Incubus Dreams

Connor blinked at Kier and then beamed brightly at him. “hi! I'm Connor.” he chirped happily. “i bet we're going to be best friends!” he decided beaming happily at Kier, Harry's lip quivering as he struggled not to burst into tears as Connor smiled at Ashlin. “i feel ok...” he frowned a little. “i feel as if I've forgotten something very important...” he admitted frowning a little as he shook his head as Harry gave him a shaky smile. “daddy? Is everything ok?” “oh... yes of course...” Harry promised smiling a little. “Daddy's just had a very long day...” “you should sleep.” Connor decided hopping out of bed and laying Harry down, beaming at him before grabbing Kier's hand. “come play with me! I have a giant Lego castle! You can be King Arthur!” he decided, skipping off with Kier as Harry let out a little sob. Too much loss in one day to do anything else.
Ashlin smiled a little shaking his head as he realized that the boys were going to be just fine. Even if it was just kier who remembered how they truly began."Come on harry, we both need to sleep.Tom can watch over the boys."He said wrapping a arm around his lover's shoulders to stay upright as tom followed orders and headed after the boys to make sure they were okay. not sure what the ramifications of giving up memories were going to be, but he wanted to keep a eye on Connor to make sure he was okay...and to give the newly healed ashlin and harry some peace and quiet.
Harry helped his lover into bed, crying silently as he gently tucked Ashlin in, hiccuping from the force of trying to keep himself contained, snuggling into him, too tired to do anything but cry and sleep, so distraught about almost loosing his lover, and Connor loosing his best friend, and so hormonal he just couldn't help himself anymore. He just held his lover, and cried.

(are we going to time skip?^^)

Ashlin sighed, pressing a kiss to his head as he held the other. "Shh it'll be okay."He muttered.

A few months later Ashlin growled as h looked at the closed door, annoyed at having gotten kicked out of the room not by draco for being unhelpful, but harry who had declared him and his cock had already done to much damage and that he could get out of the room until he had the baby. Inside the room tom smiled a little lifting the small girl from Draco's' arms, cleaning her up as Draco took care of Harry."Should I get Ash?"he said looking at the incubus amused, because it had been truly amusing to watch Ashlin get kicked out.
Harry panted, resting after the long hard labor, smiling at his little girl before scowling. “no.. I look like hell...” he complained, letting Draco heal the damages and help harry clean himself up a little. “besides he's in trouble for telling me what to do.” not exactly true. Ashlin had made one or to 'I'm trying to help' suggestions and it had pissed Harry off. Wasn't really Ashlin's fault but it was enough for Harry to make him wait longer than the he had to. He smiled as he accepted the little girl into his arms, gently nuzzling her. “Sarah, Ashley, Potter.” he murmured with a smile before grinning at Tom. “ok, you can let him in now.”
Tom rolled his eyes."Sadistic."He said smiling a little, amused because harry had made the anxious man wait. Not about to tell him why Ashlin had ben so anxiously helpful. Ashlin rushed in, looking like a eager puppy as he bounded over to the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking anxious but relaxing when he saw the babe and harry were both fine."A girl?We actually had a girl?"he said gaping a little before he tugged the blanket down a little bit to see the babe's face, but not doing anything more and not trying to take the baby yet. Waiting for permission."papa?Can we come in?"Kier said looking in the door standing with connor, waiting for permission to come in.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded a little as he watched Ashlin bound over. “Sarah, Ashley, Potter.” he informed his lover as he watched the man hold his daughter, smiling at him before nodding to Kier. “yes Kier, you and Connor can come in.” he promised smiling a little as he motioned the boys in, Connor looking horrified at how sickly his father looked. “are you ok daddy?” he asked, gently holding his father's hand, Harry chuckling as he nodded. “i'm fine Connor, just tired. Making babies is hard work.” he admitted Connor looking over to little Sarah looking amazed, “is that my new little sister?”
Ashlin smiled a little as he shifted to let Connor look at Sarah, kissing the boy's forehead."It is."He said shifting a little,"Come on Con, time to lay down and sleep.Your daddy would sleep better with us both here. And Kier."He said already seeing the malfoy heir getting ready to ask. Amused because kier since Connor lost his memories had barely left the other's side, much to Draco's charagin.
Connor chuckled as he laid down with his daddies and Kier, smiling as he watched the little girl before looking at Kier. “someday you and I are gonna get married and have babies.” he decided beaming happily at the other ignoring Draco's choked noises of both amusement and horror, Harry chuckling a little. Because he knew all of their lives, where going to be perfectly wonderful.

the end?^^
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