Riddle Me a Heart

Thorn whimpered quietly, for the first time since the fall of camelot, totally out of control of herself. "I-I'm afraid, and I don't know why."She said, the panic so great that it was all that was in their bond, all that was holding her. The only thing completely stopping her from losing it was the sound of his voice."Somethings wrong."She whispered looking up at him with wide grey eyes, looking so much younger then 16. "G-grandfather always has his own agenda. His own reasons."she swallowed trying to focus, but panic blowing her concentration to hell.
Harry looked at her with wide eyes as she panicked and he grabbed her giving her a firm shake. “thorn stop it!” he ordered glaring at her. “your grandfather might have his own agenda but that doesn't mean I am EVER going ot let him hurt you! I've walked through hell before and I'll do it again if it means that I'll keep you safe alright?” he ordered pulling her into a tight hug. “just calm down.” he muttered softly. “i won't ever let anything happen to you, your mine, remember?”
Thorn whimepred as her teeth snapped together as he shook her, swallowing hard as she clung to him, fisting his shirt tightly.Holding onto him as if he was the last solid thing on earth. Letting his steadfast belief that he could keep her safe make her panic go away. Whimpering she nodded, burying her face against his chest, panting like a horse run to hard. Panting, and heaving as she shuddered."...I...I dont know what happened..."she said quietly."Like...the thought of grandfather is enough to send me into a panic...that's never happened before."She whispered, sounding scared, but trusting him to take care of her. For the first time in a long time, trusting her well being to someone else.
he held her close, giving her a small nuzzle before he picked her up letting her calm down as he yelled for Kreacher, ordering the house elf to make them some hot chocolate, which the House Elf was more than eager to do as Salazar carried her into the living room and started the fire using wandless magic, filling the room with warmth. It was remarkable, in Salazars entire history he had never taken care of anything or anyone, not even the small animals people gifted him to win his favor. He either let them die or let the houseleves do it. Yet there he was gently stroking her hair and handing her a hot chocolate when Kreacher returned. “it's probably remnant memories, your mortal again and that might have started unlocking your memories. Maybe your grandfather had something to do with your curse?” he mused stroking her hair. “or it could just be the possession thing.” he stated with a shrug. “Drink your hot chocolate and calm down.” he ordered gently.
She trembled a little, smiling slightly as she sipped her drink. Amused that the man was taking care of her, well aware that Salazar Riddle had never done anything, for anyone. "Maybe.It would make sense if I was rememberng things."She said sighing in frustration."I hate not knowing what I did."She said sipping her drink before shifting, settling against Sal with a smile, cuddling into him."What did you say to dumbledore?"she asked curious, and wondering. Needing the distraction and wondering how much ruffled feathers she was going to have to sooth as to not get dumbledore so pissed at them. Hopefully when Lily came for lunch in the morning, she'd have some idea what Dumbledore was up to. Because she had a feeling things were about to get messy, for both sides of this war.
he chuckled a little. “sometimes, your body remembers what your mind cannot. You flew into a panic at a memory that, you yourself don't remember.” he admitted nodding a little. “i love how I suddenly understand, and remember everything I've ever read.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “say? Why I only warned him that he better be nice to you or I would tell my father the location of his precious Order that's all.” he teased smiling a little. “he's fine so long as he doesn't hurt you.” he teased smiling a little. “so who is this Lily person you invited over? She's not a shrink is she?” he asked lifting an eyebrow. Merlin only knew how many times Lucius had tried to trick him into seeing a therapist. “remind me not to kill Lucius later, I think he might actually have done me a favor.”
Thorn snorted laughing, resting her head on his shoulder, sipping her hot chocolate."Oh no. Lily's a friend...as much as I have them anyways."She said frwning slightly, because it hurt to be so very alone. These days she usually just didn't get close to people, because she knew that she would outlive them. So...it was easier to not get close."She's lost a lot of things in the war....we understand each other is all."She said before snickering, looking up at him."Oh, I'm sure Lucius will appericiate that. OF course, I could offer to repay him for the favor."She said, a wicked little smirk curling her lips waggling her eyebrows a little. While she found the blond attractive, she had no desire to sleep with him...except to harass salazar with the idea that she did.
he relaxed and nodded, kissing her forehead with a small smile. “you have me for a friend.” he pointed out. “you won't outlive me.” he pointed out, feeling her loneliness. “i'll always be here to take care of you.” he promised smiling as he gently kissed her neck, sighing softly as he snuggled into her. “and if you dare touch Lucius, i'll chain you to the bed and never let you go.” he growled smirking a little, well aware Lucius wouldn't let Thorn near him anyway, that man only had eyes for Narcissa, just like Salazar had eyes only for Thorn. “are you feeling better now?” he asked hopefully, kissing her forehead again. “would you feel better if I let you top again?” he teased playfully, chuckling a little.
Thorn smiled a little, smirking as she felt his lust, shifting to facce him, moving to straddle his legs, leaning back to look at him.Relief that he still wanted her showing, relief to finally having someone to live as long as she would."Oh but lucius is so pretty.I love his hair."She said shifting her own blond hair over her shoulder,smiling at the man under her."I'll always top.I don't need you to LET me."She said kissing him softly.
Salazar smirked at her as he was pinned, leaning up and kissing her eagerly, not even trying to regain the 'top' position, he'd do it a little later while she was distracted, another thing that Thorn was the only person able to do so. Salazar had killed the last person who had tried to control or top Salazar. “his hair could blind people.” Salazar stated with a snicker as he shook his own ink black hair out, turning it ivory just like Lucius's. “there is that better?” he teased smirking viciously as he suddenly flipped her onto the bed, pinning her down and kissing her hard. “mmm your delicious.”
Thorn growled a little, moaning as she was kissed. It'd been so long since she truly enjoyed having someone in her life, truly had sex, and felt connected to someone. Wrapping her hand in a fistful of his hair she studied the strands."It's pretty. But he is so much prettier."she said, wondering just how far she could get, wondering how jealous he would get. She...she felt loved, even if he hadn't said it, if he really didn't feel it, she felt treasured when he was being possessive. Growling as she jerked his head back she pressed up against him, rolling to sit on top of him, moaning as she rocked against him, shuddering as her jeans rubbed against the sensitive parts of her.
Salazar growled in annoyance at her apparent like of Lucius, no matter how much the Bond told him otherwise he was still jealous as he growled, moaning as he felt her yanking his hair back, rubbing against his cock, jealousy forgotten in favor of lust as he rocked his hips back into hers, magic shimmering in the air as he used wandless magic to strip her bare, and him naked, grabbing her hips tight and rolling her over, pinning her the the bed, kissing her again,. “your mine.” he growled. “i don't share, with anyone.” he hissed slipping two of his fingers deep inside of her, reveling in her moist flesh. “all mine.”
Thorn moaned, her hips rocking against his hand in desperate little thrusts, her eyes fluttering shut as she whined, her head thrown back against the pillow. Her shields crashing all the way down, reveling in the feeling of belonging to someone else, even if she would deny the liking it, she did. "Mine."She growled holding onto his hair, pulling him down for a kiss shuddering."Always mine."She growled kissing him, teeth sinking into his lower lip,sucking.Leaving a mark on him as she felt blood filling her mouth.Blood and magic, they were bound together so tightly now that she never wanted to let him go.
he growled, smirking as he wiggled his fingers deep inside of her. “yesss, all mine.” he growled, letting her drag him down for a kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he winced, feeling her bite his lip, smirking as he yanked his lip free and bit her neck, hard, making sure to leave at least one tiny scar at the end of the night, marking her as his, panting against her war as he slid his fingers free, and slid his cock in groaning a little as he rocked his hips into the other. “mmm so warm and perfect around my dick.” he moaned smirking against her neck, licking at the tiny drops of blood.
Thorn growled back at him, whimpering as he thrust into her, her head falling back, blood beading faster as her heart raced. Growling softly as she raised her hips to meet his, growling as she rolled them, pinning him to the bed as she looked down at him. Opening her mouth to growl something at him as her body went rigid, coming with a small squeak as she clung to him, nails biting hard into his shoulders, drawing blood. As much as he scarred her, he was going to have scars from her nails.
he smirked as he thrust into her panting against her neck, still licking at her neck, moaning as he was pinned to the bed, snarling almost playfully as he let her pin him, thrusting hard into her as he felt her cum tightly around him, moaning himself but staving off his own orgasm. “hmm love? Did you mean to say something?” he asked smirking as he used her orgasm to flip her onto the bed once more, pinning her down with a groan. “mmm gonna have to start tying you down if you can't learn how to play nice.” he hissed licking at the blood beading on his shoulders before kissing her hard, still thrusting.
thorn growled at him, whimpering quietly as she shuddered under him, legs wrapping around his lean waist as she leaned up ,nuzzling his neck. gently biting down."I always play nice.Isn't this nice?"She muttered against his skin, kissing him again, tangling her fingers in his white blond hair, wrinkling her nose a little at the sight."I don't like this. I love you with your hair."She whined, not even realizing that she'd said I love you, to far gone in pleasure to notice.
he chuckled a little and shook his head as he watched her, smirking. “this is nice.” he purred chuckling a little. “i suppose it would be bored if you behaved.” he teased chuckling a little as he nibbled and nipped at her neck, panting softly as he shook his head, changing his hair back to black, kissing her hard. “mmm love you.” he growled smirking a little as he thrust faster, fucking her even faster panting as he struggled to withhold his own orgasm.
Thorn moaned at the words, diving her hands into his hair, closing her hans, kissing him hard,desperately as he pushed her over the edge again, trembling viollently as she orgasmed again,eyes wide and lust filled.
he groaned loudly as he felt the other coming around him, shuddering violently as he came as well, panting hard through his nose as he kissed her intently, smirking as he pulled away, panting softly as he licked his lips a little. “i love you.” he admitted in a hushed whisper, nuzzling her gently. “i really do... I love you.” he lay back down on the bed and snuggled into her, wrapping his arms around her belly and kissing her neck. “i'm ready for bed, how about you?” he teased smiling a little. “we have to get up early tomarrow if we're going to be presentable for this Lily person.”
Thorn giggled sleepilym cuddlling into him,smiling shyly at his words."Yes, we want to be presentable."She smiled cuddling and going to sleep peacefully.

in the morning Thorn whined quietly as she dug through her closet, whimpering as she tried to find something to wear. While she usually didnt care what people thought, she did about lily and she didn't want to come off as a slutty teenager. So...seh tried to stay out of her normal clothes, though she knew the other woman knew, and just amused herself with letting Thorn pretend. "Sal!I dont have clothes!"She said stomping out of her closet to look at the man as he laid sleeply in the bed, hands on her hips, looking oddly in just her bra and panties.
Salazar chuckled as he straightened his own Dragon hide pants and silver silk shirt, fixing his hair so that it was perfect before looking over at her, lifting an eyebrow. “whats wrong with what your wearing?” he teased with a lecherous grin his head tilted a little. “wear that dress.” he suggested. “the long sleeved one, in the black and green.” he stated reaching over her and handing her the pretty dress. It was Renascence style, but elegant and tasteful and fortunately not slutty. The strange thing was, she hadn't owned that until ten seconds ago, had Salazar gotten her a gift?
Thorn looked startled as she looked at the dress in his hands, eyes a little wide as she studied it. Before grining at him, pouncing on him with a kiss, taking the dress from him. Startling as she slid into it, looking in the mirror as she did her hair in a lover's hair knot, a few strands falling around her face. After applying some makeup she smiled at him,kissing him again. Dark lipstick showing on his skin before she wiped it away."It's like being home again."She said quietly, longign for camelot, and happiness at him from giving it to her."Thank you."
he smiled a little, glad that she liked it and kissed her back every time she kissed him. “i'm glad you like it.” he admitted smiling a little. “i had Kreacher go out and get it, I saw it last week in a shop and when I remembered it I thought it was just perfect for you.” he admitted chuckling as he wiped the lipstick off his cheek shaking his head as the doorbell rang, Salazar opening the door to let in an exuberant red headed woman who was just a little pudgy, and a tall, slender, pale perfect woman with eyes as emerald green as Salazar's where, both of them freezing when they caught sight of Salazar. “good evening Ladies.” he stated with a small smile. “please come in, Thorn is fussing.” he admitted, Lily looking shocked. “your Voldemort's boy.” she whispered softly, looking Salazar over. “you look very much like him...when he was younger...” she admitted softly Salazar blinking before smiling at her. “thank you Lady, you must be Lily? And I know you.” he admitted smiling at Mrs. Weasley. “your family continuously aggravate my father, I find you and your family remarkably steadfast.” he admitted, Mrs. Weasley blushing a little under the strange compliment.
Thorn rolled her eyes as he walked out of her bedroom, stepping down the halls."Ignore him.he's strange."She said wisely before frowning, stopping. Steppign back."Oh molly, whatever are you doing here?"she said, not angry more...flustered. The weasley woman just left her in confusion because she tried to mother her.Thorn had a death goddess for a mother, she wasn't used to good natured mothering. Smiling as she slid a arm around Salazar's waist, kissing Lily's cheek."It's good to see you love."she muttered hugging her before stepping in, waving them towards the dining room.
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