Riddle Me a Heart

Thorn nodded, still looking worried as she looked at the blond, leaning back against Salazar's chest. closing her eyes as she thought."You'll let me know if it gets bad right?One of the few gifts death left me was healing."She saidtilting her head before looking at draco, before nodding a little."Voldemort's insane, not stupid. He knows lucius can do the research better then anyone else he could get to do it."She said before laughing."Talking to the devil?how do you think I feel having him use my body. it's so weird to be male."she said snickering a little.
Viper wrinkled his nose and shook his head a little as he stood up, kissing Thorn gently and smirking at Harm, who was chewing on the table leg like a dog. “remind me to pick up some chew toys.” he ordered calmly with a small snicker as he shook his head. “i cant imagine you as a male.” he teased smiling a little as he hesitated. “are you sure your alright with it? We can find other ways I'm sure... I know! We'll kill Draco and send him down there and he can ask the devil for us!” “i think not.” Draco stated with a small chuckle. “Thorn likes me, she won't like it if you kill me.” “hmmm true...”
Thorn giggled, relaxing like she was sure he'd meant to her. Smiling a little as she stood to, straightening her clothes."NO, not sacerficing Draco."She said laughing brushing a hand over harm's head, biting her lip."It's the easiest way to-" "talk to me."Lucifer said his voice holding a mere echo of thorn's as he finished her sentence, reaching a hand out, tugging on a strand of salazar's hair. "You, worry to much."He said before looking at draco,smirking slowly. The devi's expression on thorn's face."Ah, she does find the prettiest boys..."
he smiled a little as he kissed the other before Draco blushed at being called pretty. “i don't worry, I just don't trust you.” Salazar stated crossing his arms. “what the fuck is wrong with you!? How the hell could you tell my father about the Hollows!?” he demanded glaring at Lucien. “do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused!? You could have ruined any chance Thorn has at regaining her memories what the HELL is wrong with you!?”
Lucien sighed quietly. "I had my own orders to do it. I'm not the only one interested in what happens on earth you know. And not the only one who knows what Thorn did.There are...worries among the celestial host that if she becomes who she was again, without a challenge, that she will repeat her mistake."Lucifer said, though he didn't believe it, he knew that Michael and Raphel wouldn't have given her the chance without him making it difficult."There are others at work among humanity, and some of them wont be nice at all."
Salazar growled a little as he glared at Lucien. “your the goddamn devil!? Who the hell get's to push you around!? Your the ruler of hell dammit act like it!” he ordered before sighing a little and pinching the bridge of his nose. “it doesn't matter, no matter who is ordering you about they won't chase us off course.” he looked up at the other. “where is Camelot?” he finally demanded staring at Lucien. “and don't you DARE tell me you can't' dammit! As far as I can tell you owe Thorn something, and this might be the only way for her to get what she needs!”
"Her mother. Heaven.Michael and Raphel. To just name a few. I might be the devil,but I am still bound by heaven and death's rules when it concerns Thorn."He said before smiling a little, having hoped that his seemingly betrayal would be just what the two needed to drive them towards camelot. He wanted his granddaughter free, and to do that ,he had to be her betrayer again. Tilting his head a little he smiled wider at Salazar's demand. While he might not be able to provide good information of his own free will, he could when asked a question."Avingon, France. The ruins still stand...I think if you get close enough, she will remember the way."
Harry snarled violently, annoyed that creatures of good where trying to impede there way. “heaven or hell, I will not let anyone ruin her chances.” he hissed offering him a dark smirk. “that I promise you.” he hissed softly. “i might be evil and a bastard but I honestly feel like I love Thorn, and I will never let anyone hurt her.” whether it was protectiveness, or possessiveness, Salazar meant it. “we will go to this place.” he decided looking at Lucien. “we will leave tonight.” he decided glancing at Draco who was looking timid but nodded, affirming that he would go with if he was needed. “is there anything else that we should know?” Salazar demanded, still very angry at the Devil.
Lucien smiled amused at finding a mortal who was angry at him. it wasn't often one was so brave as to get angry at him, much less yell loudly. "Be careful. Merlin's buried there somewhere....whatever you do, don't let her cross the boundaries of the grave."he said actually sounding concerned. while he knew his son loved his daughter, he was also sure that merlin's rage at having everything brought down by her, would outlive his death. And he didn't knwo what the mage would have guarding his tomb, and he worried what they would do to thorn. smiling he tweaked a strand of draco's hair."I need to visit again.You're so pretty."He muttered. Once again thorn was herself, wrinkling her nose, shuddering a little, though she was handling it better this time."I'm disturbed at grandfather's tastes."she whined quietly.
Salazar nodded and examined the other, his head tilted. “i'll be very careful not to cross the boundaries.” he promised Draco shuddering as he wrinkled his nose, ignoring the bolt of arousal that tore through his gut at the thought of being bed by the devil himself. For one thing it could never happen and for another he wasn't gay... or at least that was what he liked to pretend. “i am also very disturbed.” Draco stated simply, sounding more in shock than disturbed. “do you remember all that?” Sal asked looking a little startled before he smirked a little and shook his head. “of course you do. You know where we're going then? Because I have no idea where France is.” he admitted Draco nodding. “it's alright, I've been to France and I think I know where Avignon is, I can take you there.” he promised, happy to help as well.
Thorn nodded, laughing a little as she looked at draco, amused."Well you should know where it is, its the place where the first malfoy was born."She said, tilting her head a little as she stepped back, biting her lip."we better go before it gets to late."She said before wrapping her arms around them both, before apparating. Smiling happily at the cool winter day they arrived in, the branches holding just the touch of frost."Well.You know, I can't say that its changed that much."she said looking around,frowning pointing up the hill."Your ancestor's house up there Draco. Or at least the ruins are. I don't know if your father fixed it up since Abraxas let it fall into ruin."
Draco nodded. “yeah it is the place I was thinking of then!” he admitted grinning a little as they apparated, Salazar snickering a little. “this place is a dump...” “shut up Sal! This was the ancient home of the Malfoy's! We where the most ancient bloodline entrusted to guard the bloodline that runs through Thorns blood!” this she already knew. “so buzz off freak!” he ordered sulking a little as Salazar laughed. “is that why Lucius is always trying to protect me? Because his bloodline is my bloodlines protectors?” “that and he felt bad for you having that fuck head of a father.” Salazar nodded. “makes sense, come on we'll check out your crap house for clues before we head on to Camelot.” he decided, Draco glaring at Him. “i hate you.”
Thorn laughed as she headed forn the house, walking slowly, slipping a arm through salazar's. Feeling slightly unsteady on her feet, channeling lucien did have consquences on her physical body making her tired and slightly disoriented."Now boys, behave."She said laughing shaking her head."The line of malfoy was one of the few of camelot, to escape unharmed....I think so.I remembere coming here....after. I assume that they survived the fight, though they were all forbidden from talkign to me, at least until we all had forgotten what we weren't supposed to remmeber."
Draco nodded. “we volunteered even.” he admitted. “we chose to give up our lives and help, and that's when Death gave us Long Life and gave us Elvish blood to make us strong both physically and magically.” “why are you so boring?” Salazar demanded bending down and picking up something off the ground, dusty and rusted but a very nice sword anyway. “huh, nice, I've always wanted one of these, hey Draco I'm looking your ancient bloodlines crap.” Salazar stated, Draco rolling his eyes as he left to examine his ancestors things, smiling as he found some books, Salazar shining his new found sword as he smiled at Thorn. “he's so fun to piss off... hey are you alright? You look exhausted... here sit down.” he ordered cleaning out a space on the floor and making her sit down. “do you need to take a nap? We can wait if you need to rest...”
Thorn shook her head, wincing as it made her head swim."I'm fine. Just tired."She said smiling a little as she wrapped her arms around salazar, tugging him down for a kiss before reaching for the sword."Let me see that.I can clean it up."She smiled a litle wider,"It'd be good for you to have a sword.more protection and all that. Draco could even teach you to use it.He's good like that."She teased her lover, amused because he loved pissing draco off.
Salazar shook his head. “you need to rest.” he ordered kissing her back, letting her have his sword with a smirk before he glared at her and snatched his sword back. “no! Draco's a lousy Sword mate! I beat him every time!” he complained Draco snorting as he looked through the diaries he had unearthed from a hidden compartment under the floorboards. “again, only what happened after Thorn lost her memories and Camelot was lost.” Draco admitted sighing a little as he watched Salazar shining up his sword. “and unfortunately he's right, he is better than me.” not better than thorn, but definitely better than Draco and Lucius. “so what now?” Sal asked frowning a little. “we go to Camelot, there's a map in this journal, it even marks off Merlin's grave.” he admitted Sal nodding as he hesitated. He planned on going to see Merlin, despite Lucien's warning, he wouldn't take Thorn with him, he'd conveniently get 'lost' but he had questions for Merlin and he intended to ask them.
Thorn nodded, getting to her feet though she swayed a little. Looking at Salazar, slipping a arm through his."Well then,I'll just have to train him myself."She said, grinning at the idea of him having a weapon like her own, knowing that if he kept the sword long enough, the death magic he used would imbed itself within the steel, as they're both weapons of death. "Come on.Let's go."She said heading out, wanting to get to the once castle. needing to know what was wrong, and having every intention of not letting sal out of her sight, even if he went to merlin's tomb. Like lucien said, she didn't trust her father's traps to let his bloodlien through."Is there any that has arthur's?"She asked lookign at draco as they walked, wondering if excalibar would be there.
Draco shook his head. “no, there's nothing on here that suggests that Arthur is buried here, but then he was also supposedly taken to Avalon, the birthplace of Magic and Merlin so...” he shrugged. “we have to hope.” he admitted Salazar nodding as he examined the map from over Draco's shoulder suddenly pausing. “oh hell...” he groaned. “i gotta take a piss.” he complained fidgeting a little before kissing her cheek. “i'll be right back.” he promised darting off to pee, or rather, darting off to find Merlin's Grave, stepping over the boundary of his grave and shuddering at the feal of ancient magic on his skin.
"You dare disturb my slumber, son of pendragon?"Merlin's voice filled the room, his tomb looking peaceful and undisturbed since the time he'd been buried. The body laying on the marble slab in the middle of the room, looking as alive and well as he had when he died. The only thing showing he wasn't living, was the pale blue cast of his skin.'Your kind has been forbidden from entering here, for my daughter's sins. Death will not welcome here, nor the living. Remove yourself, son of pendragon."The arrogance in those words, centuries worth of arrogance. He had loved his daughter, well he had loved the ideal of her, more lovign a weapon he could shape, then the daughter he had. Very much like lucien in that way. Though unlike the demon lord, he did not repent for trying to use her. For casting her forever from her mother's presence.
Salazar's eyes narrowed at Merlin's voice, his head tilted a little. “i have come for answers My Lord.” he stated calmly. “for you yourself have sinned far greater than I have ever done.” he stated simply. “i have raped, murdered, lied and stolen under the orders of someone, while not knowing any better, just as did thorn.” he stated calmly. “this I am sure, but your sin is far greater isn't it? Using your own daughter as a weapon, and then shunning her when someone took your weapon away from you and used her just as you intended, isn't that right?” Salazar demanded, his voice firm, calm, unafraid and unrepentant. “i strive to pay for my sins, and fix the wrongs I have done, and so too thorn tries to fix the wrong she did, though she knows nothing of what she did, what sin's have you ever tried to fix?”
"It is not a sin to strive for greatness, or condemn Thorn for siding with her grandfather instead of her father, like a child should."merlin said, "She destroyed the dream that was camelot, out of a selfish child's wishes, not the wishes of a child of morrigan."he said, tilting his head a little, "Thorn Satanspawn's sin was against everything she was supposed to hold dear."he said, not mentioning that his daughter had never had the chance to become the unspoiled brat she had been. That she had grown up in the centuries since. For him, Thorn would always remain the rebellious weapon that had failed to heed him when he needed her to do so.
if a child should side with there father, then I myself should be out slaughtering, murdering, raping, and hurting babies right now. My father is a madman, would you condemn me for not being the weapon he wants me to be!? What right do you say who Thorn is supposed to be? Yes, you might be her father, but your nothing to her but a master, and all she was to you was a pawn. She is no daughter of yours Merlin, all she is to you is a tool. Of course she would abandon you for someone who actually cared about her, or at least someone she thought cared about her.” he stated with a glare. “you can't twist people around your finger, and expect them to do as you want. God himself can't even do that, what makes you think you have the power to do anything? Why make a weapon when all you had to do was show her a little love and she would have DIED for you!?” he demanded walking right up to the body of Merlin, glaring at him. “you are an old, bitter fool Merlin, and you had no right to do the things you did. Now your daughter is being twisted and manipulated all over again, and she has a chance to make this world right, and fix the things she did wrong and you won't help because your a bitter old man who can't let go of the past, or even forgive your own flesh and blood.”
Merlin sneered a little, eyelids flickering a little."She sided with lucien for pure power,traitorspawn.She joined with mordred pendragon in the effort to end my dream of camelot, and singlehanded pulled the world down around her. Do not speak to me as if you could understand that.Let her go, she destroys everyone she loves,eventually. modred fell to her hand, while she held excalibar, her mother forbidden from entering the realms again because it cost her everything to stop thorn in her tracks. And Lucien...poor deluded lucien, who thought he could have the world. never realizing she wanted it for herself."merlin sighed,"Go away traitorspawn, she will find what she seeks her, and she will hate you for giving it to her."
Salazar stared at him then. “i do not know the truth of her past Merlin, but so long as she finds what she seeks, that is all I need to know.” he admitted watching Merlin closely. “she might hate me, this I cannot know, but I will do anything to make her happy because she is the only thing in my life that I actually care about.” he admitted setting his hand on Merlin's hand. “everyone makes mistakes, and I'm probably making the biggest one of all, but they are mine to make, and mine to fix, just like it's her mistakes, and her problems to solve.” he smiled at the man and nodded. “i will go now. Try not to sulk for the rest of your life grandfather.” he stated calmly before he stepped back out of the boundaries and headed off to find his lover.
Thorn looked pissed as he walked out of the cave, having only been stopped from going in by draco holding her there wtih a stun spell. Glaring at draco she snarled as she shook off the spell finally, grabbing sal tightly, looking worried."What were you thinking?!You could have let me come with you."She growled.even if lucien had warned against it, she was intent on protecting salazar, no matter the personal risk that it took to do so.
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