Incubus Dreams

Harry laughed at Tom's complaint and started defending himself, collapsing on the other side of the dueling arena, trembling from the last curse that had landed, the stinging hex had the power of a crucio when Tom threw it. “nah, too tired now, maybe later.” he decided shaking his head, wondering if he should have told Tom he was pregnant before they'd dueled? Nah, the baby was fine. “she's going to raise shit about me being here anyway I'll slaughter her then, make your death eaters into cowards again.” he teased, amused all to hell that they where actually afraid of him now. “i'll teach you a locking spell if you'd like? Someone like me or Ashlin could break it, but an idiot like Bella has no chance.” he promised smiling at Tom. “it really helps the paranoia knowing she won't be able to do it again.” he promised.
"I am not paranoid!"Tom whined laying back panting before nodding."That would be good."He said closing his eyes, before sitting up so that he could sip the whiskey before he looked at Harry, raising a eyebrow."Ashlin's going to be pissed you dueled pregnant.Moron."Tom said wrinklnig his nose a little as he took another sip because he had been careful not to stress the other to much. And he knew it was a chance that he was right, guessing on why Ashlin was being even more fussy and protective then normal, because he'd seen the man with sarah pregnant, so he knew there was only one thing that could make him that defensively anal.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “you are when it comes to Bella same as everyone else is, she's creepy.” he stated calmly, smirking a little. “how did you know I was pregnant?” he asked, not really noticing how Asher had been even more fussy, he was just enjoying the attention. He took a sip of fruit juice that a House elf had given him at a short order and smiled a little as he laid back onto the mat. “mmm you should have seen Ash and Dray stumbling over the 'where do babies come from?' question. It was funny as hell.” he admitted with a laugh. “Connor's so excited to be a big brother.”
Tom snickered looking at the other."Ashlin's being fussy. Annoyed at anyone even talking to you. Which only happens when his lover's pregnant."He shrugged absently amused before smirking."That is amusing. Should have recorded it. Last time Kier asked Ashlin had him convinced babies came from snowflakes-like the grinch who town area-"proving once agian, that yes the dark lord read muggle things-" until Millie told him to stop being a jackass and stop teaching him bad things."
... town Area? the grinch who stole town Area!? XDD)

Harry laughed a little and nodded. “i guess I didn't notice, I was just so relieved he actually wanted a baby that I just didn't notice.” he admitted shrugging a little. “my first mate... well he wasn't the best person so sometimes my overhasty reactions stem from that.” he admitted shaking his head. “snowflakes? Really? It's amazing he ever stepped foot on snow again.” he stated with a roll of his eyes. “Draco really misses Millie.” Harry admitted with a small sigh. “i wish there was something we could do for him...”
Hey, just because tom knew what he was talking about, doesn't mean Ash did XD.)

"Ah, well I can understand that."Tom said absently knowing all about bad relationships. After all, he had dated bellatrix...up until the moment he kissed her and realized that she was to squishy to be nice. Snickering a little at the idea of snowflakes he shrugged before sighing. Trying really hard not to think about what he wanted to do to the blond. After all it wasn't apporiate to think things like that about someone young enough to be his grandson."We cant do anything until he wants us to."He sighed getting up heading for the door. Not abut to have a relation ship talk with potter of all people.
he nodded a little and got to his feet groaning as he stretched and obnoxiously cracked every bone in his body. “that's true... but I don't think Draco even knows what he wants.” Harry admitted sighing a little. “ah well, maybe we could throw him a drinking party or something.” he mused, shrugging a little. “come on, lets go before Ashlin decides to check up on me and kills both of us for dueling.”
"And why would I be killing you both for dueling?"Ashlin said as he rounded the corner, looking protective and annoyed that he hadnt been asked to refree to make sure they were both fine. Tom shrugged smiling a little as he dodged around Ashlin, "Oh no reason. We were venting about bella."He said leaving the area before the other man could answer, going in search of Draco. Needing someone's company that wasn't all lovey dovey, becuse it hurt to see just how happy ashlin and harry were. And for the first time in awhile, he wanted that for himself.
Harry chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his lover and kissed him. “just for the simple fact that we where dueling.” he pointed out. “it was all first year spells anyway love, tickling charms and jittery legs that's all.” he promised. Well, that had been about all that had left HIS collection anyway, he wasn't about to tell the other what Tom had thrown, oh no.

Draco was sitting in the library, sleeping, looking ever so adorable with his hair framing his face, a book on his chest showing that he had been trying to read when he'd fallen asleep, breathing softly as Tom walked in, mumbling something with those luscious pink lips that where almost sinful....
Ashlin sulked a little as he kissed him, sighing as he headed back towards their rooms."Oh. Well good. No more dueling."He said scowling a little."At least not without me or draco there.I trust tom, but he might get overzealous."He said wisely.

Tom sighed a little shaking his head as he heard the blond muttering about his dead wife, gently easing the book out of his hands and setting it on the table efore picking the slight man up gently, heading for his bedroom, intending on tucking draco in, and maybe seeing about getting some of the sleep Bella had interrupted
Harry smiled as he nodded. “agreed.” he promised kissing the others cheek. “i only did it this time because Tom was upset.” he admitted sighing a little. “Tom is lonely... did you know?” he asked his head tilted. “and I'll kill Bella if she touches him again... I think my mothering instincts are in overdrive, I find myself trying to protect him...” he complained wrinkling his nose. “which is disturbing on so many levels... it's like... he's suddenly my brother, my family... I love him... but I hate him too.. it's weird...”

Draco made soft complaining noises in his throat as he was picked up, tucking his face into Tom's neck, nuzzling him gently. “mm smell good...” he mumbled half asleep still, waking up as he was laid down on the bed, taking a deep inhale as he blinked a little and rubbed his eye. “tom?” he slurred, his head tilted. “did I fall asleep?” he asked blearily blinking before laying back down. “you should stay here... Bella won't think to look for you in here.” he muttered, already falling back to sleep. “and the dreams don't come when your near...” he muttered, already half asleep again, breathing softly.
"If there's one person in the world that doesn't need you mthering him, its tom."He said snickering a little as he looked at the other, pressing a kiss to his head,"But no, I didn't know he's lonely."He said sounding worried before smiling."Draco's lonely to."He said a hair brained idea starting to form.

Tom looked startled looking towards the door."I better not get smack for sleeping here..."He muttered to himself, stripping down to his jeans like he normally did, crawling into bed. Figuring that it'd be okay, since draco was right, bella wouldn't look for him here.
Harry chuckled a little and shrugged. “well he's just going to have to deal with it, once my mothering instincts kick in I can't help myself.” he admitted looking amused. “i mothered Luna nearly to death when I was pregnant with Connor.” he admitted chuckling a little as he set a hand on his belly, smiling a little. “i'm excited about this baby.” he admitted smiling. “i hope it's a little girl.” he admitted glancing at his lover. “if... if it is a girl.. I was thinking...” he admitted softly. “thinking of naming her Sarah...”

Draco didn't even respond, he was out for the count again, but he snuggled into Tom a little when the other got into bed and smiled a little, sighing softly. “mm warm.” he mumbled, pressing himself against Tom happily and drifting back to sleep without a care in the world.
Ashlin looked startled as he raised his head to look at the other from where his head was resting on his shoulder, watching the other with a small smile, and something close to hope. Because he could love a little girl, without betraying his sarah. Without disgracing her memory by loving another girl as much as he had loved his wife."really?"He mttered looking so happy as he stole a kiss. "I think I would like that."
Harry beamed at him and nodding, kissing the others neck. “yes, our little baby Sarah.” he promised smiling a little as he rubbed his belly. “we'll tell her all about her mommy Sarah.” he promised smiling a little. “your wife might never meet our growing bundle, but I want her to be a part of our babies life all the same, girl or boy.” he promised smiling. “because.. if it wasn't for Sarah.. I probably never would have met you.” he admitted kissing his lovers hand. “without Sarah, we never would have fallen in love.” he was very grateful to Sarah in so many ways, she had helped make Ashlin the loving, caring person he was, he was still just as much hers as he was Harry's, and he wanted her to live on in their child. He smiled at Ashlin and kissed him gently. “now go get me some chocolate ice-cream... oh and some pickled jalapenos! And some tuna!” he ordered the craving hitting so suddenly it was like being punched in the gut. “and black olives too.” he demanded walking towards the kitchen, hoping to have them all in the fridge already.
Ashlin whined quietly as he got out of bed, ignoring the tears choking him. having not realized it meant so much to have a daughter named sarah.Whining quietly again as he stole a kiss."As you wish master.I'll be right back."He said returning in a half a hour with the food in his arms, grocery bags filled to the breaking point as he set the mounds of food on the bed, having gotten everything the store had that contained the demanded food. having wanted to be well prepared....he might have just gone a touch overboard.
Harry smiled as his boyfriend left, smirking as he rubbed his belly, as an incubus... he already knew the sex of the baby. “Sarah Ashley Drakos.” he purred happily, smiling as he rubbed his belly. “what a perfect little girly your going to be, but shhh, we mustn't tell Papa yet.” he teased his lover, not that Ashlin could hear him, chuckling. Harry didn't want anyone to know until the day of the birth, to make it even more special for Ashlin. He laughed when his lover returned with the bags full of food, shaking his head. “did you buy the entire grocery love?” he teased, already digging into the bags, pulling out a jar of pickles and cramming one into his mouth even as he grabbed the Tuna and black olives, mixing them together with chunks of pickle to munch on as he looked for the chocolate ice cream, humming happily, well aware that Ashlin was probably feeling a little nauseous watching that.
Ashlin blushed,"Noooo."he said in answer of the question, taking his time to not look at the man eat. After all he was so not watching that concotion disappear before he tried to steal a kiss. So going to make him brush his teeth."Not the entire store anyways."He muttered blushing as he climbed back in bed.

Tom sighed shifting his book as the blond once again snuggled into him, raising it enough so that he could still read and let the man snuggle. Why he was letting the blond snuggle him was something he was trying very hard to not think about, but for the moment he was just reading.
Harry chuckled a little as he swallowed down everything he could get his greedy little paws on until his craving was satisfied, sighing happily as he licked his lips. “you can look now.” Harry teased smiling a little as he licked his fingers clean, a large portion of the items that his lover had bought where now missing, and Harry looked very content and molest-able

Draco mumbled in his sleep again and nuzzled Tom's hip, sighing a little, relaxing once he had his arms against Tom again, pressing his entire body against the other as he started to wake up, his eyes fluttering a little as he looked up at Tom, blinked twice and then laid his head back down on the others lap, his lips so dangerously close to Tom's crotch, and so very unaware of it.
Ashlin smiled a little as e looked, cracking a eye slowly to see that it was indeed safe before kissing the other's forehead."You're brushing your teeth before I kiss you."He ordered sounding still a little grossed out. He sooo didn't want to taste all that crap.

Tm sighed softly, shuddering a little as he tried to focus on the words in front of his face, before realizing he'd been reading the same sentence for the last ten minutes. Growling absently to himself he sighed squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to force his body from not reacting to the hot breath that was currently making his pants warm, and in turn hardening his cock as his body realized there was a delectable male with their head in his lap.
Harry chuckled and nodded as he used a spell to scrub his teeth clean, leaning up and kissing the other gently chuckling a little. “sorry about that.” he teased smiling a little. “i had crazy cravings when I was pregnant with Connor too.” he admitted chuckling a little as he set his hand on his belly, smiling a little. “you do realize... that Connor was born after six months right?” he asked smiling a little his head tilted at his lover. “Incubi only Incubate for six months, sometimes Seven.” he admitted looking amused.

Draco groaned softly and suddenly released Tom, sitting up and staggering over tot he attached bathroom, running into the door frame and stumbling back before making it into the bathroom, closing the door so he could pee, walking back with a small groan, rubbing his eyes before smiling at Tom. “Morning, what are you reading?” he asked curiously crawling back into bed and stretching out with a groan. “i had the loveliest dream...” sometimes, Draco could be such a girl.
Ashlin looked startled, sitting up surprised as he looked at him."W--what? No. I don't have anything. We need to go shopping."He said stuttering nervously even as the man climbed out of bed, searching for clothes so that he could go do 7 in the morning.

Tom laughed quietly as he looked at the other, shifting to hide just how much his body had enjoyed the blond cuddling him, smiling as he turned the book to show him."Magical theory behind dark and blood magic."He said smirking a little, raising a eyebrow."Ohhh you girl.Whatever did you dream about?"He teased
Harry lifted an eyebrow. “Love... it's seven in the morning, we are NOT going shopping.” he corrected. “we are going back to bed, we can go shopping tonight, we still have six moths you know.” he pointed out, shaking his head as he pulled his lover back into bed and snuggling him.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “Millie was talking to me.” he admitted with a smile. “she was calling me an idiot.” he admitted” and I went out on a picnic with someone, it wasn't mills... it was a man.” he admitted sounding a little confused. “i felt all warm and safe and brave and he fed me some fruit...” he snorted a little. “god I sound like a girl don't I?” it was amazing that Draco hadn't scared Millie off, he was so gay, he really was. He still felt guilty as hell though for feeling attracted to Tom... and for having a dream about the man...
Ashlin looked startled, before blushing as he wrapped his arms around the other."Oh. I knew that."He muttered embarassed at realizing how early in the morning it was. "We'll go shopping later."He said as if it was his idea. nuzzling the other with a smile.

Tom smiled a little raising a eyebrow."It amazes me sometimes that you managed to have sex with a female."He said teasing him, because the other really did sound like a girl.So gay."Feeling better though?"He asked looking at the blond slightly worried, ignoring his attraction to the other.
Harry chuckled and smiled as he snuggled into his lover, smiling as he went to sleep muttering about how they where going to have the best life ever.

Draco snickered a little and nodded. “you and everyone else.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i think it worked because Millie was a little masculine.” he admitted with a small chuckle before nodding. “yeah I am feeling better.” he admitted. “it's hard to sleep because I keep having nightmares.” he admitted shaking his head. “not even about Millie just... nightmares... about green lights and wars, where everyone I love dies.” he admitted shaking his head. “i don't have them when your here though...” he admitted smiling a little. “thanks for staying here with me.”
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