Incubus Dreams

Ashlin frowned a little pressing a kiss to Connor's head as he settled the boy against his chest."I'll be whatever you want me to be con."he muttered stroking his hair, quiet until he was sure the boy was asleep before pushing up out of the chair quietly moving to the couch, to tired to go far, stretching out on his couch where he fell asleep with the boy cuddled there. Looking like father and son as they snuggled.Blinking up sleepily when he heard the door open, he muttered softly in connor's ear, a sleep hex to make sure he stayed asleep before he looked at harry, "I know why he wont eat."He said frowning a little studying the man as he sat down across from him. Wondering how to ask if he could experiement on this child. Because...he had no idea what Connor needed, not at a young age. Veelim and incubi weren't around enough to know what a child of theirs would they'd just have to go by trial and error but he had no idea how to say it without making harry feel horrible for not wondering about it before.
Harry smiled when he saw the two settled against each other looking almost, pleased as he settled onto the chair, peace replaced with fear. “why?” he asked his eyes wide as Connor shifted and shoved his thumb into his mouth, sighing softly as he slept, Harry smiling at his son, looking worried...and tired. Connor was right, Harry was not doing well being locked up, even if he could escape at any time he wanted to. “is he ill?” Harry asked softly. “depressed? Nervous? What!?” Harry was clearly very worried about his son, and desperate to find a cure, desperate to make his son alright, watching the beautiful boy sleep with his thumb tucked into his mouth with a small grimace. “i really shouldn't let him do that...he'll ruin his teeth...”
Ashlin sighed,gently tugging the thumb from the boy's mouth,gently kissing his head."He's maturing quickly potter.Faster then he should."He bit his lip trying to figure out how to tell him,"Connor told me about his mother.What he was.And what you are."He looked at the incubus, "His body's reacting badly to solid food. I think he's maturing faster, because of his mixed bloodlines. Its forcing him to not be human, wanting more... then just normal food."He sighed quietly."And he's worried about you. I lifted the barriers....if you want.You can go. But I wish you wont."He said smiling slightly, not realizing it was true before he said it. He didn't want the people in his home going anywhere.
Harry's breath hitched when he realized just how much Connor knew about his conception, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes, guilt written across his face because he had never intended that Connor knew. He loved his son, no matter the bastard that his mother...ok so technically Harry was the mother, but still. “he needs sex...” Harry whispered, opening his eyes. “he's only a little boy... we can't just...” he shuddered violently wrapping his arms tightly around himself as he nodded. “i know... I..felt them lift.” he admitted, looking almost broken. “i don't even know what I want anymore...” he looked at his son, swallowing thickly. “how can we give him what he needs, when what he needs is just as bad for him as letting him starve?” at Connor's age, sex could be so traumatic that the boy would never recover, no matter what his bloodline was. “i don't know anything about Veelim, only that...that their irresistible to a point that... that the only thing I wanted was what he wanted... and that their damn difficult to kill...” he swallowed thickly. “what kind of childhood will my son have, if he can't even get what he needs to survive?”
Ashlin snorted quietly, looking at the man, "Veelim require blood. At least, in their food. Raw steaks...something."He said stroking connor's hair, before shaking his head."You're thinking to linearly HArry."He scolded lightly, "There's a reason draco's worried about me."he said biting his lip."I...When I truly want something...sometimes reality warps around me. I think, now this is just a guess, and me wanting to bend reality, but I think...if we take blood, blood that still carries the pieces of afterglow. From you..."he blushed as he explained."It would be enough.Fullfilling the need for sex, because the feelings of it stains the blood, and if he's like a veelim he'll need blood..."He said slowly."I think...we need to experiment. But i wont let it come to making him have sex. I'll break reality before I let it happen."He promised softly.
he blinked a little looking very hesitant. “why don't we try some raw meat first... and then if that doesn't help we can try...that.” he was very hesitant, because he wasn't exactly sure he wanted Connor to know that he was having sex, it was kind of embarrassing for his five year old son to know that, no matter that they where both at least half incubi. “i don't understand what you mean by breaking reality.” he admitted looking a little confused. “but I.... thank you.” he muttered kissing the others forehead. “i've been so worried... I never thought that he wouldn't be able to eat normal food... I don;t need it myself... but I eat it anyway because I like it.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “it's going to be very gross watching him scarf down some raw meat you know.” he complained softly looking startled as he saw the photo album hidden underneath the chairs, sighing a little. “of course he'd know about this too... damn can't I keep any secretes from this kid?” he complained affectionately as he stood up, closing the book and stroking the leather gently. “you know... I'm beginning to think you kidnapping me was actually a good thing.”
Ashlin laughed shaking his head a little."Draco seems to think so."He sighed looking up at him, before sighing, looking at harry, reaching out and touching his leg, bending the world to his will, letting him see what he wanted, what he had always wanted before now.The ghost mirage of his wife round with child walking through the door...before it shattered. "I wanted her back so badly, that sometimes reality itself bends.Allows me to see without actually letting me have her. After all, nothing can raise the dead."he sai laughing a little shaking his head as he sat up."Well don't watch him eat then.I will."
Harry snorted a little. “Draco is an idiot.” he stated calmly. “but he's usually right.” he gasped in amazement when the world bent, and the woman appeared before him, his eyes wide. “my god... he's beautiful.” he whispered, startled when the image broke, looking down at him. “that's what you meant, about Dumbledore killing peoples families... he killed your wife and child...” he whispered softly, feeling a strange sense of guilt. If he hadn't run away...maybe things would have turned out differently. Turned out better for poor Ashlin. He sighed and shook his head, laying it on Ashlin's shoulder. “i'm so sorry.” he whispered softly, closing his eyes. “i wont run away anymore.” he promised. “i'll... I don't know what I'll do.” he admitted closing his eyes. “but I'll do something.” he decided, Connor whining softly in his sleep as he snuggled deeper into Ashlin. “mommy...mmm.” he groaned, Harry freezing, locking up before he chuckled, smiling a little. “he always did have a way of always making me change my mind.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “rotten brat.” he teased his sleeping son, kissing the boys forehead. “Ash... what is Voldemort really like?”
"Reasonably sane.Well.Okay. Not exactly INSANE but not...what you would call normally sane."Ashlin said before sitting up slowly, so not to disturb connor as he stood, nudging his...lover? Frowning at the odd thought he shook his head."Dumbledore was killing families long before you left. And he will continue to do so until he's stopped. Sara died because I didn't get to her soon enough.And that was my crime, not yours."he said bulyying the man into standing, heading for the door, the child sleeping in his arms."Time for bed."He said heading upstairs.Amused that even outcasted from the wizarding world, the man was still such a gryffindor.
Harry pondered and nodded, scowling a little as he was forced to his feet, his head tilted a little. “i just don't know who's the good guy and who's the bad guy anymore.” he admitted sighing a little as he yawned and kissed the others neck. “i'm still sorry.” he admitted softly. “gently picking Connor up and laying him in bed. “it's not even dinner time and I'm exhausted.” he admitted softly. “we'll try Connor on raw meat in the morning.” he decided, sleepy and allowing himself to be bullied into bed next to his son, carefully pulling the boy tightly into his arms, protecting him in his sleepy state and reaching for Ashlin. “come here... sleep with us too.” he ordered, too tired to really censor himself or his desires, simply wanting to sleep with Ashlin near him. Harry wasn't sure, but he had very strong feelings towards Ashlin. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew he wanted Ashlin to stay close, and so harry was going to make sure the man stayed close. Or at least try.
Ashlin smiled tiredly, to tired to fight him over going to his own room. And for the first time since sara died, he slept somewhere besides the bed they shared.

In the morning ashlin blinked sleepily, looking at connor as the boy's face hovered near his."Con, what are you doing?"He muttered shifting so the boy wasn't so close to him, amused as he studied the boy who declared him his mother.Amused even more at finding harry cuddled up against him.
Connor giggled a little. “Daddy gets scared if I wake him up by shaking his shoulder, so I stare at him. Only he didn't wake up like he usually did so I thought I'd stare at you instead, and look! It worked.” he teased giggling a little. “daddy likes you.” he teased smiling as Harry pressed himself even tighter into Ashlin and groaned. “but I'm really hungry now, can I have some breakfast?” Connor asked hopefully his head tilted a little. “please?” he asked pouting at the other. “i'm STARVIN.” he stated Harry groaning lightly, his eyes fluttering open. “uuh, hold on Conner... I'll make you some eggs..” “i like Eggs!” Connor chirped happily bouncing off the bed. “is Kier going to come again today?” Ashlin asked hopefully. “i thought of a GREAT game we could play with the castle!” he stated giggling. “on;y we'll need throwy balls.” he admitted, Harry lifting an eyebrow. “throwy balls eh? Are you staging a war?” “yes!”
Ashlin laughed softly as he sat up,stretching. "I can get throy balls. And I'm sure Draco will bring him over."He smiled a little, despite a very limited amount of time spent with the boy, he knew Keir was a expert at manipulating his father into doing exactly what he wanted, and he was sure the boy would want to be here with connor. "Come on kid.We'll go get food."He said scooping him up,tossing him in the air with a laugh, heading for the door, catching him as he came back down.
Connor beamed happily and Harry chuckled as he slowly started getting ready for the day, rubbing his eyes as he followed them into the kitchen, Connor already eating by the time he had gotten out there. “Connor, we need to have a big grownup talk ok?” Harry asked sitting down at the table, watching his son pause and then hesitate. “i'm sorry daddy, I know I'm not apposed to touch your book...” “it's not about that, your not in trouble, I promise.” he stated stroking Connor's hair. “it's about how your tummy get's sore after you eat.” Connor looked ashamed. “i'm sorry daddy...” “oh baby, there's nothing to be sorry for! You can't help it, and we're going to have to work to try and find a way to stop it ok? Ashlin and I had some idea's that we where hoping you might be willing to try.” “idea's?” Connor asked hesitantly, Harry nodding./ “well, you know your mommy was a Veelim right?” Harry asked softly. “well, they need raw meat, you know, uncooked? We where hoping you might try and eat some for lunch. If you can't eat it, it's alright, but would you be willing to try?” “...i won't have to eat it if it makes my belly twisty?” he asked hopefully, Harry smiling and nodding. “you won't have to.” he promised kissing his boy's forehead. “i'll try then.” he decided. “but isn't uncooked bad for people?” “not for Veelim.” Harry promised. “and if it doesn't work then we'll just have to try something else.”
"I once made draco eat a dragon steak raw."Ashlin said sounding amused and a little spacy. As if he was trying to give the men some privacy to talk before ginning as he got breakfast eating."So connor, what color throwy balls do you want?and what war are we fighint?"He asked, because well. HE couldn't help it. He was a child at heart, and would always wanting to play with the kids....and dammit that lego castle was amazing, and he wanted to be merlin again.
Connor wrinkled his nose. “dragon steak is icky.” he stated Harry laughing a little. “we need blue ones! And white ones!” he decided with a giggle. “lot's of them! Lot's n lots!” he decided. “and we have to wait for Kier to get here! In case he doesn't want to War.” he stated with a nod, Harry chuckling as he watched his son scarf down twice as many eggs as what any normal kid his age would eat, Harry rolling his eyes. “it's amazing he doesn't get a stomach ache from eating all of that.” he teased smiling a little as Connor slid away from the table, done eating now as Harry chuckled and shook his head, taking Ashlin's hand. “i'm... going to go and get the rest of my stuff.” he decided, watching the other. “i'm... I'm going to move in here.” he decided. “i don't know what any of this is... but I want more of it.” he admitted smiling at Ashlin. “we should move the Lego castle though, or move Connor's room, it's too awesome to destroy and I can buy him more legos.” he admitted smirking a little. “i think he's got another five thousand or so back at the apartment anyway.”
Ashlin snickered a little."We'll move the castle. Put it in the ballroom. Then we can actually put a moat around it. And and.."He trailed off, blushing slightly."If we wait, Draco'll be here soon I'm sure. Then I'll go with you to the apartment."he said smiling little, though he was nervous about going to the apartment, in case someone had manged to get there after they left.He was most definately not letting harry go back there alone, even if harry thought he could take care of himself.
Harry lifted an eyebrow at the other, clearly amused as Connor giggled and nodded. “a moat! With crockagators!” he decided, beaming at them. “and we have to make the castle bigger too!” he ordered bouncing up and down pausing when Draco apparated in with Kier, having given in to his son's incessant pleas to go and play with Connor, Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head, glancing at Ashlin, deciding to have a big grown up talk himself. “hey Draco! Your babysitting.” he ordered. “don't break the castle.” Harry ordered tossing on a jacket and heading out the door, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “your actually letting him out? How surprising.” he teased smiling as he let Connor drag him into the bedroom, ordering Draco to move it tot he ballroom as Harry waited outside for Ashlin.

“ash...we need to talk.” Harry stated after a few moments of silent walking. “about...well us I suppose... Connor's gotten very attached to you and if we're being honest so have I... I don't want to wake up one morning and find out that all of this has just been one big joke to you..i couldn't handle something like that...not after...” he shivered and shook his head. “are we lovers? Or just fuck buddies? I don;t know and considering my lifestyle, and my severe lack of social comprehension I don;t think I;m qualified, or capable of deciding what our relationship is... not to mention that.. we know nothing about each other.. your a death eater, I screw people to earn a living..” he sighed. “if we're lovers I clearly won't be able to do that anymore so that leaves the question of do you have enough money to support me and Connor, are you even willing to, or will I need to find a job too?” he sighed again. “i have no clue whats going on I have so many unanswered questions and...” he closed his eyes a little. “and I want so many different things...”
Ashlin frowned a little as he ducked his head down, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket, protecting his face in the collar of his jacket, shivering a little in the cold.More sensitive to it then most people, having grown up in spain, where it was warmer.England was always so cold to him.Frowning a little."I...I like having you here."He said uietly, the words sounding like they hurt to say.After all, it hurt to admit that after his wife he could care for someone else, afraid to.Admit that he might, just might be moving on."I...I...have enough money to support you."He said slowly, answering the easiest question he could, because he had no answers for anything else. His attraction and atttchement to Harry confsued him, so he wtried not not think about it."And if god forbid, I run out or something, Draco'd let me live off him."he said laughing nervously, trying to make him feel better, but it was awkward ,because he was feeling awkward.
Harry paused when he realized how cold the other was and he settled his hand on the others shoulder's, pressing down gently as his power fluttered around his jacket, making it very warm. The heat simply settling around him and warming him up. “i like being here.” he admitted blowing mist out of his mouth. As an incubus he felt no chill, they where immune to the cold, it was the heat that got to Harry, when summer came around he was practically useless because he was tired and sluggish all the time without cooling spells. He listened to the other talk about money and he sighed a little, shaking his head. “i just want to know that your not going to get bored with me in a week, or a month, or a year.” he admitted looking at the other. “if you can promise me, that you aren't going to one day just kick me out because your tired of fucking me, I'll stay.” he promised staring at the other, all he wanted was for Ashlin to promise that he wasn't just playing with Harry.
Ashlin's jaw dropped a little, smiling a little as he nodded."I wont. Promise. I like having you two around.And Kier I guess, since he wouldnt be here if you werent."He said smiling a little, lookng shy and unsure of hismelf. HE wasn't unsure that he wanted the man,gods knew that he wanted to keep Harry and connor with him even if he didnt understand the desire, but he wasn't sure if he oculd be what harry needed, not anymore. Losing sara had broken something, and his hold on reality was just proof of that."...I'm not...I'm not a good a relationship. I'll forget birthdays. Anniversaries. plans...I'm just not good at it..."He said biting his lip, wanting to warn him before harry decided he really wanted to stay.
Harry examined the others face and then smiled, kissing the others forehead. “that's alright. I'll just do what Hermione used to do to me.” he teased smirking. “i'll but you a book, and it will scream at you at six in the morning when important days pop up.” he teased chuckling. “you just open it, write down all the important dates and plans you have, and it will scream at you if something will cross times with something else. It's VERY annoying, but very effective.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “besides, if I can stay with you, even knowing your a soul sucking, surveyor of death, Death Eater what makes you think you being a little forgetful is going to make me abandon you?” he asked looking amused. “i like you Ash. And so does Connor, and that's enough for me...just....don't bring work home with you huh?” he asked hopefully. “i would stop you if you tried to torture muggles, and if you bring that scaly faced freak in, I'll probably kill him and bitch you a new one.” he promised sighing as he glanced at his watch. “...why are we walking anyway?” he asked suddenly realizing that his house was six miles away.

“i am not walking that far.” he stated grabbing his lovers hand, disappearing and reappearing in his trashed apartment, Harry's eyes wide as he surveyed the damage. “...someone broke into my place!” he complained rushing into the kitchen, dragging out a butchers knife and driving it into the wall, and yanking it down, ripping apart the dry wall and revealing a cavity in the wall, where a large bag was sitting. “good, they didn't find it.” Harry stated, relaxing as he carefully pulled it out and tossed it to Ashlin. “hold that.” he ordered reaching into the cavity and pulling out his wand, blowing the dust off of it before flicking it at the wall, the thing fixing itself effortlessly, all of Harry's and Connors things vanishing into the bag in Ashlin's hands. “there, all done.” Harry chirped with a grin as he took the time to fix the broken apartment so he'd get his security deposit back. “ok, we can go back now.”
Ashlin smiled a little as he looked around, amused before he growled a little. Disliking the idea of having broken in and endangering his men, even if they hadn't been home to be hurt."shouldn't we wait and see why someone broke in?"he asked looking around as before he looked back at the other, smiling a little. Looking relaxed and calm, the reassurance that the other wasnt going to leave him if he forgot things, was good. After all, it used to drive sara up the walls. Looking amused at the idea of bringing home work, before shaking his head as he surveyed the wreckage that had been once harry's apartment."You know, I wonder who got here to look."He said, wondering if a death eater or someone on Dumbledore's side had followed him. he wouldnt put it past dumbledore to have him followed.
Harry snorted a little. “i know what they where here for.” he stated simply. “i don't know if it was Dumbledore's side or Voldemort's but I know why they where here.” he admitted taking the bag from Ashlin and unlocking the door. “see, wizards, they used Alohamora.” he stated simply shaking his head. “and they made sure I was gone before they started looking too. It's probably one of the groups that have tried to attack me before, there's several.” he admitted shaking his head. “they know better than to try and come here when I or Connor are home, the last three idiots that tried that died.” he admitted simply. “so they waited till we where both gone.” he shrugged as he headed out the door, turned and locked it before heading down to the main office to break his contract, explaining that family emergencies had come up and that he was moving back home and that he would pay the last months rest as agreed but that the apartment was ready to be moved into. Then he took Ashlin and vanished back to his Manor, smiling a little as he headed in to where Connor and Kier where playing, pulling out another never ending bag and tossing it to Connor who squealed excitedly. “MORE LEGO!” he yelled happily dumping out the massive piles onto the ground harry chuckling as he left them to play to go unpack his things.
Ashlin grinned, before roping in Draco to helping him do what needed to be done. By the time Harry rejoined the death eaters and the children, the four had managed to not only move the castle down into the ballroom, but a moat with real water in it with a drawbridge, and stables and two small animated lego ponies for the knight to ride. Grinning as he turned to look at harry, Ashlin beamed, rocking on his toes. "Look!I AM merlin!"He stated waving a hand at the lego monstristy. Really, ashlin was such a kid somedays. The father who had been denied a child, had finally found two children to call his own, and in doing so,freed himself from the grief, and allowed himself to be himself again. Completely reckless, happy and amused as he had been when sara was alive.
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