Riddle Me a Heart

Molly beamed and swept the young girl up into a tight hug. “hello Thorn Darling, I love your new dress! You look WONDERFUL!” she beamed Lily smiling gently. “oh molly, don't strangle the poor girl.” Lily protested chuckling a little as she gently kissed Thorn's cheek. “i'm sorry, I couldn't convince her to stay at home.” she admitted smiling as Molly sulked. “you make it sound as if she hates me! She doesn't have me do you dear? Here! I brought you all sorts of treats!” Salazar suddenly perked up and poked his head out of the kitchen, Lily giggling as he slunk over and peeked into the basket that Molly had brought with her, his eyes widening at all of the cookies and candies and cakes, Molly suddenly smacking him in the nose. “now you get your nose out of there!” she ordered Salazar drawing himself up to his full height, just about ready to bitch her out for smacking him when she beat him to it. “don't you give me that look young man! You might be the darkest thing since your father but your still small enough to be taken over my knee and taught your place! Now you will eat a regular dinner before you get into these sweets and that's that!” and for the first time in all of Salazar's history, he cowered under someone who wasn't his father, and submitted to her will. “y...yes Ma'am...” Salazar muttered staring at her wide eyed as he carefully hid himself behind Thorn.
Thorn turned her head looking at the dark lord cowering behind her, turnign her head enough to press a kiss to his cheek, running her fingers through his hair."Lovely, she's all bark and no bite. don't hide so. It doesn't do to see my lover cowering."She teased stealing a kiss before walking into the dinning room,blushing under lily's gaze, knowing the other woman was looking at her."Okay, so I slept with him.Its not a crime."She said defending herself, sounding defensive. So unused to relationships, she felt awkward suddenly finding herself in one.
Molly stared at her, mouth open in what looked like Horror, lily chuckling a little. “how old are you Salazar?” she asked her head tilted, Salazar scowling a little at her. “fourteen.” he admitted. “but I'm turning fifteen next week.” he crossed his arms. “besides I started it!” he growled feeling very uncomfortable with the way they seamed to be judging Thorn. “oh my!” Molly stated, sounding shocked. “poor Ron will be DEVASTATED.” she admitted with a sigh, Salazar lifting an eyebrow. “can I eat the sweets now?” “..no.” Molly practically growled, Salazar huffing and crossing his arm, lifting his nose at her. “i am the Dark Lords Son! I should be able to do what I want!” “you are a fourteen year old little boy who CLEARLY needs a proper parental figure!” she stated with a growl Salazar looking shocked and then angry. “My father is a brilliant man!” “your father is a madman intent on slaughtering everything that stands in his way and torturing everything that isn't!” Salazar puffed up like a giant cat about to pounce on something threatening it's kittens and then without warning he stalked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, slamming the door shut so hard paintings fell off the wall, Molly wincing a little. “Molly, your temper has a way of getting away with you.” Lily muttered softly. “shall I talk to him thorn darling?”
Thorn sighed softly, rubbing her forehead, looking hurt and pained."Please.He's making my head hurt."She muttered trying to ease the instant headche that Salazar's anger had given her. Looking at molly she sighed, shaking her head."Do try to not anger everyone in my home."she said cooking, rubbing her temples, trying to ease her headache."Molly we have all done things that we regret.He was raised to believe his father was good, and don't hold that against him."She said, the warning running under the words, the pain in her head giving life to the rarely there temper.
Molly sighed a little and shook her head. “i'm sorry.” she stated softly, Lily moving into Vipers bedroom. “it's just. Ever since Arthur died I just... the very mention of that man... I just lose my temper a little.” she admitted shaking her head, setting her hand on Thorn's shoulder. “i'm so sorry.” she muttered softly. “i didn't mean to take out my anger on him.” the anger running through her slowly faded away as Lily talked to Salazar, explaining that Molly hadn't meant it. “i'll apologize to him as soon as he comes down.” Molly promised looking a little worried. “it's true though? You and Salazar, you've bonded yourselves together?” molly was terribly worried, if they had bonded themselves together, then Salazar, the stronger of the two, could change Thorn into anyone he wanted her to be, should he realize he could. He really could turn her into a weapon if he learned how to manipulate the bond properly, but he wouldn't do that...right?
Thorn nodded, pressing the heels of her hands against her head, Salaar was giving her a terrible headache, even if he was calming down. And despite knowing he was the stronger of the two, she wasn't worried about him changing her. Or...had he already changed her enough that she seemed to didn't mind?"Molly don't worry. I'm Merlin's daughter. There are very few beings of power that could force me into doing what they wanted."she said, not realizing the very nature of their bond made her vulnerable to what Salazar wanted, would shape her into being what he needed, because she was submissive to him."I've lived centuries.I'll be fine."She said looking at the other woman, smiling slightly."He'll be fine.Don't worry.This is what dumbledore wanted anyways."She shrugged sighing softly.
Molly sighed a little and shook her head. “i'm sorry, I can't help but worry. Dumbledore is using you, Voldemort wants to see you dead.” she shook her head again. “no one knows what Salazar wants.” “that's ok..” Salazar stated suddenly. “i don't know what I want either.” he admitted moving over to thorn, wrapping his arms around her. “sorry, I didn't mean to make your head hurt.” he muttered gently kissing her temple. “i'll keep a better hold on my temper from now on.” he promised Molly shaking her head. “and Mrs. Weasley, I'm sorry I yelled at you, it was rude of me, no matter how much I might disagree with you.” he admitted Molly looking startled before she shook her head. “no dear, I'm the one who needs to apologize, here, have a cookie.” Salazar examined the cookie with narrowed eyes and grabbed it hesitantly, clearly expecting a smack to the hand since he hadn't eaten food yet, wary of the lessons and the tricks that his father was so fond of. But when Molly didn't start yelling or smacking him he shrugged and ate his cookie like a good little boy.
Thorn laughed softly as she rested her head on Salazar's shoulder, smiling at his reaction to molly's smack. Amusement and contentment showing through their bond."Oh such a good little boy."She teased nuzzling her lover's neck before moving away looking at the other two woman."Now, that we're done yelling, shall we like get something to eat?You two did come for lunch."She said with a small smile sitting down at the table as she set food down, blushing a little at the roast beef and rolls meal. It wasn't often she cooked, and she was usually embarassed when she did.
Salazar looked impressed with the meal, smiling as he examined it his head tilted. “Delicious.” he stated glancing at her. “i didn't know you could cook.” “she's just wonderful at it too!” Molly chirped happily as she sat down, Lily smiling a little. “don't be so shy Thorn, you should take pride in your talents.” Lily stated with a small smile, Molly giggling a little as Salazar sat down and examined the meal, licking his lips a little. “yeah thorn, you should take pride in your talents!” he stated smiling. “you should be glad to have talents.” Lily looked startled. “you don't have any talents Salazar?” she asked her head tilted, the boy hesitating. “no, not really... I haven't really had a chance to find any really.” he admitted helping himself to a slice of the roast beef, smiling a little. “this is delicious Thorn.”
Thorn blushed more, smiling slightly giving salazar a small smile."I know smoething your good at.."She muttered before looking at the other two, rolling her eyes a little."I should be.I've spent years cooking for myself. Though doing it has gotten easier. No more fires and caludrons needed."She said laughing a little starting to eat.
Salazar chuckled as he shook his head. “that's not a talent, that's a skill.” Salazar teased chuckling a little. “and damn I'm skilled.” he purred, both Molly and Lilly blushing furiously. They all knew that Salazar had been known for raping women on his fathers orders, but they hadn't realized that he was so...open about it, and at such a young age too. “it's a shame we can't upgrade potions making, it would be an easy snap to make a shrinking potion or something on a stove!” he admitted grinning. “at least then mine would stop blowing up.” and his father would stop beating him for it. In all honesty Salazar wasn't very good at magic in the traditional sense, he couldn't wave his wand and cast a tickling charm, he was terrible at torture and healing spells. But elemental magic he was very good at, and he was better when he wasn't using a wand, something that annoyed his father to no end that his own Son wasn't keeping the image of a proper wizard. “i'm good at gardening though.” he admitted nodding. “that's a Talent.” Lily agreed with a small smile. “perhaps you could start a garden here in the manor, or perk up the one that was already started?”
"My garden's perky!It's perfectly fine!"Thorn squeaked, looking at them, before looing away because everyone knew Thorn was terrible at gardening. That she'd rather beat someone to death with a shovel then consider using it to plant something."we'll garden together. It'll be fun."She said looking between them all, a smile dimpling her cheek before she shook her head."I'm good at fire magic.Brilliant."she said thinking it over, it wasn't a big talent, but there it was. Looking down at her plate she smiled eating.
Lily lifted an eyebrow, looking amused. “yes, it's very perky.” she stated Molly giggling. “it's also overgrown, overrun with weeds, and it hasn't been trimmed since you moved in here.” she teased Salazar chuckling a little as he shook his head. “it's alright Thorn, people good at Fire magic usually can't do water or plant magics.” he admitted grinning a little. “not well anyway.” he admitted. “i'm pretty bad at Fire magic myself, I can't even make a decent fireball, with my wand or without.” he admitted helping himself to another roast beef sandwich, smirking a little. “i'll make your yard gorgeous!” Salazar promised. “but don't tell my father, he'll be angry if he finds out I'm doing house elf work.” Molly and Lilly both winced at the idea of Voldemort being upset, or talking to him for that matter.
Thorn snorted, amused at the idea of talking to voldemort. Despite being on the opposite side of the war from him, thorn was detattached from the world enough that salazar was really the only thing holding her steady.That and her friendship with lily."Of the things I'd be talking to your father about, gardening wouldn't be one of them."she said smiling as she turned pressing a kiss to his cheek, amusement and happiness showing through their bond. Showing just how very tethered to the world Salazar kept her."My father said I was to made for fire and descruction magic, to ever be good at growing things."She said, for the first time wondering if it was her grandfather's influnece or her mother's that had created the perfect weapon to bring about the apolcolypse. Which she was.And yet...when lucifer had tried to use her...things went sideways.So she was repenting the crime she didn't remember, and wondering why talking about magic was making her head hurt.
he smiled and nodded. “i doubt my father would ever talk to you.” he admitted. “he doesn't hold much stock in women.” he admitted with a shrug. “i'm not sure why though, some of the smartest strongest wizards are women.” he admitted frowning a little, unknowing about his Fathers belief that all women where useless, because his mother had betrayed him by dying. “really? I bet you'd make a killing at a fireworks show.” he teased grinning a little as he gently kissed her forehead, suddenly manipulating the bond without realizing it, taking half of her headache for himself, looking startled as his head suddenly hurt, instead of getting an echo of it from her, but he looked pleased that he had been able to help and ignored the mild pain in his brain to grab another sandwich. “so Mrs. Weasley, I hear you have a doze children?” “oh my no! Only seven.” she stated beaming at him, Salazar looking shocked, wondering how one woman could give birth to seven kids and still look as young as she did.
Thorn laughed, both in startlement that her headache was less, and amusement at his statement."Which is like 12 when youre around them. They're liable to drive a rational person insane."Thorn giggled a little as she finished her food, leaning back in her seat with a sigh. Content with the fact that for now, her and salazar were fine even if it was slightly worrying to see him maniuplate the bond so easily. Even if she wasn't aware of what he'd done, only known that he'd done it."Oh, a man who wants to live forever?I'm pretty sure he'll want to talk to me."She snorted laughing, because it was true.Even if he didnt know just how much.
he smiled at her, happy that he had been able to help her, kissing her forehead gently before snickering a little. “that many boys, I think I'd go mad...” Salazar admitted chuckling a little. “i have enough trouble with the Death eaters boys.” he admitted munching on his food. “and their all idiots, I can't imagine what intelligent boys in that number would be capable of.” Molly blushed at the wayward compliment and Salazar smirked a little at Thorn. “no, he'll make me talk to you and find out the secrete and then report back to him.” he shook his head. “he never talks to a woman unless he has to, not even Bellatrix, much to her annoyance.”
Thorn swallowed, laughing at the words, shaking her head in disgust."Yes. I've heard about bellatrix's fascination."She said looking up startled when she felt the wards flex to let someone else in. Looking up hopefully that it was Sirius, and sighing tiredly when she saw it was just dumbledore."Whatever happened to everyone staying away because I told them Salazar was dangerous?" "Ah, Thorn, I thought that you would need this information before anything else.And since all concerned are here..."the headmaster said looking around the table. Having been threatened by salazar and lucifer he was trying to force them apart before they disovered just how powerfu they were. Because despite the prophecy, salazar and thorn together scared him, more then anything else.
Lily gasped in horror as she watched Dumbledore approach, her hand over her mouth. “you wouldn't, you can't! You said..” Molly set her hand on Lily's arm, silencing the woman Salazar scowling as he stood up. “you had better have a good reason for this you old windbag.” Salazar growled his eyes narrowed as he looked at Lily's ashen face. Dumbledore had promised her that when the time came she could tell Salazar, and now he was breaking yet another promise. “your upsetting Thorn and her guests and I will NOT allow this Dumbledore!” Salazar growled eyes narrowed as he examined the other. “do not forget that I am more powerful than you old man, just as I proved back at that filthy house.” he had only given Dumbledore a taste of the burning power, Salazar was beginning to wish that he'd just slaughtered the man where he had stood. He wasn't sure why he felt so terrified, but he did.
Thorn growled quietly as she stood, smaller and silent, and yet, she blazed with magic, like a light shining in the dark. She might not remember, but she burned with Lucifer's touch, the one woman on earth, that had been his avatar. The living embodiment of all his deadly will, and she would not allow this to happen...whatever it was. "Go."She said, feeling reality trying to bend to her will yet the headmaster seemed untouchable by her gift. Dumbledore smiled a little, "My dear I hold your secret,and as such, none of ell's will can touch me."He said conidence restored, even if he wasn't sure it was true. He just needed her to believe it was. Shaking his head a little as he looked at Lily."I am sorry my dear, but I must. He must understand who he is, if any of us are goign to survive to stop Voldemort, instead of fighting each other."
Salazar snarled at the man, baring his teeth as he scowled furiously at the man as Lily looked down at her hands, upset. “please... Dumbledore..” Lily whispered, Salazar snarling furiously as he slammed his fist on the table, a sharp burning pain beginning in Dumbledore's chest. “she can't hurt you old man but I can!” he hissed furiously. “say what you came to say and get it done with if you won't get the hell out!” Salazar didn't like him, didn't like how he was using everyone, didn't like how he was trying to control Thorn. “you will never stop my father.” Salazar hissed at Dumbledore. “he is a far greater man than you could ever be. Yes he's mad, yes he's cruel but he will win this war and when he dies I will continue his rein.” he growled, threatening, warning, and most of all promising Dumbledore that Salazar intended on ruling the wizarding world himself, someday.
Dumbledore's eyes widened slightly at the threat, looking at the boy before looking at Thorn. With Thorn standing beside him, he might manage to pull it off, and rule the wizarding world in his own right. Dumbledore swallowed hard before meeting the boy's eyes, hoping that the news would drive him away, at least long enough until he could figure out how to bring about the end of Voldemort's reign without whanding the wizarding world to thorn and him on a silver platter."Your mother Salazar, is Lily Evans." "You lie. I would know this."Thorn said as she stood, looking between them all,growling quietly."Dumbledore. Go."She ordered pointing towards the door,giving a easy breath when the man left as silent as he had arrived.
Salazar's breath caught in shock as he turned to face Lily, who swallowed hard and nodded. “yes, this is true.” she whispered softly, Salazar snarling viciously without warning. “i'm leaving!” he hissed grabbing Thorn's hand. “take me home this instant thorn!” he demanded, the bond flexing under his fury, twisting her very personality into what Thorn wanted, or needed. He needed to go home, to talk to his father, he had to know the truth. “wait! Sal please!” Lily pleaded, tears in her eyes, but Salazar didn't pause, he ripped apart the wards effortlessly and turned to Dumbledore with furious eyes. “die!” he snarled viciously, filling Dumbledore with a debilitating, agonizing pain before he and thorn both vanished, saving Dumbledore from death, and permanent injury, Lily bursting into tears as she shook her head. “you took him away! You took him away from me!” she wailed, just as distraught as the first time she had lost her son and husband.

In the meantime Salazar stepped into Riddle Grounds with tears in his eyes, turning to Thorn. “stay with me? Please?” he pleaded softly. “don't...don't leave me...” the bond flexing yet again,and Salazar was too troubled to even notice what he was doing to her.

(do you mind if I play Voldemort?)
(lol nope.Go ahead ^^)

Dumbledore whimpered as he sat up from where he fell rubbing his face."Yes. Because I had to."

Thorn whimpered quietly at the attentions, feeling her personality giving under the pressure, realizing to late that not even death's daughter was enough to protect her. Not when he bore the blessing of the death goddess, and she was a outcast. Tears streaming down her face, both because she couldn't stand firm against the twisting, even if she would have stayed with him without twisting the bond. But the bond was forcing her to be subservient, forcing her to mold herself to his will."I wont.I'm not going anywhere."She said gently stroking his hair, pain fading, not even remembering what she'd lost. He'd changed her so much that she couldn't even remember who she'd been in wha tshe wanted her to be.
Salazar relaxed when she promised to stay with him, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her before he took her hand and led her inside, instructing her to wait outside of a door as he strode into his Father's 'throne Room' settling onto his knees and bowing to Voldemort who smirked at his son. “ah, there you are Salazar, I was wondering what had happened to you.” “i went out to pursue some information, that's all.” Salazar lied, standing up, troubled eyes staring at his father. “i..met someone.” he admitted, Voldemort lifting in eyebrow in astonishment. “oh? Who might that be?” “a woman, named Lily Evans...” for the first time in Salazar's memories he actually saw surprise flit across his fathers face.

“ah yes, Lily Evans... your mother.” he stated with a smirk. “i suppose your curious as to how this could be?” he asked smirking a little. “i am a heir of Merlin, did you know? The spawn of Satan, though our bloodline has grown week, we are the descendants of the greatest evil.” Voldemort admitted, Salazars eyes growing wide as he stared at his father. He had never once imagined that he could be related to Thorn, even if their bloodline was so far apart they where as closely as related as twelfth cousins, it was still a bit of a disturbing thought. “you had a brother once, he was a pathetic man. I once called him Lucien, Lucien after his great great, many times great Grandfather, Satan himself. But he was a pathetic little thing, and he ran away from me, and joined the light side of the war, and took on the name James Potter.” Salazar swallowed thickly. “he married your mother, Lily Evans, who is the great descendant of the 'Goddess Death' a good bloodline, a shame she was such a timid thing.”

Salazar listened intently, too shocked to really do or say anything. “your Brother decided to defy me, I sought to punish him. I slipped into their home, and raped his pretty wife.” he smirked a little. “she pleaded so pretty, and screamed... but she never told James what I did to her. You where conceived from my seed, two very powerful bloodlines created you, and rape is how you where formed.” he smirked. “you are the perfect progeny of Death and misfortune, my perfect son.” Salazar nodded. “yes.” he stated bowing to him. “thank you for explaining Father, I will do everything I can to further our goals.” he promised, sounding almost, emotionless. The truth of how he had been born... had broken Salazar more than anyone could have imagined.
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