Incubus Dreams

it took Harry quite a while to unpack and he paused when he watched the two boys playing with lego swords and lego ponies his eyebrow lifted as Draco laughed, sitting primly on the side of the room so he wouldn't get run over, watching everything with amused eyes, Harry laughing a little as he watched, looking pleased that his makeshift family was having so much fun. “that's really amazing.” Harry admitted with a laugh as he watched Connor fall intot he moat, spitting out the water and laughing happily at Kier having so expertly knocking him off his horse. “i'll win the next round!” Connor teased his best friend, giggling as he clambered back onto his pony and went after Kier to resume their sword fight, Draco chuckling a little as he looked at his watch. “it's almost lunch time.” he warned Harry who nodded. “i have my house elf cooking lunch.” Harry admitted grinning a little. “Dobby loves to help.” Draco choked on air. “d..dobby!? MY dobby!?” “well, he used to be.” Harry taunted laughing as Connor fell off his horse again. “have you been teaching Kier swordplay?” “of course, all purebloods learn it.” Draco teased grinning a little. “and it gives Kier some confidence. It's good for him.”
Ashlin smiled a little as he fell into the seat next to draco, sighing softly. "We'll teach Connor to.It'll be good for them both."He said smiling wider as he watched the two, shaking his head a little."Con, you hungry?"He called catching the boy as he fell, amused as he splashed the boy with water. Looking like a large kid himself. Kier grinned happily at his friend, before looking at ashley."Uncle ashley!You need a sword. And a staff!You're merlin.You need to be older to."He said wisely, looking serious as he looked up at the adult.
Harry smiled a little. “Connor is taking Karate lessons.” he stated calmly. “just like I am.” he admitted watching his son get back to his feet and chase after Kier giggling wildly. “Engarde ye King of Kings! And face your doom!” he declared dramatically, Harry laughing a little. “i think sword lessons would be good for him, eventually he;s going to get annoyed loosing all the time.” he admitted with a chuckle, Draco snickering. “i think I might let Kier join you in Karate. It's good to have a lot of self defense in these dangerous times.” “and it builds self confidence, respect, and the ability to reason when fighting is right, and when it's wrong.” Harry agreed nodding, looking amused when Connor blinked at Ashlin. “no, I'm not hungry.” he admitted. “but I promised daddy I would try, so I'll eat some even though I'm not hungry.” he promised smiling a little, Draco lifting an eyebrow before flicking his wand at a pile of legos, making a sword and a staff, Harry snickering as he wiggled his fingers, making a long white beard appear on Ashlin's face. “HA!” Harry laughed, grinning a little. “you almost look like Dumbledore!” Harry teased, Draco snickering a little.
Ashlin's jaw dropped a little, a snarl twisting his face for a moment before he vanished the beard."I'm going to go get our food."He said leaving the room before his temper snapped. Kier perked up at the mention of learning something else, looking confused as he watched his uncle stomp out of the room."PapaDoes uncle ashley not like beards?"He frowned as he bounded over to draco's side, looking up at him worried, with a slight look of fear in his grey eyes. After all, last time a adult got angry around him, he'd ended up with broken ribs.
Harry winced at the snarl, actually flinched at the sound of Ashlin's anger, watching Kier run to cover in Draco's arms who calmly reassured his son. “it's alright Kier, uncle Ashley just doesn't like that uncle Harry was teasing him.” Draco explained calmly kissing the boys forehead, Connor bounding over to comfort his friend as well by telling witty knock knock jokes as Harry went after Ashlin, gently setting his hand on the others shoulder. “i'm sorry. I didn't meant that.” harry whispered softly. “i wasn't thinking.” he admitted swallowing hard as he wrapped the other into a tight hug. “it's alright to be sad you know... you shouldn't hide it with anger.” he murmured softly shaking his head. “i'm sorry Ash.” he muttered softly. Wondering if he aught to tell him about Luna? No, he probably already knew. Luna had been a spy for Voldemort, telling the Lights secretes to the worlds darkest man had horrified Harry when he'd realized why Dumbledore had killed her. It had taken him a long time to realize that Dumbledore was just as insane as Voldemort. And he was still in denial a little. But he pulled away from a madman's lackey and kissed his... lovers? Forehead. “you go take a hot bath or something and I'll get lunch alright?”
"Sorry."Ashlin let out a angry sigh, before looking up at the taller incubus, stepping back."Are you going to be joining me after this?"He asked gently running his fingers through the man's hair."did I scare the boys to badly?"He asked after a moment wondering if he had more apologizes to give.

Kier sighed, smiling a little at Connor's jokes, giggling as he relaxed, poking his dad after a few minutes."Papa, I'm hungry."He stated leaning back to look up at him.
Harry chuckled a little. “Connor won't have been scared.” he promised. “and Kier won't be afraid for long.” he promised smiling at him shaking his head a little. “and I'll see if Connor wants to stay the night with Draco tonight so we can have some alone time.” he promised grinning a little as he winked at the other and stalked off to make some lunch for the two boys. Grilled cheese for Kier and Draco, and some raw steak cut up into little pieces for Connor. Draco brought the two boys in just as Lunch was getting finished and harry smiled. “alright guys Connor's about to do something really gross.” he admitted Connor giggling a little as he watched his plate get set down in front of him, looking hesitant Harry smiling encouragingly at him, Draco looking horrified. “Harry that's...!!!” “hush Draco.” Harry ordered watching Connor sniff the food, biting his own lip hard as he watched hopefully as Connor hesitantly put a piece into his mouth and chewed with a contemplative look in his eyes as Harry handed Draco and Kier their grilled cheeses as Connor swallowed and then after a long moment. “i like it!” Connor chirped happily, Harry sighing in relief. “thank goodness...” Harry breathed smiling when Ashlin walked in. “it's worked! He likes it!” he chirped hugging Ashlin hard, Draco looking confused as Connor ate his raw steak.
Ashlin yelped as he got jumped on, laughing a little as he kissed the man's head."Good."He said smiling when he ruffled Connor's hair, leaning down to kiss his forehead."Ah lovely, I'm glad you liked it."he said before snickering at Draco's confused look."You look good confused."He stated. Kier frowned a little watching connor before starting to eat, looking amused as he continued eating like there wasn't anything weird about connor eating raw food."I want more grilled cheese."He chirped looking at harry expentantly, smiling wider. Looknig hopeful that he could have more food, intent on proving that it hadn't been totally gross to see connor eating raw food.
Harry chuckled a little as Connor wrinkled his nose at the strange nickname. “i'm not lovely!” he protested pouting a little at the other, Harry laughing as Connor stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth, Draco looking a little great as Harry snickered and started making another grilled cheese. “Draco, don't barf in front of the children.” Harry ordered. “Connor do you want some more?” “yes!” Connor chirped happily Harry laughing as he magically thawed another steak and cut it up carefully while four more grilled cheese cooked on the stove, Harry smirking as he lifted a chunk of raw meat to his own lips, tasting it curiously, Draco making a noise in the back of his throat and darting out of the room, Harry snickering wickedly. “does uncle Draco have the flu daddy?” Connor asked curiously his head tilted as he finished off his first steak, Harry chuckling as he slid the boys their second plates of food, handing Ashlin his plate of grilled cheese. “no, I think uncle Draco just ate something he didn't like very much that's all.”
Ashlin laughed snickering a little as he ate, looking towards the door."I think Uncle draco's decided his stomach doesn't want steak for dinner."He said before leaning out the door to yell."Hey Draco!Do you want steak for dinner?"He said, just to get him riled up. He lived to harass his best friend. Kier perked upa little, smiling a little."I want steak for dinner."He decided before finishing his food, fairly bouncing in his seat, wanting to get back to their game.
Harry snickered again and nodded a little as he hear Draco gag in the background, Connor giggling as he finished his second steak and hopped off his stool. “come on Kier! Lets go play sword fight again! I'll beat you this time for sure!” though he had lost almost twenty times already, Connor was eager to play some more. He LIKED doing dramatic death scenes, which always made his daddy laugh. “tell Draco he's watching the boys tonight.” he ordered calmly as he scarfed down a grilled cheese of his own licking his lips as he ate, fluttering his eyelashes at Ashlin to make him more eager to agree to let Draco take Connor for the night, chuckling a little as he shook his head. “at least Connor's eating again, thank Merlin. I was really worried there for a while...”
"Me to."Ashlin said smiling a little.Glad that connor had eaten well, before going in search of draco, snickering a little at the sight of the blond with his head over the toliet."You're taking the boys home with you. BAbysitting will be good for you."he said wisely, snickering a little at the sight of his friend. As always, when he lst his temper, it had quickly past. He wasn't good at staying angry for long.
Draco nodded, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “why exactly are we feeding a five year old raw meat?” he demanded, clearly not realizing that Connor, or Harry, where inhuman, Draco was always a little dense when it came to things like that, and he had ignored the rumors about Harry's inhumanity six years ago, claiming them to be false and immature. “i'd love to have Connor over for the night.” he agreed smiling a little before shuddering. “is he going to need raw steak for dinner and breakfast too?” there was no telling but it was probably a yes, for dinner at least.
"For dinner,yes. Breakfast he seems to be okay with eating regular food. Though I'd ask him when he woke up."ashlin said sounding bemused as he looked at him, laughing softly."You never were one for gossip. It seems we were WRONG.for once. Harry's...inhumanity is true. He's a incubus. and...connor's changing earlier then he should."he said biting his lip a little, wondering if draco would have any brilliant ideas on how to help the boy.
he grimaced a little and shook his head a little. “lovely... just another steak then?” he decided sighing a little. “of course now Kier is going to want some for dinner too.” he complained before choking on air. “he...he's really an incubus!?” he demanded eyes wide. “and Connor is one too?” he demanded shaking his head. “oh my GOD Kier's already in love with him!” he whined shaking his head. “it's not fair!” he complained sulking a little as he shook his head. “alright, I'll take the kids.” he agreed smirking. “since we ALL know Harry won't screw you unless he's sure Connor won't see.” he teased laughing a little.
"Hey the steaks not that bad.At least it's still not bleeding."He snorted laughing a lttle because he knew kier would want to try it to. Nodding slightly as he smirked,"Kier is not in love with him.He enjoys his company. I don't think connor's gotten to the point he's attracting others.."He said smiling a little, before pouting."He will to. Just in my bedroom."He said, blushing slightly, pausing at the thought. Realizing that he'd let someone in his room. Shifting from foot to foot he grew serious, needing a answer."....Draco...he saw my study."He muttered biting at his lip, knowing even if he didn't admit to it, draco had walked in on him a few times sleeping in there
Draco gagged again and shook his head.. “he is too, you wait and see, in ten years their going to be dating!” he complained sighing a little and shaking his head. “and no he won't, you wait! He'll only do it at night with silencing spells all over the place. I know how Harry ticks.” he admitted getting to his feet as he blinked at the other before his eyes went wide. “you..he...really!? And he's not all...weird?” he asked looking shocked. “damn, I knew harry was understanding but...THAT understanding!?” he shook his head, stunned beyond words. “ask him about it tonight, he may not have noticed.” he admitted. “Harry can be a little blind sometimes...” but he knew just as much as Ashlin did that Harry had seen, and really didn't mind Ash's obsession. Which was just...scary.
Ashlin snorted laughing, shaking his head."Draco, I bent reality enough to show him what I could do...if I wanted to.He just said he was sorry that his running away cost me so much."He said softly, in awe. Smiling slowly. Knowing he'd ask anyways, curious to see what harry would say. Though he had a feeling the longer he was with harry, his obsession would lessen. At least he hoped so. Which made him feel a little guilty. Swallowing hard he looked up at Draco."....sara wouldn't mind would she?"She said swallowing hard.
Draco blinked in astonishment and shook his head a little. “Harry is really an amazing person sometimes.” he admitted. “the only time he ever got angry was when I picked on him at school.” he admitted shaking his head again at Ashlin's question. “Sara wouldn't mind at all, in fact I think she's be pleased. You know the only thing she ever wanted was to see you smile.” he stated with a smile. “you know, she and Harry are a lot alike, their always thinking of others.” he chuckled a little and shook his head. “Sara would have loved Harry, she might even have shared you with him.” he teased grinning at Ashlin. “i'll go inform the boys that we're having a sleep over at my place.” he decided heading out into the ballroom where Connor was giggling as he dramatically died yet again, with every death he got more and more dramatic, and took longer to actually lay on the floor and twitch, Harry laughing so hard he had tears coming out of his eyes.
Aslin laughed, shaking his head a little as he walked into the ballroom, looking amused at connor as he shared a look with draco."I'd swear, if I didn't know better, I'd think that dramatic boy was yours. You were always ready with the tears and hysterics."He teased befoe picking connor up, tickling him."Con, Draco wants to take you home with him. Show you all the toys kier has. Maybe bring back a few." Kier perked up at that."Ohhh!I have some that would be perfect for the castle."he said excitedly, fairly bouncing in place.
Harry laughed Ashlin's teas and Draco pouted. “aaashliiin that's not nice!” Draco wailed, bringing playful tears to his eyes, Connor gasping in horror. “don't cry uncle Draco! He didn't mean it!” Connor promised patting Draco's hand, Draco laughing a little. “oh Connor it's ok, I was only playing.” he promised, Connor giggling wildly as he was picked up and tickled, making the boy squirm wildly before gasping in Excitement and leaping out of ashlin's arms into Harry's lap. “can I Daddy!? Can I please!? I wanna go see Kier's house and play with Kier AAALLL Night! Pleeease!” Harry laughed and nodded. “of course you can, but remember, be nice with Kier's toys.” “of course daddy!” he chirped. “i'm ALWAYS nice to toys!” he admitted giggling, Harry nodding. “alright, why don't you pack you teddy and your blankey, and pick out some night clothes and some clothes for the morning and put them in your backpack.” “toofbrush too?” “yes, toothbrush too.” Harry teased Connor giggling eagerly as he rushed off to get his things, Harry chuckling a little. “he's so cute.”
Ashlin smirked looking at the incubus, ruffling his lover's hair. "Ah well, he is your son."He teased bending down to kiss him. Kier giggled happily jumping on Draco's lap,tugging at his shirt."We can stay up late can't we papa?!Plleeeeeaassse!" Ashlin snickered resting his head on Harry's shoulder, smirking at his friend."You're going to have to tell him yes. Otherwise they''re both going to be cute and pouty all night."He pointed out.
Harry snickered a little as Draco sighed a little. “yes yes, you can stay up late.” he promised, well aware that they would both fall asleep on their own before ten o clock even rolled around, particularly since they both had this annoying habit of getting up WAY too early in the morning. Harry chuckled a little as he watched Connor rush back down with his backpack all packed. “i packed my favorite book too!” he chirped happily, Harry rolling his eyes. “he makes me read that book to him every night.” he admitted smiling a little. “it;s the only way he'll settle down to go to sleep so read it to him at some point or he;ll be shaking your shoulder at three in the morning hoping for a bedtime story.” Draco grimaced and nodded, accepting Connor's backpack. “hug uncle Ashley and uncle Harry goodnight.” Draco ordered, Connor giggling as he hugged Harry and Ashlin tight, wishing them a good night, though it wasn't even dinner time yet, and hopped back to Draco, eager to spend the night with his new best friend. “...Connor's in love.” Harry teased as soon as Draco and the boys where gone. “poor Draco...”
Ashlin laughed shifting kissing his lover, tangling his fingers in his hair."Ah, well Draco's already figured out Kier's in love. So he'll have years and years to make peace with the idea."He said looking up at the taller man,gently tweaking his hair with a smile."Now. Draco tells me I'm only getting laid when we have a babysitter, in a room so protected by shields that I wont get out...that's not romantic."He said pouting, teasingly.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “no we're only having sex when Connor is either gone or asleep. And if he's asleep WE have to have a silencing spell up.” he smirked a little. “that's not so hard is it? I'm only trying to protect my son.” he promised shaking his head a little as he kissed the other intently. “now, are you gonna fuck me or are we gonna stand around talking about it all day?”
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