Riddle Me a Heart

Lucifer smirked as he knelt on the edge of the bed, looking down at the blond, before leaning down to kiss him, slender fingers wandering the other's chest, tweaking a nipple, taking his time to play with his virgin. It'd been so long since he'd made love to a virgin, it was going to be fun.

Thorn giggled a little kissing him back before drawing away."IT's over by that tree."She said yawning heading inside. And doing like he said crawling in bed and curling up as he gathered their clothes. Already, even within moments of conception, death's gift allowed her not only to sense death,but new life. Feeling off and bound up, but not knowing why. Not remembering the last time she'd felt like this. So it'd be up to salazar to tell her....when he eventually notice."Find everything?"She muttered sleepily loking up at him as he walked into the bedroom.
Draco moaned a little and kissed him back, jumping at the nipple tweak and blushing hard as he realized how very GOOD that had felt, stroking his own nipples and moaning at how good that felt. “oh man...” he moaned softly. “this is going to be amazing, I just know it.” he mumbled, pulling the other down for another kiss, blushing hard, but looking so innocently needy that it was impossible not to ravage him.

He snickered and gathered their clothes up, looking around and with a smirk he snapped his fingers, and all the plants and flowers that had been waiting to be transferred into the freshly turned Gardens where in, and started growing rapidly, filling the lawn with bright flowed and heavenly smells, Salazar smirking as he examined everything, setting out the Tiger Lily roses into their own little patch so that they stood out as his pride and joy before heading inside to kiss Thorn happily. “i think so, where you wearing panties? I couldn't find them if you did.” he stated feeling smug. She was just going to love the garden when she stepped out next, and probably startle the hell out of her when those little Snap Dragons pinched her in the ass. The little baby Dragon was already napping in the rhododendrons.
Lucien smirked kissing him before pulling away, smirking down at him. He was just so innocent looking laying there blushing so hard. "Ohhh it will be amazing."He grinned shifting down as tugging the boy's pants down as he slid his mouth over the other's cock, sighing quietly as he played and teased the other's erection.

Thorn smiled a little kissing him back,"No, no panties."She said sitting up on her elbows, looking slightly concerned. Knowing harm was still in the area, having set the ward to make sure he couldn't get out without going with them,but she was worried."....you don't think we scarred harm by doing...that where he could see do you?"She asked, even if she wasn't sure about being a mother, the fact that she was mothering a baby dragon was showing just how protective and fretful she'd be over her own.
Draco blushed harder at the promise that it would be amazing, lifting his hips to make the removal of his pants easier, squealing as his mouth was slid over his cock, jerking into the touch as he arched, his fingers immediately tangling in the Devil's hair. Moaning eagerly. “oh.. oh g...god! Oh god! OH MY GOD!” he yelled, very clearly enjoying every bit of attention.

Salazar smirked and nodded. “then I have everything.” he promised before pausing, blinking at her. “love, Harm sat there and mocked us.” he stated simply, looking amused. “i get you where busy but how did you not hear him complaining that that was not the way we where supposed to play Leapfrog?” he demanded lifting an eyebrow, looking VERY amused. “he's FINE.” he promised kissing her forehead. “he got bored with bitching at us and took a nap in the dirt.” he admitted before pausing. “speaking of, he's going to need a bath.”

(don't forget to have her trip' ;))
Lucien smirked around the other's cock, amused at the other's moans, smirking as he muttered the spell he'd spent years working on making his mouth as hot as fire, but a pleasurable burn as he worked his tongue over the other's cock, having every intention of making him come.

Thorn giggled a little as she got up, stretching as she pouted slightly."Leap frog?Really?We're going to have to play leapfrog with him."She said giggling at the idea, amused that the dragon had been complaining that much."And YOU will be giving him a bath."She said moving over to touch him, yelping as she fell over the boots she'd left laying by their bed, tripping and reaching out, fingers wrapping in fabric as she fell.
Draco moaned loudly, bucking into the others mouth eagerly, too lost in pleasure to realize that he could move the other parts of his body, squealing as the mouth around him went hot, so hot, screaming his pleasure to the world as he came, and came so hard he jerked and twitched and writhed, calling out the Devil's name again and again as he emptied himself into that tight, hot sucking mouth, collapsing onto the bed and panting hard. “oh...oh my god.” he moaned his eyes fluttering open. “oh my god....” and then he jerked again, feeling Fear, intense fear, Salazar's fear, Thorn's fear, Voldemort's fear... “somethings happened!” he gasped sitting bolt upright, his silver eyes widened as his mind fled, reacting instinctively, just as Lucius did, his head tilted as they traveled the 'fey lines' searching the sudden disturbance of the very nature of the world.

Salazar chuckled and nodded. “yes my mistress, I will give the wee one a bath.” he promised smirking a little, gasping as she tripped, too slow to catch her and gasping when her fingers met the cloth of the invisibility cloak, the sword and Orb shifting so they they where laying directly on her flesh.... and then a pulse of power, a sound of breaking glass and then a wind, wind made of raw power, raw memories, and raw emotion, slamming into Thorn, filling her, spreading her soul and her mind thin before it turned to Salazar and filled him to, making him cry out, feeling Terror welling up inside him as the power exploded, coating the world and altering it in ways that no man could guess, and Voldemort jerked in his throne room, looking around as, for the first time since he was a child felt the burning presence of Fear deep inside of himself.
Lucien's head came up like a hound on the scent, as he felt death and life braiding together, shifting the worlds together. Eyes widening as his mind fled in face of the power as he tried to find the problem.

Thorn caught in the middle of all that power crashed, her mind shutting down as she fell to the floor. Blinking stupidly as she laid on her back, staring at the white light that blinded her, her head aching as she sat up slowly."Easy, love. Easy."She said feeling a soft voice muttered as the other stroked her hair, frowning a little as she tried to figure out who it was. Before realizing that all shadows of everyone she knew, of the lives she touched her and now, were ghosty images among the light. "mother?"She asked softly, blinking as she met the same dark eyes that she saw every day in the mirror. "ah, my daughter."Morrigan muttered brushing her daughter's hair, feeling her heart aching to see her daughter so torn up."My daughter, I have one more task for you.You have done so well, my girl." "anything."Thorn breathed softly, because even outcast and overwelhmed, she was a death walker, and no one knew the halls of death better then the woman in front of her."same answer... all these years later. I am sorry, we tried to forbid you from your grandfather....mayhap things would have been different if we had. The gods are fading my girl. And I....I am the last. And you, you who've walked in death longer then any but a goddess, I grant one last gift. Strength...and a gift."

Morrigan's lips pressed to her daughter's forehead, hearing the distant call of a hunting falcon, the roaring challenge of a leopard, and the screeching battle cry of a war driven wraith. it was a sound of helpless fury, and desperate.But...there was hope. Oh yes, with her daughter's bonded, there was hope. "Begone."She muttered sending her daughter from death's halls, breathing life into her dying body as thorn gasped, the power breaking around her as she came back to the realms of the living.
Salazar woke a day after the incident, but Thorn didn't wake when he did, a fact that worried him, both Malfoy's, and Lily to near death. Salazar was week legged when he came to, and had a splitting headache, but he felt more alive than he ever had in his life. He could feel power brimming through him, where it came from he didn't know, he assumed it was because he was bonded to Thorn, it never occurred that it had affected ALL of Thorns blood relations. Even Lily, who had blood bonded with James had gotten a touch more of the gift. Sal was at her side almost instant when she gasped, and caught her hands in his, hope blooming in his heart as he saw her stir. “Thorn!? Love? Are you awake? Can you hear me!?”
Thorn's hand lashed out as her eyes came open, as deep and unfathomable as deep seas, her hand passing through flesh, closing around the heart of the man standing next to her. The reborn death goddess stared up at her bonded, and didn't recognize him. Power crackling around them before the power accepted the death goddess's bonded as her consort. A matching set, goddess and consort...life and death. And then...she blinked, and she was thorn again. Her mouth falling open a little as his heart beat against her fingers like a caged thing."....Salazar?"she whispered softly, forcing her hand open, to pass flesh through flesh again, drawing away from him. Looking scared as she felt death in a way she never had before, tasting it on her tongue like sweet candy.
Sal grunted when he felt his hand close around his heart, but there was no fear in his eyes as he looked at her. Because he knew two things, one, she would never try to kill him, aware of herself or not, and two, even if she did crush his heart... he wouldn't....couldn't, die. He smiled when she recognized him and nodded. “it's me love.” he muttered softly, leaning down and gently kissing her. “your safe now, we're here, even Draco.” he promised, glad it had been him and not, say, Lily watching over her when she woke up. “how are you feeling? You've been asleep for quite a while so I want you to be honest alright? Do you need me to get you drink and food?” he paused and wrinkled his nose. “sorry... the old speech comes in now and then before I realize I've done it...”
Thorn laughed softly."It's okay."She said softly, her voice quiet thunder, holding that edge of battle cries on the a battlefield, of the wounded dying, and fury. It woud do well for people to remember to walk softly around a death goddess. Swallowing hard as she thought through his words."..I was asleep?It didn't seem that long....I saw my mother."She said softly, tears filling her eyes, trying to remember everything her mother had said, shifting her gaze to look at him."I feel....disconnected. More alive, and more...there."She whispered, considering his question truthfully,"I...I think my mother's gone."She said, pain filling her eyes even as the truth blossomed like a gift."She was the last left....the last to go to death's halls, because she'd lived there for so long."She swallowed around the tears, shiftingresting her head on his chest as she started to cry."I think...she gave me what she had left.Of her powers..."She muttered sniffling.
Harry smiled at her laugh and nodded, his eyes as deep as the Emerald sea, and filled with a power that had long been thought dead. “i know, I saw James.” he admitted softly. “he told me many things.” he admitted. “he must have had a lot less to say though because I woke up twelve hours after.” he teased smiling a little before he gently wiped away her tears with a worried expression. “shh love, your mother is with her friends and family now, she is safe and happy and no longer in pain.” he promised, kissing her gently. “you are Death now, just as I, am the new Demon King.” he admitted softly. “and I think Lucien is turning Draco into a whore. Their always up there 'learning' how to have sex.” he admitted with a roll of his eyes kissing her forehead. “Come on, lets see if you have the strength to walk.” he ordered calmly, helping her to stand and steadying her if she wavered, helping her out into the kitchen, and carrying her if she collapsed, determined to get some food into her.
Thorn smiled slightly at the reassurance that her mother was in a better place, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. Gripping his arm tightly as she walked unsteadily towards the door, wavering ever so slightly"I'm hungry Sal..."She muttered as they walked before giggling a little at her grandfather's learning."Oh, I'm sure draco's learned something by now."She said laughing leaning more into him the further they got downstairs, smiling when she saw everyone sitting in the kitchen."Hello."She said blushing as everyone stared. Lucien nearly pounced on his granddaughter, wrapping her in a hug, pressing a kiss to her head. Had they not been related, draco probably should have been jealous at such a display."Thorn,oh thank god."He muttered kissing her head,refusing to let her go even as salazar tugged at her arm.
Lily and Draco both looked seriously relieved to see her up and about, Lucius didn't look anything because he was napping on the table. Draco smirked as Salazar did something no one had ever dared do before, he growled at the Devil and pushed him away from Thorn, pulling her close to him and glaring at them all, looking like an angry predator protecting it's babies. “mine!” he growled, Draco and Lily lifting their hands in submission to show they weren't going to take her from him. Demon Kings where very known for being overly protective of their chosen mates, and Harry was no exception. “Lucien, he almost ripped your head off when you threatened to take thorn away to your castle and lock her away for safety.... shouldn't you have learned your lesson by now.” Lily teased looking amused. “come sit Thorn darling, I made something very special.” she promised, getting up and pouring out what looked like a vegetable soup with fresh carrots, peas, cabbage, noodles and it was thick with potatoes and... could it be!? “Tiger Lily petals have an amazing taste!” Lily admitted. “and their SO good for you!”
Thorn looked startled at the food, smling a little as she let salazar help her sit down,sighing softly as she sat. Hands shaking ever so slightly as she started to eat, "Thanks lils. It's amazing."She said slowly starting to eat, ignoring the way everyone watched to make sure she was okay. Lucien growled softly, just as posessive of his granddaughter as salazar was. The only reason it hadn't become deadly between them is that they both knew thorn would kill them if they hurt the other."It was just a hug!"He whined before pulling draco close, studying thorn, figuring out what was different, but not saying anything. Willing to just let her be at peace for the moment. Thorn smiled sofly as she ate, biting her lip a little. Because she knew that salazar was going to hate it, but thorn with her memories back, needed to do something."....I'm going to my father's grave.By myself."She said studying them."In a few days. I'm weak, not stupid. I'll recover first."She said before they could protest
Lily smiled as she handed a bowl to Sal and ordered him to sit down and stop making a fool of himself, the boy grumbling but doing as he was told, Draco rolling his eyes. “no, it was a hug and a kiss and it lasted a lot longer than Thorn was comfortable with and that's why Salazar nearly ripped your hands off.” he stated simply snuggling into Lucien with a small smile as Salazar ate his food calmly, until she told him that she was going to Merlin's grave, the cup he was holding shattering, making him wince, Lily gasping as she rushed over to him with a handkerchief, blinking when she realized he wasn't bleeding. “Thorn you can't go alone!” he complained pouting at her. “you already almost died once I couldn't stand it if he does something to you!”
Thorn sighed quietly looking at her consort, biting her lip. "You could go with me....but don't come in. Sal...he destroyed me.Granted...I helped along the way..."She shot her guilt riden gradfather a look amused when the demon king avoided her eyes before looking at salazar again, closing her hands over his."Please...I need to confront him, if I'm going to be able to live on...and now that...that we're changed, we have a lifetime longer together....I don't want to be hobbled because I couldn't confront him."She said needing him to understand because she needed to face her father, before she could deal with the offspring of her own life, and destroy voldemort.One insane person at a time.
Salazar hesitated and then sighed, shaking his head. “i don't like it!” he complained before sighing and nodding. “but I understand... I'll go with and let you speak to him alone.” he promised, gently taking her hand, shocking everyone. “we'll go when you're back to full health.” he promised smiling at her. “i.. have a surprise for you too.” because she had been ill, and he suddenly had no need, nor desire to sleep, he had busied himself with making the most amazing backyard ever. There was a pond, and a little stone path, and a huge archway with a bench underneath it, the entire arch crawling with bright Tiger Lily Roses that she loved so much, all of them gleaming and healthy, the entire Garden crawling with the flowers she had picked. “finish your food and I'll show you, ok?”
She grinned at him, stealing a kiss as harm climbed in her lap,stroking the small dragon's head as she nodded."Perfect."She said hugging him. Knowing that everything was going to be okay.

About a week later Thorn sighed quietly as she pulled on her boots, pausing for a long moment before she slid the sword seath down her back,, needing to be armed if she saw her father. Looking at salazar, kissing him gently, wrapping her arms around him."Thank you for coming with me."She said hugging him tighter before stepping back."We better be going."She said, just as dawn broke. Wanting to get this done. Having grown steadier the longer she had her powers and healed, but she was still weaker towards evening, so it meant getting up early to see her father.
Harry Growled and grumbled as he slid Excalibur into his belt. “i don't like it.” he complained. “we should wait another few days.” he complained. “your still not fully healthy!” he complained, but didn't stop her from hugging him, and he sighed and nodded, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and vanishing, appearing just outside of the 'grave line' as Sal called it, where Merlin's power began. “please be careful love, and yell if he does anything remotely funny!” he ordered calmly. “i'm the Demon Prince after all, I'm pretty sure I could kill him if I wanted to.”
Thorn nodded, kissing her lover softly."I will."She said before stepping across the grave line, trembling a little as she felt the wards snap up between her and him. Before turning to face the man standing just inside the door.Men, she corrected after a moment."Does your ruthlessness know no end father?"She asked studying the dark lord, leaning her back against the wards, trying to get them to buckle, feeling alone and realizing the trap had been set well. Welding both death magic and death into them, merlin and voldemort had managed to seperate her fully from her consort, and not just bodily,but their bond was muted, almost gone."Yu have no business doing as you will daughter.Your death will be the one that ushers in the new age."merlin said, raising a hand, smirking as she crumbled.

"Salazar!"Lucien snarled as he crossed the grassy expanse to the grave, nearly running."Lucius just arri-"He yelped a little as he caught the boy as he stumbled, the demon king looking down at the newest demon prince."Salazar?"He asked shaking him a little, looking around for thorn.He could feel her dammit, he just couldn't find her.
Sal felt the bond shut, and he gasped as pain ripped through him from the loss of connection, he didn't even hear Lucien, he just collapsed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Because there was only one way to kill a Demon Prince, and that was to take out their bonded. It wouldn't be so easy to Kill thorn, but with the bond so muted Salazar's body and mind where reacting as if she where dying. He reached for the wall that separated them, not even realizing he was being held up, striking his palm against the wall, the ringing sound as loud as life. For that was what made Sal special, he wasn't just of darkness and death, he was also rebirth and creation, life. He struck the barrier again, creating another loud ringing sound, but was too weak to do any more than that. “T...orn...”
"Bloody hell."Lucien growled before looking at the ward, glaring at it. Because he couldn't see past it, but he could almost sense what was going to happen.And if...what lucius said was true, then they were all in trouble. Swallowing as he apparated them back to the house he laid Salazar in the bed, wincing as he felt the bond flair back to life. Muted some,strong but not as full as it normally was. After all, Merlin needed the demon prince to live just long enough. Snarling as he looked at lucius,"You heard Merlin's prophecy. Did it say when they would sarcifice her?"He demanded, snarling as he shoved magic into Salazar,determined to bring him back, because they needed the demon prince to find a missing goddess.Frantically going over the words that had driven him to the grave, looking at the older Death eater.A eternal goddess, reborn again. when her blood is spilled, upon the old sacred stones, the world will be once again claimed, by the powers of old, a world changed, a world destroyed, A hellfire prince, the avatar that was once a king's, Sacerficed for the mirror of the worlds, death god and goddess,, blood spilled upon stone, with only once chance to change, what is to come. Beware of a world, without the reborn goddess, who is both her mother's daughter, and her mother reborn. One chance, to change what is to come

Lucien shuddered, struggling to think before he realized what time of year it was."Tomorrow's the summer solstice. The longest day of the year."He frowned before he remembered what else it was."Camelot fell tomorrow.Tomorrow...he'll bring back all that he has lost."He said, in that vague way that said he wasn't aware of what he had said,but more of a memory, of a prodding from the otherworld that wanted to take them in the right direction. Morrigan, even after death, protecting her daughter.
Lucius opened his mouth to speak and then closed his mouth, blinking a little as he felt the magic pulse into life again, Salazar groaning as he felt his body returning to life, blinking stupidly for a moment as he felt power filling him before he snarled and rolled slowly onto his feet, Lucius shaking his head, both him and Sal staring at him for a moment as they heard him talking in that dull flat tone that told them all someone else was pulling the strings. “ok... ok...” Lucius muttered carefully supporting Lucien. “where will they sacrifice her?” “...Camelot..” Sal whispered, astonished as he realized just what was going to happen. “they'll spill her blood, and then mine, and bring back Camelot, her blood has to be spilled at Camelot!” he snarled getting carefully to his feet shaking his head a little as he grabbed the Orb, his invisibility cloak, his wand, and Excalibur. “i'm going after her!” “your barley able to stand on your own Sal! We need to plan! We have until tomorrow...” “tomorrow will be too late!” Sal snarled his eyes narrowed. “you plan! I'm going after her!”
Lucien snarled as he reached out, closing his hand around the boy's wrist, locking him in place, a handcuff of magic keeping the demon prince with the demonking. once again lucien was in control."She was the one who brought down camelot. She's a reborn goddess, and the one who ended it the first time. It has to be her."He said frowning a little because he had a idea, remembering the second part."A hellfire prince, Salazar. If you go, you're going to get killed to. We need to plan. We have 34 hours, they wont do it till midnight tomorrow."He said not about to let the prophecy come true. Because if salazar died to, it was going to go totally wrong."Where's draco?"Lucien said looking around for his boy, because he needed to plan.
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