Incubus Dreams

Harry laughed a little as he kissed Ashlin. “i'm not a freak in any sense of the word.” he teased grinning a little. “and of course I'll be fine, Draco?” Draco blinked, looking up at the other. “i want you to be my second.” Harry admitted, Draco gaping a little. “i...what.. me why!?” “because I can't ask Ashlin to do it, in case I do get hurt someone needs to take care of Connor, I can't ask Tom to do it because he's the dark lord and people would immediately accuse of cheating, and you three are the only people I actually trust anymore, so it has to be Draco.” Draco sputtered and growled and shook his head but finally nodded. “fine.” he grumbled crossing his arms and sulking as Harry laughed, kissing Ashlin again.

The next morning harry found himself looking out at a mass of people, reporters and common folk alike, all there waiting to see the duel between the two potters, wondering who was going to be exposed as the fake, muttering and murmuring loudly as they waited.
Ashlin sighed leaning against the wall of the walkway, looking casual and careless as long as the person didn't notice tense muslces or the wand casually playing through his fingers."You don't have to look nervous." "I'm not nervous.Potter's going to injure his double then draco's going to go home and cook for me." "Why just you?" "Because I told him I wanted pudding and steak and he said he'd make some." And such was the opening remarks from Ashlin Drakos and Tom Riddle as they watched the people around them, ignoring how people stopped and gaped a little at the young dark lord who'd for once in public forgone the snake face and appeared in his true form.
Harry chuckled as Dumbledore and the fake Harry finally appeared, Dumbledore smirking as he looked at Harry. “your fake form is pathetic, everyone knows Harry looks more like James.” “and your an idiot, everyone knows I'm an Incubus, it was all over the papers, recall it?” Harry taunted. “never mind you, I'll deal with you once I've finished with him.” he stated turning to his double, who drew his wand, which was very clearly not Harry potters. “you stole my wand you damn incubus! I want it back!” “aaah so THAT'S how you explained that.” Harry teased smirking as he pulled his wand out of his pocket. “come at me if you dare little coward.” Harry hissed. And then it was on, Draco grimacing any time a spell landed on either potter, unable to help but see two Harry's.

It was clearly obvious who was winning, the incubus batting around the fake Harry potter like a cat with a toy jingle ball, before suddenly Harry called out the glamor ripping spell, the person staggering, suddenly revealed to the audience as....

(XDDD cliff hanger in a RP!!! YES I AM THE CLIFF HANGER MASTER!!! XDDDD ^^ you know you love it.)
(that's just mean!XDDD)

Both tom and Ashlin nearly fell in both shock and their effort to get to their men first. While they couldn't believe what they were seeing, their bodies knew that their boys were in danger, and ashlin and tom were determined to protect them, even if it cost them everything. Tom snarled as he raised a hand, slamming a shield around harry and draco as him and ashlin stepped in front of them, both snarling in anger as they faced the once harry.
XDD you know you love it!)

Harry was staring in shock at the fallen fake harry. “Neville!? You got fucking Neville Longbottom of all people to replace me!?” Harry shrieked, insulted beyond all belief that they had used NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM of all people! Neville just snarled, his eyes narrowed at the other. “i should have been the golden child! It should have been me!” Neville had only missed, by chance the fate of being cursed, Harry couldn't believe that Neville WANTED that! “DIE!” Neville yelled a vial in his hand. While the sheild Ashlin had thrown up would protect against spells, it wouldn't protect against physical substances, and Harry began to scream as soon as the green liquid hit his face, his eyes, smoke spilling off his face as Harry collapsed, jerking wildly as he clapped his hands to his face, trying to stop the pain, Neville laughing and the crowd gaping in utter horror as Dumbledore sighed, and simply shook his head. “a shame it has come to this. Neville, put the poor evil thing out of it's misery.” that was as good as saying 'kill the whore'. Neville got to his feet, but Draco was faster. “Petrificus Totalus!” Neville fell back onto the platform, stunned and Draco turned to attack Dumbledore as well, but the man was already gone, Harry still screaming in agony.
"Ashlin!"Tom growled, demanding his attention even as reality started to twist around them. Knowing that if they couldn't get him to focus, they'd be lucky to be able to do this. tom growled demanding attention as ashlin focused on them, crouching over harry as the death eater and dark lord worked on seeing harry's face. Tom finally holding harry's hands as ashlin cleared teh liquid from his face. Both cursing as they stood, barely noticing teh most amusing and disturbing thing.

Sarah Drakos, steppign through teh crowd, beautiful in her fury, and as slim and fit as she'd been as a young teen, deadly as she stood above Neville, executing him in a bloody mess. But the odd event went unnoticed as Dark lord and Death eater apparated back to Slytherin manor, and set about taking care of harry. snarled curses and pleas to hold on, the only thing that happened for awhile in the silence of the room
Harry screamed still as the acid ate into his face, his skin bubbling and melting but the damage was slowing as the acid wore off, Harry gasping and panting struggling against the hands trying to pin him down, tears stinging his already agonized flesh as he tried to get away from the hands, unable to tell if they where friendly or not Draco appearing after them, looking astonished, having watched with certainty as Sarah Drakos murdered Neville, his eye twitching as he pushed his way to the front and carefully started laying healing potions on Harry who started to calm, realizing that he wasn't being hurt panting hard, letting out only soft keening noises that where hard to listen to. “... his eyes are too badly damaged.” Draco whispered softly, looking at the dark lord and Ashlin. “... He'll never see again...”
it was unclear which temper was manifested as both men hit the floor, the chairs under their asses turned to wooden shavings as their tempers flashed white hot. Ashlin whimpered quietly as he got to his feet, crawling onto the smallish healing table, cuddling his lover, struggling to calm. "Shhh harry, you're safe."He muttered resting his head on the other's shoulder. Tom winced a little as he got to his feet, looking up at Draco, sighing softly."You'll see to the boys?"He muttered, not wanting to leave harry and ashlin. before looking startled, looking at draco."What are you looking so astonished about?"He muttered
Harry whimpered and gently snuggled into Ashlin, his face badly scarred, so scarred... but still so beautiful. Draco had managed to put back together the eyes, but there was no color to them, having been unable to save pupil or iris all that remained was pure white eyes that would never see. “'s dark.” Harry whispered softly, afraid, so afraid. “is it night time?” because he hadn't heard Draco in his panic. Draco bit his lip, holding back tears as he took the Dark lords hand and led him away. Once he was out of earshot me managed to stutter how he had seen Sarah, murdering Neville. “i think this is a good sign that she likes Harry but...” but he wasn't sure Harry would survive this.
Ashlin's heart broke as he heard the other be afraid, holding him gently."No sweetheart, its not night."She said closing her eyes, "Neville blinded you love. Draco can't help you...."he mutered starting to cry, because it hurt so badly to not be able to save someone he loved again. He'd failed sarah, now he was failing harry.

Tom looked startled, before tilting his head wrapping his arms around the other. He understood what the other didn't want to say, but.."Sarah? As in Ash's sarah?"He said sounding amazed before snickering a little. Because he realized that in Ashlin's desperation to save Harry and to help him, he'd twisted reality so far he'd let sarah step through.
there was a long pause and then harry started to cry softly at the realization... that he was never going to see his daughter, never see Connor growing up, never see Ashlin get that look of utter need when Harry teased him. Harry had thought there would never be a loss that wouldn't just drive him closer to revenge against Dumbledore. But this... this loss... he wanted to curl up, and fade away, and just let life go on without him. He was...useless.

He nodded a little. “yeah, Sarah... she looked right at me... god I almost forgot how beautiful she was.” he admitted softly, biting his lip. “she looked so furious, like when that death eater attacked Ashlin, she had no mercy on him, just like Neville.” he admitted. “it's a shame Dumbledore didn't see her, I would have loved to see the horror on his face.”
Ashlin whimpered as the other cried, curling up against him as he held him tightly, pressing his face against the other's shoulder. Crying both for Harry and because he'd failed so badly to help harry. Gently pressing a kiss to his head he muttered a sleeping spell,putting him to sleep because harry needed sleep, and maybe in the morning things would look a little better.

Tom smirked a little, "Oh yea, that would have been nice to see. And Sarah's always been protective of ash, and his friends. Of course she went insane over neville."He said smiling a little, because he could imagine what Sarah looked like. And the silent message she'd given Draco, to let her husband know that she approved, even if he would have fallen in love anyways, sarah approved of the boy her husband loved.
Harry cried, even in his sleep, grief smashed him from all sides, the loss eating at him like a parasite, fear and guilt only intensifying the grief. He slowly stopped crying, but the pain and grief didn't leave, didn't stop, didn't leave. There was nothing now, nothing, he would never see again, never see anything, ever again, and Harry honestly didn't know if he could handle that.

Draco nodded and suddenly he pressed his face into tom's chest and let out a tiny sob of his own, grieving for Harry, and for Sarah and Ashlin, for the unborn babe that harry would never see, for Connor who would have to learn to help his father, crying because it was all so unfair for poor Harry who had already suffered more than anyone else in the world, and now was suffering even more.
Tom sighed softly, pressing a kiss to Draco's head, holding the blond tightly. This was going to be so bad.

In the morning Sarah Drakos smiled softly as she sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking harry's hair as she studied the sleeping boy, amused that even without being aware that she was there, ashlin curled up closer to his lover. her heart happy to see him being protective over someone else. Gently tugging the soft strands in her fingers she leaned down to kiss Harry's forehead she waited for him to wake up.
Harry was still feeling raw and sore when he woke up, his face ached like there was a thousand needles pricking him all over, he snuggled into Ashlin, feeling the man snuggle closer and stroke his hair, more tears gathering, but not falling. Crying wouldn't make him feel better, he leaned into the hand and sniffled as he felt the kiss to his forehead. “i'm so sorry Ash.” Harry whispered. “i...i don't know how to live like this... how can I never see my own baby?” he asked softly, so out of tune with himself that he didn't even realize that Ashlin was still very much asleep. “i'm scared...”
Sarah laughed, the sound as pretty as a bell chiming as the girl tugged on the man's hair playfully."You have the wrong person in my marriage potter."She teased before sighing."You'll see. That's why I'm here you know."She said playing with her hair to keep from upsetting him.
Harry froze when he heard the woman laugh and terror closed his throat, unable to breath or scream as he realized he was being stroked by his lovers dead wife... was she there to get revenge on him for stealing her man? There to warn him of some great evil!?.... or was he about to die? “i...s..Sarah? I...” he finally managed to stutter, terror evident in his voice, though the calming strokes in his hair was definitely helping him to not freak out. “i... uhm.. I'll see?” he asked, confused, timid... yet... hopeful... “...i'm going to die... aren't I?” he asked softly. “Neville is going to come back and cut out my heart...” well, he had always had a rather over active imagination.
Sarah laughed quietly, "I knew you had a imagination to match ashlin's. You both are to hyper."She teased siling a little,"No love, no. I came for Ashlin, because he needs you to be able to see again. Because he will die of heartbreak for not being able to help I have a gift for you. Sight without sight."She muttered leaning down kissing his forehead, sighing as she bestowed the gift on the boy, "I love you, because he loves you. And because, I want him to be happy. He would have never found it with another woman, but it is good he found you."
Harry sighed in relief that he wasn't about to die soon... he hoped, trying to find Sarah with his sightless eyes. “you came for Ash?” he asked, sounding pleased. “will you talk with him?... he never got closer... I know he worries still about you... it would help settle him...” he admitted softly, wrapping his arms around her as she kissed her forehead, closing his eyes a little. “i wouldn't be alive if not for him.” he admitted softly. “my life was pointless but for Connor... Ashlin makes me live in a way I never thought possible... he makes me happy.” he admitted softly, kissing her cheek as images started to form in his mind, like shadowy wisps gray and white. It would take a while for his brain to fully accept the Second Sight, but soon, Harry would love it almost more than his real eyes. “thank you Sarah...”
"Potter...what are you talking about?I'm not sarah..."Ashlin muttered as he nuzzled the other, blinking slowly as he saw the woman leaning over him. Yelping as the girl laughed at him."Ah Ash, love ,you were always so cute."Sarah teased brushing her lips over his forehead,"Dont' worry, I'm happy for you.So happy for yourself. And forgive yourself for not being to do the impossible."Sarah reassured her husband kissing him lightly before she faded. Ashlin staring blankly before he started to cry. Those great wracking sobs that said he was dealing not only with Sarah's words but Harry being blind, starting to forgive himself for not being enough to protect either
Harry smiled a little as he watched Ashlin react to Sarah's presence, his heart clenching as Sarah basically blessed their love before he gasped in horror as he felt her leaving. “wait!” but it was too late, she was gone. “... Thank you, Sarah.” Harry whispered before gathering Ashlin into his arms, stroking the man's hair, letting him cry, smiling as he kissed the others cheek, not wanting to touch where Sarah had yet, for now, that kiss to Ashlin's forehead was the last thing he had of her, and Harry didn't want to sully it just yet. He held the other until he slowly stopped crying, and smiled softly. “are you feeling better?” he asked softly his head tilted as he gently felt his lovers face finding the tears and licking them away. “Sarah did something to me.” he admitted, looking around. “i can... see things, in my mind.” he admitted. “nothing real yet but... I think she gave me a way to see without my eyes...” a bit of good news would hopefully cheer up his lover.
Ashlin sniffled little as he nodded.'I do."He muttered leaning his face into the other's hand before starting, looking startled at the idea of Sarah being able to fix this"Oh...oh that's good."He said perking up a little. Because while it hurt to not be the one fixing things, he knew sarah had given him the gift of sight without sight because he would feel better because of it."I love you."He muttered nuzzling the brunette holding him.
Harry smiled as he ran his hand through the others hair, smiling a little. “i wonder how it is that she was able to come here?” he wondered softly, his head tilted. “can you really bend reality that far?” he asked, looking amused as he kissed the other, or tried to, he got Ashlin's nose instead. “damn, I missed.” he muttered moving lower and finding the lips, giving him a good long kiss. “mm that's better.” he chirped happily smiling a little. “are the boys ok? I should have Snape come and check on the baby...” he muttered, worried. “i don't want anything to happen to it...” he admitted rubbing his belly, still flat, but harry was getting just a little pudgier, he was going to look adorable all round with a baby.
Ashlin looked startled at the idea before sighing."I didn't used to be ableto...but when millie died, I could let her step through...I.."He frowned a little smiling a little."Maybe my need to help you was enough to let her through."He muttered before sitting up smiling as he kissed the other again."Come on. We'll go walk down to Snape's office. I think Tom probably shut them up with Sev to get the boys out of his hair."
Harry nodded a little and then nodded. “i wouldn't doubt it... it could be that my power is leaking back into you too.” he admitted smiling a little. “whatever the case, I'm glad she came.” he admitted taking the others hand. “i still can't see much though, you'll have to guide me... please don't walk me into any walls.” he complained playfully smiling as they walked down to Snape's 'office' where both kids where patiently 'helping' Snape with a very simple potion. “hello Harry. Here to have your belly examined again?” Draco teased smiling, fighting back his pity and guilt at seeing Harry's empty eyes, Connor freezing. “Daddy! Your face! What happened!?” Connor demanded, frightened that his daddy looked so hurt. “it's ok Connor, Daddy just had an accident and his eyes don't work any more.” he explained gently stroking the boy's hair. “but it will be ok.”
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