Incubus Dreams

Ashlin smiled a little as he scopped up his son, kissing the boy's hair as he cuddled the man."He'll be fine.I promise"He muttered before giving the boy to his father snagging draco around the neck, pulling him close."So why didn't you tell me Sarah was around?"He muttered aiming to shock him, snickering as Tom fell out of the chair he'd been hiding in. Having not expected that from him. Hitting the wall with a thud he whined a little as he sat on the floor, pinned against the wall and chair, having moved the chair and turned the back so the boys didn't 'see' him and would give him so hadn't worked, but he still had his dillusions that he could trick them sometimes. And they even sometimes let him keep his dillusions. "You'll be okay uncle harry?"Kier said looking up at him worriedly
Harry chuckled a little as he heard Tom crash, his head tilted. “aaaw did Tom get a boo boo? Draco you should kiss it better?” Draco grimaced and then smiled at Ashlin. “you where so distraught I didn't have a chance to tell you, I was going to tell you today when you got u. I take it she came to see you?” he asked Harry smiling in Kier's general direction. “i'll be alright Kier, I just can't see that's all. It's like wearing a blindfold all the time, it doesn't even hurt.” that was a lie and all the adults knew it, the burned, and eaten skin was red and raw because Draco couldn't heal it any further. It stung and burn but Harry wasn't about to let the kids worry about him. “now someone guide me a chair so Draco can check on my baby.” “is my little brother or sister going to be ok?” Connor asked worried, Harry nodding. “i'm sure the baby will be fine.” Harry promised smiling at Connor. “i just want to make sure, that's all.”
Sev smiled as Ashlin fussed and helped harry into a chair, smiling as he handed the boy a pain potion,"It'll help with the irratation to your eyes."he said loking at the boys, amused as the two crowded close as if they were going to do the exam to, kier offering connor silent support as the boy looked upset. Tom sulked rubbing his arm as he got up off the floor."Shut up potter. Just because Sarah likes you, doesn't mean I wont kill you." "....yes it does." "You shut up to Drakos or I'll find somewhere uncomfortable to shove your wand." "Is that any way to thank me for advice?" "Unsoliciated advice!I never needed the help." "Yes you did." "Sht up..."
Harry smiled and accepted the potion, taking long swallows Conner snuggling into Kier, thankful that his friend was there Draco chuckling at the dark lord and Ashlin's bickering, shutting them both up by gently kissing the corner of Tom's lip. “oh hush, he did us a favor and you know it.” he stated simply. “now be quiet Tom, Sev needs to focus.” “yes Tommy, Sevvy needs to focus on my baby belly.” Harry ordered calmly, looking amused, he was clearly feeling much better if he was teasing his two most hated men in the world. Connor giggling as he watched Sev examine the baby. “uncle Sevvy, what does a baby look like when it's in a belly? Can I see?” he asked hopefully, wondering how Severus was looking at the baby, Harry smiling. “it looks almost like a little seahorse Connor.” Harry explained with a small smile. “your baby brother or sister doesn't have arms, or legs, or ears yet, so it looks very silly, but it will grow very quickly.” he explained smiling. “soon the baby will be strong enough to kick my belly.” “really!?” Connor asked, amazed. “why does it do that?” “for attention I suppose, you used to kick me all the time.” Harry admitted grinning when Connor looked horrified, startled to realize that even though he couldn't see Connor, he knew that. “i did not! I would NEVER kick daddy!” “aaah but you didn't know I was your daddy then.” he explained with a smile. “you just wanted to be let out of my belly, so you kicked my to tell me so.”
"And Kier kicked his mommy to." "I did not!Malfoys behave better than that."the boy protested starting to giggle as his uncle tickled him."Oh yes you did, espcially when me or your papa touched her stomach. Said you were already practicing dueling moves in there."Ashlin teased looking at tom's surprised face at having gotten kissed. Having not really thought about his budding relationship with Draco or what it was, he was very surprised to get relationship moments. Sev smiled a little as he let his fingers linger on the boy's stomach, feeling the curve of his stomach and the diganostic spell that read that everything was fine."Not yet kiddo. Soon though."Sev said ruffling connor's hair.
Draco smiled as he watched Harry, looking worried and nervous as the man sighed in relief that his baby was fine, that his little Sarah was just fine. “oh and Sev?” Harry stated suddenly. “the sex of the baby is going to be a secrete. Don't tell Anyone.” he ordered happily with a smile. The truth was, Harry just wanted to torment his lover, like always. He chuckled a little and shook his head a little as Draco smiled, not realizing fully that he had just kissed tom. He WAS trying to seduce the man but he as usually much more subtle than that. Oh well, no one seamed to care and Draco wasn't fully aware of it as Connor giggled at Uncle sev. “when will the baby come out daddy?” “in about six months.” Harry admitted smiling a little. “but daddy's babies are special, most take nine months.” he explained, Connor's eyes wide. “wooow! That's a LONG time daddy! Doesn't he get bored in there?”
Ashlin smiled a little, grinning at the question."Oh no. See we read stories to the baby."He said ruffling Connor's hair."I'm sure if you want to read stories to the baby, me and daddy will help.Even uncle tom." "I will not read to potter's stomach. That's disturbing."Tom said smiling a little as he rolled his eyes knowing what Harry was doing. Tormenting Ashlin was one of the few joys that the two men enjjoyed doing. Ashlin needed tormented every once in awhile to be kept on his toes.
Connor beamed happily. “I'll go get a book right now!” he decided racing off as Harry laughed, smirking at Tom. “yes you will, because otherwise Connor's going to be really upset.” he teased chuckling a little as he leaned over to kiss Ashlin, leaning over to the wrong side of the chair and catching Snape's cheek instead. “i love you Ashlin.” Harry stated nuzzling Snape's neck before frowning. “...Ash did you loose weight?”
"...Potter I'd suggest getting away from me."Sev said dryly resting his hands on the boy's arms and pushing him back to a snickering ashlin."Besides, I think he has lost weight. Go fuss over him."He ordered the incubus. Tom smirked thinking about it before nodding."He hasn't been taking care of himself Harry, not like he should.After all you ran away on him, then got blinded and he's fussy anyways. He needs attention."The dark lord snickered as he ordered the other man to fuss ignoring Ashlin's dark look for his efforts
Harry recoiled away from Snape so fast you might have thought the man was poisonous. “you let me kiss Snape!? You jackasses!” “oooh! Daddy said a swear!” “Ashlin give the boy a galleon while I cuss out the people who let me kiss the greasy haired one.” he complained Connor scowling. “daddy! That's not nice! You be nice to Uncle Sevvie!” Connor Scolded, Harry laughing a little as he realized Connor had come back, reaching over to find Ashlin instead, touching his face to make sure it was really him first before snuggling into him. “mmm no, he doesn't need to be fussed over Tommy, you do that enough for both of us.” he smirked a little as he leaned up and found Ashlin's ear. “i wouldn't mind having a little more... attention, though.” he teased the man, hornier than all blazes and wanting some good hard sex.
"I do not!"tom sputtered a little as Ashlin ignored him and carried harry out of the room. "I don't."Tom sulked leaning against the wall before looking at connor and kier."So, what do you two want to do?" "We should go play in the snow again."kier said nudging connor.

Ashlin smiled a little as he nuzzled the blind man in his arms as he settled him on the bed,laying down next to him."Hmm you want more attention then?"He teased kissing him slowly.
Connor giggled and clapped his hands eagerly. “yeah snow! Let's go play in the snow!” now that he was sure his daddy and his little sibling where going to be alright he was perfectly content to play the day away just like always. “hey Kier! Guess what!?” Conner stated suddenly. “it's gonna be my birthday in a week! I'm gonna be SIX!” he chirped ever so proud of himself, puffing his chest out all importantly.

Harry grinned as he was carried out of the room, kissing the other happily. “mmm yeah.” he purred softly. “i always wondered what it would be like to get fucked blind.” he admitted grinning. “mmm everything is so sensitive lately.” he admitted with a grin. “when you touch me it's like my nerves are reaching out for you.”
Kier looked excited,"Papa!"He yelled before looking up at his father and uncle as the two followed them out into the world, hving bundled them all up to play."papa!We need to have a party."Kier demanded. Tom snickered a little, looking at Draco."Yes papa, you're the girl who gets to plan parties."He teased a little.

Ashlin smiled a little nuzzling him."It could be worse. You could be fucking blond. Then you'd look like Draco."He teased smirking as he undressed the other, taking his time to play with the sensitive skin, intent on not getting rushed
Draco grinned a little and nodded. “of course we'll have a party, but TOM has to plan it, since he's the one who's really girly. Right Tamika?” he teased smirking at the other, laughing brightly at the sour look on the others face. “oh please, we BOTH know your the bottom Tom.” he teased smirking a little, Connor looking confused. “what's he on bottom for?” “he sleeps on the bottom bunk on the bunk beds.” Connor looked ever so excited. “oooh! I know what I want for my birthday!!!!” he squealed eagerly. “i want a bunk bed and I'll be the bottom like uncle Tom! Kier can be the Top!” Draco's eye twitched, but a wicked smirk spread across his lips, glancing at tom, he knew exactly how to pay Harry back for that little story he told Connor about Voldemort.

Harry snorted a little. “please, we both know i'd be hideous as a blond.” he teased, moaning softly as he felt the soft sensual touches, shivering eagerly. “ooh that feels nice.” he moaned happily. “its all so sensitive.” he moaned. “it feels good...” he purred happily.
Tom snickered as he started making snowballs laughing as he thought about that. Before looking at Draco, eyeing the twitching eyebrow."You know potter wont find this nearly as disturbing as you do."He muttered amused because draco seemed so obsessed about worrying about kier's sexual orientation. Kier grinned happily."Oh!I want bunk beds!Papa!Can we have bunk beds?You could share with uncle tom. And uncle ashley and uncle harry can have some to!"

Ashlin smirked a little as he laid down on the other slowly, lowering his head to kiss him."Hmm maybe I should keep you pregnant then."He muttered kissing him again before he slid into the other, taking his time making love to the other.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “i know I shouldn't get so upset about it.” he admitted. “i'm just worried... Kier has such a dependent personality, if he gets too dependent on Connor... he won't want me anymore.” he admitted laying his head on Tom's shoulder, admitting the real reason as to why he was so upset when Kier showed Connor such affection. Draco was afraid he was going to loose his son to another little boy... Malfoy's where so messed up sometimes.

Harry moaned, smirking a little. “oooh yes you so should.” he moaned grinning. “i want lots and lots of children.” he groaned happily. “so many children we have to get a twenty seven bedroom house.” he teased chuckling a little, moaning as he was made long, slow love to, enjoying every bit of it.
Tom hid his smile as he leaned down to press a kiss to Draco's head, nuzzling his hair wth a sigh."Malfoy, if you're going to obsess this much about Cnnor showing him more love, you'll have to worry about Ash and Potter to. They're going to spoil him, and connor, and...sarah."Tom smirked, glad at his information gathering. And he was so not telling how he'd found out."Did you know Harry's so accepting of Ashlin's obsession that he's naming his daughter sarah?"

Ashlin smirked sighing as they slid into oblivion, not answering until they both were laying side by side in sate bliss."Malfoy's going to be so jealous. We'll have to take over malfoy manor to have enough rooms."He snickered not about to mention that his own manor house once it was rebuilt would be easily that big
Draco sighed a little as he shook his head. “i can't help it...” he complained softly, pain in his eyes. “i almost lost Kier once... it would kill me if I lost him again.” not many people knew, in fact only Ashlin knew, but Millie had come very close to killing Kier, she had stabbed him four times with a butchers knife, Ashlin had only just barley saved the boys life long enough to get him to Saint Mungo's. Draco wasn't sure, but he was pretty certain Kier didn't remember, the boy had been three at the time, maybe younger. He looked shocked though, staring at Tom when he informed Harry of his plans. “does Harry know you know this?” he demanded looking amazing. “for that matter HOW do you know!?” through the mental link between them no doubt, that was cheating tom! “still, I'm not surprised.” he admitted looking amused. “Harry loves Sarah simply because Ashlin does. He looks up to her. I heard him talking to her one day, asking her to give him the strength not to beat Ashlin's head in with a cast iron skillet.” he admitted looking VERY amused.

Harry snickered, looking wicked. “we totally have to take over Malfoy manor.” he agreed, snickering a little as he kissed the other hard. “mmm that was wonderful by the way, thank you, I feel so much better now.” he admitted smiling as he lay next to the other, hesitating. “love? am I quite ugly?” he asked, touching his face. Harry knew it was silly, but an incubi's greatest gift was it's beauty. Luckily for Harry most of the scars had been healed by Sarah, the ones that remained only added to Harry's beauty in a strange touch guy sort of way.
"Same way I know what Millie did."Tm said shrugging a little, as if he hadn't been observing things for a long time now.Everyone got so annoyed when he played the great oz and seemed to know everything. Granted, he only knew about kier because Ashlin'd totally lost it afterwards and ended up at Slytherin Manor, and he knew about the baby because Harry thought way to loudly. It wasn't his fault the other invaded his brain space."And no, Harry doesn't know I kknow."He mused before snickering hlding the blond tighter to comfort him."EVERYONE needs the strength not to beat Ashlin's head in. Espicially when he's in that over protective demanding mood."

Ashlin looked startled, raising his head to stare at the other, not that Harry could see him doing it."W-what?No!Have you gone insane?!"He demanded looking and sounding truly offended that anyone even harry would think that he was ugly.
Draco grimaced a little and bit his lip hard as he examined Kier, sighing a little. “you know, there are times when your more annoying then Dumbledore.” he teased smiling a little. “ah well, at least you don't lord the Great Oz thing over us.” he teased glancing up at Tom, blushing hard and looking down. “Tom?... do you like me?” he asked softly. “i... I've found myself feeling some.. interesting things lately...” he admitted softly biting his lip. “i find myself... liking you, a lot more than I should... falling in love with you even...”

Harry grimaced at the other and shook his head. “i'm sorry I just...” he sighed a little and laid his head on the others shoulder. “i'm so used to using my pretty face to get away with things... so used to... to just.” he whimpered a little and pressed his face into the others chest. “i'm just used to people only caring about my looks that I forget.” he admitted softly. “i know you would never think I'm ugly... I didn't mean to hurt you...”
Tom opened his mouth to respond to the teasing before his face went bright red at the other's words. Because well.."Oh.I well...I..."He stuttered. The dark lord. Stuttering!it was amazing. Blushing hard he smiled softly, resting his cheek on the other's shoulder before nodding."I.. like you."He muttered sounding so self conscious and concerne over what they were going to do.

Ashlin smiled relaxing a little, sighing as he pressed a kiss to the other's head."You didn't hurt me."He said sounding a little grouchy ,still annoyed at harry thinking he was ugly."We you know I don't care only about your looks.Moron."he teased lovingly.
Draco chuckled a little as he watched the Dark Lord stutter and blush, leaning up and kissing the man gently. “we'll go slow.” he promised softly, smiling a little as he gently stroked the others hair as he watched the boy's playing, sighing a little. “i'm going to have to kick Harry's ass... I hate it when he's right...”

Harry smiled as he snuggled into the other. “i know.” he muttered smiling. “but the looks help for when I'm being a dick.” he teased with a happy little snicker, offering the other his most adorable puppy look. “after ll, you can never be mad at this face.” he simpered, bursting into snickers. He didn't have to be able to see to know the expression on his lovers face.
Tom snickered pressing a kiss to the other's shoulder, leaning into him looking amused."Oh, just think, Ashlin's going to be impossible to live with now that he was right about something.Going to whine and complain if we don't give him proper thanks."He said snickering.

Ashlin stared at him, the perfect face of what Harry was picturing on his face before he snickered."I stay mad at Draco all the time, and he perfected the puppy eyes at a early age."He teased ticking the toher.
Draco smirked a little. “that's only if we actually admit that he was right.” he teased chuckling a little as he laid his head on Tom's shoulder. “i think we should just not tell him and wait and see how long it takes him to realize I finally admitted I liked you.” he admitted with a smirk. “speaking of... would you like to go out, on a date, with me?”

Harry smirked as he leaned against the other, giggling as he was tickled. “aah yes, but Draco doesn't give you blow jobs and amazing sex to go with the puppy eyes.” he teased smirking a little as he leaned up and kissed the other gently, smiling happily. “mmm I love you.”
"I would."Tom said smiling a little, blushing slightly as he brushed his fingers through blond hair, pressing a kiss to the other's forehead before sighing softly."You might be able to hide it from Ash, but not from the incubus."He teased tickling him a little before looking at the boys."We better round them up, and get them to bed. It's getting late."

Ashlin laughed as he kissed him back, closing his eyes as he snuggled down into him."I love you to."He said holding the other close, laughing quietly."Hmm he doesn't do that.True."He teased."Now sleep, Harry. You need it."He ordered.
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