Riddle Me a Heart

Salazar snarled as he felt the locking spell take place, he was strong, but he wasn't strong enough to break a spell made by the devil himself, but he tried! He slammed his magic into it, he even went as far as trying to chew his wrist off, screaming that they where all traitorous scum and that they where all going to burn in the pits of hell when he was the king! That he was going to kill them, take their souls, and eat them for breakfast! He slumped suddenly as a sleeping spell struck him square in the head, Lucius shaking his head. “he's like a wild animal.” he complained. “and Draco went to get Lily, he should be back soon.” he promised picking Sal up and laying him on a bed that had been made from a chair, since Sal couldn't get too far away from Lucien now that the spell was in place. “keep that handcuff on him, if he wakes up early he'll either try to kill us or he'll try to sneak out.” he admitted shaking his head as two loud CRACKS filed the air, Draco and Lily walking in, holding Harm, who was once again covered in mud. “he was trying to dig under the fence, I think he knows where thorn is...”
Lucien looked starlted, before nodding. Realizing that the small dragon probably did. "We'll take him with us."He said running his fingers through his hair as he thought over his son's habits."We need to get to camelot first.He wont dare move her there to soon, just in case we do go in early"He said running his fingers through his hair, struggling to think beyond the demand of his soul that he go get his granddaughter back."...I have a idea....and you're all going to hate it."He said studying them,"Salazar's not the only one here that's considered a hellfire prince...I can give myself up...tell them I'm the one they need, and should things go pearshaped, and you can't get us.Then he still wont bring camelot back."He swallowed hard, hating the idea of leaving draco, but he needed to do this, to correct a old harm he'd done to thorn."If you can only save one, save her."He sighed quietly."When you get to camelot, it will be among the ruins of the castle that he sarcifices her. Old stones there...."He sighed, looking at the dragon, stroking his head to try and keep him calm."He'll be able to lead you right to her."
Draco and Lucius nodded hesitating as Draco took the dragon from Lily, cleaning it with a spell and setting the little creature down next to Harry, where Harm settled down and watched them with wide eyes, Draco swallowing thickly. “you can't!” he stated, grabbing Lucien's arm. “you can't!” “Draco... it's ok.” Lucius stated calmly, gripping his shoulder. “it won't come to that, we're going to save Thorn. We are protectors. We are High Elves, we can find her.” he promised closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “we'll take Harry, he'll use the Hollows to kill Merlin. The unbeatable sword can cut down even the dead, Merlin won't stand a chance... that will leave Lucien free to take out Voldemort... as he is of your blood, and we where created to protect that blood we cannot harm Voldemort, or even raise a hand against him.” he admitted shaking his head as Draco bit his lip hard. “father, your still on Voldemort's good side... right?” he asked suddenly, Lucius nodding. “so what if... what if Voldemort is hiding thorn at one of his safe houses? He trusts you, he won't attack you if you walk in with information that Salazar is ripping apart the country side....”
Lucien nodded, looking thoughtful."I'll go with Lucius...to voldemort. We'll be able to find out if thorn's there, and if not, i can still take care of my bloodline there. that'll only leave Merlin."He said shuddering, because that was enough of a thought to deal with.It was going to be a bloody day in camelot."Tomorrow at daybreak, head towards camelot. Their bond, and the hallows, should feel the tug of the death goddess. They'll lead you two to her, once she's at camelot, because they were made there."He sighed, running his fingers through his hair."Lucius, we'll go now.And salazar...."He said leaning over to look at his grandson, getting his attention."we're not going to let her die. I wont. Not again.You just have to wait a few hours from now."She said pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Lucius nodded a little and pondered the most likely place where Voldemort would be, spreading out his mind and locating his chosen protectee and nodding. “i have his location.” he admitted, salazar rubbing his eyes, trying to clear his fuzzy vision from the sleeping spell, looking up at Lucien with rage, and fear in his expression. “... fine..” he muttered looking down at his toes and shaking his head, burying his face into his knees. “this is all my fault... I never should have let her go in there... never...” he muttered softly Draco setting his hand on Salazar's shoulder giving it a squeeze. “it's not your fault Sal, we'll get her back.” he promised Sal sighing a little. As Lucius shook his head. “come on Lucien, we better do this quickly... are you sure you can handle it?”
Lucien nodded, "I can."He said, swallowing hard. Even if he had to bath the world in blood, he wouldn't let his granddaughter what little of life she'd come to find. "Sunrise. I'll see you at camelot."He growled pressing a kiss to draco's mouth before he apparated with lucius shuddering a little as they appeared in front of the house, frowning a little as they walked inside."You're not going to like this...but we'll need to surprise him...if we are going to kill him..."He muttered looking at the blond. Frowning as he felt her, weakly, as if she was still asleep or unaware. "Whatever do you want?Merlin told me that you were not going to help me. That you care for no one but your granddaughter." Voldemort snarled a little, pointing his wand towards the devil. "Merlin lies. I had to use thorn to aquire the hallows. Even now, your son is on his way to camelot with them."He said watching the man even as he mentally searched for thorn.
Lucius nodded a little. “i can distract him.” he agreed. “if I try to stop you from killing him, I'm sorry, feel free to knock me out of you need to.” he stated calmly, uncertain how he would react when his protectee was threatened. He smiled as they apparated stepping out of the shadows, approaching Voldemort. “my lord! I have news!!... oh, Lucien, good to see you, you know Salazar is ripping apart the countryside hunting down your ass... oh! My lord! I have news! Salazar! Your son is in the Ireland countryside ripping it apart looking for thorn, he seams to think that Camelot is there, or thorn's house! He hasn't found the last hollow yet!” he admitted flushed with excitement. “he hasn't found the Sword of Excalibur yet!”
Voldemort looked startled before nodding."Good. Then he wont be able to stop what is to come."He said sounding pleased as he sighed."He wont find Thorn, before the end."He said not noticing Lucien moving closer to him.Despite being battle trained, the man was insane. He didn't notice things that were life and death. Lucien snarled quietly, nodding." That is good. Thorn will be the sacerifice you need."He said shifting to put voldemort between him and lucius, not about to trust the protector to not attack him. Walking slowly around he swallowed, wincing as voldemort turned towards him, sensing something was wrong. Lucien smiled before reaching out, fingers closing around the other's neck,ripping out his throat the same moment his hand past through his chest ripping out his heart, filling the dark lord with enough hellfire to kill even thorn and her undeath state. Wincing as he stepped back, yelping as Lucius slammed into him as the elf realized his protectee was dead. "Lucius!"He snarled fending off the man, trying to push him back.
Lucius roared as he felt his protected die, and his instincts kicked in, leaping onto Lucien in a furious rage, striking at him with fists and elvish Magic. Not that the magic could hurt him, being that he was of his Thorns bloodline. He didn't stop attacking Lucien until the Devil knocked him out, slumping to the ground unconscious, the magic he had been spilling fading away. As an elf he wasn't unconscious for long, groaning as he sat up. “got that was a HORRIBLE feeling...” he groaned. “like part of my soul had been ripped out.” he admitted smiling at Lucien. “thank you, my protections have switched to Thorn.” he explained hesitating a little. “but... uhm... you should know that Draco's have switched as well...” he admitted. He felt the Devil should know that Draco had become his protector, it was only right.
Lucien whimpered a little."Oh bloody hell. He's goign to be up my ass over every little dangerous thing now..."He grumbled, though he was mostly amused at the idea of the elf trying to take care of him, before sighing."She's upstairs."He said before running up the stairs towards where he could feel his granddaughter, rushing into the rooms, ignoring the wards before he stepped close to the bed. Staring down at the unconscious woman he reached forward, cursing as his hand went right through her shoulder."Bloody fuck!"He cursed as he felt the stinging hex woven into the illusion strike at him, jerking back as he realized he'd made a very bad mistake. She wasn't here, she'd never been here....they had to get to camelot.

"We need to go. Now."He growled turning to face the blond heading for the front hall again, needing to get past the wards to apparate.
Lucius nodded and froze in astonishment as he watched Lucien's hand pass through thorn, shaking his head. “don't bother! Voldemort is dead and the wards are still keyed to let me through, I'll apparate us to Salazar's house!” he explained, apparating and then freezing in astonishment as he saw... well, something that would normally have been very funny. Draco was bound to a chair very firmly, wrists, arms, legs up to mid shin, hips and chest where all tied very securely to a chair, and there was a large rag stuffed in his mouth. “...Salazar?” Lucius asked, Draco's eyes narrowing in fury and nodding. “went after thorn?” another nod and Lucius sighed, looking at Lucien. “leave Draco tied up, he'll try and stop you if you go to plan B.” where Lucien gave up his own life. “come on, Salazar has a very big head start on us.” he admitted shaking his head.

Deep within Camelot Salazar crept along, hidden by the invisibility cloak, his very foot steps silenced with magic, and his magical signature barley there thanks to heavy meditation and pulling his magic deep within himself. He hoped Merlin wouldn't be able to find him, but he could feel Thorns distress, and just HAD to get to her! He just HAD to.
Lucien nodded looking at the blond."You look for Salazar. I'll take care of my son."He said already bracing himself to die for his granddaughter. Closing his eyes as he apparated them, leaving lucius outside of the clearing before apparating again, smiling as he stepped closer to the sacrificial stones, having always known where merlin needed her to be, but he'd been foolish enough to think they wouldn't be there yet. Sighing as he walked around the stones, watching his son as he prepared."You fool." "Lu-Lucien!I should have known, Ibrus Lucifer."merlin growled, power in the words, making the devil's head ring as the use of his true name stopped him for a moment."Ah, but you knew I would come for her, after all, I am the only hellfire prince."Lucien said praying lucius and salazar were close, because he might be able to stop this antichrist in time, but his son was stronger then him-not that he'd ever admit it- and it would cost him everything to bring him down on his own. He needed one of his own bloodline, to strike out at merlin."You will not bring her back.She's not what you need."

"She is a goddess reborn....I have made her into exactly what I need."the two men stared at each other across the stones and thorn's body, both ignoring teh sounds of distress from teh goddess bound.
Lucius nodded and gripped Lucien's wrist gently. “just be careful.” he ordered calmly. “or Draco will never forgive you.” he teased vanishing with a crack to try and find his Protected, so he could do his job and protect him. Little did he know that he was watching Merlin arguing with Lucifer, sneaking silently closer and closer, trying his best to ignore thorn, Lucius panting as he ran up, gripping the man's wrist to indicate that he couldn't find the boy. “Voldemort is dead Merlin.” Lucius stated simply. “and destroying thorn will not bring back your daughter. It was Camelot's time to die, it was Gods will, as well as Hells. You are sinning against the very nature of life, and you will pay for your sins.” Lucius promised, drawing a blade from his belt as Salazar stepped behind Merlin and Activated the Orb, calling on the one person Merlin would never want to see, Morgana, pulling her from death and spilling her out into the world, further masking his presence, and distracting Merlin... hopefully. He just had to get in close enough to take off the man's head with Excalibur.
merlin stopped, stared at his dead wife, shaking his head even as he laid the blade against thorn's throat. One slice, and it would be done. His life would be back, remade even better then it had been."No!I wont let you stop me!Camelot was a dream for the ages!" "It was only ever supposed to be a dream Merlin."Morgana said sadly, "Thorn was always meant to be the end. it was a dream for the ages, a golden age, something to strive for." merlin scowled,"no!It was meant to be foreever!"He said before his hand flashed down, bright blood spilled across the stones, magic singing as morgana was forced back to what she was, for this was a thing of death, and she was no longer part of it.

Lucien howled as he felt the blade bite into his skin, even as he kept his arm between the blade and thorn's vulnerable skin, looking down into her scared eyes, knowing she was still trapped even as she started to scream. She was a goddess bound, and he would save her, even if it cost him everything. He would unbind her. Shuddering as he felt the blade pressing deeper,slowly getting closer to bone, snarling as he looked for salazar and lucius. It was taking everything for him to just keep merlin's attention on him, he couldn't throw the killing blow. He needed the other two.
Lucius snarled as well as he saw the blade swinging towards his Protected power suddenly slamming hard into Merlin, because Merlin was a direct threat to his particular Protected, he could defend her even though Merlin was of her bloodline, Elvish magic filled Merlin with a sense of Sorrow, Regret, Fear,and agony, pure agony. And then death magic filled him, pure burning pain filling him from toes to nose as Salazar snarled, the cloak falling off his shoulders, his blade flashing through the air and striking Merlin square, slicing effortlessly through flesh blood, sinew, and bone, lopping off his head effortlessly and snarling in rage as he summoned Hellfire into his palms and set fire to the falling body, burning the ashes before pulled water for the air, soaking the ashes into mud, hissing furiously in Parseltongue, sealing the mud with ancient Snake magic before he grabbed handfuls of it, muttering darkly, half crazy with fury and pain as he stuffed the mud from Merlin's body into separate glass jars to be split apart forever. He was making DAMN sure, that even if Merlin was somehow still alive, that he was NEVER going to be able to come back to life.
Lucien laughed quietly as he cradled his bleeding arm against his chest, wincing at the slight grinding it made, knowing merlin had broken bones. Shuddering as he looked at Salazar, swaying a little on his feet as he focused on undoing Thorn's bonds, nearly falling when the girl crashed into his chest."Salazar!"The devil demanded, swaying a little. Starting to feel the blood loss as he looked around him, knowing..."...draco's going to be sooo pissed at me." He muttered aloud as he stroekd thorn's hair as the goddess clung to him, so scared and out of it she didn't even notice the rest of them.
Lucius moved over to Lucien, panting softly as he carefully took the injured arm and healed it as much as he could, fixing the broken bones but not able to fix the lacerations or the bleeding, not having enough energy left to do any more. Salazar jumped when he heard his name and seamed to snap back into the realm of the not so crazy as he blinked stupidly at Salazar, finished shoving the mud into the containers before rushing to his feet and pulling Thorn into his arms. “go untie Draco.” Sal ordered. “i'm taking Thorn home to rest.” he explained, apparating her away and carefully laying her down on the bed, gently kissing her forehead and nuzzling her gently as he carefully started to wash the dirt and blood off of her, checking for injuries. “shh love, your alright.” he promised softly. “Merlin is gone, I made sure of it.” he promised kissing her gently.
Thorn whimpered as she shifted, kissing him back, ignoring the blood and dirt on them both as she wrapped her arms around him, clinging to her lover."You shouldn't have come for me. No...you were in danger..."She muttered clinging to him harder, trembling, before sniffling."I'm pregnant.'She muttered, worriedly, as if it just occurred to her to be worried, after her father had said she was worried. Not sure how the man had known, but she knew it was true, she could feel it in her bones, why she made a good sacrifice. Both life and death, innocence and sin. Two lives bound in one.

Lucien whined a little as he apparated both himself and lucius back to the house, stumbling tiredly as he moved to draco's side, undoing the knots one handed as he held the arm close, not wanting to reopen the wounds lucius had mostly fixed."Draco, it's over."He said glancingg at his lover, smiling slowly. dazied. Feeling the blood loss.
Sal smiled a little as he kissed her. “i will always come for you.” he promised with a soft whisper. “i will always save you.” he promised before freezing, looking amazed. “b...baby?” he asked with such a tone of hope it was almost funny. “i'm gonna be a daddy?” he asked his eyes wide excitedly. “I'm Gonna Be A Daddy!!!!” he squealed happily pulling her into a hug before snarling violently. “excuse me a moment, I have Merlin's ashes to dispose of.” he growled. One forth of the ashes had been left in Camelot, bound to earth. He vanished in an instant, tossing one of the glass jars into a Volcano that he knew of, binding that soul to flame, vanishing again to an island somewhere in the Caribbean, dumping the mud mixture into the water, binding it to water. The last he apparated up to the highest peek in the world, using a breathing and warming charms to keep from dying, scattering the only dry ashes into the wind, binding them to Air, four elements to hold Merlin in death, forever. The only punishment that Salazar could find fitting, Merlin would never rest, never in hell, never in heaven, never in death and never in life, bound forever to darkness and nothingness, in agony.

Draco snarled as he was released and the first thing he did was slap Lucien, hard, before pulling him into a tight, firm kiss, before he finally set about healing his lover, bitching and complaining non stop about how he was an IDIOT and a TRAITOR and that the next time someone tied him up dammit it had better be Lucien and there had BETTER damn well be sex involved.
Thorn grinned, watching him go. Because that was perfect. They were going to be fine now.

Lucien snickered a little as he watched his lover bandage him up nodding every now and then in agreement to the boy's ranting, quite amused though it didn't show. Not about to tell him he was finding his anger amusing.

9 months Later Lucien smiled sweetly as he looked down at his great granddaughter, "Hello witch-child."He cooed, purring quietly, smiling as the girl studied him with solemn eyes before grinning. "Damn. Barely out of the womb and she's already seduced by your voice." "As she should be."Lucien said looking up as the others ame in, having kicked out not only salazar,but lucius and draco so he could have a private moment with his granddaughter. Smiling as he looked at the boy's, shaking his head."She's precious Sal."He said stroking the girl's cheek. "And we named her titian."Thorn said, tilting his head as she remembered her grandmother, the only woman lucien had ever loved enough to consider being mortal for.
Sal beamed as he saw the babe, stealing his daughter and glaring at Lucien, still pissed about having been bodily thrown out of the room before beaming as he snuggled his daughter. “little Titian Satanspawn, it's perfect love.” because when they had gotten married, Sal had taken her last name, deciding to let the Riddle line die. Draco grinned as he gently took the baby, ignoring Sal's whining. “hello my little niece.” he purred smiling a little. “i'm going to spoil you rotten, yes I am.” he promised, Lucius chuckling a little as Sal beamed at Thorn. “i love you SO much right now.” h growled playfully kissing the other intently.
Thorn smiled kissing him back before leaning bak, sighing softly."I love you to."She said stroking his hair, shifting to pull him down into the bed, cuddling against him."Rest."She ordered closing her eyes, starting to fall asleep. It'd been a busy day. Lucien laughed quietly as he wrapped his arms around draco, pressing a kiss to the back of draco's neck as he pulled the man bak against him, closing his eyes as he cooed softly to the baby, grinning as she giggled."We'll take care of titan.Sleep."He ordered looking at the other two.
he smiled a little and snuggled into her, Draco grinning as he looked up at Lucien. “i want a baby.” he complained pouting at his lover, wondering if right then would be a good time to tell everyone that he was pregnant... with twins. Sometimes he hated being an Elf, but Lucien always made it all right. “good night.” Sal purred, smirking when Draco admitted that he was pregnant with twins, Sal snickering. He had known Draco was pregnant, he was half death and half life after all, he could sense such things. “mmm life is perfect.”
Thorn laughed happily, grinning at the idea of their family growing even more. And well, watching the devil faint was a once in a lifetime experience. Snickering as she grinned at them all, she knew all was going to be perfect as she watched Draco fuss over his lover. yea. Salazar was right, things WERE perfect.

The end
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