Incubus Dreams

Ashlin sniffed a little in a dignified sort of way, as if to make fun of the two copy cats who seemed to be trying to mimic them at their best but the two gryffindors failed miserably at cpying them."Besides, she's annoying and my lover finds her extremely off putting. I enjoy my sex to much to keep her around."He mused looking at Draco, because harassing these two for abandoning Harry was going to be to much fun to just leave quickly. Anger showing in his eyes because more then anyone else, maybe even dumbledore, he hated these two for abandoning harry. Which was saying alot considering just how much he hated dumbledore."Darlings, can't you just take it as good faith that we're turning her over to you without kiling her?After all, everyone says we kill people without provacation, now that we do have provacation, we'll turn her over to the 'good people' for trial. I think that is a step in the right direction for living peacefully in the world. Potter's teaching us to be good. Isn't he Draco?"he added more to annoy his friend because he'd hate to admit harry was right about anything.
the two scowled as they examined the tied up Bellatrix scowling darkly as Draco sighed a little. “yes, Harry is helping a lot.” Draco grumbled. “as much as I hate to admit that.” he grumbled Ron hissing at him. “filthy Prat.” he spat. “harry deserves to be with you evil bastards!” “your the one that abandoned him you sick freak! How long was Harry abused and you did SHIT to help him!?” Draco demanded suddenly. “yo didn't even care that his family was whoring him out! You just turned him away because of something he can't even control!” “he's a dark creature and should be put down! Just like her!” Ron spat turning his attention to Bellatrix, uttering the killing curse right there in front of the world, and killing her. “Give Harry a good kick in the balls for us!” Ron spat vanishing with a crack, Hermione following Draco's eye twitching madly. “... how is it that We're the bad guys?” he finally managed to ask Ashlin.
Ashlin looked amused even if his eye twitched a little as his nerves threated to make him very violent."We're the amoral bastards who get along with Tom. Even love him those 5 minutes a month that he's totally not a prick."He teased his friend before apparating back to the manor, needing harry because he needed reassurance that he wasn't the evil noe, and that he wasn't like ron and hermione. He needed to know that what they were doing was the sensible and right thing for the world.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “no, we're the immoral bastards because Dumbledore has everyone brainwashed.” he grumbled vanishing with Ashlin, needing to go find tom and assure the man that he wasn't a prick... well not all the time. Both he and Harry where in the kitchen still, Tom reading Harry the newspaper as Harry demanded while Harry enjoyed a light lunch of a giant greasy hamburger with bacon on it and some just as greasy french fries, grinning as he heard Ashlin and Draco walk in. “so? How'd it go?”
"You were right. Ron killed her in plain sight of everyone." Tom shrugged amused at Ashlin's words, pausing in the middle of reasing the newspaper."I told you Dumbledore wouldn't let her live."He said studying his two friends, tilitng his head a little."Are you two okay?" "Fine.Just tired.Making nice with the weasel and mudblood makes me whiney."Ashlin pouted to annoyed about their words to even consider being nice to them
Harry had gone quiet at the mention of Ron, his eyes closed as he turned towards Ashlin. “can we go cuddle love?” he asked hopefully. He didn't want to think about Ron, and what the red head had said about them. He just wanted to snuggle with his lover and consider why Connor and Kier had a silver bond between them. “ash... I think Connor actually loves Kier.” he admitted once they where in the room alone. “they.. their bonded with a silver thread.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “should I be worried?”
Ashlin looked startled snuggling down into the other, sighing quietly."You knew they loved each other."He pointed out before biting his lip."No..Harry, they're young. They could grow out of it, or they could have found their soul mate. Only time will tell."He soothed nuzzling the other.
Harry sighed a little and smiled a little as he snuggled into him. “alright.” he mumbled softly. “alright...” but he was still worried... “ a sacrifice from the boy, his greatest hope, his greatest fear, and that he holds most dear.” Harry whispered softly, closing his eyes whispering the part of the prophecy that had him so worried. “he told me a few days ago that he was terrified of loosing Kier.” he admitted softly. “he had a bad dream where Kier went away.... it took me an hour to calm him down...”
Ashlin started, paling a little."Bloody hell."He scowled a little hating that. Oh damn, he had forgotten about that part of the prophecy. Swallowing hard as he brushed his lips to Harry's hair."It'll be fine. I promise. I wont let anything happen to him."He promised holding him tightly because he was going to make sure that the other and the boy were safe.

Two weeks later Ashlin sighed softly as he pulled on his boots, bundling up in his jacket."We'll be right back. I promise. It's just Jossie, we're just going to be across town. Max said she started labor late last night, it wont be long now. I promise."He said seeking to reassure his lover that they wouldn't be gone long as he stood. Tom rolled his eyes a little as he straightened Draco's coat."Oh stop fretting Ash. I'm perfectly capable of looking after him for a few hours."
Harry snorted a little. “piss off, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” he complained as he sucked down a glass of pickle juice. He had a nice sized baby bump now and he was rubbing it gently. His vision had improved to the point he could even read the newspaper on his own if he focused hard enough, though he still preferred to have it read to him because it was hard for him to read the words. Draco chuckled a little as he smiled at Harry. “we know you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, we just want to make sure that if something happens someone's here to help you, like if you decide to beat Rabastan with a bat and throw out your back again.” Harry scowled a little and sulked. “i only did that twice!!!” he complained Draco chuckling as he set his hand on Ashlin's wrist. “let's go before harry decides to beat me with a bat instead.”
"Twice is twice more than what I did it."Ashlin said snickering a little before he nodded, apparating with Draco to Jossie and Max's. Shaking his head as they walked inside he kissed Jossie's head as the girl snarled wordlessly at him."Hey sweetheart."He muttered before stepping back looking at Draco."I'm going to go wait outside with max." "Wh-No!I need to stay in here." "No you dont. Draco'll take care of Jossie."He soothed dragging the girl's husband outside and leaving Draco to do the doctor thing. But within the hour Ashlin paled as he looked outside, easing away from the table and walking back into the room, looking at Draco."We have company."He muttered pale because he'd recognized the red head and mudblood that had come. And wondering just how bad it was going to be."how much time do you need?"He said. Already knowing what he was going to have to do, and he knew that he was going to have to buy time.
Draco smiled as Josie snarled at Ashlin and shook his head. “pain levels?” he asked calmly. “one being not too bad ten being your going to chop my head off if I don't give you pain killers now.” he asked wondering how much pain she was in as he gently felt her belly and grinned a little. “well he's in a good position Love.” Draco promised helping the woman push and giving her painkillers, pausing when he looked at Ashlin, hesitating as she examined the woman. “i don't know... the baby hasn't crowned yet... anywhere from ten minutes to an hour.” he admitted looking worried, terribly worried as he recognized the aura's of the two deadly light warriors. “be careful Ashlin!” he ordered, gently taking Josie's hand and gently calming her.

Ron and Hermione both smirked as they examined Ashlin when he came out, both of them smirking sadistically. “ah there he is.” “you where right, they where stupid enough to come here.” Ron chirped smirking sadistically. “that little death eater whore has been ready to pop for weeks.” “now we can kill her, kill you, and kill that little blond prat you brought with you.” both had their wands out, eager to slaughter Ashlin, but not attacking just yet.
Ashlin growled dropping a hand, raising a shield between the house and the others, but not between him and them. Leaving himself open for attack because he knew killing him would keep them distracted."Ah, well I see one whore recognizes another. Well not really. She at least has standards."Ashlin growled knowing this was going to be bad even as he raised his wand. A hour. A hour was all it took to totally exhaust a death eater. Which was so muchlonger then anyone but a death eater would have lasted. Cursing as he felt the last spell slice through his shield he smiled peacefully as he heard the cry of the newborn.

"To late."He muttered as his final curse found its target Hermione's painful scream the result from scemputra sounding as he collasped. The results of the shield crack curse along with the severing charm had created a interesting effect, completely severing ashlin's magical ablitiy from his body, feeling the power shatter around him he focused enough with the last effort to apparate home, and hope Draco had enough sense to get mother and baby out of there.Not even hearing the alarms sounding as he collapsed to the floor in the front hall
they wasted no time in attacking Ashlin, both of them working together to exhaust Ashlin, Hermione screaming as she was practically gutted, Ron yelling in horror as he dropped to his knees to try and save her while Draco apparated Julie and the baby away, her husband following. The man would have helped Ashlin, but he was little more than a squib after he had his powers locked away when Dumbledore had caught hold of him. He apparated them straight to the hold where Voldemort and Harry where staying, rushing downstairs to help calm Harry down, the man screaming as he tried to wake Ashlin up, distraught and panicked, yelling that he didn't want to lose the only man he ever truly loved, ignoring Tom's attempts to pull him away from Ashlin as Draco rushed in and explained to Tom what had happened even as he started stopping Ashlin's bleeding and trying to figure out what was wrong.
Tom snarled annoyed as he shoved Harry away, putting some temper into the shove."Stop!I need room to work. And no more magic besides draco's."He snarled annoyed because he couldn't straigten out which spell was which. He was one of the few men in the world that could have done it, sorting through what spells had recently been cast. Growling as he realized what was happening."Somehow...they managed to seperate his magical core from himself. He's..."He stopped because he wasn't going to let Ashlin die. Not before he got to see his girl. And not now that he'd found someone else to be happy with. Growling as both him and Draco worked to try to wake him up, but after a hour he growled in frustration."Dumbledore's fucked up magic to much. Twisted it to the point ashlin's magic doesn't recognize him anymore."He stared tears filling his eyes as he realized that they were going to lose someone else because Dumbledore had to be the most powerful, and was destroying magic to do it.
Harry sobbed as he was shoved away, settling himself into a corner and holding himself, unaware of the two boys hovering just out of sight, but well within hearing distance. “no! No please NO! I can't loose him!” Harry pleaded sliding down the wall to land on his ass, sobbing into his knees. “please! You have to save him PLEASE!” he wailed, Draco swallowing thickly as he looked at tom. “there's nothing I can do..” he whispered softly. “his magic should just pop back into place with a careful nudge... but it's not... the magic is too twisted inside of him, his magic can't even respond to mine...” he admitted softly, Connor's eyes widening as they filled with tears, turning to Kier he shook his head and turned, leading the way back up the stairs. “i'm sorry Kier.” Connor whispered softly. What harry had never realized, was that Connor had known all along about the prophecy. Luna had told him, and now he knew what had to be done. “i won't remember you, once I'm done.” Connor admitted. “but I will always love you.” he promised Kier, smiling at him before settling onto the bed and closing his eyes and under all appearances... he went to sleep.
Kier swallowed hard, closing his eyes as he settled down on the bed next to the other. A silent guard, one that wouldn't be remembered, but he would keep him safe.

Tom snarled as he shook his head, rage flairing in his eyes."Take care of Harry. And ashlin.I'm gong to end this. Now."He growled not realizing that lucius and narcissa was taking care of harry and that draco had grabbed him as he apparated. Snarling as he apparated into the front yard of hogwarts, his mere presence shattering the wards, sure to bring Dumbledore's attention that he had a enraged dark lord wanting to speak. Raising his wand he made his voice sound like a shout, ignoring the blond protecting his back as he waited to see if Dumbledore would answer.
Draco grabbed the dark lords sleeve as Harry wailed into Narcissa's arms, Draco snarling as he looked around, determined not to let Tom do this alone. He was not going to loose another lover, he just refused to! He whipped his wand out as people started to scream, running this way and that as they realized that a seriously pissed off Dark Lord was facing them. A spell came out of nowhere, a stunner and slammed into the shields that Draco had put up, the blond crying out in pain as Dumbledore advanced on them, shooting a Crucio, hitting Draco dead center, the blond screaming in agony as he writhed on the ground. “maybe I'll drive him insane too, just like I did the Longbottom's.” Dumbledore snarled, looking perfectly wicked, madness in his eyes. “and then i'll slaughter you for ruining my plans you son of a bitch, duel me you coward!”
"I?The coward?"Tom said from where he was crouching down next to Draco, the tail ends of his cloak hiding the blond as he forced the spell to end, knowing it'd cause more pain, but the counter for cruico would also keep it from being recast. Raising his wand he sent a almost lazy stunner back at him before snarling, realizing that he wasn't powerful enough to beat him as they exchanged curses."I didn't attack a pregnant woman to draw Ashlin out. I didn't hide behind children."He growled twisting this way and that the young looking dark lord realized he was starting to lose, and raising a hand he put a shield bubble around draco to keep him safe, even if Tom fell, that bubble would stay. And he just hoped Harry would be able to get through it.
Dumbledore snarled viciously. “yes! You the coward, who would not come out and face me like a man!” Dumbledore hissed, sending spell after spell at Tom, a sick grin on his lips before he froze, gasping hard as he felt his magic twisting inside of him, Draco crying out as he felt his magic resetting, the entire world seamed to shift a little tot eh left as Magic itself was completely restored back to what it should have been, Dumbledore paling in horror as he realized all of his stolen magic was gone, and so was his natural magic... everything was gone, he was a squib... again. “NO!!!! NOOO YOU GIVE ME BACK MY MAGIC!!!!”
Tom laughed as he felt the tables shift, feeling his natural magic settle, and laughing delighted as he realized what it meant for Ashlin. For the moment not thinking about what could have caused it, just that it happened. Raising a hand he slapped a few binding charms on the headmaster walking closer."No. ANd no I'm not going to kill you. I'll let the followers and people you betrayed deal with you."He said before urning to go before changing his mind."No. I think I'm going to have to kill you."He said ending the war with a silence killing curse before picking up draco and apparating home.
Dumbledore screamed in rage as he was bound, Draco coughing as he staggered slowly to his feet, looking dizzy and in pain as he clung to Tom, unable to find his own feet, closing his eyes as Dumbledore whimpered, actually whimpered before he was killed, Draco sitting on the floor, Harry sobbing in relief as he held the now awake Ashlin, sobbing as he held the man, muttering how much he loved him Draco swallowing thickly as he looked up at Tom. “check the boys.” he ordered, his voice a husky whisper. Kier was fine, of course, but Connor was laying on his back, as pale as the moon and blowing like one, tendrils of light leaking off of him to blend in with the air, his selfless sacrifice restoring magic, his memories of Kier feeding the power, which was the glowing light that was bleeding off of him.
Tom sighed rubbing a hand over his fae as he looked at Kier, paling as he remembered what had annoyed him at the sudden restoration of magic. Sighing as he looked at Kier curled up protectively against Connor he shook his head before heading back downsairs, glad hat he'd tucked Draco into bed without letting him see the boys."We..."He stopped looking at the weak ashlin curled up against harry. "Bloody hell."Ashlin cursed as he looked at his friend's face, pushing up against harry weakly, wanting up, needing to see what had tom so upsetand having a bad feeling he already knew.
Harry looked up at Tom, his eyes wide as he gently helped Ashlin to stand, looking shocked. “it's Connor... isn't it”? He asked softly, his voice quivering. “i felt it... the magic... Connor... oh god...” he raced up the stairs, abandoning both dark lord and husband, watching in horror as the last of the light from his body vanished, magic jerking again, nearly causing Harry... the entire world in fact to cry out in agony before they where all filled with a light sense of peace and ...just... RIGHTNESS. As magic finally restored itself, Connor blinking awake and smiling at Harry. “morning daddy.” he chirped, rubbing his eyes and moving to get up before looking startled at Kier, his head tilted curiously. “who's that?” he asked blinking at the boy, Harry gaping in horror. “oh...oh god... you forgot... you forgot Kier...” but the silver bond was still there, firm and strong, and Harry was sure that they would still love each other, and make new memories.
"I'm kier. Your papa's best friends with my dad, and uncle Ashley thought you could use a friend."the small blond quipped, smiling a little wider as if they hadn't known each other before. Willing to make new memories from then on. Amazingly wise for a 7 year old. Ashlin swallowed hard as he leaned against tom, panting with the effort it had taken to walk across the house o check on his boy."How you feeling Connor?"He asked leaning heavily against Tom as the dark lord rolled his eyes a little.
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