Riddle Me a Heart

"Ah so saddened to see how far the mighty have fallen."Thorn mused looking around as she strode in. She was everything Merlin's line was, dark and deadly, with that cloak of death hanging around her like a cape, fluttering around her. Having felt Salazar's distress enough that it had driven her to interrupt his meeting with his father. The ring on her hand flairing brightly at the presence of her descendant she realized that she had had children at some point. And wondering, why she couldn't remember that. Shaking her head a little she sneered slightly, looking at voldemort."Death is not supposed to be the weapon you have shaped it into Lord Death, and merlin's line was never to be what you have made of it."She said, as if she'd known she had descendants. Struggling to come to terms with the idea. Even as she felt heat under her skin like a inferno, demanding that she get Salazar out of here, that she pull him away from this man. Death and hellmagic had always made a deadly combination, and it was never more visible then it was in this avatar of Lucifer's, this granddaughter that he had created in his own image.
Thorn scowled a little as Voldemort snarled, annoyed that a mere woman would dare speak to him, snarling at her as he stood up, Thorn suddenly grabbing her. “i told you to wait outside!” he growled glancing at his infuriated Father. “i apologize Father, I haven't yet taught her the rules, she doesn't know better... she is my woman.. I have laid my claim on her.” he stated firmly Voldemort smirking a little as he nodded. “make sure she understands the rules son, because the next time she speaks before me, I will kill her.” he hissed, Salazar nodding as he shoved Thorn out of the room, hissing at her as they walked. “you moron! We don't want him finding out who you are stupid! He'll torture you for the information you hold!” he hissed shoving her into a massive, elegant bedroom filled with gorgeous plants of all kinds, rare and common alike, even the rarest Tigerlily Rose, which no one but Merlin himself had ever managed to cultivate. “i will not let my father have what's mine.” he growled kissing her furiously. “if you see him, don't make eye contact, and never speak in front of him, other than that, as my woman, your free to do as you please so long as you don't kill Lucius or that fat rat that my father likes so much. Or Draco, I like him, kind of.” he admitted sighing a little. “you just about gave me a fucking heart attack, walking in like that!”
Thorn snarled softly as he grabbed her, rage simmering in her eyes as she studied him."I've never bowed my head to anyone but arthur. I am not going to grovel at the feet of a pathetic descendant, who doesn't even know how to use the gifts his blood has given him."She growled, before her will broke under the pressure she was getting from the bond, nodding a little as he reshaped thorn satanspawn into a a docile, willing woman who would allow someone else to direct her."I'm sorry."She muttered pressing close to him, resting her head on his chest, shuddering a little as her personality shifted, returning to what he wanted her to be.Before pulling away moving to look at the flowers, gentle fingers stroking over the petals."I haven't seen any of these since camelot..."She muttered softly, soounding so sad at the loss of home. Though the shift in her personality was inflicting pain on her, her mind and body shifted it into sadness. into depression and worry.
Salazar blinked, a little confused at her sudden shift in moods but simply thought it was just a woman's thing and smiled when she agreed to obey and not bother his father, kissing her forehead. “thank you.” he muttered softly running his hand down her back and smiling as she handled the Tigerlilly Rose, his head tilted. “it took me a while to figure out how to grow them. Their rare, even in the wild.” he admitted gently plucking a single flower, setting it in his hands and using his natural magic to preserve it, giving it Life, so that it would never wither and die, gently settling it into her Hair, smiling a little. “their supposed to preserve life, and bring good will. They can only grow where everything is very healthy, in the deepest forests that have never had a single bit of litter. They grow where everything is healthy, so the flower will help you stay healthy too.” he said smiling at her, kissing her forehead again. “i'm sure that someday soon, you will get your memories back.” he said smiling. “i'm sure if we can find Camelot, I could reconstruct it for you?”
She smiled slightly,fingers going up to brush against the flower before resting her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. Small and meek, the perfect woman to bend to his will."If we find camelot, I want to go home."She said with so much longing, it hurt to hear."Merlin's son I am sure you can. YOu would be the only one able to."She said smiling as she looked up at him, wanting so much to believe that she could go home, that the knights and camelot would return, and that her redemption would take her there.
Sal smiled at her and gently kissed her, nodding. “yes.” he agreed. “we will bring Camelot back, it will be our realm to rule.” he promised softly. “we can't bring back the people who lived there originally, but we can bring back the lifestyle, and the philosophy.” he decided smiling at her as he nudged her towards the bed, kissing her hard. “god I want you all over again.” he groaned. “you and I, we'll be the king and queen of the world soon enough.” he promised smiling. “you and I, will rule side by side.” he whispered kissing down her neck, his fingers sliding up her dress, tugging her panties out of the way before sliding two fingers deep inside of her. “yes, still so tight, and wet, and warm.” he groaned smirking a little.
Thorn moaned her legs trembling as she fell back onto the bed, pulling him with her, dress pooling around her hips as she shifted against his hand, driving his fingers deeper as she pulled at his clothes. Moaning as her hands found his cock, gently stroking him as she kissed him back hungrily."Been awhile...centuries..."She muttered blushing at the idea of having gone so long without sex that her body was still tight and eager for his touch.
he moaned, smirking as he let her drive his fingers in deeper. “yes, oh yes.” he growled, bucking into her fingers, panting against her ear. “yesss.” he moaned shaking his hair out of his face kissing her intently, stroking her tongue with his as he wiggled his fingers inside of the other, panting hard as he bucked into her fingers. “oh yes, I'm gonna fuck you nice and slow.” he purred softly. “all night.” h whispered sucking on her neck. “make you cum again and again...”
Thorn moaned, a answering smile showing her response as she shuddered.It was going to be a wonderful night.

In the morning Thorn smiled tiredly as she dressed, doing her hair as she leaned down to kiss her lover. "I'm going to go talk to lucius."She muttered stroking the mostly sleeping man's hair, to wound up to go to sleep. And being dead, she really didn't need to sleep. So, she was going to go exlpore and hope she learned something to defeat voldemort with. "Do you want to come with me?"She asked looking down at the man, smiling gently.As much as he'd worn her out with making love all night, he'd worn himself out to.
he groaned softly and smiled as he watched her. “how can you not be tired?” he asked his head tilted a little. “yeah, I'll go with you, I wanted to talk to Draco anyway.” he admitted yawning a little. “and I don't like the idea of you walking around here all alone, people might get idea's.” he growled. “until they know that your mine thy might think your a hired whore, Father does have needs after all.” he complained shaking his head as he got up and got dressed, sighing a little, smirking a little. “oh, I... sent a house elf to get all of your clothes... and I bought you some more dresses, since you liked the first one so much.” he admitted smiling as he indicated her new wardrobe.
"Thank you."She smiled at him at the new wardrobe, before dressing. Smiling widely as she pulled on the dress, smiling as she walked out into the hallway with him, letting Sal lead the way to were the malfoy's would be."I don't really need sleep."Thorn shrugged, smiling a little, wrapping a arm around his waist as they walked through the halls."I'm dead, in all the ways that matter. I really don't feel exhaustion and mortal things. So I'm not tired."she smiled kissing his cheek, knocking on the door that he stopped in front of,waiting for a answer.
Salazar paused and then gasped as he realized, he wasn't really tired either. “my god... I think I got that too.” he admitted blinking at her. “i feel tired, but.. not tired like I normally would.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i suppose it doesn't matter, I still intend on sleeping.” he admitted chuckling a little as the door opened, Lucius's eyes widening as he examined Salazar and thorn. “i...uh... I.... uhm...” Lucius stuttered, Salazar snickering as he shook his head a little and shoved past Lucius and into the room to talk to Draco,. Who looked very uneasy about Salazar taking an interest ion him, but more than happy to talk about potions with a mind as brilliant as his own. “thorn what the hell is going on!?” Lucius demanded, looking almost horrified.
"He wanted to come home."She said looking up into Lucius's horrifed look, starting to feel uneasy. Realizing that something was wrong. That she wasn't supposed to be here."I was going to ask you something...but I'm not supposed to be here am I?"She said biting her lip, looking at salazar, trying to figure out why she'd given into salazar and brought him home. Fear showing for the first time on her face, the feeling going bone deep as it flaired through the bond. Fear not of where they were, or lucius, but of salazar, because he ha changed her. Fear bringing the taste of brimstone and sulfur as she called hellmagic to her hands. So panicked at being changed, forced to be something, that she'd summoned her connection to hell to the forefront.
Lucius frowned a little. “no your not supposed to be here.” he sighed a little and set his hand on her shoulder. “calm down Thorn.” he ordered with a small scowl gently slapping her across the face, Salazar snarling without warning, leaping at Lucius and knocking him to the floor. “don't you DARE hurt Thorn!” he hissed, furious that Lucius would DARE hurt his lover, Lucius writhing in pain on the ground, clawing at his chest, Draco staring wide eyed, terrified as his father went limp, panting hard. “that was a warning Lucius.” Salazar hissed, angry still. “touch my woman again, and I won't let you live, you make sure to spread the word that anyone who touches her will be slaughtered without mercy!” Lucius groaned but nodded. “i'm sorry Salazar, I was only trying to calm her down, she was panicking...”
"With good reason to."Lucifer's clearly amused voice filled the room, once again tinged with fire and brimstone. Waving a hand, taking the pain away from Lucius before adding some kinetic magic, pushing salazar away from his granddaughter and the malfoys. Summoned because Thorn's panic had called him, and he was curious. He couldn't help it. He felt guilt...as much as he could anyways. He felt guilt for his granddaughter."Now Riddle, I am going to give Thorn back her body if you promise to take her to your father, then leave here."He said willing to withdrawl, but stay close in case Thrn needed him again. Disliking the changes he sensed in her, and yet it would take time to undo the damage, and at the moment he didn't have the time to fix what was wrong. Both him and thorn would need more time and peace then what was available in this sanctuary of insanity and he needed them to get out of there. Otherwise to fix her, was going to cause inrepairable damage. "Get her out of here Riddle, and fix what you have done."
Salazar snarled a little as he was ordered about by Lucifer, but he was the only person, aside from his own father, that he would be willing to take orders from. “and why the hell would I take her to my father!? He'll use her hurt her! I won't allow that!” he spate hatefully. “i belong here! With my father! He's the only one who's never lied to me!” “he lied to you when he didn't tell you who your mother was Salazar. He told you she was dead remember?” “he's lying to you now, he plans on having you die before you get strong enough to overthrow him.” Draco stated softly. “i overheard him saying so tot eh Lestranges...” Viper felt tears welling up inside of him again and he gritted his teeth hard, upset and angry, and he had no one to take it out on. He rushed forward, wrapping his arms around Thorn and Apparating away, hating them all, hating everyone...everyone but thorn. She was the only person, who had never hurt him, never betrayed him. They landed in a dark, dusty room, Salazar's own personal house, the Serpents Den. Everything was old and dusty and need of replacing and cleaning, but it was his and no one else could get there unless he took them there. “oh Thorn... what have I done to you that Lucien had to intervene?” he wondered sniffling a little as he started to cry for the first time in his fourteen years. “what have I done to myself?”
Thorn whimpered a little as she shifted, pressing against him as they sat on the floor, urling against him.Holding him as much as he held her."I'm okay.Don't worry.."She muttered feeling the strain of being changed. Lucifer had managed to push aside the changes a little bit, but only managed to make her aware of them, which just made her hurt more. Whimpering as she held him,stroking his hair.Despite the pain that was touching her, she was more worried about him then herself. Gently stroking his hair as she pressed a kiss to his head."Shhh you;re fine. I promise love.All's well."She said trying to calmm him enough that he wouldn't cry. It hurt so muh worse to see him so upset that he was crying.
Salazar cried softly his hands pressed to his face, feeling sorry and guilty and ashamed of himself for hurting her, even as he had tried to protect her from others. “all it NOT well! I..i did something to you and...and I'm... oh god Thorn I'm... I don't... know who I am anymore!” he complained pulling her into his arms and pressing his face into her shoulder. “i wish I could undo, whatever it was that I did to you...” he whispered, the bonds snapping back into line, returning her tot he way she had been before his grief had changed her, his grief allowing the undoing as he sobbed into her shoulder. “i'm such a monster... I'm just like him... I hurt everyone and I enjoy it. I rape.. and kill, all for a cause I was told to believe in and I j..just....i...i don't... know anything anymore...” he pulled away from her and wiped his eyes, sighing a little as he started to calm down. “how can I be the son of someone so good, and so evil at the same time?...who am I supposed to be?”
Thorn shuddered like a fly stung horse pain biting at her as she struggled to focus a little. sighing quietly as she looked at the man, gently touching his face as she tried to sooth him, needing him to feel better, now that she was. The bond settling easily back into place."You.That is who you are."She said gently touching his chest, her smile heartbreaking and amused at the same time."Love, you forget who's daughter I am.I am a goddess's daughter, as well as merlin's. I understand what youre going through.And...my mother always said when I tied myself into knots, is that you just had to be yourself."
he leaned into her as she touched his face. “but I don't know who I am...” he whispered softly. “i don't think I ever did... I was...i was my fathers pawn. I don't... know who else to be.” he admitted with a soft whisper, shaking his head a little. “i don't know how to be me...i don't even know who I am...” he whispered, starting to calm down. “i'm sorry...”
Thorn sighed softly, pressing a kiss to his head."Its okay love. We all have a crisis of faith."She said kissing him slowly before standing up, pulling him with her."Come.We'll go lay down and get some food. You'll feel better."She said soothingly, gently stroking his hair as she led him towards their bedroom,worried about him."We'll figure out who you are.Together."she said smiling gently.
he sniffled as he looked around. “it's been forever since I came here.” he admitted softly. “i used to come here when Father got angry.” he admitted. “but, I learned that running away wouldn't stop the beating, in fact it made it worse, so I stopped coming here.” he admitted shaking his head. “i hope that stupid elf got my room clean.” he complained. “this place is a horrible mess.” he complained, smiling in relief when the stasis spell on his bedroom proved effective at keeping the room clean and fresh. “we don't have to go back to Dumbledore do we? I don't like him.” he growled scowling a little. “he's just as vile as my father is...”
Thorn smiled slightly, pressing a kiss to Salazar's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him, leaning into him with a smile."No love. We're not going back.We'll figure out what to do next..."She shuddered resting her head on his shoulder.As much as she needed to work with dumbledore,as much as she knew she needed to know what her sin was, she couldn't betray salazar and make them go back. Feeling tired and mortal, the stress of the day finally sliding away, leaving her slightly exhausted.She wasn't used to feeling tired and the emotions of the world like a normal person."Ohhh good. We'll have a good bed to sleep in."He said yawning, laughing ever so softly before growing serious."You're father...what will he do when he realizes we're gone?"
Salazar smiled a little as he snuggled into her, sighing softly. “oh, just so you know, I tuned the Wards so you can come and go as you please.” he promised. “i know your trying to get your memories back so I can't ask you to stay here with me all the time.” he admitted smiling at her. “just... promise you'll always come back?” he asked softly his head tilted as he studied her, kissing her cheek. “i'll have Kreacher clean the rest of the house, and I'll hire two or three more to cook for me when your not here.” he decided smiling a little. “i'm just going to hide here... until I know what I want to do...”
Torn smiled kissing him lightly, glad that he understood that she had t go.At least she wouldn't have to fight to be able to try and remember."Of course I'll be back.I don't like any of them enough to stay."She teased, laughing softly.Amusement and love going through there bond."And we'll figure out what you want to do.Besides having sex."She added with a smirk, stealing a kiss.
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