Riddle Me a Heart

Viper smiled a little. “your not a danger to everyone.” he stated smiling a little. “you know, it's strange. The plants with the most dangerous thorns... often bring about the most beautiful flowers. Like roses.” he admitted smiling at her before gasping as he watched the memories, blinking a little before looking over at the other and then picking up her hand, gently kissing the bleeding thumb. “we'll figure things out, alright love?” he promised smiling a little at her. “together.” he shuddered violently suddenly and swallowed hard. “father is very pleased about something...” he muttered softly. “that's never a good thing...” he muttered shaking his head. “come on, lets go bandage your thumb and get you some gloves.” thorns never hurt him, he could fall into a thistle bush and come out without a scratch, he sometimes forgot that thorns where not so forgiving on other people.
Thorn blushed as she looked up at him, pain and embarassment coming through the bond as she leaned into him. Touched deeply by his wordsthat he found her beautiful. Getting to her feet she chuckled as they headed back inside looking over at him. Worried about what voldemort could have found pleasing before looking thoughtul. Not wanting to ruin their day with wondering what it could be."...why dont you get gloves?"She pouted, at the idea that she was waek and she needed them.
he chuckled a little as he kissed her cheek. “love, I could dive headfirst into a thorn bush and writhe around for a half an hour and then drag my way back out and my clothes wouldn't even be scuffed. Thorns don't hurt me. They don't even touch me, the plants protect me from themselves.” he admitted chuckling a little. “comes really handy when I'm running through the woods.” he admitted bandaging her thumb and giving it a kiss grinning at her as he tugged gloves onto her hands. “Draco learned that the hard way when he tossed us both into the Roses back at home when we where fighting. He was covered in scratches for WEEKS because his father refused to heal him.” he snickered a little. “i didn't even have a scratch, BOY he was pissed at me.” he admitted grinning a little as he headed back outside and started yanking things out again, smiling at her.
Thorn giggled a little, grinning as he followed him back out, settling in to helping him."Ahhh poor draco."She said smirking, already planning on teasing him about it. Smiling slightly as they settled into working. A few hours later She was sleeping peacefully in a pile of flowers, curled up in it like a bbe, looking small and sweet before she blinked awake, looking sleepily. realizing she'd fallen asleep."Sal?"She muttered loking around, trying to deide what had woken her. Feeling the fragments of her dream slipping away
Salazar looked over at the sound of his name and smiled a little. “you look so cute when your sleeping, all covered in dirt and wrapped up in flowers.” he teased smiling. “wanna see?” he asked holding up a digital camera that he had fashioned to work despite the magic that was supposed to interfere with it. Looking rather amused as he smiled at the other. Three of the Garden beds where completely empty now, Salazar was rather good at yanking out weeds and plants.
Thorn moved close to him, blushing hard when she saw the picture, pressing a hand to his shoulder, blushing more."I'm not cute."She muttered smiling a little as she leaned against him, looking around her, laughing as she saw the done gardens."Oh wow sal..."She muttered sounding amazed, tilting her head back to look ath im."Now what?More books?Or more flowers?"She teased
Salazar chuckled a little and smiled a little. “well we have two more gardens to clear, but since your so bored.” he teased smiling a little. “we could always go out on a date or hit the books.” he teased chuckling a little as he flicked on the Camera, and showed her the adorable picture of her sleeping on the pile of flowers, grinning a little. “isn't that adorable?” he teased smirking a little. “i might print it off and send one to Lily, she'd love it.” he teased giggling a little as he kissed her gently, smirking at her. “i could always tie you to the bed and give you the loving of a lifetime?” he teased snickering again.
Thorn giggled,blushing more."Hmm you could. But I wouldn't' want you to get bored with me."She teased stealing a kiss, leaning into him more, hugging him tightly."That's not adorable."She sulked a little, pouting as she looked up at him. Before perking up a little."Lets go out on a date."She said grinning at the idea of going out, of having a normal thing, like a date.
he smirked a little, wrapping his arm around her waist. “your always adorable.” he teased smiling a little. “that's what makes you so deadly.” he teased smirking a little. “on a date hmm? Where would yo like to go?” he asked smiling a little. “i don't really know any real places other than the places I own so I'm going to refer to you on this one.”
She grinned at the idea of being adorable but deadly. Tilting her head slightly, smiling as hse stole a kiss."I want to go to the zoo."She said, a smile dimpling her cheek."The zoo and dinner."she said wrapping her arms around him,resting her forehead against his."We could even use your cloak, sneak into the wizarding zoo, so no one realizes we're there."
he grinned a little. “muggle or magical?” he asked his head tilted a little. “i think we should go to both.” he decided smirking a little. “see the Aardvarks AND the Nifflers.” he decided happily chuckling a little as he kissed her. “let's get cleaned up and changed and we'll head out.” he decided smiling a little. “we can even get a snow globe, I like snow globes.” he admitted nodding. “i have one from a baby, it was supposedly my mothers.” he admitted grinning. “i should ask Lily.” he decided chuckling a little. “and then we'll go out for dinner at someplace nice and romantic, again referring to your judgment on that one.”
She giggled a little, heading inside with him."No death eaters go out?"She raised a eyebrow, snickering a little."We should ask lucius's opinion."She said, amused because she liked teasing him about lucius. Grinning at the idea of getting snow globes, she cleaned up before dressing in a snug well worn pair of jeans, and a tank top that said 'looks like a innocent flower,but there is a serpent under it.' Grinning as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail she grinned."Well?Do I look like a muggle ready for a date?"
he chuckled a little. “no they go out all the time, but I never bothered with it. I was more focused on training and learning.” he admitted shrugging a little. “besides I didn't have any friends to go out with.” he admitted scowling at her. “we are not asking Lucius.” he complained huffing a little as he shook his head before grinning at her as he pulled on a pair of jeans and a t shirt, pulling his hair back into a ponytail as well. “you look marvelous.” he admitted smiling at her. “how do I look?”
thorn grinned at him kissing him lightly."Hmmm very good."She smiled wrapping her arms around him tightly, before apparating. The invisiblity cloak tucked under one arm, grinning wildly as she looked around the muggle zoo."So. Where to first, oh great explorer?"She teased, wondering if he even knew what kind of animals would be in a muggle zoo.
he grinned and kissed her back, smiling at her. “mmm love you.” he purred chuckling as they apparated, looking around. “uhm.. wanna just wander?” he asked smiling a little as he looked around. He had no idea what kind of animals muggles had, but he didn't want to admit it, so he took a quick glance at a sign. “how about the tiggers?” he asked his head tilted a little, unaware that he had just mispronounced the name. He tried to sound smart and he ended up looking like an idiot.
Thorn bit her lip to keep from laughing at him,nodding as she looped a arm through his walking with him."The tigers are so beautiful."She said softly as they neared the cages, crouching down in front of the glass, her nose nearly pressed againt the panes as she watched the tiger pace, one deadly creature studying another.
he smiled a little and watched the beasts, looking impressed. “they are gorgeous.” he agreed smiling a little as he tilted his head a little. “look, those two are going at it.” he pointed out two tigers who where play fighting over a squeaky chicken, chuckling a little. “their kind of cute.” he admitted smiling a little. “who knew muggles could have such beautiful things?” he mused watching one of the tigers stop and pose proudly, Salazar chuckling a little as he stopped and took a picture of the tiger posing.
Thorn grinned watching the tigers play before looking at th tiger posing."See, that one looks like you. Strutting around like he owns the world."She teased straightening up looking at him,looping her arms around his waist, nuzzling his chest like a overgrown kitten swaying on her feet a little. Remembering...something. Remembering the one time she'd met her grandfather...he'd brought a kitten hadn't he?A tiger kitten of her own.Maybe. Wondering why she was remembering so much now. And wondering if it was because she was finally with the man hse needed to solve the riddle.
Salazar laughed a little and snapped another picture, grinning as he stroked her hair before looking worried. “Thorn? You ok?” he asked softly before he gasped suddenly and yanked the invisibility cloak out of her arms, wrapping it tightly around her and gently shoving her lower before he lifted his head proudly, examining the Lestrange family, Bellatrix and both the brothers. “ah, Salazar, how good to see you again.” Bellatrix purred, reaching out to ruffle his hair, forgetting in her madness that Salazar hated her. She was reminded by the burning pain in her hand. “so, where's the little Lady you made friends with?” Rudolphus asked smirking a little when Salazar shrug. “ditched her.” he stated simply, examining the three. “i suppose father sent you to kill me?” “oh my no, he needs you to help him find something.” “i'm not going back.” “you have to.” “i'd like to see you try and make me.” there they hesitated, looking uncertain, clearly remembering the last time they had tried to make Sal do something. He smirked viciously at them and shook his head. “buzz off freaks.” he ordered. “i'm enjoying a day off, I've earned one.” he spat sniffing angrily. “leave, before I slaughter you!” he snarled when they didn't move, the three squeaking and vanishing with loud Cracks, Salazar sighing a little. “stay under the cloak, I'm sure they'll be watching us.”
Thorn sighed, rubbing her hands over her arms as she closed the cloak around herself tighter, tears filling her eyes. Feeling overwelmed at someone trying to protect her. It'd been centuries since someone had tried to protect her from a enemy."So much for our date."She muttered sighing quietly, wondering what they should do. Knowing things were changing."We should leave..."She said before stopping,frowning. Wondering..."Sal....what would you father need you to find?"She asked wondering what would be so important to send out death eaters to find him.
“i don't know, and I don't intend on finding out.” he muttered scowling a little. “come on, we'll go to the wizarding Zoo, they won't be able to follow me there.” he admitted. “they won't be able to trace my magical signature because there are too many people and it interferes.” he admitted smirking as he set his hand on her shoulder, apparating them both away, uncaring if any Muggles saw him or not, reappearing in the wizarding Zoo where the Dragons where roaring, showing off tot eh people watching them. “i think you can take the cloak off now...”
Thorn smiled as she slipped the cloak off tucking it back in her shoulder bag before looking at harry. Smiling as she looked at the dragons."I always did love dragons."She said ignoring th people who had turned to look at them before hurriedly looing away. Between the two of them, thorn satanspawn and salazar riddle the things that wizards nightmares we made of.
he chuckled and nodded as he led the way over to the Dragon's, smirking a the fearful vibes running all around them. “and such a lovely atmosphere too.” he purred watching the dragons breath fire on their eggs to keep them warm. “oh my god!” he gasped, hearing a thrum. “Thorn look! Their hatching!” at his astonished cry several groups rushed over to watch too. “this is so cool! I've never seen a dragon hatching before! I wonder if we can buy one?”
Thron giggled a little watching the dragons hatch, her nose nearly pressed up against the bars, "Ohhh, I bet if we asked, they'd let you have one."She said twisting to look at him before stepping back, shuddering a little. Feeling the press of the vistors around her. It wasn't normal, she was clausterphobic, and pressed closer to salazar in the effort to make herself feel better. Anxiety showing through thier bond looking at him."They're so cute!I want one!"She said trying to stay calm. Not wanting to ruin their date more then she already had
he grinned and shifted so that he was standing behind her, protecting her from the crowd. “come on, let's go find out.” he decided pulling her out of the crowd before she could complain, grabbing a worker and demanding to see the owner of the Zoo, the man whimpering in terror as he led them to the main office, the owner paling as he saw who it was who had come to see him. Sal stayed silent, giving Thorn a small nudge, indicating that she should ask.
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