Riddle Me a Heart

he smiled a little and nodded snuggling into her as he answered her Love with Love, and most amazingly enough Trust, of his own. “Fathers going to be very angry when he realizes that I'm not coming back.” he muttered softly, a dark pulse of terror shining through their bond. Salazar sounded brave, as if he didn't care, but the boy was terrified of his father in ways that no one could have expected. He was after all only fourteen. “there we go, I'll just become a whore by hire.” he teased chuckling a little. “from now on when we fuck you have to give me a galleon.” he teased smirking a little as he nuzzled her. “i love you..." he muttered softly. "i'm going to grow a Garden in the back yard." he decided smiling a little. "i'm sorry for...whatever i did to you.. i didn't mean to..."
Thorn shuddered a little at the terror she felt, snarling fiercely. she might look sixteen, but she'd seen centuries. She wasn't going to let some trumped up dark lord hurt her bonded. Giggling a little at his idea,"A whore for hire.Not bad.'She teased smiling as he nuzzled her."I want garden.It'll be pretty."She mused before nodding,"I know love.I'm...I'm not sure what you did either,besides me wanting to please you by promising.I don't knw.I would have promised anyways..but..."She sighed quietly."We'll just have to be careful."
he smiled as he snuggled into her, smirking a little. “i'll make a big one.” he promised. “even that cow Lucius won't be able to compare to my garden.” he purred, happy with this idea as he closed his eyes and sighed softly. “i... I want to talk to Lily again... not now, maybe later... when I've... understood everything Father said.” he decided, looking at her. “are you really my great great great many times great grandmother?”
Thorn shuddered."I don't know."She said truthfully the low level panic coming back, sighing quietly as she let hellmagic sooth her thoughts, letting the fire burn away her panic. Wondering what a child could have done, to be forgotten."I don't know."She said slowly, closing her eyes,"I would assume he is correct...purebloods are usually obssesively anal about keeping track of those things."
Viper frowned and then. “well, pureblood cousins marry all the time... it can't be any worse than that right? I mean, you are centuries old.. that's a lot of descendants thinning out your blood from mine right?” he asked smiling a little as he snuggled into her, sighing softly. “can you make pancakes? I really would like some pancakes for breakfast.” he admitted half asleep now as he breathed softly, terror and fear forgotten in favor of her and sleeping.
Thorn laughed quietly."Whatever you want princeling."She muttered closing her eyes, goign to sleep.

In the morning by the time salazar was up and moving, the house was filled with smoke and Thorn's cursing. Bursting into tears when she burnt another set of pancakes. Collapsing down onto the floor with tears filling her eyes she rubbed her face, wondering what it was about pancakes that she just couldn't cook.
Salazar coughed a little when he walked into the kitchen and gaped at all the pancakes, amusement filtering through their bond before he did something unthinkable. “aaaw you made me pancakes, just the way I like.” he purred kissing her forehead, well aware that bringing light to her tears was probably only going to get him struck, so instead he piled three burnt pancakes onto his plate, cut them up, slathered them in butter and syrup and started to eat, smirking at her the entire time. “love why are you sitting on the floor?” hoping to make her feel better by eating the food she had made, and really they weren't bad if you could get over the burnt taste.
Thorn sniffled rubbing her face with the back of her hand to get rid of the tears as she looked at him with a watery smile, her jaw falling slightly. She couldn't believe he was eating them."I fell down.I burnt them!"She whined getting up, smacking him on the shoulder for the amusement she was feeling for him. Though she was perking up a little at the sight of him eating it."Sal, you don't have to eat them."She sniffled slightly.
he chuckled a little as he stuffed more into his mouth shaking his head a little. “i've eaten worse.” he admitted smirking a little as he munched on his food, amusement growing when she punched him in the arm. “their really not that bad.” he teased smiling a little as he finished off his pancakes and reached for more. “besides I don't think this stove has been used since I bought the place when I was six.” he teased smirking a little. “of course your going to have problems with it.”
Thorn perked up even more at the idea of the pancakes not being her fault. She'd never been able to make them,but she was willing to let him think it was the stove."That's true.I didn't think of that."She smiled sitting down next to him, rubbing her eyes before sighing."I have to go out today."She said quietly,chewing on her lip."I want to make sure everyone knows I'm okay, and not hurt after we disappeared on them."She said not wanting to worry sirius or lily, hell even molly.
he smiled and nodded. “that's fine, I'll start on the garden today then.” he decided smiling at the other. “give Dumbledore a kick in the balls for me?” he asked chuckling a little, blinking when an Owl swooped into the room, dropping a letter from Lily onto Thorn's head, a letter asking her to visit soon, that she had a gift to her son that she could only trust Thorn to deliver.
"Perfect timing."She smiled kissing him slightly, smiling as she read the letter."I'll be back this evening.Behave love."She muttered kissing him harder before apparating to the manor house, letting herself in."Lils?"She called as she walked further into the house.

Meanwhile,back with Salazar, Lucifer smiled slightly as he forced reality to pretend he was real. That he could do this. Smiling a little as he took that side step,between hell and heaven.Suspended between. The slight mirage as he sat down at the table with his granddaughter's lover, looking amused. A afterimage, a barely there presence that was so much worse then if he was actually there. This meant that he'd regained enough of himself within Thorn that he could imprint his will onto reality and step through for a few minutes."Hello Salazar."The dark haired demon smiled, fire threading its way through his dark hair, looking cool and calm in a business suit.
Lily smiled as she walked into the room that Thorn was in. “Thorn, come in.” Lily murmured smiling, looking ever so relieved. “i was worried that he'd taken you to...” she shuddered violently. “that man is pure evil after all, I couldn't bear it if you got hurt.” she admitted gently stroking Thorns cheek. “come, it's in the living room.” she admitted. “my mother gave it to James when he expressed interest in marrying me when he was fifteen.” she admitted opening a box and spilling the invisibility cloak. “i never needed it, there are easier ways to become invisible but I have a feeling Salazar is going to need it...”

Salazar smiled until she was gone and then he let his head fall and the tears start again. Wondering what was the truth, and how long he would be able to keep his depression from her. He gasped when he heard Lucien's voice and he got to his feet, staring at the other his eyes wide. “your...my grandfather... ancestor aren't you?” he asked softly, swallowing thickly. “i suppose your upset with me...” he muttered staring at the other, horrified, and amazed.
Thorn smiled softly as she picked up the liquidy fabric, the almost mercury like fabric flowing over her hands."Ooh lils, its beautiful."She said sounding bemused, though she felt something, something about this. She..she didn't know what, but she knew there was something she needed to find out about this cloak."No.We just ended up going to the house he bought."She smiled slightly."He's upset,but he does want to know you."

Lucien nodded slightly, "yes.Through thorn."He said tilting his head looking amused, before shaking his head."I would be, if I hadn't already done worse to her."He said fire flairing in his eyes slightly, any crimes commited against thorn, couldn't be worse then the ones he committed. "Her memories. I came to speak to you about her. Because he deserves to be free."Sadness tinged his words, pain showing on his face for a moment, before it faded.
Lily smiled a little. “James wanted Salazar to have it.. even after I finally told him.” she sighed a little. “i assume Salazar asked his father what happened.” she admitted glancing at her. “Voldemort thinks I never told James, but I did... he didn't care, he loved me and my son anyway. He was a good man like that.” she admitted smiling a little. “i see his goodness in Salazar too, he just needs a chance to discover it.”

he nodded a little as he watched him, his head tilted. “you know what happened don't you? Your part of why she's lost her memories... can you tell me what happened?” he asked curiously, worried about Thorn. “i know I'm a bad person, I'm not worth much at all. I kill, murder, rape... everything a bad person does I loved until I met Thorn... but... I want to help her... I want to make her happy, even if I don't deserve her I want to keep her. I want to be good, for her.” he admitted staring at the Devil. “so please... tell me how to help her. And I will.”
Thorn smiled stroking the soft fabric, looking up at Lily. "I'm glad you had someone like james."She said, smiling softly. She knew there were good men out there, which made eternity easier."He's going to have every chance I can give him, even if I have to liter the ground with corpses to do it."She said a look o determination crossing her face,stubborn and vain, she was lucifer's child, determined to do what she wanted.

Lucien's smile was sad before he shook his head."I know what happened, and no I can't tell you."He smiled, fire flairing brightly in his hair for a moment, looking amused and displeased all at once."Death's curse can hold even on my, merlin's son."He bit his lip, trying to deide how much he could tell them. After all, he'd come to make sure they'd search, and make sure dumbledore wasn't using her to much, but damned if he didn't worry about making it worse. Morrigan's curse had a repucussion, that if he personally interfered and told her everything, the death waiting her would be worse then death.So...he'd just give them a nudge in the right direction."Find what happened to Arthur.And....find Morrigan's hallows. Death's own weapons."He said biting his lip, for once looking unsure of himself trying to decide.
Lily smiled and nodded. “James was a wonderful man, shocking considering who his father was.” she glanced at thorn and smiled a little. “we're trying to teach him how to be good remember? Slaughtering thousands of people I not going to help that.” she teased chuckling as she shook her head. “he just needs time to find out who he is, that's all. James needed time too. He was a horrid little monster when he first came to school, but he calmed down when he realized that he was actually hurting people. Salazar is already becoming a good person, he just needs to find the reason WHY he wants to be a good person.”

he sighed a little and nodded, smiling at the Devil. “if there's one thing I'm good at it's research.” he promised smiling a little. “i'll find Arthur. And find Morrigan too.” he promised. “you don't have to say anything else, I'm sure I can find the rest out on my own.” he promised smiling a little at him. “i don't want you to get in trouble with Death...” he hesitated. “if I find out, and I tell her... will she get in trouble?”
Thorn blushed slightly at the teasing, smiling a little as she blushed harder."He's weeding the garden."She muttered, slightly embarassed to admit the man wanted to be good, for her. Because she held fast to the laws of honor that she'd had from camelot."We'll figure it out."She bit her lip a little."He did say he wants to know you lils. Maybe write to him?Tell him about JAmes.I'm sure he'd apperciate hearing about his brother."

Lucien shook his head,"Only I would if I told her. Thorn...was always meant to find out what she did, and the hallows. They're hers after all."He said smiling a little as he stood, smirking slightly."Start with the book Il morte de arthur. It's mostly fiction, but it has some truth."His eyes grew sad as he ran his fingers through his hair."I can't do more. If I could tell you exactly where to go, I would.But...morrigan decreed that her daughter had to find it on her own."
she chuckled a little and smiled at her. “your good for him, and he's good for you.” Lily stated kissing her forehead. “i'll make sure to write him a nice long letter.” she decided. “would you like to stay for lunch?” she offered smiling at him. “if he's like me he loves the life in the Garden, he could probably stay there in hours and never notice the time going by.”

he nodded a little. “i'll find the book.” he promised smiling a little. “it shouldn't be too hard, I'm sure there's a library in my possession that has at least one copy.” he promised hesitating a little. “only... I don't speak Italian... or was that french?...Latin?” he frowned a little. “well, maybe I can get a translation spell or something.” he mused. “and these Hollows.... I think I read about them somewhere before...” he admitted. “i just have to remember where.” he muttered, biting his lip as he pondered. “was it in that History book?” he wondered glancing at the Devil. “...why are you helping u anyway?” he asked, blinking at his ancestor. “...you feel guilty don't you?... you had something to do with her sin...”
Thorn nodded,laughing lightly."Lunch would be grand. After the fisaco with breakfast, I'd appericiate not having to cook."She said blushing harder, heading for the kitchen, enjoying the other's company. And wondering if she could convince lily to help her with gardening ideas, at least so that she could help salazar.

"Title's french,but most copies were spelled to english centuries ago."Lucien looked amused before frowning at him. Not able to tell him where to start looking for the hallows, just able to give them a direction to look in. Sneering slightly to hide the guilt he felt."I never feel guilty about anything.It's why I'm the devil."He said arrogantly, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to fool him,but there it was. He couldn't help the display of pride.
Lily giggled a little, smiling at her. “did you try to make pancakes again dear?” she asked smiling a little at her. “don't worry, you'll figure them out eventually.” she teased smiling as she kissed thorn's forehead, leading the way inside for bright green salads and vegetable soup. Lily was a vegetarian, and only ate vegetables and fruit, but what she did eat was always delicious, home made and home grown.

Salazar nodded and then smirked at the Devil. “of course, your never guilty.” he agreed. “just like my fathers not a madman and Dumbledore's not a manipulative bastard.” he agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head. “i'm going to go find my libraries and look for the hollows and the book you suggested.” he stated writing down the title and what else he needed to look up, glancing at the Devil. “want some pancakes?” he asked smiling a little as he indicated the burnt leftovers. “made them myself.” what a liar, but at least thorns pride was saved.
Thorn sulked a little, grinning as she followed the other.She loved eating with lily, the food was always so good."I did.And he ate them!"She said sounding amused as she sat down at the table, knowing better then to try and help lily make something.

"Don't lie to the father of lies."Lucifer smirked,"I know my granddaughter can't cook."he said tilting his head a little before his presence in the room faded,gone as if he hadn't existed. Knowing that if anyone could help thorn, this earnest man could.
Lily chuckled as she shook her head. “did he really?” she asked smiling a little. “well that was sweet of him.” she agreed handing Thorn a bowl of soup and a plate of bright green spinach and carrot salad, smiling a little. “he really is a sweet child.” she admitted blowing on her soup to cool it down. “it's remarkable how kind someone can be when they've only known cruelty don't you think?”

Salazar smirked at the Devil and wrote a letter to Thorn before he apparated out, heading to another one of his private homes, he had a surprisingly large number of them, to start looking for the books he needed.
Thorn nodded starting to eat, "It is. Just given the chance...he is kind." she said the tightness around her heart tightening again, making her swallow hard before she looked up at the older woman."Lils...I'm scared."She said softly, raising her hand so she could see the ring of shifting fire around her finger."I can use firemagic again...I'm starting to remember....and lucifer came to my rescue,when I needed him.I'm afraid."She said,sying what she could never tell salazar.That she was truly afraid of what she had done.
Lily smiled a little as she took Thorn's hand, smiling at her. “being scared, is only natural.” she whispered softly. “memories are a hard thing to lose, and their even harder to regain. And you did something terrible.” she admitted smiling at her. “but you are remembering slowly, so you can come to terms with what happened, and learn from your mistakes. Salazar is the key to your memories, and to your heart darling. You think Morgana was only punishing you, but she is also giving you a chance to atone for your sins, she gave you a second chance. You can be afraid my dear, but don;t let that fear rule your life, be brave, and remember what you need to remember, and soon, you won't have anything to fear anymore.”
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