…despite what anyone says, I won’t stop loving her, and she was in love with me…but..but It wasn’t my fault…it was his…I wanted to say no, but that would do anyone much good. Now…now..I’m pregnant, he made sure of it, he increased the chances…I love Krys I want her, but she…I know she won’t listen to me…Hold me Cissy…please hol’ me” Bellatrix ranted becoming more emotional, breaking down even more so. She held her arms out again hoping her sister would embrace her. Narcissa was in complete shock by everything Bellatrix told her, what had happened wasn’t what it seemed, yes she had slept with the Dark Lord, but she was looking out for the two of them, and herself, Bella had come too far to die now. Narcissa, got closer to Bellatrix and wrapped her arms around her, “Shh…Bella it’s okay…Shh…Cissy’s here…You need to tell all of this to Krys, I’m sure she’ll understand.” Narcissa said softly, though this was, and wasn’t all her fault she felt bad, her sister had gone through so much, and so had poor krys, and she knew Krys loved Bellatrix that’s why she was so upset and wanted to kill herself.
The holidays were coming closer and Krys had developed a daily routine ever since her and Bellatrix stopped talking to each other. Krys would wake up go to Borgin and Burkes to work on the cabinet then she'd come home and drink until she passed out, sometimes she'd walk around the garden a little bit but that never ended too well, she would end up crying whenever she came to the spot where her and the older witch messed around. Krys was already half in the bag by noon on the day Draco was scheduled to come home for the holidays, Narcissa left to go get Draco at around 12:30, Narcissa had told Krys to stay home and not go anywhere until Draco got home, the last thing she needed was Krys getting into any trouble while she was out.

Krys sat in her room until she heard Draco's voice, "Krys, KRYS! You mad drunk get down here" ,he shouted from the sitting room. Krys appeared a few minutes after holding a bottle in her hand like usual as of late. She walked over to Draco and gave him a hug, "Hey mate how's school been lately"? She asked. Krys looked over and noticed someone else standing in the room. "Hi Krys" ,Pansy said quietly, Krys gave her a quick wave, "Hi Pansy what brings you here"? Krys asked curiously. "Pansy's going to be staying with us for the holidays, Crabbe and Goyle will be arriving later this afternoon" ,Narcissa told her. Krys shook her head, "I'm gonna need more alcohol" ,Krys' statement mad Pansy turn red trying to hold back a laugh.

Later that night after dinner Krys went into her room to avoid Crabbe and Goyle. Draco decided to go out with the two guys and Pansy decided to stay at the manor because she didn't feel like walking around with Crabbe and Goyle. Krys finished off her first bottle then made her way back down to the kitchen to grab another one. She noticed Pansy sitting at the table, "Hey what you still doing here? Didn't everyone else leave"? Krys asked curiously. Pansy looked up at her and smiled, "I hate hanging around Crabbe and Goyle, they're so thick it pisses me off" ,Pansy replied, Krys laughed at her statement. "You can come upstairs and hang around with me if you want" ,Krys suggested. "OK". The two walked up to Krys' room and Pansy sat down while Krys shut the door then came and sat down next to her. Pansy had a thing for Krys ever since the two were in school and had been trying to get with her for longest time but was always denied. Krys looked at Pansy and held out the bottle she had in her hand, "Don't worry I won't tell, take a few shots with me" ,Krys told her, the younger witch smiled and accepted the offer and began to drink with Krys. As the alcohol began to take effect Pansy became more open, "You know Krys we're alone and there's nothing to do really" ,Pansy said biting her lip. Krys smirked and without words grabbed Pansy and kissed her, it wasn't like kissing Bellatrix though, there was no feeling in their kiss it was complete and utter lust, nothing more. Krys hadn't been with anyone since the day in the garden with Bellatrix.

Krys began to undress Pansy as the two continued to make out, Pansy moaned softly as Krys kissed all over her body. "How bad do you want this"? Krys whispered into her ear as she laid her down and climbed on top of her now naked body. "I want this more then anything" ,Pansy whimpered. Krys moved one of her hands between Pansy's legs and stuck her fingers into her making Pansy moan out loud. After a while Pansy had cum and was soaking wet, Krys walked over to her drawer and pulled out her strap on and put it on around her waist. "Bend over Pansy" ,Krys said as she walked back to her bed, Pansy listened the bent over leaning herself on the bed. Krys walked up behind the girl and slid the strap on inside her, Pansy screamed in pleasure as Krys thrusted it into her and Krys went harder with every yell Pansy made, Krys had forgot to do one thing and that was put a silencing charm on her room so whoever walked by probably got an earful.
Narcissa had told Bellatrix of what was going on, that she was off to get Draco and friends. Bellatrix stayed i her room, it was begining to get colder. The holidays on there way, making Bellatrix worse, the more she stayed in her little sanctuary she became worse, feeling almost as if she was trapped in Azkaban, just with better commidations and no demmentors or guards. Bellatrix heard Draco'd voice as he called up to Krys. She would see him later, she couldn't handle it now. Bellatrix hadn't been eating much since she hadn't seen Krys she hadn't done alot of things, the Dark Lord refuses to send her out on missions, since it is 100% possitive that Bella is with child, though not showing.

Bellatrix had a house elf fix her a plate, not having been to the dinner table since before being in the garden with Krys. Bellatrix also looked rather dead in a sense, her eyes were darker than normal, with bags under them having horrific nightmares again, they continued to get worse. She'd wake in the middle of the night screaming, until either her sister ran in or until she realized where she was and that she was safe. Once she heard footsteps she figured dinner was over, and she had picked at part of her own.

Bellatrix couldn't take this anymore, she needed to talk to Krys, she couldn't stand it, she had to tell Krys what really happened it was her fault she did what Voldemort told her to do, it meant nothing..She heard footsteps go away and decided once they came back she'd go talk to her. She waited finally hearing the footsteps again she gave it a little while so Krys could settle herself some. Bellatrix stood up and looked out of her room then walked over to Krys' door, she heard something going on, before taking a deep breath, she knock softly, and opened the door. "Krys we ne..." She started then saw what was going on, Pansy was moaning like a cat in heat while Krys had her mounted from behind..."Krys..." She whispered softly and in shock, quickly she shut her door crying. Her sobs became louder, once her door was shut. She fell to the floor on her knees crying, and screaming. Bellatrix began to break everything in her room not caring what it was, her screams sounded like she was dying. Bellatrix had a completely crazy glint in her eyes, as she stood shakily pulling out her dagger, she no longer had anything to live for, so what if she survived Azkaban...and did everything that she has done, or the fact that she was carrying the Dark Lord child. She held the dagger above her head, crying more so now, as she was about tho stab it into her adomonine, her door swung open.

Narcissa heard all the smashing and screaming, she ran straight to Bellatrix's room,, figuring she was having more than just a dream. She swung the door open wide and saw her sister holding that blasted dagger above her head. Narcissa was scared and frightened expecially with that look in her eyes, she had lost her senses. "Accio Dagger!" she said getting the dagger away from her sister. "BELLATRIX BLACK LESTRANGE WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!?" Narcissa screamed. "GIVE IT BACK CISSY!!!" Bellatrix screamed at her sister as Narcissa slammed the door shut. "Bellatrix what happened?" She asked approaching her sister, wrapping her arms around her as Bellatrix cried, in her sisters arms. Narcissa moved with her over to her bed sitting her down. "Tell Cissy what happened...did you have another nightmare?" she asked curiously. Bellatrix shook her head 'no' "I wish it had been a nightmare...It wasn't my fault, i was basically given the option live or die....but that in her room fucking Pansy...I went to talk to her to tell her what really happened...and....and I saw her Cissy...There's nothing to live for...she's found another...look at me I'm fucked up...I'm weak...It hurts Cissy it hurts..." Bellatrix told Narcissa what had happened, as best as she could and how she was feeling. "Bella....Trixie, no you're not weak, you've done soo much, you lived through years of Azkaban, you've been tortured and stayed strong, you are one of the most feard and wanted witches of all time... yes you are fucked up in the head but it's okay Cissy's here, and you were doing so well you mind was healing...and now, you have another step of your life coming, you're going to be a mother, kay. Cissy is going to fix everything alright, no trying to hurt or kill ourself okay?" Narcissa said and then fixed Bella's broken things. She had bellatrix lay down and she cuddled in bed with her, she figured it would do no good to talk to Krys while she was busy, and Narcissa really didn't want to see it, but Krys was hurting Bellatrix so much, she couldn't eat, or sleep right. Narcissa waited until Bellatrix was fast asleep before leaving her.
Krys was going at it with Pansy heavily when the door opened, she looked up and seen Bellatrix and smirked evilly as if she had just paid the woman back. Krys fucked Pansy for about another hour before kicking her out of her room like she was nothing, Krys didn't want to hurt anyone but it seemed to come as instinct now once her own heart was broken she didn't really care about anyone else's feelings. She could hear Pansy curse her as she walked down the hall, Krys took a shot out of the bottle she had sitting on the dresser. She removed the strap on from her waist and threw it back into the drawer it was in before she used it. Krys sat and drank a few more shots, she had sobered up a bit after she fucked Pansy and wanted to make sure she didn't get too sober.

Narcissa watched as Pansy left the room with a hurt look on her face. As soon as Pansy went into the guest room Narcissa waited a few minutes before standing up and making her way to Krys' room. She slammed through the door making Krys jump, "What the fuck"! Krys yelled not realizing who had just came into her room. Narcissa looked at Krys angrily as if she had just did something terrible, "What"? Krys asked curiously. "This nonsense needs to stop, Bellatrix almost killed herself and her unborn child because of your antics" ,Narcissa snapped. Krys looked at her confused, "Oh so he got her pregnant when they fucked....nice" ,Krys said with an upset tone. "Yes he did get her pregnant.....with his heir, she was ordered to carry his child, she never meant to hurt you" ,Narcissa told Krys, her tone becoming more calm. Krys sat there dumbstruck for a few moments before breaking down, "Fuck I'm so stupid, I just know how she is with him, she's obsessed I'll never be the dark lord and that's what she wants" ,Krys said quietly. "That's what she used to want Krys, you're all that woman talks about now a days" ,Narcissa told her. "Make things right Krys, she really loves you and I know you feel the same". Narcissa left the room after telling Krys everything and Krys was left sitting there dumbstruck. She regretted everything, she wished she would've let the woman explain herself.

Krys stood up and walked out of her room and down the hall to Bellatrix's room. She stood at the door for a good ten minutes arguing with herself before she slowly opened the door and walked in quietly. She noticed Bellatrix was sleeping, the woman looked so peaceful. Krys walked over to the bed and sat down softly trying not to wake Bellatrix, she laid down next to her and gently put her arm around the older witch placing her hand on the woman's stomach and crying softly, "I'm so sorry" ,she whispered to Bellatrix as she slept. "I love you so much".
Bellatrix was out, she was having so many things running through her head, things which were both true and not true. Her mind was basically mush for Azkaban and having tempertantrums over and over again. But she was finally getting the sleep she needed, she hadn't had rest in so long, her mind was too burened for her to sleep but her body finally gave out. Though in sleep Bellatrix was about to scream again, until she felt someone, figuring it was Narcissa because she was there before Bell passed out. Bellatrix had awoken slightly, but she figured she was dreaming, she saw Krys come and sit, then lay down with her, Bellatrix smiled as she heard the apologie and at the fact the she loved her. A tear fell from Bella's eye, as she placed her hand on Krys' still dazed and thinking she was dremaing. it could be real she was with Pansy now, but this was her "dream" so she didn't care. Bella then nuzzled back a bit into Krys.
When Krys felt Bellatrix cuddle into her she held her even closer and kissed her softly on the head. Krys rubbed the older witch's stomach as she laid there. She truly did love Bellatrix and wanted nothing more then to be there for the woman. Krys dozed off after a little while holding Bellatrix. She was finally content and she never wanted to leave Bellatrix's side ever again. Krys decided that she was going to do something special for Bellatrix to show the woman how sorry she really was, she would need Narcissa's help.
Bellatrix felt Krys hold closer to her, Bellatrix was at peace again, save in her arms, close to her heart. She never wanted Krys to let go of her. Bellatrix turned her head slightly seeing a stray tear on her face, she took her hand and gently wiped the tear away. Laying her head back down falling back to sleep. when night had finally turned to day bellatrix awoke because of the sun glaring in her eyes, seeing Krys holding her still realizing last night wasn't a dream and she had come back to her.
Krys hadn't slept so good in a long time, she was usually tossing and turning unless she drank enough to pass out. When morning came she felt Bellatrix move and she woke up, she smiled softly at the older witch next to her and moved a piece of hair from her face, "Bellatrix....I'm so must hate me for everything I've put you through, listen Pansy was nothing to me I can't take it back but I can say that I regret it....I love you Bellatrix, I love you and no one else" ,Krys told her as she continued to hold her. She looked down at Bellatrix's stomach, "You know you should dress comfortably, if you're comfortable the baby will be and in turn you'll be happier, I can go get you a t-shirt if you want, maybe a pair of shorts or some boxers, I have both" ,Krys suggested unsure of what to say all she knew is Bellatrix was in for a long tough time ahead of her and Krys knew damn well Voldemort wasn't exactly husbandly, fatherly material so she wanted to make the woman as comfortable as possible during her pregnancy.
Bellatrix smiled as Krys moved her hair out of her face. Bellatrix turned and faced her looking at her,as she apologized. Bellatrix watched her feeling like she was going to cry again. "I forgive you Krys...But can you forgive me? I wanted to say no but it wasn't an option...then when you came in, it broke my heart even further, I..I wanted to give you enough time before I went to speak to you...but I see I waited too long...I thought I lost you... I love you, so much more than life itself. I never ment to hurt you...I never wanted to" She stated as a few tears fell from her eyes. Bellatrix tilted her head as Krys looked at her stomach, making herself look down. "Okay, though I'm not that far in. but it would probably feel a lot better then what i usually wear." Bellatrix smiled softly in return.
Krys wiped the tears from Bellatrix's eyes before kissing her deeply, when she pulled away she looked into Bellatrix's eyes and smiled "Of course I forgive you as long as you forgive me love, and I'll never leave you like that again I promise, well I'm gonna have to leave for a few moments to go grab you some comfortable clothing but I'll be right back" ,Krys told her. She got up and made her way to her room and went into her dresser to find Bellatrix a t-shirt and some shorts, she pulled out a black t-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts for the older witch to put on. Krys returned and sat down on the bed and handed Bellatrix the clothes, "Here I'm sure they'll fit seeing I'm a tad bit taller ,I know they're not your style but you'll be you'll probably look sexy as hell in my baggy clothing" ,Krys said with a smirk before kissing the woman quickly.
Bellatrix sighed slightly into Krys' deep and passionate kiss. "Of course I do love, Promise?" Bellatrix stated then laughed softly as Krys went to get her more comfortable clothing. She watched as she left, looking at the door making sure she'd come back to her and sure enough she did. "You came back..." she teased. "Thanks..." Bellatrix giggled at Krys' last coment about her looking Sexy in baggy clothing though compared to her normally tight form fitting dress. Bellatrix accepted her kiss, as she had missed kissing Krys, Voldemort had nothing on the girl. Bellatrix stood and stepped a bit away, then looked back. "Don't look." she both joked and teased, it wasn't like Krys had seen her undressed before. Bellatrix undid her dress and put on Krys' shorts and shirt, it felt strange one not being in a dress, and too wearing clothing that was loose. She turned back around, "Well?"
Krys laughed then closed her eyes when Bellatrix told her not to look, when the older witch was finished Krys looked at her and smiled, "You look absolutely adorable get over here" ,Krys said as she got up and pulled Bellatrix on top of her gently and kissed her. "You really do look sexy in my clothes you know, then again you're beautiful no matter what you wear" ,Krys told her. "How much have you eaten lately"? Krys asked curiously hoping it had been more then she had eaten while they were avoiding each other, she knew the answer to her question and bit her lip to fight tearing up, "You know what forget I asked I'm just going to get you some food you need to eat as much as you can love" ,Krys said right before summoning the house elf.
Bellatrix giggled and went back to the bed, getting grabbed and pulled on top of her smiling and kissing. She was so happy they were talking again. "Do I? Aww Thank you love." She smilied brightly at Krys, feeling warm and fuzzy again. Bellatrix's smile faded when Krys asked her how much had she ate. She turned her face away and looked down, she hadn't been eating, except for little bits here and there. "Krys I'm not hungry..." Bellatrix stated, she probably was but was ignoring it. "You're going to get me fat." Bella teased, knowing she was going to get fat, having a sea monkey in her belly.
Krys looked at her sternly, "I don't care if you gain 100 pounds you need to eat and regardless if you gain weight or not I'll still love you no matter how fat you may get" ,Krys kissed her on the cheek. "You need to eat to feed the baby hun". Krys ordered Bellatrix some food and herself some as well and when the elf came back Krys handed Bellatrix a plate and smiled, "Eat love.....please" ,Krys gave her a boo boo lip and looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Fine...maybe I'm a little hungry..." She stated pouting, acting like a four year old. "Aww I love you too" Bellatrix stated smiling she looked over at the pathetic creature standing in the corner shaking, She then told it what she wanted, eggs, scrambled, with tooast, bacon and sausage. She nuzzled back into Krys missing her, Bellatirx listened to her heart beat as her head rested on krys' chest. Finding one of Krys' hands shee took hers and interlaced their fingers.
Krys ate her food quickly, there was no hiding she was hungry and she was sure Bellatrix could tell. When she finished she looked at Bellatrix, "So did you ever open that bag of stuff I bought you"? Krys asked out of curiosity, she hoped the woman would've at least put the stuff Krys bought her to good use. "There's a lot of stuff in there you'll like, at least I think you'll like". Krys ran her finger down Bellatrix's jawline then kissed her again, "Merlin I've missed that, listen later I've got to go to Hogsmeade for a little bit to pick a few things up while I'm gone I want you to relax and eat when you get hungry because if you're hungry most likely the baby is so you need to eat ok promise me you will" ,Krys said. She had some last minute Christmas shopping to do and wanted to get it done as quick as possible so that she could spend more time with Bellatrix.
Bellatrix ate how she normally did, playing with her food then actually eating it. She finished not long after Krys, she had been quite hungry. Krys probably hadn't eaten much either seeing how she was eating looked faster than normal. "No...I had forgotten about much had happened in that time period, I'm sure I'll like it. We could find out now, if ya wanna." She stated before she was distracted by Krys' finger and kissed again. "As have I." She smiled then it faded slightly. "Okay...I promise, I'll eat if I'm hungry and get some rest. Be careful." Bellatrix gave her word to Krys.
Krys kissed Bellatrix after the older witch gave her word that she would eat and rest, "I'll be back in no more then an hour I promise" ,Krys stood up and walked out of the room and headed to her own room to get dressed, when she finished she went back to Bellatrix's room to give her a kiss before she left. Krys apparated to Hogsmeade and made her way to a few different stores and picked up a few gifts for everyone. She walked into the pet store and looked around, she looked over at a small puppy that had caught her eye, she looked at the pet store owner, "How much for the dog"? She asked curiously as she reached her finger out and stroked the small dog underneath his chin. "2,000 Galleaons" ,the owner replied, Krys gave him a look, "That's a bit much for a dog isn't it"? Krys replied. The owner smiled then pet the pup himself, "He's not your average house pet my friend, this pup here is a guardian meaning when he's tied to someone he'll be sworn to protect them until they die and when ever the person he was signed to dies that's when he'll pass on to protect them in death as well" ,he told Krys. She looked at the dog then back at the owner. "2,000 Galleons you said"? Krys asked reaching into her pocket and grabbing the money for the dog. "How do you tie him to someone"? The owner looked at her "Just mutter the incantation on his collar and make sure whoever he's being tied to is holding him, it's that simple" ,the owner replied. "What if the person he's being tied to isn't born yet"? Krys asked curiously. The owner smiled once more then explained what extra steps Krys would have to take to tie the pup to an unborn child. When the owner finished Krys took the pup and put it inside her coat before apparating back to the manor.

She walked into Bellatrix room with the dog still in her coat trying to keep him as warm as possible, "Bella.....Merlin do I have something for you" ,Krys said almost out of breath from running up the stairs to her room. She pulled the dog from her jacket and set him down on the bed. "He's an interesting little guy ya know" ,Krys told her right before explaining what exactly made him interesting.
"Okay I'll be here." She smiled and watched Krys leave the room. Her smile left her until she came back. "Forget something?" then kissed her again. Watching as she left her again, Bellatrix stood up and went to her closet where the bag was. She pulled it out finding a few dresses, night clothes, and a beautiful necklace. Krys had spoiled her, she liked it but she felt bad that she could give nothing in return. She looked over the clothing she wouldn't be able to wear soon, all beautiful, and just the way she liked her clothing. She took off her necklace and replaced it with the one Krys had gotten for her. Bellatrix started to feel hungry again so she went down to the kitchen to munch on something, and get a drink. Bella then went back to her bed, to get some rest.

As Krys ran in she smiled and sat up. "What is it Krys?" Bellatrix asked curiously "Why are you so breathless?" She questioned curiously watching Krys. Bellatrix gasped, "A puppy...He's so cute. Is he?" She asked then listened as Krys explained. Bellatrix's eyes grew wide" wow that really is interesting." she stated then started to pet the wee-pup
Krys sat down and caught her breath for a minute, "I bought him for your baby, we can bind them together tonight if you want, the dog won't age until the baby is born, he'll grow as the child grows, I figured if you're carrying the heir to the dark lord then the child would need as much protection as possible" ,Krys stated. She looked down at the floor and sighed, "Sorry if I'm pushing things a bit I just care about you and that baby is part of you so I care about them too". Krys laid back onto Bellatrix's bed when she finally caught her breath, the cold was still pouring off of her from being outside. "Well I'm in for the day now, what do you wanna do"?
Bellatrix's hand went to her stomach, "Krys that was sweet of you, I hope it didn't cost much...Okay yeah better to do it soon then forget to later, how do we bind them since the one isn't here. Yes, he would and we all don't live forever. Well At least I'll know that if anything ever happens to me the babe will be cared for, by you and the pup." She stated smiling she knew Krys would be around much longer than she would be, she wouldn't beable to protect the child for long. "Krys, love it's okay don't worry about it, one of us has to right? I mean I haven't even thought about half of the things I should and I'm the one carrying it." Bellatrix fell silent while Krys caught her breath, "Oh hey I went through the bag, Thank you I love it, all of it, I'm wearing the necklace." She stated smiling at Krys taking her hand, in hers. "You're so cold." Bellatrix said pulling the blanket up on her and lighting her fireplace, with a flick of her wand. "I don't know, I'm limited..." She stated she couldn't do too much since she was pregent though not very far along at most two weeks, Voldemort would yell at her as would her sister.
"It doesn't matter how much he cost it was worth it" ,Krys stated knowing if she had told Bellatrix how much she had paid for the pup the older witch would have a fit. Krys smiled when Bellatrix showed her the necklace around her neck, when the older witch pulled the covers over them Krys cuddled up to her after kicking her shoes off and removing her jacket knowing the warmth from the blanket and Bellatrix would warm her up quickly. Krys whistled and patted the bed and the small puppy came over to the two of them and laid down, Krys pet the little dog and smiled, "So do we name him or do we let the baby name him when they're old enough"? Krys asked. She pet the dog under his chin and it rolled onto it's back, "Oh I guess I'm just gonna have to spoil you too ehh?" She said jokingly as she rubbed the dogs belly. "I know you're limited so how about we just lay here today just me and you"?
Bellatrix rolled her eyes having a feeling the pup was worth a pretty penny. Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys as she cuddled closer, to warm herself. Bellatrix watched as the puppy waddled over to them, when Krys called it. "Hmm...that's a good point if we let the baby name him, what would we call him in the mean time? Aww somebwahdy woves you." Bellatrix joked in her baby voice. "Hmm, I like that idea, Oh hey is Draco around? I haven't seen him yet." She asked wondering where her Nephew was prabably with his friends. But Bella wanted to spend time with Krys since they had been avoiding each other.
Krys laughed at Bellatrix's joking, "He should be around somewhere with Crabbe, Goyle and Pans....erm.....he should be around" ,Krys said avoiding using Pansy's name at all around Bellatrix. Krys kissed Bellatrix again before cuddling back up to her again, "I'll get Draco when he comes in if you want" ,she told the older witch, she didn't want to move at the moment she was too comfortable laying with Bellatrix at that point in time. Krys had missed being with the older witch and almost forgot how good it felt to be next to her. "If you need anything just let me know ok, I'll do whatever you ask" ,Krys told her as she cuddled into her and kissed her lips, she couldn't help it she was completely happy again and wanted to soak up every bit of it.
Bellatrix giggled with Kyrs. Bellatrix tensed a bit, at the mention of the skank that krys had been with, krys was hers and Bella was krys's. "...I figured as much. I'll catch him later." She stated kissing Krys, running her hand through Krys hair, she loved how soft it was. Bellatrix was comfy and didn't plan to move plus she was with krys, who she had missed she never wanted them to fight or misunderstand each other again. "You're babying me love, I can still move about love, In a few months time is when I'll need the help." Bellatrix stated softly. Bellatrix was content as Krys kissed her again, Bellatrix tilted Krys' head some and kissed her passionately, missing the feel of the young witches lips, and just missing the feel of her in general.
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