Incubus Dreams

he sniffled a little and snuggled into him, sucking his thumb as he sucked his thumb, Draco looking up from where he was carefully massaging Harry's shoulders back into place. “he's sore, but fine. He's pissed off that you killed Peter though.” he admitted smiling a little. “he wanted to do it a little slower.” he teased chuckling a little. “i told him he could take out Bellatrix instead if he wanted to.” he admitted, harry breathing evenly as he slept. “i gave him a pain potion so he wouldn't feel me working his shoulders back into place and he passed out.” he admitted. “hows Connor? Harry told me what that Fat rat said...” he admitted examining the sleeping boy who was sucking his thumb, indicating the couch where Kier was watching. “lay him with Kier, Connor feels calmer with Kier around.” he admitted, sure it annoyed him a little, but he'd deal with it. “and how are YOU for that matter Ashlin?” he asked lifting his eyebrow.
"I'm fine Draco."Ashlin snapped at him, even as he kept his voice low and quiet to keep from waking up connor. Smiling as he sat down connor on the couch with his godson,gently stroking both their hair as kier shifted snuggling into connor, curling up against him protectively. Smiling gently, kier was so very protective, even if he wasn't awake. Glancing at harry as he stood, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked at harry, relaxing so much more now that he knew harry was going to be okay. Even if he was still skating that edge of insanity, he was going to be okay. Maybe. "He'll just have to deal with me killing peter."He shrugged carelessly, more or less mental present, though he was like he was after losing sarah so at least draco would know how to make sure he'd be okay.
Draco lifted an eyebrow. “no you are not fine.” he stated with a growl. “and don't get all pissy with ME Ashlin Drakos!” oh boy, that was bad news, Draco only used Ashlin's last name when he was being super serious or he was really pissed off. “you need to rest Ashley.” Draco ordered, gently now. “cuddle with Harry, he needs the contact.” he ordered calmly as he glanced over at Connor and Kier. “i'm going to hire a therapist.” he muttered softly, almost to himself. “Kier needs someone to talk to who knows how to help him, and Connor is traumatized, he needs help too... hello I even need some help.” he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head, glancing at Ashlin. “do you know any good child psychiatrists?” of course Ashlin didn't, Draco was going to have to ask his parents, they kept track of that sort of thing. “isn't Snape a licensed child therapist?” he asked his head tilted a little.
Ashlin looked startled at getting yelled at but so far gone that he didn't even growl over it like he normally did just crawled into bed with harry and cuddled. Yawning as he nodded."I think so. Ask your dad."He muttered going to sleep, for the moment willing to let draco take care of them all.

In the morning ashlin whined quietly as harry stirred, pressing his face against the pillow as he tried to stay asleep."Go away. waking me up.."He grumbled cracking a eye to look at harry, yelping as he realized draco was hovering close to him, as if the blond had stayed there all night to make sure that he wouldn't wake up fretting. Which, knowing draco, was probably true.
Harry groaned as he was told to go away and just snuggled tighter into Ashlin, Draco smirking at the Yelp, Harry jerking fully awake in an instant, springing to his feet and half way across the room, letting out a hell of a sound, like a mix between a hiss and a snarl before he paused, realizing it was Draco and Ashlin, coughing into his hand sheepishly. “sorry... nightmare.” Harry explained simply, rubbing the back of his head as he glanced at Connor and Kier, Connor who had his thumb so lodged into his mouth it looked like it would never come out, Harry sighing a little as he stroked the boys hair. “my poor little Big Bear.” he muttered softly, tucking the teddy bear into his arms. “i talked to Professor Snape.” Draco admitted. “he's trained in how to handle children, has to be when he's the head of slytherin... I think he can help Connor.” he admitted Harry nodding. “i don't like the greasy bastard, but I do trust him.” he admitted smiling a little at Draco. “thanks for fixing me up and keeping Ashlin calm.”
"I'm perfectly capable of keeping myself calm."Ashlin growled sleepily frm where his ace was pressed into the pillow wrapping his arms around the pillow as he curled up on his side, refusing to wake up. But since they seemed determined to wake him up, he wasn't going to be happy about doing so. After all, wakefullness reminded him what had gone wrong the night before."We'll take care of connor. He's no one's pet"He grumbled.
Draco rolled his eyes and Harry snickered. “no your not love.” he teased shaking his head a little as he gently picked up his little boy, Draco picking up Kier. “sleep Ashlin.” Harry ordered softly, kissing the others forehead gently. “you need it.” he teased smiling as he headed out, Connor whining that he didn't want to play in the pool, Harry chuckling as he carried Connor off to wake him up and feed him before he went to find Snape and ask the man if he would talk to Connor and Kier. Amazingly enough Snape was rather nice now that Harry was 'Thomas' and was more than willing to help out the kids. Lucky for Harry on that count wasn't it?
By the time they were done talking to snape, ashlin was up and moving about, though most of the death eaters in the mansion wished he wasn't. After all, he was in a sulky bad mood, annoyed that he hadnt been able to take care of harry and connor as well as he should. Raising a eyebrow as saw harry and snape talking it was errie to see them actually getting along."Are you two done talking?" Snape smiled slightly, looking at the young man who was one of the more scarred death eaters, even if the man wouldn't admit it."I think for now yes."The teacher said smiling at connor sweetly, at odds with the fierce teacher and death eater he usually was.
Connor was staring at Snape, his thumb tucked firmly into his mouth, despite Harry's calm orders to stop sucking his thumb. But Harry was an understanding man and he knew Connor needed to suck his thumb to calm down and didn't force the issue when Connor started to fuss, smiling at Snape. “thank you so much sir.” he muttered softly, smiling at Ashlin. “yes jealous one, we're done talking.” he teased smiling as he kissed Ashlin. “can I play with uncle Snape?” Connor asked hopefully, looking up at Harry who hesitated and glanced at Snape. “if Uncle Snape says it's ok, then yes, you can play with Uncle Snape.” he promised, glad that Connor liked Snape so much, even if it was a little creepy that Snape could be gentle to anything. “can Kier play too?” he asked hopefully, his big green eyes staring at snape with pleading eyes, no one could refuse Connor, and Draco snickered, nodding to Kier, giving the young boy permission if Snape said yes.
Snape smiled a little,"Come on you two.We'll play with the potions lab tom's hiding for kier's birthday."He said tilting his head a little, amused as the boys followed him out of the room. Kier trying to cheer up his friend by talking excitedly as they disappeared down the hall. Ashlin rolled his eyes a little, amused that the gruff man really did enjoy taking care of children, since he had none of his own."They'll be fine."Ashlin grumbled before glaring at harry a little."I'm not jealous."He said.
Connor giggled a little and followed Snape, holding the man's hand, his teddy tucked under his arm and his thumb tucked into his mouth, grinning happily as he listened to Kier chattering happily, Harry smiling as he watched them leave his head tilted. “he's good with kids... which is really kind of horrifying...” Harry admitted with a small grimace. “i hate to imagine how he'll treat Connor after he finds out who I am.” he admitted with a small snicker. “no, of course your not jealous, but you ARE grumpy Mr sour face.” he teased smiling as he kissed the other. “come on, lets go cuddle so you can see I really am ok, hows that?”
"I'm not grumpy either."Ashlin said frowning at the other before sighing, heading back towards the bedroom with him."Tell draco I'm perfectly fine.I am fine."He restated, frowning at his lover shaking his head a little. Because he truly hated the idea of losing harry even the brief loss had unhinged him."Nah, its not that horrifying. Its just he's usually just good with slytherins.And Connor will be fine when snape finds out."
Harry smiled a little and shook his head. “you are not.” he stated calmly. “your upset and angry, and worried.” he stated calmly, kissing the other. “but that's ok, you can be grumpy all you want.” he promised smiling at the other as he snuggled into him. “because you came and got me, and that's all that matters to me.” it made you wonder how many times Harry had been abandoned with words like that. “and you even did it before Peter even had a chance to do anything really damaging.” he admitted smiling as he settled into bed and yanked Ashlin down with him. “i know you think you failed me Ash, but you never did. You saved me, both me and Connor, and your always there when we need you, and to me, that's the best thing in the world.”
Ashlin sighed quietly as he let the other pull him down, laying down with him to. closing his eyes as he scooted around so that harry was holding him, instead of his usual him holding harry. Cuddling him as he closed his eyes he sighed quietly. Yea, he might have been able to save him this time, but he was sure that he was going to fail sometime else. He always did. He'd failed sarah, so maybe he'd fail harry. Maybe he should be making a effort to make harry get away from him."They raided my house to."He said willing to let the idea go for now, needing to not think about nearly losing harry."I think I'm going to take lucius with me, see how much of my crap they destroyed."
Harry smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, biting the others ear gently. “you will never fail me.” Harry promised smiling a little before he tensed violently at the thought of his house being raided, holding the other tightly. “i'd ask to go with but I know you'll say no.” he admitted softly, biting his lip. “i.... I may have done something...” he admitted softly. “i... I added protections... to Sarah's room..” he admitted softly, wary of any violent reactions. “so that no one could get in there if the wards where triggered....” Harry hoped it had been enough to keep the auror's and things out. “if... they might still be there trying to break through so... please be careful.” he pleaded kissing the others neck. “i want you to take my invisibility cloak... just in case... c..can you do that for me?”
Ashlin looked startled that harry had been that thoughtful, growling a little at the idea of the other's still in his house, not that harry had added them. Dipping his head he pressed a kiss to the other's mouth, kissing him slowly as he drew away, "I will."He said raising a hand and summoning the cloak, holding it in his arms before looking at harry again."We'll be careful.I'm taking Lucius just in case they're still there to. So it'll be fine."He said stealing another kiss before standing up looking worried."You'll be okay while I go?"
Harry smiled and nodded. “good, take Lucius.” he agreed kissing the other gently. “i'll be fine love, I'll kill the next person who even DARES touch me.” he promised smiling a little. “and I think I might make sure all the death eaters understand that, well, if your little show with Peter didn't give them the hint anyway.” he admitted with a grin. “you'll HAVE to show me how to remove someone's heart without killing them.” he teased getting to his feet as well and yanking his pants on, heading out into the hal before pausing, turning around, kissing the other, before turning and walking out of the room to go take a bath and just soak in peace for a while.
Ashlin grinned, oh yea. he was going to enjoy that lesson. maybe he'd 'burrow' a auror to do it on. going to find lucius he grinned at the older blond before they both apparated to the manor house. Pausing as he stared at the smoldering remains of what once had been his and sarah's house. Blinking in the heat of the fire he sniffled a little, refusing to cry."...wards wouldn't pervent them from burning it when they couldn't get in."he said sounding shocky, not quite believing that they'd been so cruel as to burn it when they couldn't break the study, even if a scaning spell would have just told them there was nothing of importance in the locked room,well not dangerous things, but cruelty had just caused this.
Lucius stared at the wreckage his eyes wide and his heart sore as he moved into the room, gasping in astonishment when he pushed aside a crumbling wall. “hey... Ashlin? You might want to see this...” he admitted turning and looking at the distraught man. Not all of the room had been saved, but Harry had put up a special charm on a few of the items, the crib, and the pictures of Sara had been saved, untouched by the fire thanks to the fire proofing spell that Harry had added. And a tiny rattle had been saved too, because it was laying in the crib. it wasn't much, and they where dirty from the smoke and ash, but they where undamaged, and at least Ashlin had something.

Back at the Manor, a Death eater slunk the halls, wary of Harry and his no doubt well sized temper. He was relieved to see that Harry was bathing, and slunk into his and Ashlin's shared bedroom, poking around for any hint of betrayal or spying, gasping when he saw the baby blanket, well aware it belonged to Ashlin, and wondering why it was laying on the floor, picking it up and blinking when the wand, and the two prophecies rolled out of it. “...that's Harry Potter's wand!” he'd seen it often, he'd fought against it often. He reached out and snatched up all three items, feeling pleased with his discoveries as he, Blaise Zabini raced off to the dark lord with them, presenting them to the man and informing him where he had found them. The instant Tom touched the first Orb, the Prophecy about Connor filled the air, driving Harry out of the bath, in naught but a towel, to demand to Tom what the hell was going on.
Ashlin's eyes filled with tears as he stepped closer, looking amazed as he brushed his fingers over the soot covered wood smiling slghtly as he reached down and cradled the rattle in his palm, "Oh harry..."He muttered before shrinking the crib and gathering the rest, looking at lucius. "We better head back.Harry was worried enough about letting me come."He muttered preparing to apparate back, even if he was feeling offset enough to probably splich himself.

Tom growled quietly as he listened to the prophecy before raising his hand and smacking blaise's hand open, a crucio already falling from his lips as the prophecies smashed to pieces on the cold stone. Sighing angrily as he tossed himself back into the seat he'd been in, looking at the meal that was surely ruined. Harry was going to kill him. And blaise. Well...if that long lasting crucio didn't do the job first."Potter, where's ashlin?"He growled when he saw the man walking into the room. He was so wanting ashlin there to play buffer between them, knowing ashlin was going to go for his throat
Lucius smiled as he squeezed the others shoulder gently. “Harry will be fine, take the moment you need to mourn.” he ordered gently. “no one would be stupid enough to bother Harry after what you did to Peter.” he promised, never realizing just how wrong he was.

Harry stared at Tom for a long moment, a blast of power as Harry dressed himself magically, as well as frying himself and braiding his hair as he stalked towards Tom. “he went to see how much damage the Auror's did to his house.” he muttered sounding almost... withdrawn as he knelt and started picking up the shattered pieces of the Prophecy, his eyes shadowed. “why can't you people leave me alone?” he demanded suddenly, looking up at the death eaters. “hasn't my life been hard enough already? Haven't you people ruined my life enough yet.” he demanded, suddenly crying into his hands, the palms bleeding from the shards of glass, Draco gasping as he walked in and saw Harry, bleeding and sobbing, turning furious eyes on Tom. “what did you DO!?” he demanded, automatically blaming it on the dark lord because lets face it, even clueless it was always Tom's fault. Harry suddenly leaped to his feet and glared at everyone. “well you fucked up now!” blood smeared across his face, making him look like a madman as he suddenly dropped the Glamor, revealing his green eyes, lifting his hair to bear the scar. “you had your chance!” he hissed turning to look at Tom. “your all just a bunch of gutless soulless vermin, out of all of you only Draco, Lucius, and Ashlin deserve ANY bit of respite from my rage!” he reached down, snapped up his wand and without a word, vanished, Draco groaning. “shit... he's taking off... this is really gonna piss Asher off....” and Harry was gone, just like that, leaving only a note for Ashlin, stating that he had gone to the muggle world for a vacation because he was sick of the Death eaters crap, and that he would be back in a week both him and Connor.
Ashlin, returned and in his rush to find out what happened, had pushed the note off his bed, never realizing that the man had left word where he was going. And Ashlin, broken on the edges of sarah's death, fear for harry and connor, and his own rage at what the auror's had done.... never realized that he wasn't alone. Within the week death eater and ally had learned to stay away from him, unless in the company of draco or kier, the only two people he seemed to be able to stand next to him.

When he returned, it wasn't ashlin, draco, or hell even lucius and narcissa who pounced on the boy who lived first, it was tom. Apolgetic and apolpyic with rage he stared at his former enemy from a arm length away before pulling him into a hug, ignoring the threat of bodily harm that the boy was probably giving him. It was just so good to see him, that even the dark lord was coming undone to see him again."Bloody hell potter."He muttered stepping back, looking him over to make sure he really was okay. He wasn't about to take him to see ashlin if the man wasn't calm again. He wasnt sure ashlin would survive even the softest hints of anger even if it wasn't directed at him.
Harry looked much better than when he had left, he didn't have the dark circles under his eyes from sleep loss and stress, and he had gained a few pounds, giving him a wonderfully healthy look about him. Connor looked the same as usual and giggled when 'uncle Tom' hugged Harry. Who allowed it with a roll of his eyes. “i take it you all learned your lesson then? Good.” harry stated cheerfully before he sobered, looking a little pissed. “have you seen today's headline yet?” he asked softly, well aware that they hadn't he offered him the paper, the headline being 'HARRY POTTER FOUND!' with a big picture of someone who looked like he could be Harry, but most definitely was NOT. The exact replica of James stood next to Dumbledore, smiling as the article went on to explain that Harry, who was most assuredly not an incubus, had gone to Africa for training and gotten hit on the head, getting a massive case of Amnesia. “we are so glad that he is home, safe and sound” Dumbledore stated in the paper, the fake Harry potter replying. “it's good to be home sir, I can't wait to finish my schooling.”

Harry scowled a little, more of a Lily look alike in his older age than a James. And he hadn't even bothered putting the glamor back on yet, what was the point? “this needs to be dealt with but... I'm not sure how...” Harry admitted gnawing on his lip as Connor squealed happily. “PAPA!” he yelled, taking off towards Ashlin and leaped into his arms. “we're back from our vacation Papa! Doesn't daddy look prettier now?” he asked beaming Happy, every inch of Harry suddenly relaxing into a soft, overjoyed tone as he watched his lover. “oh Ashlin how I MISSED you.” he muttered, shoving tom out of the way and wrapping Ashlin tight into a hug, unwilling yet to tell him the REAL reason why he had left.
Ashlin stumbled a little as both jumped on him, nearly falling before he caught himself. Sighing quietly as he dipped his head, burying his face against the other's hair. As sickly looking as harry looked healthy.Though not so obvious. He looked like he'd slept welland he had, with a enforced sleeping hex from draco-but he was thinner, a little more worn then when he'd left. Tom sighed quietly rolling his eyes as he looked at the three."HE saw today's paper."He shrugged a little, and despite the obvious double to harry, and that it wasn't really him, ashlin had come unglued thinking harry had walked away from everything bck to dumbledore. Tom sighed quietly as he watched them all, smiling slightly. "Maybe you can talk some sense into him."He said, not about to be in the same room when ashlin lost his control."And..I have a plan for this, if you want to talk. Later." Ashlin swallowed hard holding the blond child tighter against him, trembling ever so slightly, because he was so glad to see him. Coughing a little when he realized that the harry in his arms was the real one, and not one from his twisted reality."Hey...I missed left..."He muttered frowning a little. Snape sighed as he walked down the stairs behind ashlin, having been on 'babysitting' duty when the man had bolted out of the room."We tried to tell him you were coming back..."
Harry smiled at his lover, examining him carefully. “Ashlin! You look TERRIBLE!” Harry complained, worried about his lover his head tilted, Connor blinking. “is Papa sick daddy?” he asked curiously his head tilted, Harry nodding. “just a little, but we'll make him all better. Why don't you go and find Draco and Kier hmm?” he knew the death eaters wouldn't bother his son, not after a taste of Asher all week. Connor giggled and vanished up the stairs to Kier's room so he could pounce on his 'bestest friend' “what do you mean he thought I wasn't coming back? I left him a note...” he complained scowling a little. “said I needed to leave so I could get my health back up.” he complained shaking his head. “i don't do well when everyone's out to get me you know.” he growled scowling at Snape before kissing Ashlin's temple. “come on love.” he ordered calmly. “lets go cuddle in bed ok?” he asked smiling a little as he led Ashlin into bed, worried about how Ashlin would react to his news. “Ash?... I need to tell you something... and I'm not sure how your going to react...” he admitted softly, closing his eyes.
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