Riddle Me a Heart

Draco blushed harder and hid his face in the others shoulder for a moment then. “Elves only love once Lucien.” he whispered softly. “i... if I mate with you... you would be the only person in my life.” he sounded slightly afraid. “could you handle that? Being my only?” being loyal.... Draco knew better than to expect the man born of sin, to be able to stay loyal to him, to take this seriously but part of him trusted Lucien, and knew that the man would not jerk him around... he hoped that Lucien could love him too. So many Elvish loves ended in disaster. Draco could only pray that his love worked out.

The Lady of the Lake stared at her and then shook her head. “i cannot tell you.” she stated softly. “if I told you, you would be condemned forever, as would I be. Together we would be cast from our minds, never to remember anything again.” she admitted softly. “i know my father is here, and I could not be more glad. Come inside.” she offered, smirking as she examined Salazar again, the boy grimacing a little. “i will tell you what I can, and if I trust your motives, I will gift you the Hollow I keep.” she promised, turning to the Lake, where a doorway had appeared, Sal wrapping his arm around Thorn's shoulder, kissing her temple, not sure what to do with a woman flirting with him. Normally he flirted back, but he had a feeling that was inappropriate now that he had a steady woman.
Lucien winced a little at that, brushing his lips over the others ear, swallowing hard. because it was in him to be loyal, it'd just...been a really long time since he'd done so.Actually since merlin's mother, the only mortal he'd ever wanted. And now he had another almost mortal."It's been a long time since I was anyone's only."He said looking thoughtful.

Thorn growled a little even as she followed her aunt into the doorway, smiling slightly at the house the woman still lived in. Wincing slightly, "Stop flirting with my aunt.It's not nice."She said anxious, and feeling out of sorts enough that even if the bond was telling her that he was feeling just as withdrawn towards the other woman, she was worried."What do you want to know?"she asked as she looked around.
Draco shuddered violently at the kiss to his very sensitive ear, the pointed tip quivering lightly as it it was ticklish, making Draco shiver a little as he bit his lip. “i know... I'm sorry... I can't help it.” he muttered softly, realizing his hopes had been for naught. The Devil already had a mate. Draco was going to be alone forever.

Salazar flushed hard. “what!? I'm not! she's flirting with me!” he complained, wondering how the hell he had gotten in trouble when he hadn't even said anything! The lady of the lake giggled a little and rolled her eyes. “oh calm down, a little flirting never hurt anyone.” she complained leading the way into her elegant home, made of wood, and ice, ordering a beautiful merman, just like in muggle pictures, to make them some tea. “i want to know what you intend on doing with the hollows of course.” she stated simply. “you have Excalibur, and the memories that came with it.” she stated staring at Thorn. “i know you remember parts of what happened thorn. What will you do when you remember all of it?” she demanded before turning to Salazar. “and you, son of death, son of a madman, what will you use the hollows for!?” Salazar pondered then. “i won't.” he stated simply. “the Hollows have their own souls, that is why they can hold Thorns memories... I can't use them, they will use me. I take no sides in this war, I simply want to fix magic, and end the senseless killing.”
Lucien smiled a little brushing his lips over the other's ear,"You don't have to sound so upset.I had a mate, for the whole of her life. I've been alone since then.Even when I was having sex."He muttered holding the small elf close.

Thorn sighed moving to a wall, looking at the fishes going through the walls, amused to watch them swim around. Her heart hurting, "I want the memories that hold within it. I want to end this war, and I want....I want to be free."She said softly, "Death's weapons aren't mine anymore. They burn when I tried touching them. I want to protect them so my bloodline doesn't destroy them."She said rubbing her arms.
Draco shuddered at the touch to his ear and moaned softly, blushing hard. “oh...” he muttered smiling a little as he snuggled into the other. “will... will you be my only?” he asked softly. “i... I can find out the rituals from my father...” he admitted. “it involves a vine I think...” he admitted biting his lip a little.

The lady of the Lake watched her intently, smirking a little as she nodded. “Deaths weapons have not turned their back on you little one, you fear them and they respond as such.” she stated simply standing up and looking at the both of them. “i will gift you the Orb.” she informed them, smiling. “but, I want a kiss first.” Salazar looked horrified. “w...what!? No I'm not kissing you!” “i want a kiss, or you will get no Orb.” Salazar bit his lip hard, glanced at thorn and the hesitantly approached the Lady of the lake who smirked and pursed her lips, shocked when Salazar picked up her hand and kissed the knuckles instead, making her sulk. “now that's just cheating!” she complained stomping her dainty foot, Salazar feeling very proud of himself as she stormed off and came back with the Orb, handing it to Sal who nodded. “thank you Lady.” he stated tugging Thorn over to him and bowing to her. “bye!” he stated vanishing with a crack and taking her with him, appearing outside their house with a small sigh. “she, was kind of creepy...”
Lucien smiled hugging him nodding a little."I will."He said sounding amused and a little worried. Because it'd been a long time since he'd had to take care of someone else, and he was worried about failing.But he was willing to try as hard as he could, not only for draco's sake but for thorn's, because she loved the blond to.

Thorn laughed quietly cuddling into Salazar's chest, resting her head on his shoulder, careful to not touch the orb. Not wanting to burn herself again."She was. Always has been."She smiled looking up at the house, relaxing slightly. Because she was very sure nothing could go wrong at this house, she was protected here. So even with the hallows here, she was safe, she knew salazar would take care of her.
Draco smiled as he wrapped his arms around the other happily, kissing him intently, happy that Lucien was willing to try, nuzzling his neck with a small grin. “my father is going to absolutely hate this.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “he wanted me to fall in love with Pansy Parkinson.” he admitted shuddering violently. “she's a disgusting thing she is.” he admitted smiling as he looked up at Lucien. “if anyone asks, I totally kicked your ass.”

Sal smiled a little as he wrapped his arm around her wait, kissing her forehead as he unsheathed his sword and let it fall to the ground, unhooking his Invisibility cloak and dropping it next tot he sword, dropping the orb on top of it before kissing Thorn deeply. “i need to wash the Lady of the Lake off my lips, care to help?” he asked with a small smirk as he nuzzled her neck all over, tickling her with stubble that was growing on his chin.
Lucien laughed softly looking down at the boy, pressing a kiss to his forehead."That is a disturbing idea."For even demons, who didn't leave hell alot, had heard of the girl. If only because his granddaughter couldn't stand her.Stepping back he snickered, shaking his head."Oh no. I don't get my ass kicked by anyone."He said pouting a little.

Thorn giggled a little, squirming at the whiskers brushing her skin, jumping back as she stepped back, laughing quietly as she looked around her, amused at the good weather. They hadn't had sex outside in while, this was going to be interesting."Oh I don't think so.That requires alcohol."She teased stealing a kiss before stepping back, teasing him as she started undoing the buttons on her shirt.
he smirked a little and nodded. “she's a disgusting mortal.” he admitted shaking his head. “but she's a pure blood and the only one in the entire school that has even the closest thing to immortal blood.” he admitted with a small snicker. “your MUCH better breeding qualities.” he teased kissing the others cheek. “i so totally almost kicked your ass.” Draco teased, smirking. “i got in quite a lot of good hits and you know it!”

Salazar snickered a little as she leaped back. “well if you want to get drunk go ahead, I'm not too worried about it.” he teased licking his lips as she started unbuttoning her shirt, peeling his own off. “mmm you kinky little girl.” he growled playfully, licking his lips. “better run.” he teased, “because when I catch you, I'm fucking you until your pregnant.” he teased chuckling a little, hinting, for the first time, his want for a child. He didn't even seem to realize he'd done it.
Lucien laughed, snickering as he heded inside."Oh, just because I let you."He teased walking inside, rolling his eyes a little."You do realize, if we did breed, you'd not only be related to thorn, but to merlin?"He said, wanting the man to be aware of the issues of what would happen if they really were together.And he knew, he felt the longing for another child. To creat a better life for the one that he could make sure wouldn't suffer like thorn.

Thorn looked startled at his words, paling a little before flushing. A smirk flashing across her face as she growled back as playfully."You'll have to catch me first!"She giggled before taking off, running lightly across the ground, knowing this was going to be fun. And knowing that she was going to bring up the feral, demon death side of his personality, because she was going to make him work for his mate
he snorted a little and shook his head. “you didn't LET me do shit! I was kicking your ass and you know it!” he teased chuckling a little. “i wouldn't mind being related to thorn, she's good, I like her and Sal. And Merlin can kiss my pale white ass.” he stated simply. “he's a jackass and while I realize that he's your son, really.. he's just a jackass.”

Salazar growled eagerly as she took off, running after her, stark naked, as he rushed after her, growling as he chased her around the yard, finally grabbing hold of her, panting eagerly as he stripped her of her clothes eagerly before pounding on her properly, kissing her hard. “mine, mine mine mine, ALL mine!” he growled happily kissing her intently once more as he slid into her, pinning her belly to the ground, using his hips to lift hers up, and taking her like the beast he was, moaning and groaning as he filled her again and again, making sure that she enjoyed every minute of it with happy pants, grunts, and groans.
Lucien laughed quietly, "Yes, well all my children are oddities. The lady of the lake, is just...'He stopped. Paled a little because he'd thought of something that was slightly disturbing. Swallowing hard he hoped Thorn didn't kill her aunt for flirting.

When they were done, Thorn whined quietly as her legs slid out from under her, collapsing bonelessly into a heap under him, sighing contentedly. Not realizing that he'd undone her enough that not only could she get pregnant anymore, that he had. After all, he'd dominated her, forced death to bow to something again, which was what the spell did. made her submissive to him, and in doing so, had allowed her to concieve....now she just had to survive the war long enough, and maybe, with this child's life, the world would be corrected. For salazar, son of death and life was the very person that the world needed to correct itself. "...love you..."She muttered panting as she closed her eyes, curling up against him.
he chuckled a little before pausing a little. “is just?” he asked wondering why the other had just suddenly stopped talking, his head tilted a little. “whats wrong?” he asked frowning a little, his head tilted. “do you not like your daughter or something?” he asked, wondering what was so bad about the Lady of the Lake that had stopped his Only cold.

He was smirking when they collapsed, purring happily. “mmm that was wonderful.” he moaned happily smiling at her. “i love you too.” he murmured gently nibbling at her neck before hesitating. “hey thorn... do you... ever want kids?” he asked softly, snuggling into her, wondering what her answer would be. He hoped she wanted kids too, but he could handle it if she didn't.
Lucien shook his head, "I forgot my daughter...is sort of a whore. At least for the warriors."He said sighing quietly. "She'll have a thing for salazar, and thorn's liable to take offense to it."He said sounding slightly worried about the idea.

Thorn whined softly shifting to snuggling into him, yawning sleepily."I don't remember...I think...maybe..."She muttered, frightened to have more kids because she didn't remember how the first time went, so she was extremely frightened of ruining the child's fate with her own. After all, look at voldemort, who had been driven insane by her fate. Not realizing it wasn't her fault, but merlin's for the fate of her line.
Draco blinked, his head tilted a little. “well it probably won't go too badly, considering that Harry is pretty damn loyal. He'll probably cower behind Thorn like the pansy he is and then screw her brains out to reaffirm his manliness.” he stated with a snort. “he's never sure what to do with flirting females, i'd almost pegged him as gay once.” he admitted.

Salazar smiled as he kissed her cheek. “you don't have to remember anything, to know what you want Thorn.” he stated calmly. “you where a different person then, and a good person now.” he admitted stroking her cheek. “you would be a wonderful mother, no matter Merlin's interference.” he admitted softly. “he cursed you, and your entire bloodline, but your breaking the curse, all of the curse.” he explained smiling at her. “with every memory you gain, the more Merlin's hold breaks.” he promised kissing her forehead. “we could raise a family, you and I... we could be happy...”
Lucien snickered a little, shaking his head at the idea."Now I'd like to see you tell him that."He said amused at the idea of salazar being gay. Shaking his head,"Oh are you so sure he's a pansy?He is after all thorn's dominate."he pointed out, having felt the change in their bond, so he knew that despite everything, thorn had become the submissive one in a relationship.

Thorn sighed quietly, nuzzling his chest as she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes as she thought."I.."She swallowed, stopping as she thought. Because it hurt her badly to not know what her child was like. Sitting up she reached for his pants, stroking her fingers over her daughter's bracelet, "I..I think I would.."She said quietly.
Draco snickered a little. “i did tell him, well I asked him... propositioned him.” he admitted blushing hard. “i thought I liked him see so I flirted with him, of course he's downright dense so I actually had to TELL him I was interested in him.” he shook his head. “he kicked my ass so hard I was in the hospital for three days.” he admitted smirking a little. “besides Thorn is only submissive because she WANTS to be. They have an equal relationship, or viper tries to keep it that way.” he admitted shrugging his shoulders. “he lets her dominate him all the time. Likes it even.”

he smiled as he kissed her neck, smiling a little. “really?” he asked softly, eyes shining with joy as he pounced on her again, kissing the daylights out of her. “mmm yay!” he purred. “i'm gonna be a daddy someday!.” he hoped soon, but he knew that sometimes conceiving a baby took a while. “i love you thorn.” he purred smiling as he rolled them over so that she was laying on top. “now that I've established you belong to me, I think maybe you aught to return the favor.” he teased wiggling his eyebrows at her. “make me all yours baby, own my ass.” he teased smirking a little. Draco was right, he loved how Thorn bossed him about in the bedroom.... or in this case the backyard.
Lucien laughed quietly, "I would have been interested in seeing you tell him."He snickered feeling relieved that he now knew that it was by choice that thorn was submissive, even if most of the time they were equls. "And how about you?Are you a pretty little bottom?"He teased tweaking the blond's hair.

Thorn grinned leaning down to kiss him sighing as she shifted her hips sliding onto his cock with a sigh, black hair falling around them both as she kissed him."Hmmm I do own you don't I?"she said biting his lip softly."I am so the boss."She growled aused at his enthusiam to be a daddy.
he snorted a little. “please, you would have stopped him if he started kicking my ass.” he teased smirking a little. “and I only bottom when I feel like it.” he teased biting Lucien's lip playfully with a small chuckle.

He moaned smiling a little as he bucked into her gently. “ooh yes, yes I am.” he purred happily, licking his lips. “you own me all over.” he purred chuckling a little. “every inch of me, body, heart and soul.” he purred pulling her down for a kiss. “and you are SO not the boss.. yet.” he teased smirking a little. “you can be my boss when your all pretty and round, stuffed with my seed.” he teased giggling a little as he kissed the other again.
"Oh really?"Lucien smirked a little, shifting the blond, pulling him close as he rested his hands on the other's hips, kissing him slowly."I think I like the idea of you being a bottom."He growled softly.

Thorn growled quietly as she rode him slowly, thigh muscles flexing as she moved, biting down harder on his lip."I am so your boss right now."He growled kissing him harder resting her hands on his chest to pin him to the ground.
Draco snickered as he kissed the other and nodded. “only if you promise.” he murmured slyly. “to be nice and gentle. I am a virgin after all.” he teased smiling a little. “i'm.. actually not even sure how this works...” he admitted biting his lip a little. “i've never even stroked off before...” he admitted blushing hard.

Harry moaned eagerly as he thrust into her, smirking a little, whining as he was pinned. “nnng you are so the boss.” he moaned squirming with a grin, smirking at the other, licking his lips. “god I love you.” he moaned happily, chuckling a little as he arched. “mmmg god, your going to make me cum!” he whined, panting happily. “oh please, mistress.” he moaned, grinning happily. “please let your obedient pet cum.” he teased grinning playfully at her.
Lucien's jaw dropped a little as he looked at him. Well he'd known Draco was a virgin, but to never..."Really?"He said sounding pleased at the idea of being the first one to teach draco the pleasures of sex.

Thorn growled biting his shoulder softly as she purred."Come pet, come."She muttered shuddering as she moaned, coming with a full body shudder her body tightening around salazar's tightly.
he blushed hard and nodded. “er...y..yeah.”he admitted sheepishly biting his lip. “sorry... I know that's probably a bit weird.” he admitted sheepishly. “but... you'll teach me right?” he asked hopefully, his head tilted, grinning a little. “will you teach me a little bit now?”

he moaned as he tossed his head back and moaned as he came, and came hard, filling her with his seed and groaning loudly, shuddering happily. “oooh fuuuck yessss.” he hissed, trembling as he filled her to the brim, panting hard as he fell limp under her, a well satisfied smile on his lips. “oooh yeah your the greatest.” he moaned smiling a little as he grinned at her, his expression full of love and happiness. “we should really go inside.” he muttered softly. “but my legs are made of jelly... I don't suppose you'd consider dragging me?” he asked playfully.
Lucien smirked a little, resting his hands on the other's hips, hands sliding lower, cupping his ass as he drew the man closer to him, picking him up, and directing draco's legs around his waist."Oh yea,I'll teach you."he said heading up the stairs towards draco's bedroom.

Thorn whined quietly as she slumped to the side as she pulled off him, a leg resting over his stomach as she sighed, closing her eyes."Me tired.."She muttered beore smiling, her expression a mirror of his, happiness and love showing there. Raising her head she stumbled a little to her feet smiling as she used a lightening spell and a floating spell, pushing him towards the house."You lazy bum."she teased
he blushed hard and squirmed a little as he wrapped his legs around the other and rubbed their cocks together, kissing him again, flopping onto the bed and stripping off his shirt, more than willing to be sullied by the Devil.

He chuckled a little before blinking as he was suddenly raised off the ground, laughing a little. “i wasn't being serious!” he admitted laughing a little as he shook his head, grabbing her and pulling her into a tight kiss. “you go ahead and go inside and lay down, I'm going to gather our clothes up... if I can find them... where did I throw your bra?”
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