Riddle Me a Heart

he scowled as he was pulled away from the kitchen, relaxing when he saw the feast, settling onto the bed and helping himself. “Dumbledore is a manipulating old bastard.” he stated calmly, pondering. “but, he is only doing what he thinks is right.” he decided nodding a little as he looked at her. “what is it that he has? A secrete? That doesn't make any sense at all.” he complained with a small frown. “he shouldn't use people like that, at least my father has the decency to let people know when their being used like pawns.” he growled, a little annoyed with the old man who so denied his father at every turn. “what does Dumbledore have planned for me anyway? And don't you DARE lie, I know he has something planned, he always does, I was kidnapped for a reason and we both know it.”
Thorn frowned,"He wants you, for whatever reason.He has a plan, to use you I think."She shrugged, for a moment looking vulnerable before she shook her head looking at him."But I didn't ask, because your life meant nothing to me, and my secret meant everything. Though...the game has changed now. And I don't know what to think."She said frowning a little, brushing a hand through her hair eating. Avoiding his eyes."When...when I was rendered outcast, I was made to forget the sin of what I did. The only thing that can render me mortal again, is finding out, and repenting for doing...whatever I did. Dumbledore knows, or at least suspects where I can find what I did."She sighed tiredly looking at him, shifting to kiss his shoulder, letting him feel just how tired, how old and how very attatched she'd become to him in the short day they'd been together."I'm tired Sal.I've lived to long, and can't feel apart of the world anymore. Nothing...sometimes I think I'm dreaming... and the world was all figments of my imagination....but I know. I know I did something.And I want to know what.So...I played the headmaster's game to find out. And I'll keep playing, to keep you safe."She said smiling slightly.
Salazar growled a little, feeling angry that they would kidnap him and then not even tell him what they wanted with him. “my life means nothing to a lot of people.” he agreed looking rather amused about that. “so you have been made to forget your sin, but your supposed to repent for it anyway? That's kind of twisted.” he admitted shaking his head a little wrapping his arms tightly around her, closing his eyes. “you have every right to be tired.” he agreed. “i can't imagine how long you've been living, alone, without any knowledge of what you've done or how to fix it.” he sighed a little and kissed her temple. “we'll find out, what he knows. We'll find out your sin's, and we'll save you from your curse.” he promised, smirking a little. “don't worry about me, I'll play my own games with Dumbledore.”
She laughed uietly turning a little, settling into his arms with a sigh, head resting on his chest."Wsn't always aone...biut...I think I haven't had anyone for awhile."She said frowning a little as she thought about it, before laughing softly, nodding. Wondering if she should worry about him, if he was going to play games with dumbledore."He wants to meet you. He wants to see whatever I have done to you..."
he nodded, running his fingers through her hair. “i like this.” he admitted calmly. “you won't be alone now, I've decided I want to keep you.” he teased smiling a little. “we'll be together forever.” he decided. “or until one of us dies I suppose.” he snickered a little. “actually, didn't I rape you first? So isn't all if this sort of my fault?” he asked grinning at her as he peeked at her through one eye. “that oaf is back, tell him I hate him.” he ordered as someone knocked on the door. “Thooorn! He said he hates me! Tell him to be nice.” Sirius whined through the door, god the man had such good hearing, but Salazar just smirked and nodded. “Thorn, tell the ugly oaf that he's immature, worthless, and needs to get a life.” “i am NOT ugly! I'm GORGEOUS!” Sirius whined, though you could hear both the laughter, and the bemusement in his voice. It was very clear to Sirius that Sal had changed very drastically overnight.
Thorn smiled at him shyly as he looked at her, shifting as she shook her head."Do I look like a bloody owl to you?Talk to the mutt yourself."She said sliding away from him, opening the door and smiling a little, a shy smile curling her lips as she looked at sirius, for the first time truly unsure of hw he would take this. He'd agreed with the whole saving sal thing, but she wasn't surewhathe would think of their bond, and him being the closest she had to a father anymore meant that he was the one person that she truly worried about disappointing.
Salazar snickered as he yawned a little and settled back into the bed, relaxing as Sirius walked in, the man looking at Salazar curiously. “what in the world did you do to him?” he asked looking baffled before he sniffed at her and then at him, his eyes narrowing. “you both smell different...” he growled eyes narrowing. “you smell...the same...” he complained sniffing at her again Salazar snarling suddenly as he got to his feet. “you quit sniffing my woman you old lecherous pervert!” “... your woman!?” Sirius demanded his eyes wide as he suddenly realized, looking at her. “you bound him to you!?” sounding shocked, Salazar snorting angrily. “no! We bound OURSELVES to EACH OTHER. And before you start bitching it was an ACCIDENT, and one I don't intend on 'fixing' now get out before I feed you your own fucking heart!” Sirius lifted his hands and backed away from Thorn, showing Salazar he meant no harm. “easy there kid, she's like a daughter to me, I'm not going to do anything to her.” he promised Salazar hissing furiously. “bullshit! Death eaters fuck their own kids all the time.” he spat angrily. “you stay away from Thorn!” “i will not! She's MY daughter and I'm NOT going to hurt her! YOU might!” “i can't!” Salazar snarled. “remember!? I tried that already!
That was about the time Thorn snarled, a sound of fury and life. Beacause it took being alive to really feel the emotions she was. Harry's emotions making her feel even more off balance."Stop.Both of you."she growled looking between them,"Me and Sal are meeting with dumbledore after this, if you would behave and let us finishing eating."She said looking upset at upseting Sirius struggling for call as she looked at him.
Sirius and Sal stood there, growling at each other but they had stopped yelling once Thorn had growled at them, Lupin looking startled as he gaped at her. “your taking him to Dumbledore!? Thorn that's not safe! For you OR for Salazar!” he protested Sal looking a little puzzled. “Dumbledore wants something from this kid! And from you for that matter, if he pisses Sal off we ALL know Salazar is going to try and attack him!” “i won't.” Salazar stated simply. “i won't lay a finger on the old bastard until I have what Thorn needs.” he stated simply. “Dumbledore has something that Thorn would risk her own soul to get, and I can't have that.” Sirius looked startled by Salazar's possessive protectiveness over thorn and he nodded a little. “i didn't know that.” the animagus admitted shaking his head a little. “ even if you do get what you want from him, he still wants something from you.” “well he might get it, depending on what he wants.” Sal admitted shrugging a little. “it really all depends on how I feel about him.” “... how much did you change?” “she gave me a lifetime of experience that's all. I enjoy understanding myself in all actuality.”
Thorn looked slightly amused, the pleasure of being protected so filling the bond even as she rolled her eyes."A few lifetimes actually."She said before shaking her head sitting down again. Starting to eat. guilt making a appearance, now that she was attached to Salazar, she...she felt bad for using him, to gain the secret she needed. Looking at the animgaus even as she eat a little looking at him thoughtfully."There's reasons I didn't tell you.Though truly, I am amazed you haven't asked me."He said looking amused before sighing."Dumbledore has the secret to my immortality Sirius.He knows what I did."She said quietly, needing him to understand just why she was willing to risk everything to go to this meeting. Before perking up,even though guilt and amusement was what salazar was getting from her."Besides, I am Thorn Satanspawn. It will take more then a old man to hurt me."She said trying to joke and failing miserably.
Salazar turned and looked at Thorn when he felt the guilt, tilting his head and lifting an eyebrow, feeling a little puzzled as to why she should feel guilty. Sirius shrugged. “i always assumed Dumbledore had blackmail on you like he does me.” he admitted simply, as if it was a run of the mill thing to be blackmailed in order to make someone work for them. Hell for Sirius it probably was, that and his loyalty to Lily, who was still as depressed as the day she had found out her husband and son had died and she had lived. “i'm sure that Dumbledore will try to blackmail me too.” Harry stated with a shrug. “but the world already knows I'm a bastard, he doesn't really have anything on me that I don't already know.” but there was one thing, that Salazar did not know. “well then...” Sirius stated looking a little puzzled. “anyone want to go flying?” “...no.” Salazar stated with a scowl.
Thorn laughed quietly, shaking her head amused at the man's want to fly. Standing slowly, kissing his cheek."We'll fly when we get back. We have things to do, people to meet."She smiled wrapping her arms around Sal,kissing his cheek before apparating them to grimwuld place. Frowning a little as she looked around the front hall."This house always depresses me."She said looking around before heading for the sitting room, knowing dumbledore was probably already there, or at least lily would know when he would be. Of everyone she was forced to interact with, lily was one of the few she really got along with.Which probably said more for the woman's kindness and tolerance then anything about thorn.
Salazar wrinkled his nose at the thought of flying, Sirius whining a little but nodding as he watched them apparate away, shaking his head. “...those two... I have a very bad feeling about this.” he grumbled sighing a little. Salazar looked around the place and suddenly smiled, relaxing a great deal. “this place feels like home.” he admitted softly, turning to a painting, Mrs. Black suddenly ripping her curtains open to scream at them all before gasping at the sight of Salazar. “Salazar! My lord welcome to black manor!” she shrieked, Sal wincing and sticking his finger in his ear. “yeah.. hello Mrs. Black. Do be so kind as to shut up.” he ordered the painting slamming the curtains shut. “did you know that we have one of her in my house?” he asked curiously. “no one uses that room because she's a raving maniac but if your not careful she might decide to spy on you.” he pointed out, keeping his voice low so that no one but Thorn could hear him. He stepped into the room, looking around at all the people who froze and stared at Salazar, eyes wide as they waited for him to do something, anything. Dumbledore standing up from his seat at the table and smiling.

“i wasn't expecting to meet you so soon Salazar Riddle.” “i have been eager to meet you Albus Dumbledore.” Salazar admitted, but did not go for the wand at his hip. “i hear you have plans for me.” “oh yes, many plans.” Dumbledore teased with a small chuckle. “none of which I expect you to go along with.” Sal smirked a little. “well aren't you smart?” he teased shaking his head a little. “i suppose you think you have blackmail on me too hmm?” “oh my no, you'd have to care what people think for blackmail to work. No I have much better information.” Salazar looked curious despite himself. “oh yes?” “i know who your mother is.” Salazar paused, pondered that then. “she's a mudblood bitch who abandoned me at birth.” he shrugged. “that's all I need to know.” but he did want to know, Albus wouldn't be able to tell, but Thorn could, through the bond.
Thorn tilted her head, feeling how much he wanted to know,brushing his head, squeezing gently as she moved past him, moving to the window so that she could look out, looking slightly worried."Tell him."She said simply, ignoring everyone else in the room expect fr dumbledore. After all, he was the only one truly capable of urting her, if he did know her secret. Offering support through their bond she was seemingly not paying attnetion, though even without looking at him,she was painfully aware of where salazar was."And if you are lying and we find out, I will destroy you."She said simply, a warning. Because there was nothing to stop her except salazar if dumbledore hurt him.
he turned and examined her, his head tilted a little. “as I said before, I don't need to know. She's dead.” he stated simply Dumbledore lifting an eyebrow. “she's not.” he stated calmly, the silver eyed man examining Thorn. “you would do well not to threaten my dear, don't forget I have information you want as well.” Salazar smirked a little. “your worse than my father.” he stated Dumbledore looking horrified at that. “he at least treats everyone the same. They are all lower life forms, all pawns. He rules by fear, but they can leave at any time they want really, though I'm not sure if that's the madness or if it's just him not caring... you, your ten times worse, you use blackmail and hold secretes to make people do what you want to do. What will you do when someone refuses to play your silly game?” Harry demanded, Dumbledore frowning a little as he examined Salazar before sighing. “then they go I suppose.” he stated calmly, Salazar snorting a little.

“this is a war old man, people do things their not proud of. Now tell me what you want with me before I get bored and take this opportunity to go home, despite my bonds and my chains.” “very well.” Dumbledore said with a small sigh. “all I want from you, is information. The names of death eaters, your fathers plans...” Salazar actually started laughing. “you are a fool! A bloody idiot!” he stated laughing brightly. “you think that because the world thinks I am evil, that I am just going to betray my own father!?” he demanded staring at Dumbledore who's eye was starting to twitch before he started laughing again. “oh very well.” Salazar stated wiping his eyes. “but only because you amuse me, and because while your theory about magic is wrong, at least you don't slaughter everyone.” he stated pondering a little. “why don't we talk and walk? I'm still hungry and I wanted to catch up with Kreacher.” he admitted, causing the room to flinch, wondering how Salazar knew about that idiot house elf.
Thorn turned her head, loking at salazar for a long moment, before she thought about it. Narcissa Malfoy had once been Narcissa Black, and they were in the most ancient house of black. Looking amused for a minute before her face shifted, the coldness entering those eyes. Following the two men out into the gardens, before she spoke."You would do well to remember who she is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."The voice though, was like Thorn's but different. Lightly amused and the slight ring of power as the words escaped. Deeper voice, and a entery worth of experience. "You will only be able to force her so far...both of them so far, before they turn on you."Lucifel, the one who had once been the morningstar, sounded amused and interested as he used his granddaughter to speak. the protection that her parents had laid over her to keep her safe, but rendering her alive agin. After all, one had to be alive, to be able to risk one's soul. And... well he wanted to meet this man brave enough to not only risk playing games with thorn, but with Salazar and Voldemort.
Salazar had just been about to lay down a few threats on Dumbledore when Thorn suddenly changed, his eyes narrowing as he felt her being shoved to the back of her own mind as someone else took control, snarling lightly as he listened to this new person, Dumbledore listening with wide eyes as he realized that this person talking through her had to be ancient and one of her family. He swallowed thickly watching her intently. “i do what I must to save the wizarding world” he stated softly staring Lucifel in the eye with firm eyes. “if I must use these two children to do it then I will.” he stated, Salazar laughing again at Dumbledore's stubbornness. “you, are still a fool Dumbledore.” Salazar stated firmly. “there are other ways for us to learn what we want to know.” Dumbledore nodded. “i am sure there are.” he agreed. “but until then I am your only choice.” “there are always a choice, and you are making a bad one.” Salazar stated setting his hand on Thorn's shoulder. “be careful what you decide Albus Dumbledore, or you might find yourself on the losing side of the war right along side my father.”
Lucifel smiled slowly, the look cold and far from human. After all, Lucifel had never been human. Turning to look at Salazar, the devil smiled wider,"My, you are a pretty boy."he said raising his granddaughter's hand, stroking her hand over his cheek before looking at Dumbledore, fire filling her eyes, and the tangy sent of brimstone filled the air."I swear on my own name, Ibius Lucifel, the one who was the morning star, shall you cause harm to befall my granddaughter, the hell you have lived through will be small and insignificat to what follows."Lucifel smiled shaking out her long blond hair, missing the world. as a demon, he was comdemned to never leaving hell, as a angel had a enjoyed the world. And he would break any rule to keep this so wronged girl from harm....could he be feeling guilty?The devil feeling remorse for his granddaughter's fall? "And do be kind, she will not be remembering this when she's back.She'll think you're still having the conversation you had been having."He said before departing.

Thorn frowned slightly looking at the men staring at her."You're staring at me.Why?"He frowned looking at the both. She might have been her grandfather's way to earth but even when she was in total control, Thorn hadn't always remembered had he had done while in charge
Dumbledore shuddered violently at his threats Salazar smirking. “and I'll help.” he promised ignoring the pretty comments, looking at Thorn curiously. “sorry, I'm assuming your a boy and I don't swing that way.” he teased eyes glittering with laughter as he teased who he assumed was the ruler of hell itself. “he smirked as he watched the Demon flee, his head tilted when she returned, Dumbledore opening his mouth to explain and Salazar cutting him off. “it's just because your so beautiful.” he teased smirking a little. “i'll explain later, for now why don't you go inside and see if you can't find that nasty little house elf for me while I have a few private words with Dumbledore?”
Thorn studied him looking confused, before nodding slowly. Brushing her hand against him as she headed for the door."Don't be long. I don't like being here. Mrs. Black yells alot at me."She said laughing a little as she headed inside to find the house elf. When the two men came inside she smiled slightly, looking down at the elf standing at her side."As ordered, the house elf."She said wrinkling her nose a little. She hated this house elf, it had no matters an was continuely muttering to himself. It kinda reminded her of the imps her grandfather had let Merlin summon. Which was in itself, a very disturbing thought.
Harry laughed a little and nodded turning to Dumbledore with furious eyes. When they walked back into the house, Dumbledore actually looked afraid of the young Salazar who grinned when Kreacher nearly turned inside out at the sight of Salazar. “Master Salazar! Master Salazar! It's so good to see you again I missed you ever so much! Are you finally going to take me away from these filthy nasty people!?” “yes, yes I am.” Salazar admitted chuckling a little. “go back to my house, my PERSONAL house, the one that Father doesn't know about and keep it tidy for me.” he ordered Kreacher scraping and bowing before vanishing with a loud CRACK to do as he was ordered the house gaping at him again. “and Kreacher!” he yelled the house elf reappearing. “Take your mistress with you alright?” Kreacher nodded and bowed and scraped again before vanishing, this time with the noisy Mrs. Black. “there, that's that.” Salazar stated simply. “i'm done here.” he admitted smiling at Thorn. “ready to go or do you have anything you need to do yet?”
Thorn shook her head, "No.I'm done."She said turning her head slightly to look at Dumbledore."Tell Lily I would enjoy it if she would come for lunch tomororw."She said bowing her head slightly, wrapping a arm around Salazar's waist, apparating home with a sigh."Now.Can you explain why I have a headache and I can do this again!?"She demanded as she raised a hand, fire circling her fingers. "I lost it!I know I did!Hell magic was forbidden from me!"She yelled starting to panic the overwelming panic hitting her. She might not remember what she did, but she knew bone deep who it involved. It wasn't a conscious thought that she knew lucifel was involved, it was a instict that something was terribly wrong.
Dumbledore nodded, looking amused by something as he turned away, sighing a little as they vanished, swallowing thickly as he turned tot he room. “... no one is to even lay a finger on Salazar or Thorn.” he ordered. “shaking his head. He was getting in way over his head. Salazar blinked at her, looking almost mesmerized by the flames sprouting in her hands. “god, I wanna fuck you all over again.” he growled eagerly licking his lips. “you where possessed for a little bit.” he explained. “a man named Ibius Lucifel, the one who was the morning star.” harry explained. “he took over your body and threatened Dumbledore.” he shook his head. “i think he unlocked part of your bloodline or something.” he admitted. “whatever it is, he's protecting you as best he can. I think. I can't say for sure I don;t even know who the guy is.”
Thrn paled drastically as she stared at him, hellfire circling her fingers, flairing brightly before a moment before settling into a single ring around her finger, the shifting metals it formed showing like a real fire even though it wouldn't hurt to touch."Lucifel was once the most beloved in heaven, until he fell."She shuddered a little."There is a reason my father was known as satanspawn."She swallowed hard, shifting nearly collapsing into him as she leaned into his arms, legs shaking. Instictively afraid, and not knowing why."You know lucifel better as Lucifer."She added softly.
Salazar blinked a little as she explained his eyes widening a little. “so... your the granddaughter of... of Lucifer!?” he demanded amazed and horrified all at the same time. “that's... I'm actually not sure how to feel about that.” he admitted pondering that gasping as he caught her and carefully picked her up settling her onto the bed. “calm down Thorn! Having the Devil on your side is a good thing isn't it?”
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