Incubus Dreams

Ashlinsnickered a little, looking amused."If you do that, you better make sure tom doesn't have anything to transfigure. Because he's more liable to just be embarassed and leave anyways."Ashlin sighed thinking. "Besids, it's been nearly 50 years since he's' had sex, he isn't about to be easily seduced."He said smiling a little.
Harry smirked a little, lifting an eyebrow. “who says Draco's going to be doing the seducing? No no my dear one, TOM is going to be the one to seduce DRACO.” he explained smugly. “Draco is what I affectionately call, someones bitch.” he explained grinning a little. “he seems like he knows what he's doing, but he's happiest when he has someone in the shadows supporting him, and telling him what to do when he gets lost or confused.” he admitted grinning a little. “and I can guarantee you that Millie was the boss in the bed.” he pointed out with a small chuckle. “so we just have to convince Tom to pursue Draco.”
"Once again, it's been 50 years. How are you going to convince him to break his drought of no sex?Even if he likes him, I'm sure Tom isn't about to let himself be tempted that easily."He said looking amused.Leaning down his head to kiss Harry softly."We'll figure it out. And it'll help that Tom will be in 'danger' at the duel.BE all sexy and demanding like that."He said amused.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “leave that to me.” Harry chirped, pleased with himself as he shook his head. “come on, I think Tom's finished issuing the challenge.” he admitted. “i hope you don't mind if I name Draco as my second?” he mused smirking a little, well aware that Tom would worry so much that he was going to do something very telling once Draco got out of the dueling 'ring'. It was actually a platform, where Harry was planning on meeting, often used for dueling tournaments or public challenges, which was sort of what Harry was doing anyway. “we just have to wait for day and time from the fake and we;re all good.” he purred smirking a little.
Ashlin snickered as he realized what the other was planning, pulling away as he headed for the door."No I don't mind."He said going in search of tom, who like draco, had bundled up and gone out into the snow with the boys. Looking as young as he ever did, the teenaged dark lord was currently physically building a snow fort instead of doing what he would have done when he was really a teen and using magic. Ashlin rolled his eyes watching as he pulled on his coat."I think he's trying to impress draco by building malfoy manor out of snow."He said looking at the house snow fort.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded as he pulled on several layers, he hated getting cold, he really did. He headed out into the snow, grinning as he watched Tom, settling down next to the fort and starting to build his own thing, just to be annoying, Draco laughing as he helped the boys roll up giant snowballs by hand to make snowmen. Harry chuckled as he started shaping his ting into a snow version of Snowbell, who was leaping playfully around the yard, practically yowling in glee at all the white wet snow.
Ashlin grinned as he helped Tom make his castle, grinning as they stepped back."Look!Harry we have the manor in miniature perfection!"He grinned widely. Tom laughed softly looking at draco to see what he thought about the project. Not realizing what he was doing, but doing it anyways. Maybe harry would have a easier to convincing him to admit to wanting draco then they thought he would.
Harry and Draco both looked over and clapped, Draco looking impressed. “hey! That's pretty cool Tom!” he stated, completely ignoring that Ashlin had helped, Harry hiding his snickers as he worked on snow bells ears, chuckling a little as he glanced over at Tom. “that is impressive Ash.” he agreed grinning as he finished with Snowbell. “but mines better!” “Tom's is better.” Draco stated simply as he lifted Connor and then Kier up so they could put in the eyes nose and mouth of their snowmen.
"I'm so much better than Ashlin!" "Am not!" "Are to!" And just like that, death eater and dark lord were in the snow and wrestling. Stopping after a few minutes, hair sticking up every which way, clumps of snow in it. "Harry, tell him I'm better."Ashlin sulked looking amused before getting up helping the kids finish the snowman as Kier giggled wildly."Uncle tom!You are amazing!It looks like home!"He said agreeing with his father's observance instead of his uncle's help.
Connor giggled a little as he nodded. “uncle Ashley helped.” he pointed out, giggling brightly as he started rolling another, smaller ball. “come on Kier! Lets make a fort too!” he ordered happily. “it will be a BIG one!” he decided Harry laughing as he kissed Ashlin's hair, Draco snickering. “you two are such CHILDREN.” he complained looking amused and then aroused as he examined tom in his disheveled state, licking his lips and swallowing hard. “now boys, your both just as good as each other in different ways.” Harry teased, snickering a little.
"Yes. I'm better at sex." "You're insane. I'm the one dating a incubus."Ashlin pointed out sulking at the idea of being worse at sex then a 70 year old celibate man."We are not children!"Tom said looking up at Draco as he straightened out his hair, laying back in the snow as he watched the boys work on their fort.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “then why do you act more immature than Kier and Connor do?” he asked his head tilted, Harry snickering a little as he built a large snow Snitch, carefully sculpting the wings, very good with his hands. “your both good at sex, now stop fighting before the boys hear is and ask what that is.” he ordered calmly, Connor laughing as he patted the snow into place, trading silly jokes with Kier.
"They already asked you where babies come from. You could just add the sex talk to that."Ashlin muttered kissing Harry's ear as he wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling him a little as tom and draco sat in the snow watching the boys."Look at them.Sexual tensions melting the air around them."He muttered kissing harry's ear.
A little and shook his head as he snuggled into the other, Draco sitting as close to Tom as he could get without it being weird, the blond shuddering without warning. “it's cold out here.” he complained suddenly leaning into Tom. “Merlin your like a furnace.” Draco admitted glancing at Tom and then looking back at the boys. “i'm stealing your body heat.” yeah... that was totally why he was doing that... yup. Harry just snickered a little and leaned back. “i think maybe you helped Draco more than we thought, he's actually the one who's seducing tom!” he purred with a snicker.
Tom yelped as he was leaned into shuddering, having not been expecting the man to lean into him. Shifting a little to wrap a arm around the other, sighing softly as he held the shivering blond."Go inside moron."He said starting to shiver himself, despite still being really warm, he was reacting to having the cold blond touching him. Not even realizing what the other was doing. Ashlin snickered softly burying his face against harry's neck."Oh hell.Poor oblivious dark lords.."
Draco smirked a little. “why go inside? I can't plan a massive snowball Ambush against Harry and Ashlin if I'm inside.” he teased smirking a little. “the boys are busy making snowballs in their pretty little fort.” he admitted looking amused. “any second now, when they have enough Connor is going to call us over to help them... you in?” he teased looking wickedly amused ignoring Harry's short laugh as he snuggled into Ashlin. “yeah, no matter, Draco always gets what he wants eventually.” he admitted with a chuckle as Connor poked his head up and blinked at Tom and Draco. “Uncle Tom! Uncle Draco! We need your help!” he ordered Harry smiling a little. “mmm more cuddle time for us.” he purred happily.
Tom's grin answered Draco's as he scrambled to his feet walking over to the fort and crouching down."Now.I'll show you the proper way to make snowballs."He snickered a little crouching down and using his wand to leviate one of the snowballs before sending it canteering into Ashlin's back making the man yelp as he fell over he was so startled. Kier giggled happily looking at his uncle, before pciking one up and chcking it at harry. Ashlin smiled rolling a ball and throwing it back."Just throw it. Tom's sad he can't hit anything without magic." "I'll teach you uncle tom!"Kier giggled making ashlin snicker as kier set about helping the elder man to throw a snowball
Connor giggled as he and Draco took turns launching snowballs and making them, Harry squealing as he struggled to hide from the launching wet slush, laughing as he watched four hit true on Ashlin as Harry hid behind a tree and threw snowballs back from the safety of his 'shelter' Connor giggling wildly as he tried to hit harry who was still sheltered behind the tree. “Harry you Cheater!” Draco complained, smirking when Harry yelled back. “cheating!? You guys have a nice snow fort and hundreds of stock piled snowballs! Your the ones who are cheating!”
"yes but we're slytherins. It's expected of us noble gryffindor."Tom stated making kier giggle wildly as the dark lord cast a invisbilty charm and air walking across teh snow to get behind the tree. Pelting Harry in the back of the head as soon as he was close.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head, squealing when he was struck by the snowball, whipping around and tackling the dark lord, a spell on his eyes to see through invisibility spells as he stuffed cold snow down Tom's shirt, Draco laughing as he shoved Harry off the dark lord and pushed the boys head into the snow, and soon Draco and Harry where in an all out, laughing, wrestling match with each other, Connor laughing as he cheered for his daddy, who was, horrifically loosing.
Kier grinned cheering for his papa,grinning as the two wrestled. Tom smiled sitting as he watched them, amused at their play. Ashlin sighed rolling his eyes as he walked over and pooped a hand around their waists picking them up."Come on you two, time for hot chocolate."He sid heading for the door amused at the childish wrestling.
Harry and Draco both laughed as the where picked up, still trying to grapple with each other while in Ashlin's arms before the scent of hot chocolate finally pulled them away from each other, the kids giggling as they settled into their chairs, the house elves pouring in marshmallows, and then whipped cream onto the hot chocolate before they served, Harry sighing as he took his first few sips. “oh man, there's nothing better Hot Chocolate after a cold day in the snow.” he purred Connor nodding. “the snow was FUN!” he chirped proudly. “daddy! Look what I can do!” he ordered grabbing a children's book off the table and carefully, haltingly, began to read the first sentence, Harry looking astonished. “aaaw Connor your READING!” Harry squealed grabbing the boy and hugging him tightly. “yeah! I learneded for the baby! Now I can read the baby night time stories like you and papa do for me!” he chirped proudly, Harry laughing as he nuzzled the other. “good job!”
Ashlin grinned widely as she wrapped her arms around the boy, leaning down to kiss his head."Love, the baby will be happy to have you as a brother."He said nuzzling him before leaning back smirking a little. Tom looked so cute cuddling against draco in a effort to 'warm up' and drinking his hot chocolate."That's very good Connor. I have a lot of books to read." "" "Why not?" "You'll teach him with that damned dark arts book."
Connor giggled happily as he beamed at everyone, Draco smiling as he enjoyed cuddling with Tom Harry rolling his eyes. “you are NOT teaching my child Dark Arts.” he growled Draco chuckling. “that's ok Tom, you can teach Kier.” he promised looking amused. “when he's older.” he decided Harry shaking his head a little. “you people are freaks.” he complained, looking startled as an owl flew in, Harry opening it, reading it, and smirking. “it's an acceptance.” he stated calmly. “tomorrow morning, eleven o clock.” he chirped, looking pleased. “perfect.” he chirped. “it will be all over the town by tomorrow.” he admitted Draco nodding as he started writing a few letters, to be send to four of the biggest gossips in Diagon alley.
Tom rolled his eyes looking amused."We're not the freaks Potter. You're the light wizard among the death eaters."He said sighing softly. Ashlin smirked a little as Draco wrote, looking amused as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder,"you'll be careful?"he muttered nuzzling him, not actually that worried about the duel
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