Riddle Me a Heart

Lucien smirked against the other's lips as he kissed him back just as slowly, tangling his fingers gently in his hair before taking control of the kiss, keeping it gentle but demanding, wanting and lustful. Kissing him with eons worth of practice of seducing mortals.

Thorn moaned tilting her head back as she shuddered, fingers in his hair as she stroked the silky length."Oh?am I?What are you going to do about that?"he said kissing him again,before vanishing his clothes, leaving his own."I think I'm just fine."he said smiling a little.
Draco moaned as he felt the hands tangling in his hair, his scalp ever so sensitive as he kissed back to the best of his ability, feeling more and more aroused with every movement Lucien made, grinding himself into Lucius, cock against cock as the Devil kissed him with the expertise of the world, Draco suddenly breaking free and gasping for air, panting lightly. “f..forgot to breath.” he stuttered sheepishly before bending down for more amazing kissing.

He smirked and then growled as his clothes where vanished, offering her a little glare before smirking as he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them tot he bed, the blankets writhing and tying her wrists to the bed, keeping her pinned there as he banished her clothes and smirked as he slowly, sensually, and tortuously stroked her body all over, smirking a little. “mmm, all naked and tied down for a night of amusement.” he teased, running his tongue along her cleavage again.
Lucien chuckled before pulling away, looking at the blond as he gently stroked the other's hair, panting ever so slightly as he looked at him."Ohhh that was good."He teased raising a eyebrow, wondering if he could make the boy come without doing anything more then kissing him. Smirking as he set about doing just that.

Thorn moaned a little shuddering as she squirmed, looking up at her lover through half closed eyes, whimpering quietly."Oh just for your amusement?"She muttered sounding amused, that line between pleasure and pain blurring as pleasure became to much to her sensitive skin.
Draco smiled a little, still blushing furiously, looking a bit dazed as he nodded. “so good.” he whispered looking very, very pleased with what was happening, moaning as the kissing continued, and then, to his utter horror, he came, squeaking as he jerked against the other and flooded his pants with Cum, swallowing hard. “i...i.. uh...” he was so mortified, he had never expected that to happen. “i...ihavtogotothebathroom.” he stammered quickly, leaping off the bed, the wet patch on his pants very clearly not piss as he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door closed, feeling like he had ruined everything bu cumming. They had only been kissing for Merlin's sake!

Salazar smirked as he licked and kissed and nibbled before he started to lick at her cunt, kissing, stroking, sucking, and rubbing as he ate her out, wanting her to cum before he started fucking her, wanting to make sure she enjoyed every bit of it.
Lucien grinned a little as he watched the boy go, smirking. So,even centuries of being deprieved of human company, hadn't reduced his ablility to seduce. Taht was always good to know. Smiling a little he tilted his head, smiling easily when the blond came back out."You okay?"he said pretending to be worried as he studied the mortified blond. He was just to cute to not to tease.

Thorn moaned,hands flexing as she pulled against the blankets holding her, whimpering as she did exactly what he wanted, her body responding so eagerly, after so many centuries of not having sex, she was overly responsive to his touch. Shuddering as she came with a soft cry, "sal!"She muttered whimpering.
Draco blushed harder, in a new pair of pants, slinking out as if he'd done something wrong. “n..no... I mean Yes! I mean... I'm fine! Perfectly fine!” he squeaked, utterly mortified. “i..i'm tired! Gonna bed to go! I mean, go to bed!” he stuttered and stammered as he crawled under the blankets and hid.

He purred as she came, smirking as he licked up all over her juices, smirking at her as he hovered over her, nudging his cock against her cunt. “yes Love? Did you want something?” he asked a wicked grin on his lips. “you wanted to admit that you love it when I dominate you and pin you down and top you?” he asked smirking a little as he tilted his head at her. “i wanna hear you say it now.” he teased snickering a little, looking playful and mischievous.
Lucien smiled a little as he looked where the blond was hiding under the covers,shifting as he stretched out on his side, smiling as he started drifting to sleep. Amused as draco hid."Goodnight Draco.Good dreams."He said sounding amused as he settled down into the bed, willing to let the boy hide for now.

Thorn whined looking up at him, a small smile curling her lips as she looked at him. So happy to see that playful mischivious smile on his face, because it was so different from what he had orginally had."I do!I do!"She whined squirming, hips rising a little, trying to draw him into her.
Draco blushed harder, muttered goodnight and laid there, wondering if he could find a way to ask Harry if that was normal or not. He couldn't think about it for too long, because he fell fast asleep.

He snickered and nodded as he pushed into her, giving her a nice, long, slow and gentle love making all night long, bringing them both to an orgasm time and time again until neither of them could stay awake any longer. In the morning, both Harry and Draco where missing from their beds and where in the kitchen, talking as a house elf made their breakfast. “Draco it's perfectly normal, you where very aroused and you've never been touched in any way before. It was perfectly natural and you need to stop worrying.” “b..but what if I do it again!?” “then you do it again, your young, hell I came four times last night, I'm sure you can manage twice.” “i... that was WAY more information than I needed to know...” Draco complained, making a face Harry snickering as he watched Dobby and Dippy flipping pancakes.
Lucien snickered as he looked at the sleepy woman walking next to him, raising a eyebrow as he studied his granddaughter."Do we need to have the sex talk?"He teased. "Noooo."Thorn said, sounding sleepily sulky, snickering a little as she heard draco's worry. Glancing at her grandfather."Do I need to have it with you?" "I think I can handle it, thanks."He smirked a ltitle as they walked into the kitchen, the two a mirror reflection of each other as they slid into their seats, more then merlin ever did, thorn was lucien's child. With his dark hair and wideset dark eyes, the two were deadly together, and promised all kinds of pain to whoever hurt them."Are we going out today?"Thorn asked as she smiled at the house elf as she handed her some coffee, sipping the drink with a moan.
Sal snickered and grinned when the other two walked in, Draco blushing violently as Harry smirked at thorn. “:i owe you twenty.” he stated simply, looking very amused as Draco sputtered violently. “where you BETTING on me!?” “... of course.” Sal stated blinking at Draco. “who else would I bet on?” “... I hate you.” Draco growled, accepting his pancakes from the house elves and munching on them, though he did look much better after talking to Sal. “did you want to go out today?” Sal asked, grinning at his lover. “we can if you want to.” he admitted his head tilted. “i was thinking of looking through your house first, since your the only person who knows where it is it would be easier to take our time looking for one of the Hollows.” he admitted stroking his chin. “i have my doubts that the Lady of the Lake would let Voldemort take off with her hollow.” he admitted shaking his head. “and we have Excalibur, she created it right? She might respond better to someone who holds Excalibur.” “you know, it scares me every time Sal thinks.” Draco admitted with a wicked grin. “you think he's an idiot and then he comes up with a good idea and then poor Lucien has to spend a week unfreezing hell.” “bite me Malfoy.” Sal teased back, shaking his head.
Lucien snickered, "Oh no. We all knew he was intelligent, after all he is my relation, so hell didn't freeze over.Now if it was thorn having a good idea..." "Grandpa!"Thorn protested whining a little before looking at salazar, nodding as she considered that, the memory tugging at her."I think...I think that's the best course of action. My home will be easy to find." "But not particularly easy to get into. I wouldn't put it past merlin to not set traps in case she ever thought to go back."Lucien said amused as he pressed a kiss to draco's head, amused that the man was so embarassed. He was so cute like that.
Sal snickered a little and shook his head at Lucien's taunting. “hey, Thorns pretty, she doesn't have to be smart.” Draco taunted, Salazar laughing a little. “is that whats wrong with you Malfoy?” Sal asked his head tilted, Draco glaring at his 'friend'. “hey! I'm smarter than you are!” “you so, are not.” Sal stated with a snicker. “are you coming with us? You know, to protect us?” Draco pondered then shook his head. “no, I'm going to stay here and get the first aid kits ready.” he decided shaking his head a little. “oh, Dumbledore's been trying to get a hold of us too by the way, and Sal? You have a letter from Lily.” “i do!?” Sal asked looking bright eyes and eager as he bounded off to go read it, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “that was an interesting reaction...”
Thorn laughed softly as she watched her lover go, before looking at draco."Not so bad. Considering he never knew his mother before, this is a good thing."She said her smile widening a little before she stood, "I better go get ready to go. We'll stop and see dumbledore on the way.."She said before walking out, looking thoughtful as she did. Worried about what dumbledore could work.
Draco nodded a little. “it's hard not to love Lily though.” he agreed chuckling a little. “and this is the first time someone's shown Sal any true paternal emotions before.” Draco admitted smiling a little. “it's good for him to feel loved, before you, he didn't have any. Father tried but... well he's not very loving in the first place, Elves never really are.” he admitted chuckling a little. “our emotions are slightly dimmed so that they don't get in the way of our duty.” he admitted smiling a little. “but when we do feel them they tend to make us very... flustered, since we're not used to them. It makes life a little complicated.” “don't elves only fall in love once?” Harry asked curiously, his head tilted as he came back in with a letter, Draco blushing hard. “that's the theory, yes. We're rare so it's hard to test said theory but that's what my father always claimed.” he admitted blushing furiously.
Thorn snickered patting draco on the head as she watched her grandfather move around the backyard, as if he was fighting someone. Knowing he was just taking his time to practice. Smiling and glad that the man hadn't been around to hear that. "Hmm well, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."She snickered pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead, before straightening, looking at salazar."You ready to go?"She asked stealing a kiss, just because she could.
Draco scowled at her as he was patted on the head and Salazar snickered a little. “go spar with the Devil Draco, I bet he'd be impressed.” he teased smirking a little as Draco rolled his eyes. “i am NOT a child dammit!” he complained, pouting at the kiss before heading out to the yard, following Salazar's suggestion, sliding into a traditional stance as he smirked at Lucien. “you up for a challenge old man?”

Harry chuckled as he kissed her gently, nodding. “let's go.” he agreed, vanishing with a Crack and taking her with him, appearing in a thick, overgrown forest, his eyes widening a little. “damn... no ones been here in centuries...” Salazar muttered as he looked around, taking her hand in his as he stuffed his invisibility clock into his pocket and slid Excalibur into his belt smirking a little. “i feel like a night of the round table.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “do you know which way we need to go or should we start wandering?”
Lucien raised a eyebrow as he slapped the other's hand a little, amused as he slid into a easier position, smirking at his almost lover."oh, you're so sure you can keep up kid?I was kicking your ancestors ass long before you were a twinkle in your papa's eyes."He smirked.

Thorn frowned as she looked around, biting her lip as she stared at the surrounding forest before slipping a hand into harry's, pain flickering over her face, a almost memory. almost, remembering what happened here."This way..."She said tugging him towards the left, taking her time to make sure that she wasn't going off track, keeping on where she needed to.
Draco smirked a little at his crush and widened his stance a little. “you forget who your talking to. I, old man, am an elf, and we, pass our knowledge from elder to student. I have the knowledge of almost five Elves inside of me.” he couldn't unlock that knowledge unless he was in a real life or death situation, but in situations like the fight that was about to occur, Draco would instinctively use all of the information to help him win.... hopefully. “so you might have been kicking my ancestors asses, I, am a whole new story.”

Salazar gently ran his fingers through her hair at the flicker of pain, his head tilted as she led the way, making her stop when they reached the ruins of her once house, biting his lip as he scowled a little. “hold on... wait here a moment... like you said it's probably booby trapped... how should we go in? Guns blazing or go back, get people we don't like, and send them in first?” well, no matter how much he had changed, Salazar was still one sadistic little boy.
Lucien snickered a little, before stepping into the boy's guard, batting his hand away enough so he could get close."Hmmm and such a good story it is."He said stealing a kiss before he moved back, out of easy reach before the blond could respond, falling easily into a stance to wait to see what the blond would do.Wondering if kissing him was going to piss him off or make him concentrate on fighting him in another way.

Thorn bit her lip leaning into Salazzar for a moment, resting her head on his shoulder before shaking his head."No...let's go in.Lucien's been here... "She said sniffing a little, smelling the brimstone and fire."He might not be able to tell us where to look, or go with us, but he probably already triggered the traps...."She said looking unsure. So scared that her grandfather was goign to betray her like her father had. Even if lucien was the only one that hadn't turned on her, she couldn't trust because of what her father did.
Draco smirked as he allowed the kiss, blushing hard as he settled back into stance, staring at him before striking, moving fast and effective, striking at Lucien with sharp, painful jabs, moving fast in quick, darting movements that no human would have stood a chance against. Draco hadn't been kidding, for being barley fifteen, he was impressive.

Harry nodded and lead the way in, wand in one hand, sword in the other as he slunk carefully into the building, wary of unsprung traps, even the Devil could make a mistake. When nothing happened he began to relax and sheathed his sword, keeping his wand out, just in case they weren't alone. “i don't sense anything...” Sal stated simply. “and Excalibur isn't reacting at all... the book I read said that the Hollows would react to one another...” he admitted scowling a little. “i don't think that there is a hollow here love.” he admitted softly, gently taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “maybe one of our bloodline got it? We should check the bank for any vaults our ancestors had...”
Lucien smirked as he actually had to work to keep up with him, sweating as he actually was forced to tap into that demon power to just move fast enough to keep the boy from beating him into the ground. Growling as he caught the boy's hands in his,pulling him close and stealing another kiss."Hmmm you are so pretty.And so good.Makes you wonder what else you'll be good at."He teased.

Thorn nodded absently, her heart hurting at not finding them, and.... her things. rubbing a hand over her face she walked further into the house, gentle fingers running through the dust before she stopped. Looking at the bookcase she was standing near, before ducking down and brushing the dust off. coughing as it billowed up she smiled a little as she opened the small cupboard, reaching in and drawing out...something. What she had wasn't visible for a long moment before she shook off the rest of the dust, sniffling a little as her eyes watered from the dust, before raising it so salazar could see it. the black beaded bracelet gleamed in her hand, even if it was to small for her, made for a child's wrist. Tears filling her eyes as she looked at him, fingers stroking over the beads."This was.... something.'She said struggling to find the memory."Mine, I think.Maybe."she said trying to focus, but she'd abandoned the house so long ago, that it was no longer even a memory.
Draco smirked a little as his hands where caught and pulled in tight to the other, panting hard sweating heavy, dirt smeared across his face from where he had been tripped and took a face digger into the dirt, and a bruise growing on his chin where he had been too slow to dodge, his hair tangled smirking a little before he blushing furiously at the comment of 'other things' hesitating before leaning in and kissing the Devil, as intently as he could, groaning softly, blushing even harder as he shivered a little. “you make me feel things I've never felt before.” Draco whispered softly, so embarrassed to actually be admitting such a thing.

Salazar watched her, his head tilted as she looked through her house, giving her all the time she needed before accepting the bracelet, stroking the beads for a moment then. “no... not yours, unless your name was Lilyana.” he muttered softly. “i think... this was your daughters.” he admitted softly, rubbing the last of the dirt off to reveal the letters etched into the beads. “come on Love... we'll go try the lady of the Lake... we'll find a Hollow there, I'm sure of it.” he muttered, gently easing her to her feet, tucking the beads into his pocket to take with him, smiling at her. “you'll remember, I'm sure of it.”
Lucien smirked as he held teh boy close to him, kissing him again before raising his head, gently running hsi fingers through his hair, untangling the blond strands."Ohhh I do do I?"He teased. amused, wondering if draco knew he knew about the elves mating rituals. But it was going to be amusing to watch the other try to think of how to say it.

Thorn nodded getting up, smiling as she looked at him,wrapping her arms around him.Needing a hug, shuddering. Hating that she couldn't remember even her daughter.A daughter that wasn't part of camelot. Sighing quietly she wrapped her arms around him tighter before apparating, smiling as she saw the lake. The crystal clear water made her remember, remember coming her before. Getting the gifts of her swords."I remember this. She gave me my swords here...a gift, to me and lancelot."She said paling a little at the remembrace of arthur's best friend and the....first knight to fall at her hand, with excalibar as the executioner's blade.
he blushed hard and smiled a little as he bit his lip hard and lowered his eyes, feeling very sheepish. “i... I wish to mate with you.” he whispered softly. “but... I... I don't know the rituals...” he muttered softly. “i was never interested, so I never learned them... I...” he flushed even harder. “i.. I don't know what to do...”

he hugged her back, kissing her forehead gently before he looked around. “as I recall, the Lady of the Lake was Merlin's sister. Lucien's daughter.” he admitted smiling at the lake. “it's pretty here.” he murmured softly, jumping violently when the sword suddenly let out a loud ringing sound and jerked in his hand as someone rose from the water, sliding out without so much as a ripple on the mirror like surface. “so, it was Excalibur that I heard.” she stated, staring at the sword in Salazar's hands, holding her hand as if to call it and frowning when nothing happened. “i see, a new master it has chosen, and such a handsome man as well.” she purred smiling at Salazar who flushed brightly and stepped behind Thorn and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, “sorry, taken.” the Lady of the Lake smirked a little and turned her attention to her Niece. “ah, my darling niece! I never thought i'd see you again.” she admitted. “here for your memories I suppose?”
Lucien smirked looking down at him, running his fingers through his hair."You could ask your father.He would know."He said, struggling to not sound as amused as he was.

Thorn growling softly, baring her teeth in what could pass as a smile as she leaned into Salazar, wrapping a arm around hsi waist."I would like my memories yes."she said frowning a little, "...Father didn't take your memories. You could tell me what happened.'She said sounding hopeful, needing to know. And also scared, to know what she had done. Now that she remembered killing lancelot, she was afraid of who else she had killed, and what the pain in her heart was from. Worried about this, and what caused the wounded look in lucien's eyes."Grandfather's here."She said knowing the lady of the lake would know merlin's hold on things was loosening.
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