Incubus Dreams

Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “i am not pathetic, I was the only person willing to tell the boys the truth you great oafs.” he complained shaking his head. “just because I am associated with you doesn't mean I share the same titles.” he stated with a smirk. “and yes, I think we can do the special ritual... after Snape looks at me.” he ordered smiling a little. “don't want to do anything the baby won't like.” he admitted with a chuckle, ah if only Harry knew.
Ashlin whined a little, nuzzling the other's neck,sighing quietly."You have to share. You're my mate. It means sharing."He grumbled grinning a little at the man's confirmation, before sighing, "And I want to know what connor's buying. And we have a press thingy to go to."He whined, disliking the idea of taking harry out in public in the near future.
Harry smirked a little. “i don't have to share shit.” he teased kissing the other. “i think Connor and Kier took Draco out to buy whatever it was their buying so I guess it will be fine... I hope..” he muttered with a shake of his head. “and I guess we should get the press conference over with.” he agreed shaking his head as he stood up, smiling at Ashlin. “don't worry, I have you to protect me.”
Ashlin growled a little,"And tom. And the lestranges. And lucius.I know. We're going to be fine."he muttered more to reassure himself that they were going to be okay, before he headed out of the room so that they could gather everyone. When they arrived at the gathering hall lucius had set up, he whistled softly as he looked at the blond, before looking at the reporters practically climbing over themselves to get closer to the death eaters, and the one who appeared to be harry potter."Silenco."Ashlin growled, grinning as the silencing charm took, making his head ache less as the reporters stopped in shock at being silenced. Tom snickered, looking younger and more....less scary then he did as voldemort. Though for those who knew who he ewas, would be terrified. Just think!The dark lord brave enough to reveal himself to the masses."I think you got their attention ash."
Harry chuckled a little as they headed out into the crowd, and the first thing he did was raise his bangs so that they could all see his Scar. “i am sorry about Ashlin's temper, but for now I do think we will leave you silenced. We will unsilence you at the end for questions.” he promised looking amused. “i am the real, Harry potter ladies and gentlemen, not some phony fake like what Dumbledore has.” he promised. “i never ran away, I was cast out, of Hogwarts, of the wizarding world because of what my genetics demanded me to be.” he stated examining them all. “the rumors where true, I am, and forever will be an Incubus.” he promised, watching the crowd explode silently, writing furiously. “when I was discovered to be an incubus, Dumbledore decided I could no longer be trusted, nor was I useful to him anymore, so he had me expelled, it's in the school records, my expulsion.” he admitted. “i went to many friends, but their doors where closed to me, thinking that just because I need sex to live that I am evil. Dumbledore's lies. All of my life, all of your lives you have been lied to and deceived.” he explained looking around at them all.” he tried to kill Voldemort when he was just a small boy, barley twelve, and the experience broke him, and drove him mad.” harry explained how he had almost died time and time again, about the entire prophecy, about his life as an incubus and his decision to join the Dark Lord, who was not all that Dark. “Magic is not just light and dark people, you need to wake up.”
"....He just told the world I was nice."Tom pointed out. "You are. Stuff it you bastard."Ashlin pointed out, amused as the two leaned against the wall as harry spoke, waving a hand to release the silencing charm, amused as the immediate rush of questions started again. And demands for dumbledore's fake to show or how did they know this harry wasn't a fake."Shut up."The quiet command filtered through the noise, backed up with power as tom stepped forward, tilting his head a little."Potter, can I try?"He asked before stepping forward."I am tom riddle."He said leaving off who else he was, they were reporters, they'd figure it out."Magic is neither light nor dark, it is intent. After all the killing curse was orginally used in pagan rites for animal sacerifice. Crucio was used to simulate nerves that had died..."He stopped before looking at ashlin, Potter, be ready to catch him if he faints in shock. He sent to the incubus before facing the reporters again. Because he knew something ashlin didn't, that they had all worked hard at keeping it away from him, even if he wasn't even sure draco knew. He knew lucius and the lestranges did."You have heard that Sarah Drakos was a whore, impregnanted with a child so I could have a heir, killed when she would not give the child ot me after it was born. Not true. Sarah drakos was a wife, to a man who worshipped the ground she walked on. Dumbledore, Yes, DUMBLEDORE is the one who killed her, not I. He killed a wife who tried to protect her husband, and child her child before it drew its first breath. Because the man she married. Was a death eater. No greater crime then that, and she died at her husband's hand because it was the only way he could save her."Tom said wincing, hating because they had managed to keep the fact that Ashlin had been the one to actually kill her from the man, but if the world turned on dumbledore if it, and her abuse, he was willing to inflict emotional pain on the other. Wincing as he heard more then saw ashlin drop
Harry winced and caught Ashlin when he dropped, pulling him into a hug and cradling him, looking worried as he stroked the others hair, glaring at Tom. “the entire world didn't need to know that tom!” he complained before sighing as he stood up, cushioning Ashlin's head on a pillow as he turned and faced the reporters, swallowing hard as he lifted his wand. “this, is my wand!” everyone knew that wand, they had seen it when Harry had his picture taken with the minister just before he had found out he was an Incubis. “this is MY wand! Lets see your Fake with Dumbledore produce THIS!” because no one, could replicate a wand, ever. It was impossible, they where as unique as a persons face. He stared at them all. “Dumbledore is cruel, viscous, and willing to kill anyone who gets in his way or stops being useful to him.” he stated calmly staring at them all. “i am with Voldemort, you should choose your sides well, because this war, is about to get ugly.” he stated simply before glaring at Tom and gently picking up his lover and apparating him into the bedroom, gently stroking the man's hair until he woke up. “hey... you ok?” he whispered softly, worried. “need me to get you anything?”
Tom smiled a little, pausnig long enough so soeone could get his picture before apparating back, looking into the other's bedroom,"Sorry ash. But you know it was the only way."He pointed out watching the quiet man shifting and cuddle into harry without saying anything."I know."He muttered. And he did, as bad and broken as he was feeling, he knew why the dark lord had to them.After all, what kind of people would support a man who would set up another to do that?The press and public was going to howl for dumbledore's blood, and they'll forget that the victim was a death eater, and just see the man.It had been a good thing, but he had been nicely oblivious to some things."I'm fine."He grumbled pressing his face against harry's stomach as he held him, or one not crying, so far removed from what he was feeling, that he really wasn't feeling it not yet. He was thinking logically, rationally because he knew why tom had done it, it really hadn't hit him yet what the man had said.
Harry scowled at Tom when the man walked in the room but said nothing, he just stroked Ashlin's hair gently, simply holding his lover and nuzzling the top of his head with gentle kisses, waiting for his lover to have the breakdown he knew was coming, and when it did he held the other close and sang gentle songs and said loving words as he cradled his lover, gently easing him into sleep once he started to calm down.
Ashlin smiled as he allowed the other sooth him to sleep, growling softly as he did. Because he so was going to hurt the next person if he was asked if he was okay. Knowing that he wouldn't appericate the fact of someone caring for her. In the morning Ashlin growled as he heaved over the toilet, sorely amused that the non pregnant one of their relationship, was the one throwing up this morning. Shifting he laid back on the cool tile, sighing as the coolness settled against his back, amused as he glanced at Draco as he stuck his head in the room."oooohhh don't look at me like that.I'm fine.It's harry we should worry about.He's pregnant you know"He pointed out trying to distract his friend from worrying about him
Harry wasn't in the room when Ashlin woke up, he was in the public bathroom puking so he wouldn't wake up Ashlin, because while he was puking he was sobbing and bitching to one of the poor lestrange brothers how his life was crap, mostly about how his feet hurt and his back hurt and how he couldn't eat sweets. Draco chuckled as he watched Ashlin shaking his head as he offered the other a small glass of strong whiskey to wash the taste out. “yes, he is pregnant, and he's tormenting the death eaters with a hormonal rage right now.” he admitted looking amused. “poor Rabastan, he walks into the bathroom and now he's being held hostage and forced to listen to Harry bitch about how his feet hurt and about how he wants my chocolate Truffles.” he admitted with a small chuckle.
Ashlin snickered a little as he sat up leaning back against the tub as he studied draco,sipping the whiskey, sighing as it burned on the way down."Oh good. At least he's not torturing me with it."He said rubbing a hand over his face,"I'd hide your sweets anyways. If he gets any more grouchy he might try to eat them anyways."He said looking relaxed despite having been throwing up.
Draco snickered a little as he shook his head and held his hand out to the other. “you have GOT to see what those little shits bought.” he teased smirking a little. “your going to die, you really are.” he teased chuckling as he hauled the other to his feet and led the way down the stairs into the room where they had reconstructed the Lego castle. There was a massive tree in the room and from it there was a long leash hanging from a branch where a strange looking Cat was laying all stretched out. It was bigger than the boys where, and siting up it would come up to Ashlin's armpit. “it's the newest design of Cat Chimera, Connor saw an advertisement in the paper while he and Harry where on vacation and decided he wanted it...” he admitted smirking. “it's really adorable in all honesty, the boys ride it like a pony and play like it's a dragon, and it hasn't even so much as pushed one of them over. It was really funny when it grabbed Connor by the back of the shirt and dragged him into the moat though.” he admitted with a chuckle. “five hundred Galleon for the thing.” he admitted. “three hundred of it was Tom's.” he admitted with a laugh.
(its soooo cute!!XD)

"Now, THAT doesn't surprise me."He said snickering, because he found it amusing that tom had donated so much and...."Bloody hell, is he playing king of the castle?" "Ash!"Tom grinned as his head appeared above the edge of the battlements, looking amused. After connor and kier had come back to the house with their newest pet, they'd convinced Uncle tom that he needed to play with them, since he HAD made it possible for them to buy it so soon."I think we know what to get tom for his birthday.Damn, I could probably ride it as a pony"Ashlin said snickering as he sipped his whiskey, amused as he watched boys and dark lord disappear back into the castle."has harry seen what they bought yet?"He asked amused.
Draco chuckled a little as the chimera, happily named Snowbell, perked up at Tom's voice, yawning before slinking out of her tree and into the castle, the boys squealing in glee as they realized the 'Dragon's' Nap was over. “i think Snowbell is one enough Chimera for the Mansion in all honesty.” he admitted calmly. “and no, Harry hasn't seen it yet, I'm afraid he's going to freak out a little.... a lot...”
Tm grinned as he appeared over the edge of castle, the chimera held under one arm, looking akward a little as he cuddled the kitten. For something that was nearly as big as him, he was being oddly cuddly. Grinning as he set the kitten down so snowbell could be the boy's dragon again. "Harry!We have a new pet!"The dark lord cried, making ashlin look curious. "....did you give him something?Like sugar?And...oh hey harry."He said smiling a little as he wrapped a arm around his lover, kissing his head."Feel better?"He muttered.
Draco chuckled a little as he watched tom. “oh, well... I may have given him something...” Draco admitted looking both amused and sheepish. “i've been having...” he hesitated then. 'happy problems'.” meaning he was depressed and didn't want Kier to know. “so I thought maybe just a little cheer me up spell in a potion might help, but I didn't want to try it out on myself, so I tried it on tom instead. Worked a little too well I think.” Harry blinked at Tom and lifted an eyebrow, and you could just see a storm brewing in his emerald eyes. “Tom? What the HELL is that thing and WHY is it near my child!?” he demanded, Draco coughing a little. “THAT, Harry is what Connor bought with all of his money, it's very gentle I assure you, Connor named it Snowbell.” Harry turned to glare furiously at Draco. “... gentle!? Draco that thing could EAT Connor! It wouldn't even have to chew!!!” “it won't, I promise, I've been watching them very closely, really it's temperament is that of a mothering dog, I swear.” “so help me Malfoy I am going to THROTTLE you!!!” Harry growled, but snuggled into Ashlin instead, too hormonal and tired to actually go about throttling him. “ash, do me a favor love and throttle Draco for your poor pregnant sick lover?”
Ashlin stared at Draco."Okay, it would be okay for you,but he's happy he's...loopey."He wrinkled his nose a little before laughing shaking his head before paling a little when harry growled."IT's a chimera!And HE bought it!"The dark lord whined as draco answered, grinning wider, because draco agreed with him."Seeee!Snowbell's perfect!And it's part mine. I paid for most of it!"He grinned happily, just this side of insanely as he plopped down on the stairs to pout about getting yelled at. Ashlin snickered burying his face against harry's shoulder."No lovely, he's right. And its YOUR fault he saw the damned ad. If you hadn't run away, he wouldnt know about it."he pointed out reasonably, grinning wider when kier pounced on the dragon and scrambled on its back as tom helped him be steady."Go!Dragon I want to go for a ride!"he demanded patting the chimera's rump like one would a horse, giggling happily as the cat started moving, despite the abuse. Looking amused and happy.
Draco shrugged a little. “well at least he's having fun, and it's not like he knows I spiked his morning breakfast.” he pointed out. “he'll think he just had too much coffee.” he chuckled a little and shook his head as Connor giggled and leaped onto Tom for a piggy back ride, Harry sighing as he watched the Chimera. “i don't know... it has such sharp claws and teeth... what if is suddenly get's annoyed?” “oh, that's happened already, Connor kept pulling on her tail so she shoved him into the pond.” Draco admitted with a snicker. “it was kind of funny. She's harmless Harry, I swear, the breeding manual...” “breeding manual?” Harry asked looking startled Draco chuckling. “all chimera must come with a list of the animals used to create it and the temperament of the animal. This one was a dog, a cat, a lizard of some name I can't pronounce, and a flightless bird, all of them where very affectionate and gentle, here.” he handed Harry the scroll and Harry glared at Draco, reading it before sighing. “fine, the damn thing can stay, but the first time it so much as scratches Connor it's gone you understand me!?” Harry was being a little overprotective, but he was hormonal, it was to be expected.
Ashlin smiled, hiding his face against harry's shoulder so the other couldn't see him laughing at him. After all, he knew his lover was hormonal and it was to be expected. Smirking a little as tom raced off after kier and the chimera, acting just as much as a dragon as the animal was. Clearing his throat a little as he glanced at his best friend."Draco....We ALL know he gets tempermental and mean on to much coffee. He's going to know you did something, when he sobers up. Or at least, suspect me of doing it."He whined a little, amused to see the normally laid back dark lord totally losing it and acting like a child. Biting his lip to keep from cracking up as tom decided he could fly and cast a levitating spell so both him and connor zoomed around like a real dragon would."...oh yea. He's going to kill you..."
Harry huffed a little and then chuckled a little as he realized Draco was going to get in trouble, the blond shrugging as he watched the man his head tilted. “nah, he likes me too much to kill me, he'll just find a way to make me suffer.” he admitted smirking a little as he watched Connor squealing in glee as he flapped his arms like wings and the swooped down and kissed Kier full on the lips, Draco and Harry both gaping, mouths hanging open as Connor giggled. “i am steeling the Maiden!” he declared dragging Kier into the Dragon, roaring playfully, Snowbell swiping playfully at Tom, missing by a rather large Margin, though she could have batted him out of the air as effortlessly as harry could bat a moth out of his face. “he... he... he.. they KISSED!” Draco stuttered, horrified, Harry chuckling a little. “oh calm down Dray all little boys kiss, their just mimicking what they see adults do.”
Kier ws blusing hard as he clinged to his friend as the other dragged him onto the 'dragon' giggling a little as he grinned."Oh!You saved me brave night!"He cried holding onto connor tightly. Ashlin snickered a little looking at draco's horrified face."Oh stop fussing. They'll grow out of it. And they're just mimicing me."He said before smirking a little."Maybe not so much you since you aren't getting cuddled or kissed."He pointed out before paling a little, as his mind reminded him why."Sorry draco."He muttered ruffling his friends hair as tom landed, the spell ending and dumping them all in the water.
Connor giggled a little as he snuggled Kier, Draco sputtering and fussing before he glared at Harry. “this is YOUR fault!” he complained, sulking a little before he hesitated a little, remembering why he was depressed. “it's fine.” he promised Ashlin, taking the other man's hand, silently allowing that much comfort to go between the two as he watched Snowbell pounce on the three 'drowning' in the moat, grabbing them one by one by the back of the shirt and 'dragging' them to safety, the three boys giggling wildly as Snowbell pranced around them, enjoying her new family.
Ashlin smiled a little at the reassurance that he was fine before turning his head to kiss his cheek, sighing quietly as he looked at Draco."Oh yea. He's going to kill you for getting rescued by a cat."He grinned amused as tom pounced on the chimera and petted her. Enjoying having the cat around, already starting to wind down from his high. "Oh yea, so dead." Ashlin snickered looking at harry."Draco got him high."He said tilting his head towards the slowly calming dark lord
Draco actually snickered as he watched the Dark Lord goofing around with the kids, smiling a little. “ah it's good for him, he never got to have a childhood before.” he pointed out. “he can have one with Connor and Kier.” he promised Harry snickering a little. “hell, if anything tell him I did it.” he stated with a shrug. “he won't kill ME after all. Because then Ashlin would get pissed.” he teased chuckling as Snowbell rolled onto her back and spread out, wanting Belly rubs, Connor giggling as she rubbed her belly all over.
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