Riddle Me a Heart

Salazar swallowed hard biting his lip hard, hard enough that he drew blood that ran down his chin and dropped to the floor. “is there... any way to keep her from dying?” he asked softly, his eyes watering. “i know... she can't live the way she is now but... isn't there any way to save her?” he asked softly as he watched the other his head tilted at Lucien. “or is the only way I can be with her... to end my life with her?” he asked softly. “would she end up in hell? Or heaven?” he asked swallowing hard. It was amazing that Salazar would be willing to end his own life, just to stay with Thorn, it was something that had Draco looking both amazed and horrified as he stared at Salazar.
Lucien to, looked amazed as he stared at his many times removed grandson, a gentle smile curling his lips."She'll live as long as you do. You're bonded, you'll keep her strong and mortal, until you're life ends, then you'll both end up in hell. With me. it's not really that bad you know."He said smiling wider, glad that thorn after everything had a chance to have someone love her with the all consuming passion that morrigan had once felt for merlin. though the death goddess's love had denied under the strain of merlin's greed, and he sent up a silent prayer that these two would have a better chance.
Salazar glared at Lucien. “then why the hell did you tell me she was going to die you utter jackass!?” he demanded before sighing and shaking his head. “i'm sure Hell isn't that bad, not for the people who are supposed to live there. Being your descendant I always knew I was going to hell, I think that's why Voldemort is so obsessed with immortality, he's terrified of ending up in hell.” he shook his head and leaned back in hi chair, closing his eyes as he pondered. “as long as I'm with Thorn, and she's happy, then so am I.” he decided smiling a little. “the world is starting to right itself out anyway.” he admitted. “Merlin even knows it.” he admitted. “he's just too stubborn to admit he might be wrong. He glanced up the stairs and hesitated before he stood up. “i'm going to go take a nap with thorn.” he muttered glancing at the sleeping Lucius. “don't bother Lucius, he needs his rest.”
"I said it cause I wanted to know what you'd say."He said waving the other out even as he pouted."I promise. I wont bother him."He said smiling as he went back to reading over the journals.

The next morning when they woke, lucien was crashed out on the couch, books spread out around him.Thorn giggled a little as she looked up at salazar,"He's being adorable."She said grinning al ittle at the sight of her grandfather, walking across the room and crouching next to him. Forgetting a important fact. Lucien woke up deadly when startled awake. Touching his arm she yelped at finding herself pinned to the ground, looking up into dark eyes even as she choked, not seeing any recogniztion in his face. Lucien held her there for a moment before cursing jerking away, shame and guilt showing on his face as he moved away from her.
Salazar snorted as he shook his head, to him nothing about Lucien would ever be adorable. He moved into the other room while Thorn woke the Devil, and when he came out and saw Lucien with his hands around Thorns neck he did what only he was brave enough to do, he attacked the ruler of Hell. He pushed into the Devil, slamming into him just as Lucien released thorns neck, filling the Demon with raw, burning power, actually intending on killing the man for attacking Thorn, snarling in Fury as he reached out, trying to find a weapon, Excalibur suddenly shimmering into existence in his hand, swinging the blade before he even realized he was holding the weapon, and only an instant body lock spell from Draco saved the Devil from loosing his head.
Lucien snarled as his hand closed around excalibar, ignoring as smoke rose up beneth his closed hand."Bloody hell."He snarled moving away looking at Thorn, wincing as she flinched away. Looking at draco."Let him go.He has to calm her.'he said watching thorn panic as she lundged for her lover, pressing close to his chest. His strong granddaughter broken on the edges of a half remembered dream. A small,broken guilty smile on his face as he moved to leave teh room.
Harry hissed in rage as he was locked but immediately rushed over to Thorn, cradling her gently as Draco followed Lucien, looking rather terrified. “i knew Salazar was stupidly brave.” Draco muttered, wide eyed and shocked. “but I never imagined he'd be stupid enough to attack the ruler of hell...” he admitted glancing at Lucien. “are you alright?” he asked as he listened to Salazar hum an old lullaby to Thorn to help her calm down, stroking her hair and gently rocking her.
Lucien nodded a little as he set about cooking breakfast, avoiding looking at the blond following after him. Guilt showing on his face even as he tried not to."It's...been awhile since anyone was foolish enough to attack me."He said before looking down at his burned hand, hating that he'd been foolish enough to attack thorn when he'd already harmed to so much.Blaming himself for things beyond his control, much like thorn in that way.

Thorn smiled softly, burying her face against salazar's chest, swallowing hard."I'm fine...fine..."She muttered hugging him tightly.
Draco snorted as he shook his head, grabbing Lucien's wrist and forcing him to sit down, summoning medical supplies to his hand as he started to tend to the Devil's injuries. “Merlin almighty all you people are the same.” he complained, annoyed. “look I know I'm the protector of your kin and all but do you have to damage yourselves at every turn!?” he demanded shaking his head. “you make it impossible to do my job!” he complained. “first thorn is stupid enough to wake you up, then Salazar attacks you.” he complained carefully bandaging Lucien's hand. “i'm going to go BALD from stress and it's ALL your Faults!” he complained.

Salazar gently stroked her hair, helping her to calm down, murmuring softly in her ear as he rocked her. “your not fine, your freaking out, just rest and relax, I won't let anyone hurt you.” he promised, hesitating a little. “do you think Grandfather is going to be angry that I tried to kill him?” rather afraid for his life all of a sudden.
Lucien laughed softly as he flexed his fingers, wincing as the bandages scrapped across burned skin."You're going to go bald anyways. Your father is."He pointed out snickering a little before pouting slightly.It was a sight to see the devil pouting."I don't damage MYSELF all the time. That's thorn."

Thorn sniffled a little resting against him, slowly calming. Giggling a little at his worry."It's a little late to be worried about that isn't it?"She teased nuzzling his neck before sighing."No.I think he's amused more then anything."She said hearing deep laughter from the kitchen.
Draco snorted a little. “my father is not bald.” he stated simply, rolling his eyes a little. “it doesn't matter HOW you people get damaged just that you DO get damaged.” he complained kissing the devil's hand gently, something he did for thorn all the time to help make the pain go away, blushing as he realized what he'd just done. “don't move your hand, sit, there is a reason for House Elf existence after all.” he stated snapping his fingers and ordering the house elves about to hide his own embarrassment.

He smiled as he kissed the top of her head, shaking his head. “i cannot believe I tried to kill him.” he admitted sounding rather mortified. “and you! What on earth where you thinking waking him up in whatever way you did to piss him off so much!?” he complained, whining a little. “you just about gave me a heart attack.” he complained smiling a little, gently touching her neck. “how hurt are you? Do you need me to call Draco in here to play nurse?”
Lucien growled at the order before doing as he was instructed, laughing quietly as he sat at the table, amused at the blond's embarassment."Ah, yes. I'm not used to having house elves around. and your father is going bald."He pointed out, more to tease him, then that the elder blond was really going bald.

Thorn laughed quietly, wincing a little before shrugging."Bruised.but it'll be fine in a few days. I...I forgot that he doesn't like being touched when someone wakes him up.He thinks he's being attacked if you do."She said snickering a little."but you did it to protect me.I am sure he found that more amusing then offputting."
Draco glared at Lucien. “he is not going to bald and if you say it again I'm going to be the one who puts you in hurt.” he growled, more amused than annoyed but unwilling to let the other know that as he slumped into his chair and sighed a little, closing his eyes. “i have a terrible headache... you people give me headaches...”

Salazar nodded and smiled as he gently healed her throat, as much as he could anyway, he wasn't very good at the whole healing thing. “there, that should help the pain a little bit.” he muttered softly smiling a little. “everything seams to amuse Lucien these days.” Salazar admitted with a shake of his head. “shall we go see if he's alright? I think Excalibur burned him a little...” he frowned at the sword laying bare inches away. “how come it doesn't burn me?” he asked curiously. “and it came when I called to it, despite the protections Draco set up...” that sort of bothered Salazar.
Lucien sighed, getting up and picking the blond up."Come on then. You'er going to go to bed, and we're going to get you something for that headache."He said heading for the bedroom, pausing at the sight of thorn and salazar in the other room. "Are you alright?" "Fine. Draco took care of my hand."He said shifting the blond to show them the bandaged hand before continueing upstairs.

Thorn smiled a little as she looked at salazar,"He'll be fine. if he's not screaming bloody murder, it'll heal. And I think lucien is just amused about things, because he can get out of hell again. That'd make anyone happy."she said before growing serious, looking at the sword."it burned me to...I think now that it's chosen you as it's weilder, that it'll burn anyone who tries to touch it.And...it came despite the protections, because you needed it to...I think, if I remember correctly...that it answers summons no matter what."
Draco huffed a little and shook his head. “i don't need to sleep! I slept last week!” he complained snuggling int Lucien and taking a long smell of Lucien's skin, trying to be subtle but failing terribly Sal smirking as he watched Lucien carrying Draco. “aaw so cute, go gentle on him Luc, he's a virgin!” Harry stated causing Draco to go completely bright red in mortification... but didn't deny it.

Sal snickered as they vanished up the stairs and shook his head as he reached out and gripped the sword tightly and lifted it, examining it with a smirk. “well, that might come in handy.” he admitted nodding a little. “i'll have to hide it someplace then.” he admitted kissing her gently. “do you want dinner or bed?” he asked smiling a little, his head tilted.
Lucien smirked a little as he laid the other in the bed, raising a eyebrow as he looked down at him."Oh a virgin are you?"He said looking over the blond, looking amused. Smirking a little as he considered the man sniffing his skin.Finding it cute and adorable.

Thorn smiled a little, raising a eyebrow as she kissed him back."well considering my grandfather's going to have sex, which is gross by the way, I think we should have dinner in bed.then disturb him by having sex."She smirked a little stealing another kiss.
Draco went bright red again and shook his head. “no! I am NOT a virgin! I just... never had sex that's all!” Draco protested, sulking a little. “or.. er, been touched... or kissed... or... had any real interest in it... before now...” he admitted sounding utterly mortified again. “you smell good did you know?”

Salazar snickered a little and nodded as he ordered a house elf to make them dinner and deliver It to them in bed as he scooped thorn up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom, smirking a little. “oh yeah? We should make sure to be really loud.” he teased smirking a little. “hows that sound?”
Lucien smirked as he sat on the edge of the bed,raising a eyebrow."Draco. That would be the definition of a virgin."He pointed out before laughing a little."I smell good do I?"he teased.

Thorn laughed climbing into the bed, undressing. "Oh, that sounds perfect."She said laughing as she stole a kiss, jumping a little as the house elf appeared with their food, smiling as seh settled the tray of food on the bed.
Draco blushed hard and he crossed his arms, sulking a little. “don't you mock me! I saved your descendants lives!” he complained smiling a little as he curled up on the bed, looking rather cute and innocent as he blushed, patting the bed, inviting the Devil to lay down with him. “will you stay with me? I...er...have nightmares?” well it worked when Salazar said it, so he thought he might try.

Salazar laughed brightly as he crawled into bed, leaving his underwear on as he accepted the bowls of soup and the sandwiches from the house elves, sipping on the soup happily. “mmm the house elves here are excellent cooks.” he murmured happily, smiling a little. “fifteen Galleon's says Draco wusses out and doesn't have sex.”
Lucien laughed softly as he sat down next to him,stretching out on the bed."Okay okay, no more mocking."He said kissing the other's head as he wrapped his arms around draco,showing a fierce scowl."I'll chase all the nightmares away."He said before it faded to a smile.

"20 says he ends up making out, but wusses out on the actual sex."he said laughing a little, stealing a kiss before she started to eat."Of course, I'm glad I wont have to worry about you wussing out...will I?"She teased.
Draco smirked a little, feeling rather pleased with himself as he realized his little lie had worked, snuggling into the Devil, smiling a little. “funny.” he purred chuckling a little. “you, the beast of nightmares himself, protecting someone else from them.” he teased smiling a little as he leaned up and gently kissed him. “thank you.” he murmured smiling as he snuggled into the Demon again and closed his eyes, blushing hard, unable but to think about how the other might feel, touching him, stroking him, fucking him.

Salazar snickered a little and nodded. “i never wuss out.” he teased smirking as he munched on a sandwich. “even if you do keep thinking that your topping.” he taunted snickering a little as he shook his head. “do you think Draco's got him in bed yet?” Sal asked smirking a little. “or did he kick the Devil out?”
"well then I should be able to protect everyone from myself shouldmn't I?"he laughed a little, amused as he looked at the other, smirking as he looked at the blush, tapping a finger agianst his cheek."Are you feeling okay?"he asked, as if he was worried he was sick, instead of aroused.

"well, we haven't heard lucien cursing.So they're probably in bed. Though he probably pretended to have nightmares or soemthing."She snickered looking up at salazar, smirking slowly."I always top."
Draco smiled and then blushed harder when the other asked if he was ok. “i..i'm f..fine... just a little embarrassed I guess.” he muttered softly, looking up at the Devil. “i've never shared a bed before...” he admitted rather sheepishly. “i keep thinking we... you know... aught to be doing something..” he admitted looking so shy and sheepish it was impossible to think of him as anything but utterly adorable.

Salazar snickered a little and shook his head. “that's my bit!” he complained smirking wickedly. “that's how I get the fresh death eaters into my bed, or used to anyway. I pretended to be a sad little child who had nightmares and they where all too willing to comfort me.” he shrugged. “i never screwed them... well I didn't screw most of them anyway, mostly I just hate sleeping alone.” he admitted with a wicked smirk as she stated she was always on top. “oh are you? I recall to being on top once or twice since we've been together.” he teased snicking as he rolled on top of her and kissed her slowly, smirking a little. “mmm as always, so delicious.”
Lucien laughed a little raising a eyebrow, smirking slightly. "oh, do you want to do something you virgin?"he teased dipping his head to steal a brief kiss, before leaning back."You are adorable."He informed the boy.

Thorn snickered,"You'll have to complain to draco about stealing your trick."She muttered moaning as she kissed him back slowly, wrapping her legs around his waist, shivering a little."Hmmm I should taste delicious. I am amazing."She muttered shivering, enjoying being pinned for once.
Draco blushed harder and accepted the kiss, biting his lip before looking annoyed. “i am not! I'm... I'm sexy! Not adorable!” he complained before crawling onto the Devil, straddling the others hips, his head tilted as he examined the man for a moment before he leaned down and kissed the other, properly, kissing him intently, albeit a little oddly being that he had no idea what he was doing.

He snickered a little and nodded. “i so totally am.” he purred smirking a little. “considering I've used it on him dozens of times.” he snickered a little. “he hates how it works every time.” he admitted smirking a little as he kissed her intently, stroking her body through her clothes, slow and sensually tormenting her playfully as he nibbled and licked his way down her neck and collar bone to her cleavage, licking it sensually, smirking up at her. “mmm I think your wearing FAR too many clothes.”
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