Riddle Me a Heart

Thorn smiled,relaxing as she found herself out of the crowd. Once again on sure ground once she was facing the owner."Sir. We were just out watching the dragons, and one of the nests hatched. We were interested in if it was possible to buy one."She said matter of factly looking at him sternly, wanting it for salazar. Wanting to do something good for him
the owner sputtered and flustered but nodded, “i..y..yes we have been known to sell baby dragons to private owners b..but their very dangerous!” “it's alright.” Salazar promised smirking a little. “i speak Parsel, that's close enough to Dragon tongue that I'll be able to control the beastie.” he promised. “and I'm not going to use it to terrorize anyone either I just want a deadly pet.” well that wasn't entirely the truth but the man seamed convinced and he nodded. “the little ones have been removed by now for testing and check ups. We have to test them to make sure that they don't have any genetic diseases and we need to make sure that their healthy too.” h explained motioning for them to follow as he led the way down to the 'nursery' which was basically a large Vets office. “pick one out love.” Harry offered smiling at Shay as he watched the 'vets' weighing and measuring most of the baby dragons, which where huffing and puffing, annoyed at the handling.
"Awww poor babies!"Thorn giggled as she walked over watching the dragons before scooping up one of the smaller males, cuddling the runt of the pack. "Mine."She said looking at salazar, smiling as she let the vet finish his exam, before holding her dragon again, walking back to the owner and salazar."Love, will you ask him what his name is?"She asked, wondering if she could learn to speak dragon. She'd learned many other languages, surely she could learn dragn.
he chuckled as he nodded and hissed at the Dragon, smiling when it snorted. “he says he doesn't have a name, that he is only the runt so he didn't get one.” he explained chuckling a little. “well we're just going to have to give him a big strong dragon name then won't we?” he asked smiling at her. “we'll pick up some meat from the butcher near the house and then get him a nice hot bed in a fireplace.” he decided. “they love to sleep on hot coals, we'll spell the fireplace to smolder and keep it stocked with hot coals for him.”
Thorn giggled a lttlem nodding happily. Knowing she was probably acting out of character or at least hwo she was in private. For once not conscious as to the people around her."I'll name him....Harm."She grinned stroking the dragon's head, looking at salazar."Pay the man so we can get him home. I want to get him settled and easy at home."She said grinning.
he laughed and nodded, paying the man as ordered and hissing to the dragon that his new name was Harm, the dragon purring happily, pleased with his new name as he huffed and puffed and showed off to his new mommy. “i had an idea.” he admitted to her. “i think I can manipulate our bond, so that you can share my parselmagic.” he admitted smiling at her. “but if you don't want me to mess with the bond I won't.” he promised.
thorn bit her lip thinking about it, before nodding."That would be okay."she said after a few long moments, before reaching out, doing the maniulation herself, smiling slightly as she hissed quietly, a soft hello to her baby dragon. Before looking up happily at Harry."It worked!Lets go home."She grinned happily that after such a rough start, their date was going well.
he shuddered as he felt the bond twisting and smiled as he listened to her talk to the baby dragon, which hiccuped before nudging her with his head, demanding food Salazar chuckling a little as he shook his head. “let's go get some raw meat.” he decided grinning. “i think the mother dragon usually chews up the food first so I think ground hamburger for now.” he decided tickling the dragon's chin as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and vanished with a crack, stepping into an honest butchers shop, the butcher actually cutting up the leg of a cow at a table behind the counter. “i can helps yeh?” “we need... oh, fifty pounds of ground hamburger.” “f..fifteh...” “thats right, fifty."
Thorn laughed a little at the man's reaction, cuddling her dragon as she turned her head a little to look at the butcer. "We just got a pet that likes cow."She said grinning as harm tried to go for the food on his own. Catching the baby with a single hand,pulling him back."Careful harm."She muttered with a hiss.
Salazar chuckled a little and shook his head. “we'll take thirty pounds of chicken and twenty of pork as well.” he decided smirking a little. “this little guy is going to eat quite a bit, we might as well make sure we're well stocked.” he decided chuckling a little as he shook his head as the man ran around gathering everything they needed, Salazar yelling for Kreecher and making the useless elf transport it all to the walk in refrigerator they had at his Manor, smirking a little. “well at least he's useful for something.” he muttered with a roll of his eyes. “i am so buying some new elves.” he grumbled smirking as he stroked Harm's wings. “he's so cute!” he purred grinning a little.
Thorn nodded smiling a little as she paid for the meat, before leaning up to kiss him."Thank you love."she said happiness and amusement coloring the bond, so happy that she had found harm. Leaning bak to look at him she stroked the dragon's wings, tilting her head a little."Home?Or did you want something else to do on our date?"She said quite content to go home. Wantng to show the small beast around his new home, and anxious to make sure he'd be happy with it.
he smiled and kissed her forehead. “anything to see that wonderful smile of yours.” he stated happily, offering Harm some hamburger, watching him chow down with a small chuckle. “well, I was hoping to go to the Nursery...er, the plant one.” he admitted smiling. “i thought you might like to help pick out the flowers that we plant, since you apparently don't want to handle the crap.” he teased snickering a little as he nudged her chin. “but we can go home if your tired.”
"Oh!No. Let's go."She grinned at th idea of picking out flowers, blushing ever so slightly that she wasn't up for planting things. Smiling as she apparate them she looked around the garden she'd apparted them into. "Ohhh..look.They're so pretty."She cooed snuggling harm as she looke over the pretty magical flowers, ignoring both harry and the nursey owner in favor of th pretty flowers.
he chuckled and kissed her temple with a small smirk as he talked to the nursery owner for a moment before turning away and plucking Harm from her arms when he tried to eat a Snapping Dragon Lily, which was large enough to eat the baby dragon, shaking his head. “nothing that eats, love.” he ordered with a small smile. “we should pick up a few flowering bushes too while we're here.” he decided. “to trim the garden with.” he glanced around and examined the many pretty flowers, smiling as he let his lover pick out all the plants.
Thorn smiled as she hose what she wanted, before pausing in front of one of the snap dragons, before looking at harm."You'll leave it alone wont you pretty boy?I think we need at least one eating plant. It'll help keep bugs down."She said logically as she turned looking up at Salazar, pouting a little at the sight of her lver holding her dragon.
he laughed and handed Harm back to her, shaking his head. “alright alright, we'll put the Snap Dragons in.” he agreed chuckling a little as he obediently gathered some seedlings. “their better behaved if you raise them yourself.” he admitted. “and they grow fast.” he admitted kissing her forehead as he settled them carefully into the basket along with the others that she'd picked out, settling a few of his favorites in as well. “any others you want love?”
"No.I don't think so."she said smiling a little as she paid for the flowers, wrapping a arm around his waist and the the basket, apparating them home. Smiling as she stepped away from them, looking down at the dragon."Do you want to explore, or go nap lovely?"She said stroking his head. Before looking up at salazar."Love, am I losing you to your gardening for the evening?"She said raising a eyebrow as her stomach growled, giggling as the dragon's head darted down to investigate the sound.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “no not yet.” he teased smiling a little. “i still need to finish weeding and then I have to fertilize, the seedlings will be alright in their little pots for about a month so I can take my time.” he admitted smirking a little. “hungry?” he asked smirking a bit. “well I know a good chef who could come over and make something for us?” he offered his head tilted a little. “or did you want to cook again? I loved those roast beef things you made.” he admitted licking his lips and laughing as the dragon curled up and went to sleep, letting out a large puff of smoke as it started to snore.
Thorn giggled a little as harm started to snore shaking her head as she blushed."No. You ould have someone come over. Roast beef is about the extent of my knowledge of cooking."She said smiling a little as she wrapped her arms aound him, kissing him gently.
Salazar chuckled and kissed her forehead before raising his voice. “Dobby!” of course it was Dobby, even as an evil bastard Dobby still adored the son of Lily potter. “yes master Salazar Sir what can Dobby be doing for you!?” “could you make us some dinner?” Sal asked hopefully. “we're starved.” “yes Sire Master Salazar sir!” he chirped popping away, Sal leading her into the dusty dining room, cleaning it with magic before sitting down at the table, dobby rushing back out with roasted chicken breast, garlic bread, and some steamed vegetables Salazar smirking. “thanks Dobby.” he chirped happily the elf bowing and popping away. “i don't know HOW he does it. He cooked that in five minutes!”
"He's a house elf. They have all kinds of magic."She said with a smile, kissing his cheek as she sat down at the table starting to eat. Looking thoughtful."Sal, do you think your father has someone watching this house?By now he has to know you're not at home."She said biting her lip,really looking worried. Because she wanted to know what they wanted with them, and was worried about what voldemort would do when he realized his son was no longer under his control.
he shook his head. “no, Father doesn't even know this place exists.” Sal admitted. “i bought it in secrete using Lucius's name and his money.” he admitted. “the only person who knows about this place is Lucius and Draco, and their not about to tattle on me. Their the closest things to friends that I have.” he admitted chewing thoughtfully. “in the astonishing chance that he does know where this is, no one will be able to get in but you and me because of the extensive Wards, both magical and natural I have set up around this place.” he admitted with a small shrug. “only the people I want in, can get in.”
Thorn smiled,grinning at the idea of that. Oh man, those would be the most perfect place in existance.Eating a few more bites before she looked over at him."I..I think we need to go see Draco.He's staying at my manor, and he might have word from his father. Lucius would know what Voldemort wanted with you wouldn't he?"she asked, looking slightly anxious. While she knew voldemort couldn't get to them, she was still worried about what he wanted, surely he wouldn't give up that easily;
Salazar chuckled a little and nodded. “alright, we'll go see Draco after Dinner, Harm could use a good walk anyway.” he admitted smiling a little. “and your right, Lucius should know what Father wants. Father is mad and insane but he trusts Lucius. If Draco doesn't know, he could easily find out.” he agreed nodding as he calmly scraped his vegetables into Harms waiting mouth, the little dragon having woken up and wanting more food. And it meant that Sal didn't have to eat the nasty broccoli, it was the only vegetable he hated...well, that and asparagus... and Brusselsprouts....
Thorn looked amused as they finished dinner, patting the small dragon's bulging stomach."Love, you're going to make my dragon fat."She teased, looking up at him before standing, "Ready?We better go see draco before he decides to do something this evening."she said, looking forward to seeing him. she did enjoy talking to the blond, and well, salazar would get so jealous. And then...ahhh the sex was going to be good. Needing to feel loved and cherished, owned. Feeling off balance with the newly regained memories, she wanted to reconnect...after they figure out what was going on with voldemort.
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