Riddle Me a Heart

Thorn nearly dropped her sword when he said that, nearly doubling over with laughter."You-you ask me if I'm death's daughter,then annouce that I'm not that old.Now that is amusing death walker."she said before straightening growing serious again. Looking at the weapon in his hand before her smile faded, "They were forged by the Lady of the Lake for Lancelot De Luc, and there are no other's in existance,well... not without centuries to make them."she said as she unseathed her blade all the way, falling into the stance easily. The blade guarding her front even as the seath went along her arm as a block.
Sal actually pouted when she explained that there where only two, sighing a little as he ran his fingers over the blade before examining her stance, trying to memorize it before he lunged, striking at her with a weak lunge, he clearly, clearly had no idea what he was doing as he struck out at her, the strike easy to block and even easier to slide under, poor Salazar was about to get his ass handed to him, though the blade sang in his hand and her body called out to him he was hoping to at least maim her a little before he lost.
Thorn responded, gently flipping the seath around, smackign him in the back of the head with it and tapping his stomach with the flat of her blade before sliding back, the sword living a sting to the smack, letting him know the touch could have been worse."Careful. You overextend yourself, you're going to get hurt."He said stepping back to let him take another shot. Letting him try and attack her, wondering just what he would do. Not realizing he was feeling the draw to her, not realizing that he wanted her. It'd been so long since she'd had attempted sex that she didn't even recognize the signs of someone wanting her body anymore "Keep your arms close.easier to defend,easier to correct after a mistake."
Salazar hissed as he was struck in the head and snarled when he felt the sting on his arm, growling as he listened to her, licking his lips again, the hunger in his eyes growing as he shifted his stance at her instructions, bringing his arms in closer and struck at him again, better but still pathetic as he swung for her neck, trying to slit her throat, leaving his belly and chest wide open for assault, his eyes trailing along her body, more focused on wondering how her soft body would feel as he pinned her tot he ground, screaming, or moaning, and took her for his own, fucking her until she belonged to him, and only to him. He hissed at the pain as she smacked him around, and without warning lunged at her, unable to restrain himself any longer as he abandoned the sword, his hand wrapping around her neck as he used the force of his weight to throw her onto the ground, him on top, his lips instantly on her's, kissing her almost violently as his knee's pinned her hips down, and his hands searched for her wrists to pin those down as well. Wanting her, needing her, he would have her!
Thorn whimpered under him,growling quietly when she tasted blood, his or her teeth cutting up their lips as they kissed. Snarling as the man pinned her wrists to the ground, despite being older, being able to kill him, she was smaller then him, and he'd managed to catch her off guard having not expected to find herself tackled. Knowing she wouldn't get free without seriously harming him, she closed her eyes, shivering when she realized she didn't mind this. She was...responding to him. Worried whimpers slowly becoming pleasured whimpers as he pinned her still, responding to both the man on her and the feel of death and life between them. She was everything death represented, the cold emotionless dark of the grave, and he was life within death, alive and well despite walking deaths halls. And their gifts together...even without him doing anything else but pinning her there and kissing her, he had her shuddering in climax as she responded to the only other death walker she'd met.
he moaned at the taste of blood in his mouth, her lips or his he didn't know but one of them was bleeding, panting eagerly as he effectively pinned her, rubbing his cock against her crotch, humping her eagerly as he stuck her wrists to the ground using simple sticking spells, abandoning her lips to bite, nip, and suck on her neck as he ran his fingers up her shirt, massaging her breasts as he felt her reacting underneath him, moaning , wanting him as much as he wanted her. It was enthralling to have someone under him, moaning for him, wanting more from him. He hissed eagerly, stripping her pants down to her knees and running the length of his cock along her cunt, stroking the flesh with a wicked smirk. “my god, your so wet.” he whispered eagerly, stroking his length along her, lubing his flesh as his mouth went to her ear. “i'm going to fuck you, I'm going to make you mine, forever..” he whispered, possessive and wanting. “you will be mine.” he growled, massaging her breasts as he slowly started to sink into her cunt with a loud moan of pleasure, shivering at how tight and warm she was, smirking a little. “mmm fuck you feel so wonderful around my dick.”
Thorn whimpered quietly, her body spasming around him, welcoming him even as she growled, turning her head, sinking her teeth into his shoulder."I belong to no one, espicially not you."She growled lashing out, bending the world to her will as the spells snapped, rolling them, pinning him down to the ground,sword appearing in her hand as she pressed it between them, laying the cold steel across his neck as she rode him. Making him fight to own her, once she caught up to what was going on. Even as her body betrayed her, welcoming him with desperate little spasms, it'd been so long. Fighting to make her not seem so whorish, so desperate. And yet she was, desperate to feel alive again, to feel life like he did.
he moaned as she bite him, arching into the pain eagerly, gasping loudly when she broke his spells so easily, hissing as they where rolled, him on bottom now, baring his teeth as he felt the cold steal pressed against his neck, moaning at the death in the sword as it lay against his skin, thrusting up into her desperate movements, a smirk on his lips, panting softly. “you already belong to me, Daughter of Death.” he hissed. “your riding my dick so wonderfully, so..needy. You belong to me and you already know it, your mind denies it but your body knows.” he whispered panting eagerly, his eyes daring her to lie again, to deny it. “your mine, Death Daughter.” he whispered, gripping her wrists and forcing the sword away from his throat, leaning up and kissing her hard again, thrusting wildly into her, more than happy to let her think she was in charge by being above him, they both knew the truth, she was Salazar's now, and forever his. What he didn't realize, was that he was just as much hers, he just didn't know it yet.
She snarled as she bit down, teeth finding his lip as she came, eyes widening, power crackling between them, winding death through life, and life through death, a circle flairing between them, binding them, breaking the bonds that held them before, and forging a new one. Death's daughter, and merlin's last son...and a piece of the final prophecy fell into place as she trembled in his arms, spasming and trapped in his arms. Not realizing that he now held the secret to her life, and everything else. "Mine."She snarled fingers biting hard into his shoulders, trembling and weak as she slouched down against his chest, body still spasming around him even as numb fingers let the sword fall from her hand, the blade cutting both her hand and his shoulder, mingling blood together, tying them together. A bond forged of both magic and blood.
he moaned, arching against her as he came as well, filling her intently, moaning loudly as he felt their power mingling, bonding them together, binding them as he clung to her, gripping her tightly, leaving bruises and bloody marks where his nails dug into her skin, snarling as he felt their blood mingling shuddering violently against her as his magic exploded around them, wrapping tightly around her as their magic bonded, and then settled, both of them twice as powerful as previously as they shared their magic, Salazar groaning as he finished thrusting into her, laying underneath her as he felt their magic, and their bond settling into place once more, his eyes fluttering open as he felt a... peace, that he had never experienced before. “what was that?” he asked, cautious, angry that something had been done to him without his permission, but unable to be angry at her for reasons he could not understand. “what did you do?
Thorn whimpered, hearing the anger in his voice, responding to it as if she was a hurting wife, unable to defend herself. Thinking for a few long moments before realizing her own gifts had offered her up as a sacerifice, sine she lived in death, she was submissive to her...mate that lived in both life and death. That...and morrigan's blessing made her weaker to him, made her vulnerable in a way she hadn't been in years. Trembling as she drew away from him, tugging on her pants. Stumbling a little as she headed for the house. Despite hearing the question, she didn't have a answer. Or at least not a answer she thought he'd accept. And she..she was afraid, for the first time in a long time, of what someone would do to her. Feeling morrigan's blessing like a kiss on her brow, yet...she was denied the full blessing. Only feeling it because it was in his magic, and not hers."We changed things."She said softly, so out of it not even realizing she was leaving her ever handy sword behind.
he groaned a little as she got off of him, sighing a Little, because he had not finished, but he let her get dressed anyway, feeling too calm and content to do anything all that quickly as he sat up, running a hand through his hair as he got dressed, catching up to her using a slow jog, tilting his head as she informed him that they had changed things. “no shit Sherlock.” he stated, using a common muggle expression, one that his father absolutely hated. “never mind, I'll look it up myself.” he decided eyes narrowing before he smirked again, watching her intently. It was a good thing that he didn't realize she was submissive to him, or he would have ordered her to take him outside of the barrier and taken her home, using her against Dumbledore and warming his bed with her. But he did not realize this, and therefore he wrapped his arms around her, licking her ear, thinking he had yet to convince her that she belonged to him. “i wasn't finished.” he growled, pinning her against the wall, pinning her there as he licked, and then bit gently at her neck. “i'm going to fuck you right here In the hallway, I'm going to prove your mine by fucking you in every room of this house.”
Thorn snarled at him, even as she tilted her head back, offering her neck. Submissive she might be but she could still fight, and didn't have to listen to him. Though her own power made it so she wanted to, she could resist. Snarling as she pushed him away, slapping power into it, death and life ooverwelming her as she stumbled slightly, feeling off balance as she caught his arm to stay on her feet. Shuddering as she closed her eyes, letting it fill her like a cup, feeling a to small vassel with what she'd been missing."You've given me back life."She whispered, opening her eyes to look at him.

"You have given life to the lifeless,by binding your fate to my own."She said, jaw dropping a little as she thought about the ramifications of that. If he bound her to life, to the things that normal people felt, then she bound him to the cold stillness of death and immortality. He'd plunged his hands into the still waters of power that outcasted her from her god and mother, filling death with life, as it was always meant to be. Forging the links, starting the chain that would return her to mortal, return her to what the final prophecy needed her to be.
he smirked when he felt the other submitting to him before yelping when she pushed him away, clutching his chest where her power had struck him, snarling viciously as his eyes flashed with rage, standing up and examining her when she staggered, catching her carefully. “i did what now?” he demanded lifting an eyebrow. “you don't make any sense.” he growled, annoyed with the erratic behavior of his....'host'. He scowled at her and scoffed, tossing his nose into the air and stalking away, annoyed with her and no longer feeling like he needed to fuck her or explode he decided to find something else to entertain himself with. He settled himself into the library and pulled out a book and simply started to read. Or pretended to anyway, in truth he was exploring the new sensations in his body, closing his eyes as he followed the bond between him and Thorn, feeling her confusion, horror, lust, all the emotions she was feeling right then, a smirk on his lips as he experienced emotions he'd never felt before... he...enjoyed this bond, it filled him with...joy?, yes, it was a 'happy' feeling.
Thorn smiled a little, respnding to the joy she could feel in him, before gently but firmly shutting it. Not enough to fully cut him off, but enough her thoughts were still private. Knowing she had annoyed him she smiled, still feeling his joy, she couldn't stop. Wandering the house before she joined him in the library, just as darkness was creepng across the room, the sun setting. Walking over she sank to the floor, sitting at his feet, pressing her forehead against his knee, a submissive movement she did before she could stop herself. Knowing she needed to explain."Salazar... for all intents and purposes, I am DEAD. I just can't stop moving, living. My...sin condemns me to living death here, on earth.You for all that you mess around with death magic and should have died, you're alive. Still holding that spark of mortality. Morrigan's blessing lies on you like a kiss...and you.Shared it with me."She said trembling a little, for the first time in a long time, afraid of what they had done."You bound your fate to mine...and whatever you do, you will pull me with you."She snorted laughing a little, pressing her cheek against his thigh as she wrapped a arm around his calves, for once looking as young as she appeared to be. "Your darkness is my fate."She whispered, not understanding what they meant, but needing to say them.Understanding that the bond needed her to voice the binding, the need to stay with him
Salazar looked shocked when she set her head on his knee, his head tilted as he examined her, listening to her explain, suddenly understanding. “we bound our souls together, and our magic... I hold immortality, and you hold life.” he smirked a little. “what I do, will decide your fate.” he whispered stroking her cheek. “i could order you, and you'd have to obey me wouldn't you?” he asked, pondering that. Hours ago, he would have taken her home and used her but now... now... he didn't want to. “interesting.” he muttered running his fingers through his hair. “you gave me... something else, but I don't know what it is...” his eyes narrowed as he pondered it. “it feels hard, and heavy in my chest, but not unpleasant.” morality, emotions, the ability to see good from bad. She had given him a lifetime of knowledge, had given him the ability to understand life, death, and everything in-between. He was no longer just what Voldemort had turned him into, he was suddenly...someone else. Someone he wasn't completely sure of. “you are mine.” he decided, looking a little upset. “but I am yours at the same time.” he scowled a little. “i can't decide if I like this or not.” he admitted softly. “but I'm sure I'll figure it out.”
Thorn laughed, shaking her head."I'd feel obligated to do it, but I am thorn satanspawn, and will not bend to anyone's will but my own.I'd want to, but I could walk away if I want."She said, her faith, her belief that she would be able to, changing the binding slightly, giving her more freedom then it had.And it changed to match her words, giving her freedom bound by submissiveness. Going quiet as she thought it through, closing her eyes as she felt him through the bond, making a distressed noise as she crawled in his lap, trying to calm him down. Fretting as she felt his unease, thinking it over as she thought over his words."You gave me back life.And I gave you a lifetime....many lifetimes worth of knowledge."
Salazar smirked a little as he stroked her hair, pondering that before nodding. “that's alright, some part of me doesn't want you to simply obey me. It's more fun when you fight back.” he admitted glancing down at her, his head tilted. “... lifetimes of knowledge.” he muttered softly, nodding a little. “yes... I'm not blinded by my father anymore... I can see... he has the right idea, but he's insane, all he's doing is killing.” he closed his eyes and sighed. “i never thought I would ever disagree with my father...” he admitted softly. “he raised me... loved me, as best he could...” he shook his head. “but...” he shook his head. “it's all too complicated right now, everything is so confusing.” he complained shaking his head as he stood up. “i'm going to bed.” he decided, abandoning her in the library, confused and upset that he was changing into someone else, upset that he didn't know how to be himself anymore. He just wanted to sleep, and hope it would all be better in the morning.
Thorn watched him go, her heart hurting for causing him this much upset. Shaking her head a little she headed to bed herself, knowing things had to be better in the morning.

In the morning Thorn shook her head as she walked through the meeting hall, having locked the mansion down tight before she left, she had been summoned for this meeting, though she was keeping a half mind on her mate, feeling him as strongly as if he was standing next to her. Easily walking through the crowd she sighed daintily, looking at the order of the phoenix, plus lucius."You are all fools if you think to use him." she said interrupting the arguement going on between the members on what to do with Salazar. Shaking her head as she made her way to Lucius's side, feeling more comfortable with the death eater then the people of the light."I will kill the first person who thinks to use him." Tonks frowned, shaking her head as she looked at the younger woman, forgetting as most people did, that the mind behind that young face was centuries older."Do not play with powers you don't understand little girl."

(do you want dumbledore or me?)
Dumbledore raised a hand, calling silence to the arguing people, he, out of everyone, was the only person who never forgot what she was. “why do you think this Thorn?” he asked calmly, examining her closely. “is he as we feared? Mad as his father?” no, but Salazar could never fight against the man that had raised him. He loved his father, no matter how much his morals where now screaming at him that everything Tom was doing was wrong. “he's not mad.” Sirius stated suddenly. “he's just very young and been under rules different than ours. He doesn't know right and wrong.” Sirius explained looking at them. “but asking Salazar to fight Voldemort, is just like asking one of your children to kill their parents. I don't think even Voldemort could even kill his own mother, despite hating her.” there was a soft murmur, startled by Sirius's sudden insight as the dog smirked at Thorn and winked at him. “this is true.” Dumbledore agreed. “but we cannot simply let the boy wander London slaughtering as he pleases...Thorn can you safely contain him, try to teach him right from wrong? Perhaps if he learns, he might stop helping his father at the very least... many would stop fearing Voldemort if Salazar Riddle was no longer a danger.”
Thorn laughed quietly as she continued walking around the room, just to unnerve people. After all, she spent years building her reputation, it wouldn't do to have anyone forget she was merlin's daughter along with death's."He's sane. And he knows right from wrong."She smiled slightly trailing her fingers over the window sill,watching ice bloom under her fingers, the icy embrace of death showing. Daring them to ask what she had done, what had shifted. Tonks stared, eyes wide as she watched the girl, her voice shaking slightly, before mentally shaking herself, she was braver then this. This child would not scare her, no matter who she was."What did you do?"She demanded. "Bound life and death, as they should be."She said cryptically, wondering how long it would take for them to grow annoyed with her. After all, she only showed when dumbledore demanded her there, and she didn't want to be here. Didn't want to be around people radiating so much life. Though feeling the living presence of her mate in her mind was making her more pleasant then she usually was.
Dumbledore gasped in astonishment at her cryptic answer, his eyes wide as he watched her before nodding. “then we shall leave Salazar in your care.” he stated calmly, unwilling to use something that she had claimed. Because thorn had a limit, and nothing would make her cross that line, not even for the information he had. “Tonks, leave her alone.” Sirius suddenly demanded, glaring at the metamorphagi as Salazar's consciousness stirred in Thorn, he was waking up, his emotions going from hazy and peaceful to sharp and startled back to calm and confused. Though not upset as he had been last night, sleep had calmed his writhing emotions, as he had hoped they would. “Thorn, will you agree to continue watching over Salazar? Until we decide what is to be done with him, we must remember that he is only fourteen, a child and no doubt very confused and afraid despite his reputation.” nope, not a drop of fear, Salazar riddle feared nothing.
"he is not afraid of you.Or me.Or anything.A child in body only, you would do well to remember not everyhing is as it appears."Thorn shrugged absently, amused that he was so sure to be afraid. Enjoying her game of cryptic answers, before dipping her head slightly."What is to be done with him is not for you to decide, professor.Morrigan treasures her warriors, do well not to piss them off to badly."She said, sounding insane, and amused. Heading for the door as she made her way through the crowd, pausing slightly."Do knock before you come home Sirius."She said giving him a warning and a vague answer all at once. Apparating home with a thought,gently knocking against Salazar's door, a frown on her face as she tried to decide if he was upset with her.
Sirius chuckled a little as Dumbledore sighed a little, shaking his head. “Thorn, I would like to meet him at some point.” he admitted smiling at her. “but for now, try to be nice to him?” he teased well aware of what her binding death and life together meant. Sirius looked confused at the statement however and watched her leave, his head tilted a little before chuckling as he looked around him. “you people really have no clue who your pissing off.” he teased smirking a little.

When the knock sounded on Salazar's door, excitement rushed through their bond, letting her know that he was excited to have her back as he opened the door, looking sleepy and bed mussed as he yawned. “mmm you left?” he asked curiously rubbing his eyes. “i'm hungry...” he complained, sounding like...like an average fourteen year old actually, like a normal person. He had never been a normal person before, he liked it, honestly. He didn't feel any desire to cause pain or draw blood or kill as he had before, he felt, calm, and at peace with himself. He felt... happy. “thank you Thorn.” he stated suddenly offering her a smile. “you saved me.” he admitted. “i didn't know I needed saving but I did...” he grinned at her, his wickedness returning in a flash. “your still mine.' he teased, pulling her in for a kiss, pressing his lips hard against hers before releasing her and trying to find the kitchen, his stomach demanding food, hating him for missing all of his meals the day before.
Tonks scowled slightly shaking her head, looking at her cousin."Shut up sirius."She said as the meeting broke apart

Thorn laughed quietly, steering him back to the bedroom as she summoned a elf to give her some food, grinning as the small elf brought them a feast of food. Settling on his bed as she started eating. Even though she didn't need it, thorn did enjoy eating. Giving him a almost shy smile when she thought over his words, frowning slightly. "I had to leave for a bit. Summonings from the old bastard aren't to be ignored, unless I want to end up with a headache and my secret once again lost."She said, truly afraid the man would do it. Take the memory from his own mind and destory the last remenants of what she'd done, if she even thought to disobey him. The actions slowly pushing death's daughter into a corner, and like a animal, she would strike out eventually. But for the moment, Salazar was balancing her well.Making her as calm and normal as he was.
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