Incubus Dreams

Draco smiled as he snuggled into the other. “well Harry will help us hide it from ash, just to tease him.” he admitted with a chuckle before he got up. “alright Kids! Time for bed!” he ordered, Connor whining but heading over to Tom and Draco obediently. “can me and Kier sleep together tonight?” he asked hopefully. “i don't wanna sleep all by my lonesome.” “if Kier is alright with that then I'm alright with it.”

Harry smiled a little as he snuggled into the other, groaning happily. “i don't want to.” he mumbled softly already drifting off to sleep. “Sarah will sneak up on me and tickle my toes in my sleep.” he complained softly, already half asleep, breathing softly as he rested with his lover.
Kier nodded excitedly, smiling."I would love to!It gets lonely in my bed."He said dragging connor off to get ready for bed. Tom snickered shaking his head as he watched them go, wrapping a arm around Draco's waist as they followed after the boys."Hmmm are you going to make me sleep all by my lonesome?Bellatrix's is still here after all."He said teasing mostly, though he wouldn't mind the company.

Ashlin smiled."I'll keep her away."He said sleepily before falling asleep, holding the boy gently as he slept.
Draco grinned a little. “oh no, your sleeping with me tonight, I myself like a nice cuddle.” he admitted smiling a little as he tucked the boys in and led tom to bed, not for sex, just for sleep, but he enjoyed having the man there to cuddle with.

Harry whined a little. “no you won't.” he complained. “you'll help.” he playfully accused snuggled in tight.

In the morning Draco and Harry where in the kitchen cooking breakfast, or rather Harry was telling Draco what to do and Draco was doing it, Harry still unable to see well enough to do it himself. “i can see a little better.” Harry admitted to Draco calmly. “i can make out shapes now, I can't make out details but I can see shapes.” “that's great, I knew Sarah would like you.” “i'm glad she did, honestly I was worried that she would hate me for taking Ashlin from her.” he admitted smiling a little. “when she touched me I could see her... she was so gorgeous Dray... I hope my child grows to be just as beautiful as her, boy or girl.”
Tom snickered as he walked into the room, sitting at the table as he watched his almost lover cook. Amused to see the man doing it. "Well your no ugly duckling yourself, and Ashlin's pretty. It comes with having a girls name."He said even if the man was still dead to the world, he couldn't help poking fun at him."I'm sure your daughter will be beautiful."He said, because he wasn't about to tell Harry exactly how he knew what they were having. Just leaving it up in the air, wondering how long it would take the incubus to get suspicious of his knowledge
Harry suddenly smacked Tom over the head. “stay out of my mind you pervert! And don't tell Ashlin he's having a girl I want it to be a surprise!” he growled. Tom really should have known better than to taunt a pregnant Harry. “Draco you need to take the eggs off the pan, their starting to burn.” “son of a bitch!” Draco cussed quickly scooping the eggs out of the pan and scowling at Harry who chuckled a little as he shook his head. “Tom, you really should have known that Harry would know that you where in his head again.”
Tom wrinkled his nose looking amused."I don't do it on purpose. He just kinda gives me things."He whined. "Its not like me knowing ashlin's scared because he told me. Or you fretting over Connor and Kier. Leave me alone. I can't help it that he gets in my head."
Draco and Harry both chuckled as Tom whined. “i'm sorry Tom.” Harry stated with a shrug. “i never learned how to occlude, my occlumency teacher was more interested in making me suffer rather than teaching me how to properly shield myself.” he admitted. “in fact he actually managed to make my mind even more wide open.” he admitted shaking his head. “besides, just because we're linked doesn't mean you can crawl in there anytime you like.” he teased smirking a little before shaking his head. “Draco flip the pancakes.” he ordered, Draco obeying. “and get me a glass of pickle juice would you?” “.. er... pick...” “Just DO IT!” Harry growled, Draco hopping to and pouring the juice out of a jar of pickles and handing it to harry, who took a nice swallow. “thank you.”
"He's pregnant. Be glad it's not more gross."Tom mused teasing before looking amused."I'll just have to teach you then.I'm tired of knowing about ashlin's cock and other things."He whined more to make draco jealous then he actually got to remote view the guys sex life."What about me?"Ashlin whined slightly as he slouched into the room, still looking tired. He hadn't wanted to get up but when he'd woke up and found himself alone he had to come find the other. He was paranoid enough that he had to know where he was all the time
Draco grimaced a little and nodded a little as Harry paused. “you know how to occlude?” he asked blinking in tom's general direction. “Tom was just commenting on what a nice dick you have.” Harry teased grinning, though he missed Ashlin completely as he took another big swallow of his pickle juice. “yeah don't kiss Potter Ashlin.” he warned. “that's pickle juice he just took a swallow of.” “i can't help it! The baby demands!” Harry complained setting a hand on his belly. There was just the barest hint of a bulge there, but it was going to grow quickly. “come feel Ashlin! My belly's growing!” Harry chirped happily, setting a hand on his belly and rubbing it gently. “are you sure your not just gaining weight?” Draco teased, yelping when Harry threw the pickle juice at him and caught him square in the face. “did I get him or did he just yelp to make me feel better?” harry asked, Draco grumbling.
"Of course I can occlude!"Tom protested sounding afforted at the idea anyone thought there was some sort of magic that he couldnt do. Huffing he sighed quietly sulking. Ashlin snickered a little looking over at Draco, rubbing harry's stomach absently, so glad to feel the small bulge there."Oh, he's dripping in picklejuice. Which is sad, because Tom doesn't like pickles." "They're gross!"Tom sulked whining because he didn't like pickles and no one should tease him about it.
Harry grinned smugly and nodded as he enjoyed the feeling of Ashlin's hands on his belly. “mmm that feels good.” he murmured happily holding his glass out. “that's ok tom, I don't like pickles either... now get me more pickle juice.” he ordered Draco rolling his eyes. “if you don't like pickles how can you like the juice?” “i don't... don't mock me!” Harry ordered scowling as he smiled at Ashlin. “punish him for me would you love? Bend him over tom's knee and make Tom spank him.” as Harry wanted Draco went a bright beat red and he fidgeted a little.
"I'm not spanking anyone!Unless its bellatrix!" "....what?" "well, she needs someone to kick her ass. She tried to kiss me again on my way downstairs."He said whining a little before pouting looking at ashlin."You look to pleased." "I am." "Why?" "Because you know I'm right." "I do not." "Do to. I'm always right."Ashlin said poking Draco."Aren't I love?"
Draco grimaced a little. “please don't spank Bella, she'd enjoy it too much.” he grumbled handing Harry the cup of pickle juice, gagging as Harry downed it happily as Draco blinked at Ashlin. “aren't you what? Handsome?: sure, pretty? Sure, anything else... nope.” he stated simply. “i haven't been paying attention what are you two arguing about?”
Ashlin pouted a little at that, "I'm always right. Espcially about you and tom." Tom nearly choked on his drink at that, having not expected Ashlin to be observant enough to know that something had changed so quickly. He hadn't taken in to account that the man might not know and was taking matters into his own hands on telling Draco tom liked him."Oh shut up. You know nothing."Tom teased rolling his eyes.
Draco raised an eyebrow at Ashlin. “... have you gone insane!?” he demanded with a sarcastic wit to his voice, trying to pretend that nothing had happened setting breakfast down in front of Harry. “there you go harry, two eggs two pancakes and three slices of bacon, just like you ordered oh OCD master.” he stated with a roll of his eyes before he started to dish everyone else up as well, grinning a little as Harry started to eat, fumbling here and there but doing quite well for himself, he wasn't making a mess at least.
Everyone else started to eat, even if Ashlin was watching anxiously as his lover ate. Before shifting his attention to the yelling he could hear."Bellatrix is up to something."He said hearing her and rabastian yelling about something. IT seemed the lestrange had finally gotten tired of her...but even if she wasn't in love with him, was taking badly to getting served with divorce papers.Tom sighed softly shaking his head."Can there just never be peace around here?"
Harry sighed a little as he suddenly stood up. “Ashlin, help me.” he ordered, his tone firm, and dangerous. “i wish to have words with that bitch.” he growled baring his teeth with rage, waiting until Ashlin had his arm before he followed the other up the hall and into the living area where Bellatrix was demanding Rabastan to sign so she could Marry Tom, and Rabastan refusing. Harry reaching out and slapping Bella hard across the face. “shut UP you FAT FUCKING COW!” he roared at her, uncaring if this was going to piss someone off. “Tom is NEVER going to marry you, love you, or even like you! Your nothing but a waste of space and the ONLY reason your still alive is because Rabastan loves you!” he paused suddenly seeing something in Rabastans aura. “and when where you going to stop feeding him that love potion!?” “...what!?” Rabastan asked, looking confused. “there's no love potion... I know she's cruel but...” “Rabastan the only way anything could ever look at this bitch without wanting to gag or shoot her would be a love potion.. I can see it, in your magic, a string of pink attaching you to her... and it's not a love bond either, those are gold, silver, or copper colored.... I'm not sure how I know that...” he admitted frowning a little before shrugging. “either way, she's making you love her.” it was a subtle potion, one that didn't take away a person's free will of thinking abilities, it just made them fall in love like they normally would without the potion. Bella really was a sick bitch, she'd probably been using Rabastan for his money and his connection to Voldemort from the start.
Ashlin looke startled, growling under his breath because he knew besides wanting money and the connection to Voldemort, he had a idea of what else she'd wnted the potion for. Growling he slid his wand under the woman's chin, ignoring as she howled obsecinties but didn't try to attack either him or Harry. "Harry, would you be so kind as to get Tom?"He asked because he knew, well had a very good idea why harry could see the potion. Tom smiled slightly as he stepped into the room, draco following closely after."I'm here. Now. Bellatrix. You came into my room without permission. Now you are doing this. I am going to take care of this."He said low level rage thundering under the words before he looked at everyone trying to decide just how to deal with this. Before smirking."Take her down to the dungeon Ash. For once in her miserable life, she's going to do something useful."
Rabastan scowled.” oh please she's not poisoning me with a love potion, I love her I'm not obsessed with her it's not a.. hey don't point your wand at my wife!” he roared, harry glancing in his direction, the man groaning before collapsing to the floor in a dead to the world sleep, snoring gently as Harry contacted Tom through their links smirking a little as he listened to Tom, Draco looking confused. “why is my uncle sleeping on the floor?” “he's under the control of a love potion... I never thought i'd say this but I'm almost glad to have been blinded right now.” he admitted with a small chuckle as he looked at the golden string connecting Tom to Draco. “what do you have planned for her?” he asked Tom, his head tilted.
"Oh this and that."Tom said smirking watching Ashlin prod the woman with his wand amused as she squirmed but didn't protest with her love standing there ordering it. Sighing as he looked at Draco."Dumbledore has always wanted to punish Bellatrix for being Bellatrix. I think I will give him the chance to do so, in the efforts to 'make peace' with the wizarding world. People will think I'm merciful for not just killing her. Of course, Dumbledore will look bad when he DOES just kill her." Ashlin rolled his eyes before binding her up with magical ropes looking at Harry amused because the other watched everyone, the binding connecting him to his lover thick and golden, stronger than the one binding tom and draco for the moment, but there was little doubt that tom and draco's bound was getting bigger.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “that's a good idea Tom, let someone else do the dirty work... what do we do about Rabastan though? I have my doubts that the love potion is just going to wear off.” he admitted nudging the man's ankle with his toe. “oh and by the by, you two have a VERY nice gold colored link.” he admitted, Draco grimacing a little. “ok Tom, you where right.” he grumbled chuckling as he wrapped his arm around Tom's waist and kissing the man's cheek. “you two are going to be very happy together if you can get over Tom being a jackass and Draco being a git.” Harry teased grinning a little, Draco scoffing. “better than being bitchy.” the blond grumbled, Harry snickering a little as he nodded. “i'm only bitchy because I'm pregnant.” he chirped happily, humming as he headed for the door. “i'm hungry again... I think ice cream... with ketchup...” Draco could only gag.
Ashlin pretended to throw up, glad Harry couldn't see his reaction as Tom himself was the only one not to react to the bad combo of foods, sulking at being called a jackass."I am not a jackass!" "Only anal. And ocd."Ashlin said looking thoughtful before sighing."Draco, will you come with me?Tom shouldn't be leaving by himself, and we'll be able to take care of bellatrix ourselves." "...are you ordering me to stay home?" "Yes lord and master of the house. I want you to stay with harry, since you're the only one not getting sick at the foods. Me and Draco can take care of Bella."Ashlin said amused."And we'll see what we can find out about the love potion."the blond added looking worried about that.
Draco smiled a little and nodded as he followed Ashlin to the door, shaking his head a little. “seriously tom, someone has to stay with Harry, he'll have a panic attack if he ends up being here alone.” Draco stated calmly. “me and Ash will take care of Bella and be back before anyone even misses us.” he promised, grimacing as Harry yelled at someone to help him find the kitchen.
Tom sighed softly."I'm coming lord and master!"Tm called before glaring at his two death eaters who just gave him a cheeky grin before going to help Harry find the kitchen.

Ashlin snickered a little as he held Bellatrix apparating to the diagon alley, shaking his head a little as he looked at the crowd that stopped to stare. Raising his voice he smiled."I would like someone to fetch the headmaster or one of his followers. As requested from both him and the ministry, Thomas Riddle in his great mercy, has decided to give her victims the peace of knowing that she was being punished."He said mentally snickering because it wasn't s much that as it was that Tom wanted Bellatrix away from him.
two people vanished from the crowd to tell Dumbledore what was going on, Draco smirking a little as he waited, the two people who arrived where NOT who he expected. Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. Ron scowled as he examined Bellatrix, and Hermione sneered at them both in a way that made Draco want to call her a copy cat. “what sort of trick is this!?” Ron demanded, Draco smirking a little. “no trick, Bellatrix has been stepping out of line since day one, torturing without permission, killing without provocation, we figure as a show of good faith to the people who she has hurt, we would hand her over for punishment.”
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