Riddle Me a Heart

Salazar smiled a little. “that's why I didn't tell you.” he stated calmly, giving her a small kiss. “Merlin would have struck you down.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i wasn't about to let that rat bastard hurt you in anyway.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “come on, Merlin said that we would find what you where looking for around here somewhere... I don't know if he meant the Hollows or your memories but either would be good I guess.” he could only hope Merlin was wrong about her hating him.
Thorn smiled a little, before she stared at the sword he was holding. Her mind catching up belatedly.A sword, death's own weapon...no. it couldn't be that simple. But excalibar had disappeared...and the malfoy's had been her protectors."Harry...can I see your sword...."She said looking thoughtful.Wondering since she already touched it, if she needed to be in a certain spot to find the memories that lucien had waiting for her."We need to find the castle..."She stopped, thinkign about it."No. The battlefield."She said slowly.
Sal blinked a little his head tilted before a sudden flash of possessiveness ripped through him. “no it's MINE!” he growled backing away before pausing, bafflement and confusion flooding their bond. “i...” he scowled a little that... what just happened?” he demanded Draco lifting an eyebrow. “yup, that's Deaths Weapon alright, according to legend in the right hands it bonds to it's wielder, causing the owner to be very possessive and protective over it. So that it doesn't just get passed on to anyone. There was a reason why only Arthur could safely wield Excalibur, even Merlin couldn't hold onto the sword for long.” “oh... so it needs to go to thorn then?” Sal asked biting his lip. “are you sure?” Draco nodded and Harry hesitated but gave her the sword anyway, sighing a little. “but I want it...”
Thorn shuddered as her fingers closed around the hilt, shuddering harder as she closed her eyes. Memories filling her, drowning under them. Seeing this battlefield, so soaked in the blood of knights that her pants were sopping wet with it. Fingers tight around the hilt in her hand, weilding death as a weapon, as she used death's own weapon on death's allies. Jolted back to the present, she screamed as she dropped the sword, swaying on her feet as she looked at her burned hand, blisters already starting to raise. It seemed death's weapon no longer wanted her.
Sal gasped as he stepped forward and caught her,, cradling her as he set his hands on hers, sending cool water across her blistered hands, kicking the sword away from her so that it couldn't do any more damage. “Draco! Bring the sword! Stash it in thorns house, keep it safe we might need it later, thorn hold on love I'm going to take you home and get you fixed up.” he promised, Apparating away and carefully laying her on the bed, grabbing a jar of healing Salve and carefully massaging it into her hands to help with the pain and swelling. “hang on Thorn.” he murmured softly stroking her Hair. “i'll stay with you, I promise, so you have to promise not to leave me.” because some part of him was terrified that the sword had killed her.
Thorn whimpered as she curled up on her side, closing her eyes as she shuddered,blinking at salazar through tears."not going anywhere.I dont wanna go anywhere..."She muttered whimpering a she curled her hurt fingers around his. Despite being really hurt and reeling in the memories, not even death's sword was enough to break her curse.
Harry kissed her forehead, giving her a gentle nuzzle. “shh love, you'll be alright.” he promised pulling her into his lap and cradling her carefully, kissing her neck and smiling. “i'll never let you go.” he promised softly, gently nibbling her lips. “just rest now.” he murmured gently. “sleep.”
thorn muttered sleepily, closing her eyes as she cuddled against him. When she woke, her eyes were red from crying asleep, hands still slightly blistered and red as she liked around to see where she was, shifting a little as she realized she was still sitting in harry's lap."..you didn't move...your legs must be asleep..."She muttered moving to get up.
he smiled as he woke up. “mm? no... my legs are fine.” he lied his arms tightening around her. “mmm no, don't get up... still sleepy.” he groaned nuzzling her, having stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to make sure she was alright, kissing her neck gently. “are your hands alright? Do you need more healing Salve?”
Thorn whined before slipping away a little, stretching out on the bed, pulling him down next to her,gently rubbing her hand against his leg to get the blood flowing again, swallowing hard as pain spiked through the agiated skin."No.I'm okay."She said looking down at her hands, "Nothing that a few hours wont heal."
Salazar smiled at her and nodded, jerking violently as pain suddenly flared through his legs, making him groan and shake his head. “damn... I almost rather you hadn't gotten up.” he teased grinning a little as he caught her wrists. “don't worry about it, they'll get feeling back on their own, don't hurt your hands.” he ordered gently, kissing her forehead. “how are you feeling? Did you get any memories back?” he asked, looking very worried.
thorn winced a little as he touched her hands, biting her lip. "I remembr...fighting."She said shuddering as sshe leaned into him. Having realized that going in,since lucien had told them to find all the hallows, that she probably wouldn't get them all back at once, no matter how much that she wanted to."I was holding excaliber...I was fighting....I think I was fighting AGAINST arthur, and had disarmed him..."She said shuddering harder at the horror of the idea of killing arthur.
Harry shivered gently. “Merlin said that you sided with Mordred.” he explained softly. “that Merlin was using you as a weapon, that you where a weapon to be used.” he explained softly. “but that you turned against him and struck down everything you where supposed to care about... I think it's Merlin's fault that your like this.” he admitted, sounding angry, sounding sad, sounding worried. “i think he made your mother do this, erase your memories and shun you from her side...” he kissed her cheek. “we'll fix this Thorn, together, and we'll Atone for your sins together too.. you never have to be alone ever again. I'll never let you go alone.” he promised softly.
Thorn shuddered pressing her face against his chest, startling to cry. She couldn't believe that her loving father had wanted to use her, that was all she was to him."If he is...then maybe if I find out what happened, then I can see my mother...again."She said sounding so hopeful that it would hurt to hear. Wanting to be who she was again, not a shadow of the woman she had once been.She needed to know everything, if she was going to be in a stable and good relationship.
Sal smiled as he kissed her temple gently. “we'll try.” he promised smiling a little. “if we can atone for your sins, I'm sure that you won't be shunned anymore.” he admitted gently nibbling on her lip nuzzling her lovingly. “we only have two more hollows to find after all.” he admitted smiling. “and Draco has Excalibur at your house, safe and sound in a lock thingy down in your basement, something about blood seals and magical signatures, I don't know he was talking too fast, I think he was high or something.” he admitted with a small chuckle.
She laughed a little slowly standing up."We could hope."She said leaning down to kiss him slowly."Draco does talk fast, when he's frantic about something."She said laughing a little at the mental image of her friend before wrappign her arms around salazar and apparating. Needing to make sure draco was okay, to reassure him that she was fine, knowing he'd work himeslf into a frantic if she didn't.
Salazar chuckled and nodded a little. “Lucius does the same thing.” he admitted snickering a little. “you should hear Narcissa tell the story about when Draco was born.” he admitted chuckling as they apparated, landing in the living room, Draco launching himself at Thorn and hugging her tightly. “oh my GOD I was SO worried!” he gasped hugging her tight before releasing her and checking her over. “are you alright? How are your hands? What do you remember?! How many fingers am I holding up!? Does your head hurt!? Can you see o...” “Draco! Knock it off!” Salazar ordered looking amused. “she's fine!”
Thorn laughed quietly looking up at him, gently resting a hand against his cheek, wincing a little though. "I'm fine. My hands hurt, but they're healing. You're holding up no fingers since salazar yelled at you. And I remember fighting. With excalibar."She said sighing quietly, amused."I think that's why it wasn't happy about having me hold it again."
Draco sighed a little, relaxing before he nodded. “that makes sense.” he admitted. “i put Excalibur downstairs in your safe, and locked it with blood magic, your the only one who can open it right now.” he admitted. “so even if by some insane amount of bad luck Voldemort does manage to break in here he won't be able to get to the sword.” he admitted smiling at her. “are you sure your alright?”
Thorn nodded a little looking at him, holding up her slightly burned hands."I am fine. See?Stop worrying."She teased looking at salazar, then draco."You think he would have let me out of the house if I wasn't perfectly fine?"
Salazar smirked a little and shook his head a little. “of course I wouldn't have.” he teased smirking a little. “what kind of lover would let their girlfriend out?” he asked with a small snicker. “i intend on keeping her locked up for the rest of her life.” he teased kissing her cheek with a small snicker, Draco chuckling as he nodded. “ok ok I get it, I worry too much.” he agreed rolling his eyes a little. “i'm sorry it's in my blood! I'm supposed to worry incessantly about your bloodline remember?” he teased smirking a little. “it's what I do.”
thorn laughed quietly nodding."I know."She smirked a little, pointing at salazar."Shouldn't you be worrying about him to?"She teased, amused at the idea of draco acting this worriedly insist about salazar. "ahh, lucius. It is good to see you."She said smiling when she saw the elder man, looking worried as she crossed the room to hug him,"I'm sorry for dragging you into this."She said worried about him working for voldemort, searching for the hallows.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “no I should not be worried about him! He's never the one who's hurt or having a mental breakdown or throwing themselves off cliffs!” he complained turning to look at Lucius who smiled as he hugged her tightly. “you didn't get me into anything little one.” he promised stroking her hair gently. “i chose to stay, and I choose to protect you.” he promised kissing her forehead smiling at Salazar. “congratulations on finding Excalibur, Lucien had to tell Voldemort that I hadn't found it in time, the man went insane and tried to crucio the devil, it was rather amusing.” he shook his head. “i left before he turned his temper tantrum on me.”
"hey! I only jumped off a cliff once and that was only because YOU jumped off." she whined at Draco before stepping back from lucius studying him worriedly before grinning. "oh yes I am sure grandfather found that amusing. Maybe we won't have to worry about voldemort Lucien might kill him." she giggled but looked dlightly worried about the devil
Draco rolled his eyes. “i didn't jump I was PUSHED you idiot.” Draco complained Lucius snorting a little. “he was annoyed actually.” he admitted shaking his head. “i don't think the Crucio hurt him, being that he wasn't actually solid, but the fact that Voldemort actually tried.” Lucius admitted shaking his head a little. “besides I'm pretty sure that Lucien is under orders not to hurt Voldemort so.. yeah.” he admitted shaking his head. “do you really have Excalibur?” “yes.” Salazar admitted. “and we talked to Merlin as well.” he smirked a little. “i can give you the location of you like, he was an astonishingly nice fellow, very helpful, I bet Voldemort would love to meet him.” he admitted with a shrug, Lucius smirking a little. “i'll look into that.” he agreed snickering a little.
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