Riddle Me a Heart

Thorn's jaw dropped a little looking confused. For once, totally missing the joke."But!But I thought you said he was a bastard, and andthat he didn't want anyone there!much less you."She said sounding anxious, worried about lucius going there. Oh poor thorn, she was so confused. she found it disturbing to think about her adopted father talking to her real one. That was just so worrying.
Salazar snickered a little and shook his head. “oh no love, Lucius would be fine, as he is of a bloodline that stayed true to Merlin and stayed faithful to his bloodline, they are protectors and would be treated kindly... in theory anyway. No I'm planning on getting Voldemort to go to Merlin.” he admitted smirking viciously. “Voldemort would try to order Merlin about and be attacked. We'll go again tonight and make sure there are no more Hollows, and then 'accidentally' leave Voldemort a clue to Merlin's whereabouts, Lucius will deliver it of course to stay on Voldemort's good side.” when had Salazar stopped calling Voldemort Father?
Thorn nodded a little calming, sighing quietly as she shifted, restign her forehead on his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. She was feeling teh stress of doign this, and now she had her boyfriend laughing at her. So not nice. Pinnching him she smiled, wondering when he'd stopped thinking of voldemort as father."We'll do that. Though draco or lucius should go with you instead of me...the hallows might not let me touch them..."She said looking upset at the idea.
he yelped when he pinched her and he giggled a little, kissing her forehead gently smiling at her. “alright, I'll take Lucius with me, he could claim to be following an old lead on his heritage, I'm sure Voldemort knows about the Malfoy's being protectors. He'll assume that Malfoy is protecting him, not me and Thorn.” he admitted simply. “since Thorn is banished and I'm 'weak blooded' it's Lucius's perfect excuse.” he admitted Lucius nodding as he glanced at Draco. “you stay here with Thorn.” he ordered calmly, Draco nodding. “will do Father.” Draco promised hesitating a moment, wondering if maybe they could get that sexy illusion of Lucien to come again, he bet the man as utterly sexy... he sounded sexy.
"Ahhh lovely boy, if you want me to appear, all you have to do is ask."Lucien chuckled, as he bent reality to him, and stepped through, for the first time in centuries, since he'd gotten merlin onto a human woman, that he was in the mortal realm in the flesh. The question was, was he getting stronger, or morrigan's control over him getting weaker?"thorn."He said softly, sadly as he looked at his broken granddaughter, catching her against his chest holding her tight as she cried.Feeling his heart breaking at that sight of his strong willed thorn so upset.
Draco froze and went beat red as he realized the Devil had been listening in on his thoughts and coughed softly as Salazar snickered darkly at the blush on the blonds face before gasping, astonished when Thorn started crying, sending waves of calm and compassion through their bond, trying to make her feel better as he gently stroked her hair glancing up at Lucien. “it's true isn't it?” he asked softly. “Merlin forced Morrigan to deny her daughter... didn't he?” he asked softly once he was certain that Thorn wasn't paying attention, Draco gasping in astonishment at the words, his head tilted a little, all thoughts of seducing the Devil vanishing as he realized just how broken Thorns family really was.
Lucien nodded a little, dipping his head barely noticeable, making sure thorn wasn't really paying attention, pressing a kiss to her head."When he realized who's side she'd chosen...."he said softly, kissing thorn's head again,smiling a little."Sweetheart,you're getting my shirt wet."He teased. Thorn sniffled leaning back, looking up at lucien with red rimmed eyes,rubbing her face before looking at salazar."Sorry."She muttered starting to move away, laughing softly when lucien wouldn't let her go anywhere."I missed you grandfather."she muttered leaning against him.
he nodded. “that's what I thought.” he admitted growling a little before smirking a little. “i need a favor from you Lucien darling.” he purred fluttering his eyelashes at the Devil. “Lucius is going to 'discover' Merlin's grave tonight and tell Voldemort ALL about it. Maybe you could push the man into thinking he needs to talk to Merlin to find the other hollows?” he asked smirking a little. “since he did try to Crucio you, which is VERY impolite.” Draco snorted a little and once he realized that thorn was calmed down went back to fantasizing how one might go about seducing the devil.
Lucien looked amused as he gently moved thorn into harry's arms before smirking."It was very impolite. And considering I'm here in the flesh now..."His smirk widened. Like his ability to actually feel the curse, his ability to respond in a similar fashion was muted. Now that he was physically present....yes.They were going to be nasty if he found himself on the other end of a crucio again."I will speak to him.'He said kissing thorn's forehead as she cuddled against salazar's chest, before disappearing. "He was here...he was..."Thorn said sounding amazed, and so happy to have part of her life back. Despite being the devil, she remembered that her grandfather had been the only one to really care about her as a child, instead of a person to twist to their own ends...despite what happened after, he was the only one who cared. Had kissed skinned knees, and wiped away tears.

Lucien sneered a little as he stepped into the throne room, frowning as he looked around, sneerign at the death eaters before looking at voldemort. "Despite our last meeting, I have decided that I am still goign to help you today."
Salazar smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover, kissing Thorn's forehead as he smirked at Lucien. “you know, Draco's living here all alone.” he teased Draco flaming up in a blush as he glanced at the Devil and coughed before stalking off Sal snickering as he stroked Thorns hair. “come and visit us anytime you want Grandfather.” he promised smiling at the man. “i know Thorn would love to have you over.” Sal promised chuckling a little as the man vanished, kissing Thorn's forehead again. “whatever curse is holding you and Lucien is starting to break.” Sal pointed out. “that means we're winning. We only need two more Hollows.” he stated with a viscous smirk. “and then you will have your life back.” he promised smiling as he nuzzled her.

Voldemort was screaming at Lucius and froze when Lucien stepped in, his eyes narrowed at the Devil before he sat down, his eye twitching with his repressed rage. “i apologize for my earlier behavior.” it was clear Voldemort hated apologizing, but he knew he had to. “my mind is not held together all that well.” blame it aaaalll on the madness. “please, make yourself at home.” Voldemort ordered, a Death eater moving forward and constructing a chair for Lucien next to Tom, it was a little lower than Voldemort's was, but a little more comfy and intricate. “can my Death Eaters get you anything to eat or drink?” it was getting easier for Voldemort to be nice to Lucien at least.
Thorn smiled wrapping her arms around him,holding onto him tightly as she laughed happily."So it is. We're winning. We WILL win."She grinned laughing softly as she thought about draco getting bedded by her grandfather. Smirking a little as she looked at draco."So, would you like some company?"She teased."I'm sure he'd be open to the living conditions."

Lucien sneered a little looking at the chair, waving a hand, replacign the decorative chair with his own throne, the gleaming metal and glass looking apporiately nasty-and higher-then voldemort's. Though he moved to sit next to him."No I am fine. I came to help you with your most recent loss.Surely you should knwo there's more then 2 hallows, who better then death's husband to know where they are?"
Draco coughed, blushing hard. “shut up Thorn!” he ordered fidgeting. “he's very powerful and he's SO handsome.” he complained Salazar snickering a little. “just remember to practice safe sex Draco! Wouldn't want you giving birth to the Antichrist now would you?” he taunted smirking a little as Draco glared at both of them. “i hate you...”

Voldemort bit back a nasty snarl when he found the others chair was both higher and more decorative than his but with held his comments, wanting the Devils help. He could deal with the bastards attitude later before his eyes widened. “Deaths husband... Merlin!” he hissed turning to Lucius who nodded. “i.. I still have that map...my lord...” “GIVE IT TO ME!” Voldemort ordered, Lucius wincing and handing it over, Voldemort hissing gleefully and vanishing on the spot, glancing at Lucien and glaring at him. “you stay away from my son.” he ordered before vanishing as well.

Voldemort appeared before Merlin's grave and strode across the boundary, his eyes mad with glee as he examined the 'master' wizard before him. “i have come to you for information! I must destroy the one named Thorn and that bastard Devil Lucien! I must rule the world not them and therefore I demand you tell me everything that you know about the Hollows!”
Thorn snickered a little as she looked at her friend."Ahh, no worries Draco.The antichrist is already come, and a ghost of his former self. Though soem might say I was..."She said shuddering a little her smile turning a little brittle as she jumped startled at lucien's sudden return. "I've been ordered to stay away. Your father is a brave man."Lucien said smirking as he looked at the young blond.

"one cannot kill either of them, one is deathless and the other is a demon lord."merlin said sneering a little, not about to make this arrogant youngling's demanding his hollows easy.
Draco blinked, looking amazed. “the antichrist has already walked the earth?” he asked looking rather amazed. “i thought he.. she?.. he was supposed to bring about the end of the world?” he asked, jumping violently when Lucien suddenly returned. “no, my father is over protective.” he complained, scowling a little Salazar snickering a little. “no, he's a very brave man.” he stated calmly. “no one else has the guts to tell me no and tell the Devil what to do.”

Voldemort snarled and he rapped hard on the glass dome around Merlin's body. “Tell me what I wish to know! Before I burn your hold on this world!” he ordered, all to willing to burn Merlin's body if it meant getting what he wanted. “i can kill them if I have the hollows now TELL ME!”
Lucien snickered looking amused as he looked at the three, resting his hands on draco's arms as he jumped, looking to amused at the idea."the end of the world was more... just the end of a era, then anything else." Lucien said thoughtfully, not about to tell thorn she had been the prophesied child, born of hell and raised in death, to bring about the end. Though had her reign gone unchecked, she would have destroyed more...but his own guilt and pain at for causing part of it made him want to put it off for as long as he could.

Merlin sighed looking at the glass, "The hallow's are death's own weapons, for her daughter. They are in places that were important to thorn, hidden because of who she'd become, the antichrist's who's touch death refused.Find her home, and the once lake of the lady of the lake, and you will find what you need."
Draco went beat red again as he felt Lucien's hands on him, swallowing hard, Salazar snickering. Poor Draco, for him this was his very first crush, his very first object of lust and affection and it was driving the blond utterly wild because for the first time Draco had no idea what he was supposed to do. Salazar pondered then. “so is there an Antichrist for the end of every era then?” he asked his head tilted a little, curious.

Voldemort smirked viciously, licking his lips. “yesss, Thorns home and the lady of the Lake.” he paused and then glared. “i do not know those locations!” he shrieked in rage, banging on the glass again, getting frustrated and mad. “They already have one Hollow! I MUST have the other two before she finds them! So I can kill her and that filthy Traitor Salazar that travels with her! Now tell me the locations! I NEED those locations!”
lucie noded a little looking at the all.thorn looking concerned at how tired she looked and how her hands were still a little raw."lets get her in bed.then we'll have the endof days talk."he said amused at draco's reaction to him, laughing outloud as thorn whined at being pulled towards the door."I'm not a child!i dont need to go to bed."she sulked though shelet them get out of the room. lucien bsides wating her to rest they coul talk easier if she wasnt wth them.

"I no longer no where they are located in this new england.You will just have to hope you get there first."merlin said raising a ghotly hand blasting the dark lord with a lightening bolt for rudeness sending him back home no longer interested. he'd given the man evrything he needed to destroy his traitorous daughter and thats all that mttered
Salazar chuckled a little as he led her away. “your tired love, you need to sleep, I'll tell you everything Lucien says.” he promised smiling a little. “just sleep, we don't want you passing out.” he pointed out, tucking her in and kissing her forehead as Draco led Lucien into a sitting room, ordering a house elf to bring them all some refreshments as Harry joined them.

Voldemort shrieked as he was struck by the lightning, snarling viciously he tortured his Death eaters for a while before ordering Lucius to go and find the lady of the lake and thorns home.
lucien smiled a little as he took the firewhiskey fromthe elf sittng dwn in the chir easily staring at the fire in the fireplce."you asked if there was a antichrist for every era...there was supposed to be. my only mortal born line was supposed to be,each eler passing on the duties when the time came to the next heir. but when merlin earthbound his daughter he didnt just stophert frm dying, he stopped her from passng on the burden of being the halbringer of the end. because she's done it so long the detiny i part o who she is.Thats part of why you have to gert to the hallows first because theyre the only thing that could allow her to become mortal agin without her and voldemort_the current heir_ ripping the world to twain around them."
Harry paused then. “Merlin ruined the cycle of life.” he stated simply, suddenly understanding. “that's why Voldemort doesn't die... it's not the horcrux... it's him, he was supposed to be this Era's antichrist but Dumbledore opposed him.” he looked at Lucien. “without your powers flowing through Voldemort's veins he wasn't strong enough to end the era and is stuck fighting a war with Dumbledore...” he scowled darkly. “Merlin fucked up the entire world and he's too fucked up to care or even worry about it.” Salazar scowled as Draco frowned. “poor thorn...” Draco whispered. “that was it wasn't it? She destroyed Camelot as her destiny was to do... and Merlin punished her for it...” he closed his eyes then. “and that's why Merlin can't die either. Because Morgana cursed him as well, punishing him for his sin against her and her daughter...”
"she cursed him for both cursing thorn nd bnishing me from all contact....merlin's gripon her Name is slipping.its the only way i ould step through.because he's lived so long he's draining himself of power tat as holdingher from inerfering'"lucien sighd softly."dumbledore was upposed to win.WLl win because thorn's still tyhe antichrist, still in control enough to keep things from goingto her mad heir...but only if she has the hallows."Merlin cursed his daghter for being everyrhinb he wasn't,the true heir and destroying his hold on power...everythingthats happend since then is result o my son's greed."
Sal nodded. “that makes horrible horrible sense.” he admitted jumping when Lucius suddenly staggered in, panting hard, Draco gasping as he rushed over to support his poor father. “Voldemort... pissed off.” Lucius managed to gasp as Salazar helped Lucius lay on the couch. “couldn't... shield the Crucio.” Lucius admitted softly. “Voldemort talked, Merlin...” Lucius explained Salazar running out into the kitchen to get some potions. “have to find... thorns home... and...Lady of the Lake... for last hollows.” he groaned Sal running back in and holding a potion gently to the man's lips, urging him to drink.
lucifer wnced a little as he hlpd the other man drink looking thoughtful. having not known whre morrigan had hidden the last of the hallows."I can lead you most of the way to the lake.though merlin's curse willkeep m from going to the lke directly. The lake is morrigan's domain."he said before biting his lip."she should be able to point you towards thorn's home...thorn made sure no one knew where the astl was besides the boadest terms.... doubt even thorn knows anymore."
Salazar nodded as Lucius drifted off into sleep, standing up and heading into the other room to grab a map, several maps. “if you can give us a general location I think we can find the others ourselves. Thorn already remembers a little bit from touching Excalibur, which is locked up safe and tight.” he admitted biting his lip as he looked at the maps. “if we take the invisibility cloak we could walk wherever we wanted without having to be worried about Voldemort.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “Lucien, I was wondering.” he admitted looking at the other. “what happens to thorn? When she becomes mortal... she's centuries old... will... will she....” he swallowed hard. “will she die?”
Lucien smiled slightly, glad to see that thorn's bonded was so worried about her. Wondering what he would say if he said yes."Yes."He said studying the other man. wanting to know what be would say before he added the rest. After all, the two were bonded, as long as salazar was strong and alive, his life would sustain thorn's, until either he died, or wanted to end the bond.
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