Riddle Me a Heart

Salazar snorted a little. “he's a growing boy he needs his food!” he protested grinning as he scooped up the dragon and settled him into her hands smirking a little as he slung his arm over her shoulder, giving her a gentle kiss, chuckling a little as he Apparated to her manor, Draco yelping in astonishment and the looking relieved. “there you are! My GOD I've been looking for you two all day! I have TERRIBLE news!” “whoa, easy Blondie calm down and explain then panic alright?” “Voldemort was contacted by Lucifer, you know, the devil!? He told Voldemort how he could gain immortality by destroying something called the Hollows. Father is looking them up right now but he's pretending not to find anything useful, but if he doesn't come up with something soon Voldemort is going to start getting annoyed...” and that meant pain.
Thorn paused staring at Draco before stumbling back a step, nearly dropping harm as she fell, hitting the floor in a state of shock as the sense of betrayal hit her. Memories of a old betrayal both hers of her parents, and of her grandfather's of her, overlying this newest betrayal. Wrapping her arms around harm,curling up into a ball as she struggled to find her bearings again.Overwhelmed and not knowing what to think. "Luc..lucifer?"She said choking on the words.
Salazar was staring at Draco in shock before he realized his lover was on the floor, pulling her calmly into his arms, gently muttering calming things to her, kissing her forehead, her cheek, her nose before glancing at Draco. “thanks, sorry we have to go.” he stated vanishing in an instant back to his own house, gently laying her on the bed and covering her up, still constantly muttering calming things as Harm whimpered and nudged her, wanting her to feel better.
Thorn whimpered, curling up on her side, wrapping her arms around harm, wanting to make him feel better even if she wasn't. Hours later nudging towards midnight, Thorn swallowed hard, wiping her eyes. "Sal... my grandfather told him.After he told us."she said, her voice breaking slightly. Feeling broken inside, feeling something shift at the idea, and not knowing what it was. She had wanted to believe her grandfather had wanted to help,but...no. This was to much.
Sal had held her the entire time, muttering parts of the few songs he knew, stroking her hair and kissing her cheek as he waited for her to calm down, sighing softly. “yes, but he did tell us, and he told us first.” he admitted softly. “i know he's up to something, but I think it;s in our favor...” he admitted softly. “i'm not sure how yet but.. I met him, I understand him a little.. he feels guilty about your pain.” he admitted softly. “i don't know what's going on but... I will always be here for you, I will never leave you or betray you. I promise, okay? And we'll find out what's going on...”
Thorn was quiet, shifting to rest her head on his chest, the small dragon curled into his arm,"Okay."She muttered closing her eyes, smiling softly. Before it faded,closing her eyes. slowly calming down, though it still hurt the idea that lucifer had told him. "He does?He...he feels guilty?"She frowned, wondering why. "But why...he...I don't know."She said pressing a hand to her forehead, trying to stop the headache. Wondering why the idea of her grandfather hurt her so badly. And wanting to know what happened to cause that.
he nodded. “he won't admit it but he does...” he admitted smirking a little. “calm down love.” he murmured kissing her temple. “you need to relax.” he muttered softly opening their bond and taking half of her headache with a wince and smile kissing her temple. “we'll figure all of this out, we just have to calm down and find these things faster than my father does.” he promised smiling a little. “and I know we can do it because my father is an idiot.”
Thorn giggled a little leaning up to kiss him looking amused."Oh, a idiot is he?He does control most of the wizarding world you know."She pointed out, shifting harm to lay on the bed shifting over, straddling his waist. Needing him.needing the reassurane they were okay.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “he has control of the wizarding world because of his death eaters, namely Lucius, and peoples fear of the name Voldemort, that's about it. He was a smart man once, but now he can't hardly think other than to torture someone.” he admitted, settling his hands on her hips, smirking a little as he ground his parts into her with a small sigh. “mmm horny are you?” he teased smirking a little. “good, I'll fuck you nice and slow, aaall night long.” he growled. “and well into the day.” he decided chuckling as he started tugging her shirt off, licking his lips. “think you can handle it love?”
Thorn smiled, nodding as she undressed him to. Nearly collasping in relief that he still wanted her, even if she was broken and hurt. "I'll do my best."She grinned. The next day Thorn smiled sleepily, grinning as the sunlight slanted through the window, absently stroking a hand over salazar's chest."That was all you promised and more."She said amused yawning."We shoul go see draco.So he knows we're not mad at him or anything.And help lucius with his search."She said knowing they'd have to lead voldemort in the wrong direction if they wanted to keep lucius alive.
he grinned as he lay on the bed, hands behind his head and feeling exceptionally proud of himself as he smiled, enjoying the hand stroking along his chest. “mm I'm glad you liked.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “Draco will be fine.” he stated calmly. “i was actually thinking of holding a Séance” he admitted shaking his head. “i mean, if people can contact the dead, we should be able to contact Lucifer right?” he asked smirking a little. “and with us being related to him it should be even easier.” he stated with a small chuckle. “i intend on asking him what the hell he's up to.” he admitted with a small shake of his head. “if you don't want to talk to him I could always do it when your off with Dumbles.” he admitted smiling at her as he kissed her forehead, chuckling a little. “besides, I have to go out and buy my cow crap today.” he teased snickering a little.
Thorn snickered a little."Ah, Then I'll go see draco while you get the cow crap."She said amused, wrinkling her nose a little as she sat up. Biting her lip."No...come to the manor after you're done. I'll have lunch with draco, and we'll contact lucifer tongith."She said biting her lip thinking about it."And the best way...instead of trying to bring him here, I'll bring him through my body. Lettng him speak through me will keep us both from tiring out to much....I think...I think he's bound to hell, he can't leave easily. It'll be easier to bring him throgh me."She said rambling a bit.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “how about I send Dobby to pick it up for me?” he suggested smiling a little before frowning. “i'm not sure I want him coming through you... it seams...wrong somehow.” he admitted licking his lips nervously. “can we get him to go through me instead?” he asked his head tilted. That was doubtful, Harry's blood connection to Lucifer was very week after so many centuries of human breeding. “well...we'll plan when we're done talking to the annoying blonds.” he decided smiling as he kissed her cheek, getting up and getting dressed, kissing her forehead. “come on worry wart.” he teased smiling. “we'll take Harm with us and introduce Draco to him.” he decided chuckling again. “maybe we can convince Harm to spit fire at him.”
"I'm not a worry wart!"She whined smacking him on the arm, laughing as she dressed. Muttering a quick cleaning charm for them both, not wanting to go to the manor smelling of sex. Smiling as she scooped up the still sleepy dragon she wrapped her arms around sal, apparating. Smiling as they arrived looking over at harry. "Love, we can't spt fire him. That would be mean."She said kissing him gently grinning as she stepped back, wondering where draco could be. After all, he got up early, so he should be around.
he chuckled a little and pouted at her. “not even a little bit?” he whined softly his head tilted a little blinking as Draco came down the stairs holding several books and staggering as he dumped them all on the table and then squeaked when he realized he had company. “your back! Thank god.” Draco breathed sighing a little “i was worried.” he admitted smiling at Thorn. “you alright pet?” he asked his head tilted, calling her the old nickname he'd given her when she was like, three, since he hadn't been able to pronounce thorn at that age and Lucius had joked that she was his new 'pet' he'd always just called her pet.
Thorn smiled a little nodding."I am."She said blushing a little as the other called her pet. It was cute and reminded her when he was younger. "We were just coming back to help you with your research. And introduce you to him."She said raising the arm harm was curled around. "Harm, this is draco.Another dragon.He breaths fire sometimes to."She said laughing a little. Amused as she tilted her head looking between the two.
Salazar looked a little confused when Draco called her 'pet' and then a little jealous but he managed to brush it off when Draco flinched away from the Dragon. “good Merlin! That's a DRAGON thorn! Those things are Dangerous! You can't just pick up a dragon and call it a pet!” “you can when your a parseltongue.” Salazar stated simply, looking through the books Draco had dragged down, looking impressed. “he has books that I don't have.” “their thorns books.” Draco stated, Salazar looking startled. “really? Wow... hmm I wonder if I can move all of your books into my house?” he teased smirking at Thorn, Draco scowling. “and what will I be reading!?” he demanded. “you have to leave the books here!” “do not.” “do too!” “do not!” “do too!” “i will kill you.” “fine you can have them!”
Thorn smiled a little looking at harry."Dont' kill him. I like him most days."She said looking amused as she settled into a chair reading absently, stroking harm's head."Leave the books here he needs something to do."she said looking at harry fingers brushing over the words she'd written."There's none here from camelot...it's like I never existed there...they only start after that."she said flipping through them.
Salazar snickered a little and shook his head. “fine, I'll leave the books here.” he stated simply watching her open a diary. “when they erased your memories they probably removed all information about you in Camelot, so you wouldn't find out just by reading an old diary.” he admitted Draco nodding. “it makes sense.” he agreed smiling a little as he opened 'the ancient History' which was an old book of Camelot's beginning. “so when did you get the dragon?” “yesterday. We went to the Zoo when Thorn calmed down and we fell in love with the little babies, the owner of the Zoo agreed to sell us one.” Salazar admitted opening a book on the Hollows his eyes flicking over the page. “hmm, interesting... something to hide from death, an all powerful weapon, and an orb to bring back those who have died... that certainly sounds like something only Death's kin would have.” he admitted nodding. “but it doesn't say what they are...”
Thorn frowned a little, a memory flickering through her eyes."Arthur's cloak rendering one invisble from even death, a ressurection stone to bring back ones from the land beyond, and excalibar death's own weapon.They are death's own hallows."She said before loking startled at the words, tilting her head slightly."Excaliber....every arthur myth has the sword...and yet, it disappeared after the fall of camelot.."
Draco and Sal both stared at her for a moment until Sal wrapped his arms around her shoulders, silently offering his comfort as he nodded. “so we have to find Excalibur, Arthur's cloak, and an orb that brings back the dead.” he muttered frowning a little as he considered it. “how interesting...” he was clearly thinking something that had nothing to do with bringing back her memories. “hey Thorn, love... when we find the orb... do you think we could bring my brother back?” “you have a brother!?” Draco asked, astonished Harry shaking his head. “no, I had one.. James potter, you know the husband of Lily? My father raped lily and that's how I was conceived so...” he shrugged a little. “i just, thought it would be nice to meet him.” Draco was actually gaping at them, his mouth hanging open in shock. “s... seriously? Lily is your mother?” Draco loved Lily, he considered her an aunt, everyone loved Lily really, it was hard not to. “yeah. I only just found out myself so don't feel bad dray.”
Thon laughed quietly resting her head on sal's shoulder struggling to remember her memories. Surely she knew what this was. Swallowing hard she shook her head."IT...it wont bring people back. It brings their ghosts back. Allows everyone, not just death walkers, to see ghosts."Thorn said biting her lip, whining quietly. Wishing she could bring him back for him."And close your mouth draco.You're going to catch flies."She said giggling a little as she pushed Draco's mouth closed.
he nodded a little. “well... it would be nice to talk to him a little.” he admitted smiling. “even if it's a ghost.” he admitted smirking at Draco as he kissed Thorn's forehead, Draco snapping his mouth closed at the comment, the blond blushing slightly. “well that was shocking.” he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. “alright so we just have to find Excalibur, an orb, and a cloak of invisibility that can hide even from death.” he stated calmly. “it shouldn't be too hard, there are only a handful of invisibility cloaks, and there's....” he hesitated then. “all a lot of swords and orbs... so maybe those won't be as easy...” “we could always get Dumbledore to help.” Sal admitted smirking. “i'll tell him I'll help him end the war, make up a fake prophecy and he'll find the things for us, simple.”
Thorn laughed quietly, nodding."And you wanted o contact Lucifer. If he can't tell me what I did, maybe he can tell me exactly where Camelot is. I don't... I dont remember anymore. Surely the best place to look is the last place anyone saw all the things together."She said biting her lip, still stressing a little at the idea of her grandfather's betrayal. Smiling a little at draco."His is your father doing?Voldemort nearly cught us last night..."She said looking worried.
he smirked a little and nodded. “don't worry, you'll remember soon.” he promised kissing her temple. “we'll find your memories.” he promised nibbling on her lip with a small chuckle. “and we'll find Camelot, even if we have to beat the knowledge out of the Devil himself.” he promised smiling a little before pausing as Draco hesitated. “well... Fathers kind of scared.” he admitted. “i mean, it's not often that the Devil himself comes along and gives the man you hate advice.” he pointed out. “but he's not hurt if that's what your asking.” he admitted with a small smile. “Voldemort needs my father and he knows it, so he avoids using lasting spells on father, he usually sticks to the Crucio and the like. And Father knows a numbing spell that lessons the effects of the Crucio so it's not as bad as what people think.” he admitted Salazar nodding. “good.”
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