Incubus Dreams

Connor squealed eagerly and crossed Carrots with his 'uncle' giggling loudly as he tried to 'do away' with the 'Lord of Light'. “Die Thee villain of brightness! Your reign of false cheer will not go unpunished!” Connor cried playfully. “i will Smite thee to the ground, and cast your ashes to the stars that none shall feel your terrible presence again!” Connor chirped driving his Carrot into Tom's armpit. “die Vile man!” Harry was snickering a little as he watched, looking amused. “i knew that man was a child. He gets along WAY too well with children.” he purred smirking a little.
"Oh!Dear evil mastermind, your brillance has undone me for the last time!Here I lie to die!"Tom said dramatically, swooning on his feet as he gripped his chest, collapsing to the floor with a twith now and then before he reached up and pulled Connor down on top of him, starting to tickle him mercilessly. Ashlin snickered, kissing Harry's head."He is. And at least you wont have to work about leaving the kids with him."He muttered.
Connor giggled and struck a hero's pose as tom 'died' squealing with laughter as he was grabbed and tickled. “oh no! The Lord of the light hath returned!” he wailed playfully, giggling wildly as he squirmed violently before racing off to hide from Kier. “oh save me most amazing of Hero's Harry!” he cried, Harry snickering violently as they got to the best part. Where Harry Potter prince of Darkness had to save Tom the Dark Ruler of the universe.
"I if I must oh prince!"Kier giggled having gotten told the story in excited whispering pouncing on his uncle, sitting on Tom's chest as the elder allowed both boy's to tickle him until he was breathless."He's such a child sometimes....I think your happy potion is still in effect..did you give him more?"Ashlin asked snickering as he looked at Draco.
Connor giggling wildly and helped Kier tickle Tom, Draco chuckling a little. “i think he's just happy that Harry promised to kill Bella.” he admitted with a chuckle as Harry nodded. “that and he was always a child. He just never had no one to play with before.” Harry teased, smirking a little as he shook his head. “alright boys, you better stop tickling Tom or he might go pee ALL over the floor, and we don't want that do we?” “... yes?” Connor asked his head titled, but stopped tickling tom obediently, giggling as Harry laughed again.
Tom panted laughing as kier sat on his chest, the two panting as they studied the other adults. Looking amused as he pouted."I would never be as uncouth as to pee on the carpet!That's auntie bella."He whined a little before setting Kier on his feet, getting up. Looking sexy panting and red in the face, his hair sticking up every which way. Kinda like he'd just had really good sex. He soo needed shagged. It'd do him good...not that he'd ever admit how long it'd been since he'd had sex
Connor was still giggling brightly. “i peed on the carpet when I was littler.” he admitted giggling a little. “daddy was MAD!” he admitted with a giggle as Draco stared at the Dark Lord his eyes wide and his mouth dry with want, silently getting up and walking out of the room, Harry lifting an eyebrow in astonishment. “is it just me or is Draco acting weird?” Harry mused quietly to Ashlin.
"Draco IS weird.But he is acting weirder than normal."Ashlin muttered kissing Harry's cheek."I'll go talk to him."He muttered before leaving the room, heading after draco. Dropping a arm around his shoulders as he glanced at his friend."You're being weird."

Tom frowned brushing a hand through his hair, frwning a little."What was that about?"He said wrinkling his nose a little as he watched after the two disappearing down the hall
Harry rolled his eyes as Ashlin took off and turned to Tom. “i honestly have no idea, I gave up trying to understand stuff like that years ago.” he admitted. “but you know, he's not the only one acting weird... are you still upset about what Bella did to you or are you kipping out in Draco's room for another reason?” he asked with a wicked smirk.

Draco looked over at Ashlin and rolled his eyes. “i am acting normal.” he lied. “your the one who's acting weird, it's like the entire world has gone insane.” he complained smirking a little. He knew he was annoying Ashlin by not fessing up, but that was half the fun.
Tom blushed a little as he got back into his seat, sipping his milkshake."He offered to hide me from his aunt. Surely even Bella would think about it twice if she had to climb in bed with her nephew to get to me."The dark lord said rationally, the words at odds with his blush,

Ashlin growled resisting the urge to shake him as he laughed quietly."That's a lie and you know it. Harry has a excuse to act weird you're just acting weird with being in the same room with tom. Which is odd."He pointed out."Odder than you normally are."
Harry paused, looking at Tom funny before it finally clicked. “your crushing on Draco aren't you!?” he demanded, suddenly not so amused as he finally figured it out, his eyes wide. “but Draco is... oh damn Tom I'm sorry.” he stated gently patting the others hand. “i didn't realize... I shouldn't have pried.” but Harry could use that knowledge, to both Dark lord and Draco's benefit.

Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “i..i had a dream...” he admitted softly, closing his eyes. “about Tom... it was... well it was...” he shook his head and blushed hard. “it was... kind of a naughty dream.” he admitted, guilt lacing his words. “Millie's only been dead for less than a month and I've already falling in love with someone else... how can I be so... so... horrible Ashlin!?”
Tom whined crossing his arms as he leaned back in his seat."I am not!"He protested avoiding looking at the other. Because well, this was embarassing to be crushing on a man he knew was straight. Not to mention painful.

Ashlin looked startled looking down at him. Leading him into the library and sitting him down on the couch, looking up at him."Love, millie hadn't been herself for long time. You lost her before she died."He said gently tilting his head."She'd want you to be happy...even if that meant with tom"He said sounding surprised at that turn of events
Harry smiled at Tom his head tilted. “you ARE!” he stated shaking his head. “have you tried talking to Draco? He's not exactly straight you know.” he pointed out, smirking a little. “and he's just as lonely as you are.” he pointed out. “even if you can't be lovers, you can be each others friends. You can help him past Millie's death, and someday when he's ready for a relationship you can tell him how you feel.”

Draco sighed a little as he shook his head. “but... I love her, even when she wasn't herself I love her!” he protested shaking his head. “i feel as if I'm betraying her memory...” he admitted softly looking at the other with a small sniffle. “do you really think she would be alright with me dating Tom?” he asked nervously. “she wouldn't be angry with me?”
Tom smiled a little glancing at him, shrugging a little."I know."He muttered blushing a little more."...I'm old enough to be his grandfather. I don't want a relationship. Cant have one. Lucius will kill me."He muttered protesting weakly more out of a fear of rejection then a fear of lucius. And speaking of lucius...tom groaned sinking lower in his seat when the blond came in.

Ashlin sighed turning the other to face him, pressing a kiss to his forehead."I know you loved her. And you're not betraying her when she wants you to be happy. Do I need to let you talk to her again?"He asked shuddering a little. As painful and gut wrenching as it would be, he would do it for Draco"I think Millie would want you to be with whoever made you happy. And you once told me Sarah would want me to move on and would actually enjoy harry's company. Isn't it the same with Tom?"He teased before sighing."We'll never love another woman the way we loved our wives, but that doesn't mean we cant love at all draco."
Harry snorted a little. “Lucius would be happy for you AND him.” he protested smiling at Tom. “you might be old enough to be his grandfather but in maturity, mentality, and appearance your almost the same age as him Tom.” he pointed out. “the body your in is only twenty some odd years old and...” he clammed up when Lucius walked in, the man pausing, looking startled. “... sorry, did I interrupt something?”

Draco sighed as he leaned into the comfort, missing human contact despite himself. “no.. Millie's gone.” he admitted softly. “she.. left, I felt her leave.. to a better place... she wouldn't be able to talk... she'd just be another memory.” because Draco understood, why it was that Millie had been able to talk, and Sarah couldn't. Because Millie had waited long enough to tell Draco goodbye before passing on. “your right though.” he muttered softly. “i know she'd want me to be happy but I can't help but feel guilty.” he admitted softly. “besides there's no way that Tom would ever like me...”
"I am a heallthy 17!thankyouverymuch."Tom said scowling a little before stopping, blushing a little as he sank lower in his seat."No!You're right on time. We were just discussing how Dumbledore reacted to Potter's admittance and family troubles in the article."

Ashlin nodded wincing a little because it hurt. Because he hadn't gotten to say goodbye, and despite everything the shouted curses his wife had flung at him hurt worse then anything else he'd suffered through."Draco, your son just spent ten minutes tickling the man to death.If he didn't have some fondess for you, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do that."He teased
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “and you have the mentality of a five year old to go with it.” he teased smirking a little before Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “and you have the mentality of a five year old to go with it.” he teased smirking a little before grinning at Lucius. “he was super pissed off.” he admitted waving a hand. “the entire wizarding world is in chaos.” he admitted Lucius nodding as he set the paper down, Harry grimacing. “Potter knowingly Abused!!!” was the headline, Harry sighing as he picked it up and read it, closing his eyes. “it's true...” “...all of it!?” Lucius asked with a choked voice, wondering about the weeks without food, the forced rape and whoring, the multiple beatings for accidental magic, being tied outside like a dog in the rain and mud. “yes... all of it.” “and Dumbledore KNEW!?” he demanded eyes wide, Harry snorting. “knew!? The bastard ENCOURAGED it! He gave them money every week to make my life living hell.” he admitted sighing a little as he read the paper.

Draco set his hand on Ashlin's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, offering him a smile. “i'm sure if Sarah had been able, she would have told you how much she loves you. Besides that's fondness for Kier, not me.” he pointed out smiling as a bird flew in and landed in front of them, paper in it's beak, Draco stiffening so fast it almost looked painful. “ashlin...” he muttered unrolling the paper so they could both read it. “oh my god!”
tom raised his head enough from his sulking to read the paper before wincing glancing at Harry."Does Ashlin know this yet?He's going to go-" "BLOODY HELL!" "ballstic." "Potter, you ass, you didn't tell me all this!"Ashling whined as he stalked into the room, looking put out having this sprung on him. Having known it was bad, but suddenly finding himself with this much bad things, it was bad. "I want to kill him. Now. Harry please?"He growled having every intention of going after dumbledore as soon as he could.
Harry grimaced a little, Draco following behind Ashlin, harry scowling at them both. “stop it! Your going to freak out Connor!” he complained sighing as he set a hand over his eyes. “i didn't tell you all of it because I just... there are things I can't bring myself to admit out loud alright?” he asked softly, sounding strained. “seeing it on paper is hard enough...” “they really...made you eat out of a dog bowl!?” Draco asked, horrified, Harry wincing but nodding. “yeah...” he muttered softly closing his eyes. “they tried to beak me, instead I broke them, that's all there is to it.” he stated simply, biting his lip. “and no, you can't ill him, not yet, we need to make sure that there is no doubt about Dumbledore's cruelty and guilt.” he stated simply. “this is a good start though, people are going to think twice... we need to find a way to show that his 'Harry' is afraid, prove in front of hundreds of witnesses that I'm the real harry potter.”
Ashlin growled,but quieted at the reminder that he might freak out the boys. Sighing softly as he ran a hand over his face before looking at the two purebloods in the room, before smirking wider."Declare a honor duel. Challenge 'harry'. He can't back out unless he wants the world to know he really is fake, because only a cheat or a dishonorable man would not want to defend himself."He said looking pleased with himself for having thought about it.
Harry smirked a little his eyes narrowed. “Ashlin love, I know I don't say this enough, but your a genius.” he teased chuckling a little as he stood up and headed over to the window to look out at the softly falling snow. “Connor will be excited, he loves the Snow.” he admitted grinning a little. “Tom, will you send the challenge?” he asked hopefully, winking at the Dark lord. “it will give people a chance to see you again, everyone thinks your a creepy snake faced freak, so this is a good chance to prove them wrong about that too.” “... I think he just insulted you Tom.” Draco admitted looking amused, acting normal again, Harry looking a little relieved about that, glad that Draco had fixed whatever was wrong.
Tom pouted a little."Maybe I should change least Bella'd leave me alone..."The dark lord mused as he walked out of the room, making ashlin snicker as he realizd tom was still talking to himself as he walked. "I think that was a yes."Ashlin smiled wider shaking his head as he wrapped the other in a hug, resting his cheek on his head."We'll have to go out in the snow and play."He muttered nibbling on the other's ear."We need to talk about tom and draco."He added in a softer murmur so draco wouldn't hear.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “if you changed back, then Kier and Connor would be afraid of you.” he pointed out chuckling a little as he shook his head. “i'll go take the boys outside.” Draco agreed. “get them bundled up warm.” he decided, eager to show Kier and Connor how to make a snowman, Harry chuckling a little as Draco wandered off to go an find the boys, Harry turning to look at Marvos. “you mean about how Tom has a major man crush on Draco?” he asked smirking a little. “or is this about how Draco's been acting strangely?”
Ashlin looked startled."Tom likes Draco?"He sputtered a little starting to laugh.Cause this was just to perfect. Now if he could just get the idiots to pay attention to each other."Its about both actually. Did you know the blond's crushing badly on our favorite dark lord?"He snickered starting to lose it over how amusingly ironic it all was
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “that's what was bothering Dray wasn't it? He thinks he's betraying Millie's memory.” he rolled his eyes. “we really have to get him in bed with Tom, they'll both be better for it.” he agreed, pondering. “but how?” he mused wondering how they where going to be able to set up the dark lord and Draco before a wicked little smirk spread across his lips. “we need to steal all their clothes and lock them naked in a room together.” he decided rubbing his hands together. “that would work right?”
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