Riddle Me a Heart

Thorn looked down at her hands, shuddering as a memory overlaid them for a moment. Seeing blood red, sticky hands wrapped around a sword hilt, forcing...forcing something...to happen. Shuddering as she squeezed her eyes shut to clear her head she smiled slightly, looking at Lily. Looking sad."No...mothher meant to punish me...."she whispered, not realizing it had been her beloved father to draw the harsh line, and her mother just backed it up, and gave her the out that would allow her to atone."I should be going.Sal's scared,and worried about what his father will do when he realizes he's gone."she stood,finishing her soup before pausing."Has anyone heard from lucius or Draco?If not, tell them to get out of there. There's no reason for them to stay, they'll be in danger if they do."
she smiled a little and kissed her forehead again. “you'll remember in time, and Sal will help you through the pain.” she promised. “and I too will do anything I can to help.” she promised standing up and leading Thorn to the door, smiling at her. “don't forget to give Salazar that cloak. It will come in handy, for both of you.” Lily promised smiling. Because through Morgana's blood, Lily had the gift of a true Seer, a gift that someday, Salazar's daughter would have as it only passed on to the women of their bloodline. “i have a letter to write darling, be safe.” she murmured smiling. “and Draco is already out. Lucius has chosen to stay, Voldemort will no suspect him of helping Salazar escape.”
"Good.If he doesn't want to stay where he is,tell him the wards to my manor are set to let him through."She smiled easily kissing lily's cheek before apparating to salazar's house. Frowning a little when she didn't see Sal in the garden, running towards the house, wand in one hand and a sword in the other as she pushed open the door."Sal?"She yelled, panic starting to lace her voice, their bond flairing wide open with panic.
Kreecher suddenly appeared in front of her. “Master Salazar has left a letter for you Lady.” he stated, more than willing to offer her all the manners he offered his master, since she was of such a prestigious bloodline. “it is on the Table Lady.” he informed her before he returned to washing the floor with a filthy rag. Showing he really was a useless as a house elf.

'Love, I got a tip from an old friend about how I might find a key to your past, so I've gone to one of my libraries to research it. I'll be home by Dinner, try not to worry yourself into an aneurism hey love? See you soon, Love Salazar'

it wasn't ten minutes after she finished reading it that Salazar Apparated in, carrying an armload of books in his arms, dumping them on the table with a small groan. “damn... I forgot how HEAVY books are, Thorn? You home?” he called curiously his head tilted a little.
Thorn skidded into the room after the first word, looking at him worriedly, panting slightly after having searchd the house just to make sure he wasn't home."You okay?"She said more concerned about him then her own past.She'd lived centuries without it, a few more minutes ws fine. She needed to know he was fine
Sal blinked, looking amazed. “i'm fine, honest. No one knows where my libraries are, not even my Father.” he promised smiling at her, running his hand through her hair. “it's alright love, I'm more careful than people think I am, I promise.” he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed her. “help me move these books into the study? I'll work on them when you leave.. unless you want to help?”
She studied the books for a long moment, wrapping her arms tightly around the packag she was still holding, smiling slightly."Oh.Okay."She said relaxing, reassured when she felt his amusement. Nodding slightly,"I'll help. I need something to fill the time with, when I'm not running off playing dumbledore's lapdog."she giggled a little settling the invisiblity cloak under one arm,gathering a few of the books and heading towards the study.
Salazar chuckled a little as he picked up his share of the books, glancing at the package, lifting an eyebrow. “someone give you a present?” he asked smirking a little. “if it's from Dumbledore i'd suggest burning it.” he teased dumping the books onto the table in his dusty study, sneering at all the dust. “that damn Kreecher is useless, I need more House Elves.” he muttered sighing a little. “i'll tell Lucius to buy me some. He'll send them through to us and I'll pay him back once they get here.” he admitted softly shaking his head a little. “we have GOT to get the dust out of here.” he grumbled coughing a little. “guh. My allergies are KILLING me right now.” he complained sorting the books out and examining them as he picked up Il morte de arthur. “i believe we're supposed to start with this one. That's what Lucien told me anyway.”
Thorn looked up startled at his words, eyes widening slightly as she considered it. Lucien....lucifer?She swallowed, wondering what game her grandfater was playing before waving a hand, banisihing the dust."It's only a temporary fix, it'll be back, but it'll let us get some work done."She said pushing him down in the chair, climbing up in his lap like a little girl,cuddling close as she flipped absently through the book."No.It's a present for you.Lils had it, it belonged to your brother...she thought you might want it..."
he smiled as she cured up in his lap, wrapping his arms around his girl and smiling a little as he glanced at the package. “for me?” he asked curiously. “my brother?” he asked curiously. “James Potter...” he muttered sounding very interested now as he reached over and tugged it over. “Father hated my brother.” he admitted. “he only had terrible things to say about him... he was a traitor you know... tried to kill Father... several times.” he pulled the package open carefully and the invisibility cloak spilled out into his hands, making him gasp softly. “it's beautiful...”
Thorn nodded,fingers gently stroking over the liquidy fabric, resting her head on his shoulder, feeling something.Her chest growing tight at touching it, but for the life of her,she didn't know why it hurt to have it."Your brother was a brilliant wizard...who died for his crime of caring to much."She said smiling a little. Despite not having known her personal connection to the riddle line, Thorn had followed the older wizarding lines, seeking someone, anyone to keep in touch with who she'd once been.
he smiled as he examined it rubbing the silky material against his cheek chuckling a little. “he sounds like the kind of guy I want to be.” he murmured smiling a little as he kissed her neck and folded the cloak carefully setting it to the side as he opened the book to it's first page. “well, lets get started shall we? Apparently this book has a bit of truth to it.” he admitted watching the page closely his head tilted a little to rest against hers lovingly as he read the book.
Hours past as they read, both reading back and forth, thorn smiling sleepily as he finished,frowning as she rested her head on his shoulder. Remembering bits and pieces...remembering mordred's welcoming to court. Merlin's refusal to accept the boy as arthur's son..."I remember some of this."She said quietly, sleepily but slightly alert."I don't...it ended in blood.Fire and blood."She said seeing to much, to many flashes, to sort out what she was seeing not understanding the flashes of memory she was seeing.
Salazar nodded and kissed her forehead, gently nuzzling her. “shh love.” he muttered softly. “your getting stressed out, let's go to bed and everything will make sense in the morning I'm sure.” he muttered smiling as he gently picked her up and carried her into bed, tucking her in and sliding in next to her, smiling a little as he kissed her forehead. “i'll be like James.” he decided softly. “i'll be a good person, one willing to go against my father for what is right.” he promised smiling at her. “i'll always keep you safe.” and he settled down to sleep with her happily, waking in the morning to an owl poking him in the forehead with a letter from Lily, Salazar groaning but accepting the letter, opening it and beginning to read while he stroked Thorn's hair affectionately.
Thorn whined cutelly, nuzzling her head against Salazar's hand, sighing quietly as she blinked up at him."reading already?"she teased raising her head as she looked up at him, looking amused. Wondering if lily was so eager to talk to her son already. Wondering what they were going to do today.
he chuckled a little and smiled at her. “lily sent me a letter.” he explained smiling a little. “she talks a lot.” he admitted with a chuckle. “she's told me about James a lot, it's really nice.” he admitted smiling at her as he set the letter down. “i don't know, I thought I might actually get started on the garden, unless you had something better planned?”
Thorn shook her head, smiling a little as she shifted, resting her head on hsi chest."No.That sounds wonderful."She said smilng shyly."I want to try the gardening again.I've never...been good at it.Maybe if I focus on something else,my memories will start coming back to me."

Elsewhere, Lucien swallowed hard as he took the sidestep into riddle manor, sneering at the death eaters and general gloom. Hell was designed for sinners, but even it had more class then this. Swallowing he shook his head, and hoped his heavenly counterpart was right,and that this had to be done. Amazingly, the former highest ranking angel, trusted his once second in command,and Lucien was trusting the world into Raphel's hands."So far the pride of purebloods has fallen among miscrenants."
he smiled a little and kissed her forehead. “great!” he chirped happily. “we'll have to start by yanking everything out.” he admitted. “everything is so overgrown and dead that it can't be saved, everything will have to go.” he admitted smirking a little. “and then we'll go out and buy some crap to mix in with the soil.” yes, literally, crap.

Tom and Lucius both turned at the sound of his voice, both of them gasping at the sight of Lucien, Voldemort standing with Rage in his eyes. “get out of my home!” Voldemort demanded, shooting bright green light at the Devil himself, so gone in madness he honestly thought he could kill the ruler of hell. “leave this instant!” “My lord! That.. that's Lucifer! Are you sure it's a good idea to...” he was cut off by his own shrill screams as he writhed on the ground as Voldemort held him under the Crucio. “Silence you Fool! Do not DARE to question what I do!”
"....crap?you want me to touch crap?"Thorn said sitting up and looking at him, her jaw dropping a little as she considered her lover before shaking her head."No. I'll let you do that part, and I'll pretend I have no idea what you're doing."she said stealing as kiss as she climbed out of bed.

Lucifer sneered raising a hand ending both curses before they got to extreme, smirking as the killing curse passed harmlessly through his form. "And here I was here to tell you something.Maybe I'll go take my secrets to deathless and go play with dumbledore."He mused outloud, turning to leave.
Salazar laughed and nodded. “yes, crap. Dragon dung is the best but it's hard to get a hold of so I prefer to use cow dung since it's almost as good, even if Wizards don't raise cows.” he chuckled a little as he kissed her and raised the letter again, looking amazed. “hey! Lily is amazing at Gardening too! Awesome.” he stated grinning a little.

Lucius laid there panting hard as he staggered to his feet Voldemort snarling before snorting a little. “wait!” he growled staring at Lucien. “don't go to Dumbledore, tell me what it was that you wanted to say...” he hated giving in, but the man was the devil, and it was better than letting Dumbledore have him as an ally.
Thorn laughed nodding."She grows all her meals.Doesn't buy anything."she smiled dressing as she smiled, heading for the door. "Come on then, lets go get your crap."she said frowning thoughtfully. Maybe she wouldn't help him.

Lucien smirked a little as he stopped, walking back."hmmmm...so polite."He muttered looking amused.Enjoying the man's giving in."But not so submissive. You should be."He said raising a eyebrow."I know the secret of Thorn Satanspawn, who is helping Dumbledore."
Salazar nodded. “that sounds like a good idea.” he muttered grinning a little. “we could get some chickens and a miniature cow and have all the fresh milk and eggs we want too! That would be a lot of fun don't you think?” he asked smiling at her his head tilted. “and we don't need the crap yet.” he admitted. “first we have to clean out the flower beds, that could take hours, or even days and we don't want the crap sitting out to the elements for that long.”

Voldemort growled in annoyance at the order he be submissive before he hissed in glee at the realization that this man knew how to achieve true immortality. A life without any sort of death. “yes! Tell me!....please!” he added, almost as an afterthought, but at least he was learning... sort of.
Thorn smiled,kissing him gently as she tugged on her tennis shoes, "OH no, no bad crap."She teased grinning as she walked happily into the garden, looking around.Having every intention of staying close to him, because it meant learning something new."And a small cow would give you crap when you needed it."She said smiling a little.

Lucien smiled slightly."Find death's own hallows.Morrigan created them for the deathless,and only in destroying them can one become like her."Lucien said, praying that raphel was right, and he wasn't going to condemn his granddaughter again."Thorn and your son even now, ae looking for them.If you don't get to them first, they will be lost forever."
Salazar chuckled a little and nodded smirking a little as he headed out into the yard, settling onto his knees and began yanking everything in the ground, out, throwing them behind his shoulder into a pile. “careful, some of these have Thorns.” Salazar warned smirking a little as he looked over at the other. “that's true too, alright I'll buy a cow and some chickens.” he decided. “we can use magic to keep them in the yard.” he decided. “we'll never had bug problems.” he admitted smirking a little. “the chickens will eat them all.”

Tom's eyes widened in astonishment. “my son was with.... that woman was the deathless!? Lucius!” he snarled at his second in command. “go and get Salazar! Now!” “i... I can't sir he.. he left.” Lucius admitted wincing when Voldemort slapped him hard across the face. “you didn't think to inform me of this!?” “i.. I thought they where just going out on a date sir... I didn't know..” “find me the books on the Hallows! Now!” “yes sir.” Lucius stated rushing out the door, fearful of his Lords temper.
Thorn smiled slightly as she helped him,gently tugging out the plants."I wonder if that's why my mother named me thorn, because I would be a danger to those around me."Se said thoughtfully as she gently tugged the plant out of the ground, whimpering slightly as it pricked her thumb, feeling the blood welm up. Eyes going wide slightly as they glazed, memories showing in her eyes, the bond allowing Salazar to see them to. Walking through the bodies of Lourges, the brave knights of camelot, fallen in one man's greed. The only living thing left on the field, she knew she was. A hand resting on her stomach,feeling the gentle rounding, feeling the babe growing in her. And knowing that she couldn't ever let this kind of slaughter come to pass again. And then she was slapped back into the present.

Lucien smiled, his work was done. Tilting his head in a goodbye to voldemort, he sighed. Now the hard part would begin.Protecting and betraying thorn all at once...disappearing with a sigh. Life was about to get intreesting again.
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