Incubus Dreams

"He never got it. He didn't know what happened."Snape said looking startled, having hated the potter for abandoning ashlin like that, but now... he wasn't so sure, but the harry potter he knew wouldn't have left someone without a word, so he was willing to let the man have the benefit of the doubt. Ashlin smiled sleepily shifting as he curled up on the bed, tugging harry close to him,What is it?"He muttered needing to know."You're not going away again are you?I don't like you leaving withut telling me..."He muttered nuzzling his lover, more relaxed then he had been in days now that harry was back, no matter what the other was going to tell him.
Harry sighed and gently gripped Snape's shoulder as they passed. “i should have left something better than a note. I meant to punish the death eaters, not torture them.” he admitted looking apologetic as he walked with Ashlin up the stairs, snuggling into Ashlin once they where in bed, hesitating before closing his eyes, which where starting to tear up. “no, I'm not leaving again, I'm sorry Ash I didn't mean to leave you without a word... I was tired of everything and Tom broke the prophecies... they where going to go to Connor when he was old enough... they where all I had of a past life and I was upset.” he admitted softly. “i wrote a letter but I guess you didn't get it... I', sorry...” he muttered softly sniffling a little as he started to cry, silent tears. “Ashlin... I'm pregnant...”
"Oh."Ashlin said frowning as he realized his lover was crying, cuddling against him tighter, holding him tighter as he tried to focus enough to calm him down,nuzzling him. Not even making the connection that if harry was pregnant he really was going to be a father again. At least not for a moment."Ohhhh....good."He muttered sounding pleased as he held the other tighter."You need to sleep.Go to sleep."He ordered, more so that he could rest and hold the other then that he thought harry needed to sleep
Harry sniffled as he wiped his eyes. “s..sorry I'm just, all hormonal.” he mumbled snuggling into Ashlin. “and tired... I stayed up all last night because I was afraid you where going to be mad at me.” he admitted. “and then I couldn't figure out how to tell you that I was pregnant and it was just all a mess.” he muttered relaxing when the other sounded pleased sighing as he closed his eyes. “i love you Ash.” he mumbled softly, dropping off to sleep. Too tired to stay awake any longer. He woke three hours later and carefully squirmed free of the tight grip his lover had on him and kissed his forehead, writing a note to Ashlin and sticking it to the man's hand using a sticking Charm, so it wouldn't get lost, that he had gone to talk to Tom, and then Snape about Connor.

He headed through the halls and paused as he saw the Lestrange brothers, both of them offering him hesitant smiles, looking about ready to run away. “hey, where's Tommy boy?” he demanded, the Twins eyes twitching at the disrespectful name but said nothing as they directed him to the Throne room, Harry settling down in a seat to let Tom finish his duties before he talked to the man, more than content to watch the Death eaters look at him in fear.
Tom himself, didn't have his glamor on. In dealing with ashlin he'd worn himself out dealing with both ashlin and the world going crazy as aurors raided suspected death eaters. Looking younger and more careless then he had any right to with one leg slung up over his seat arm as he reclined in the comfortable chair, filling out paperwork, for the moment ignoring the man who'd made his life difficult. Before sighing as he realized harry wasn't just going to go away, and that he had to talk to him anyways. Lowering the paper he studied the incubus, "You are staying this time aren't you?"He said, wanting some warning in case he was going to be picking up ashlin again. Before rubbing a hand over his face."Everyone knows Ashlin Drakos is a death eater now. Aurors have been making a fuss about the manor house burning my thought was, well...if WE publicly come out with you, not bringing up connor or the prophecies, but you and ashlin, and do a editorial of WHY you left dumbledore....he wont have as many people flocking to his fake savior."He said, knowing it wasn't going to be a good fight, or one that he could win, but if even one person turned away from dumbledore because of it, it would be worth it.
Harry had to look amused at how 'careless' Tom looked, it was so hard to imagine that man being the most feared man in the world, it really was. “yes I'm staying this time, I only left because I was.... sick.” he stated simply. “the stress of dealing with all you fuck heads was getting to me.” he stated simply. “anyway, I left him a letter but he didn't get it so your punishment turned into a torture instead, sorry about that.” he stated with a small smirk, not looking sorry at all. “well, that would work, after all I'll have knowledge that the fraud doesn't, and i do have my own wand, so that will be a good blow in Dumbledore's plan.” he admitted. “it doesn't work for me anymore, being that I'm not a wizard, but it should be proof enough.” he decided, playing with the wand in his hands, his head tilted. “how do you propose we do this then? It's not like you can just walk out into the world again declare your not the bad guy and expect people to stay and listen do you?” “reporters, their always looking for a good scoop, especially Rita skeeter.” one of the Lestrange's admitted suddenly. “if we tell them that Dumbledore is going to hold a press conference....” “they'd come flocking along with as many assassins as Dumbledore can find, not to mention the auror's.” Lucius stated shaking his head. “maybe it should just be Harry Ashlin and a few other for certain death eaters?” “that way Our Lord will still be safe, and we can address the public.” “after all, being a death eater doesn't mean we did anything wrong.” “and if we send some of the more influential characters....” “then the Aurors would be hesitant to do anything for fear of getting in trouble.”
Tom smiled, looking thoughtful as he watched them work on the plan. "Ashlin, harry, Draco and lucius, without hiding."He said tilting his head because while it had long been debated, the latest attack on malfoy manor proved that the man was a death eater, at least to the public. "Rabastian, Rudolphus, you will disguise yourselves and mingle with the crowd. Me, well I'll be joining ashlin on the stand."He said raising a hand before they could protest."I will be going as myself, not... my alter ego. Hardly anyone remembers what I look like, that doesn't work for me. And Dumbledore...well, it'll scare him to see me brave enough to walk out in public."He said running his fingers through his hair."Now. Lucius, set things up.Take Rabastian with you. I don't want anyone going out by themselves anymore." He said smiling a little when he heard the choruses of yes. It was nice to be obeyed. Ashlin rolled his eyes as he walked in the door, rubbing a hand over his face as he walked to harry's said."What are we doing to rearanging my life now?"He asked amused, because he'd stayed outside long enough to hear, and damned he was going to enjoy dumbledore's reaction.
Harry chuckled as he watched everyone agree to the orders, Lucius and Rabastan vanishing with a crack to set up dates and contact who needed to be contacted. Harry smirking as he stood up and nodded to Tom before he headed out to catch up to Ashlin, giving him a kiss. “i'm going out to the public.” he stated simply. “and I was going to have Snape take a look at me too... I'm... a bit far along. I think I conceived when you screwed me the first time.” he admitted sheepishly. “i didn't even know I could get pregnant again...” he admitted softly before glancing at his lover. “are you really ok with this? I won't get rid of the baby.” he stated sternly. I wont....” he was so worried that Ashlin didn't want another child. Fredrick had gotten so angry when he had found out his little 'toy' was pregnant, which was honestly the whole reason he had died. Harry's need to protect his baby had overridden the allures and the spells that Fredrick had been using to control Harry. Harry knew he was being irrational, but he couldn't help it, his hormones where all over the place, and he felt like he had to constantly pee. And he was always throwing up when he tried to eat anything that even tasted slightly sweet, which was pissing him off because he wanted his sweets dammit!
Ashlin looked startled, ignoring as Tom's head swung around to stare at them both, looking a little hurt as he considered his lover."I...I really am okay."He said looking hurt that the other would even consider he wouldn't. Before he smiled a little wider."Let's go see Draco.He's taking care of the boys, and wants to see you himself, something about whacking you outside the head for leaving."He shrugged amused ignoring the dark lord as he pulled Harry out of the room, heading for draco's rooms."Good thing this press thing will happen quickly."He said, knowing he so didn't want harry out in public longer then he had to be, now that he was pregnant. Before he smiled a little."Oh.Thank you."He said ruffling the man's hair, biting his lip a little."You saved some of the things in my house...not all of it. But enough."He said brushing a kiss to the other's cheek
he relaxed and smiled a little as he snuggled into the other. “sorry... I know I'm being weird... it's just that the last time I was pregnant my mate didn't like it.” he admitted softly smiling a little as he kissed the other. “Draco can kiss my ass.” “DADDY MADE A SWEAR!” Connor complained shaking the ever present swear jar. It was almost full of Galleons now, Connor must have caught a lot of Death eaters cussing, Draco snickered as he followed Connor. “he's been doing that ever since he got here. He won't tell me what the money is for either, he's been hiding behind corners and waiting for them to cuss and then demanding a money for it.” Draco admitted before smacking Harry upside the head. “what the hell is wrong with you! We where scared shitless!” Connor shook the jar and Draco obediently deposited two Galleons, Harry rubbing the back of his head. “ow Draco, that actually hurt a little.” he complained. “i'll have you know, that I needed to leave for my health, I left a letter, but Ashlin didn't get it.” he complained Draco sighing and shaking his head. “whatever, Snape is in with Kier right now, come on.” he ordered grumbling as Harry snickered. “what's all the money for Connor?” “can't tell you! 's a surprise!”
Ashlin snickered a little, wrapping a arm around Harry's waist as they headed for where snape and kier was."I bet he's buying baby booties."Ashlin muttered, his face going soft in that cute, precious way that said he really was already falling in love with the idea of a baby. Snickering a little as he ruffled connor's head,"Did you catch uncle tom cussing yet?"He said amused, knowing the dark lord he'd say something, then start bitching because he had to pay and end up having to pay more.
Harry chuckled nervously and flushed brightly then. “well sort of... haven't told him yet...” Harry admitted sheepishly smiling at the expression on his lovers face, laying his head on the others shoulder. “you'll have to help me tell him after dinner or something.” he decided chuckling a little. As Connor beamed at them. “uncle tom a'swears a LOT!” Connor stated. “he filled up the swears jar almost ALL the way!” he admitted beaming at them. “acus he would a'swears, and the swears a lot more, and then he would walk away, and then he would a'swear at someone else, and then i'd tell him he a'swore' and then he would a'swear some more.” “it was VERY amusing.” Draco admitted smirking a little. “whats this about baby booties?” he asked looking a little too interested. “is adoption around the corner?” because Draco had yet to realize that Harry could get pregnant... idiot.
Ashlin blushed a little, scratching the best of his head as he looked at his best friend sheepishly, ""He said swallowing hard as he looked at his lover, blushing harder as he avoided looking at the blond, bending down and scooping up Connor, tickling him a little. Amused because that sounded exactly like tom."Come on kid. Let's go find Uncle sevy."He said rushing off through the halls before draco could stop him and question him."Uncle ashley!"Kier giggled happily as he pounced on both ashlin and connor, hugging them both."Did you get him to swear yet?"He asked tilting his head back to look at connor."Oh, not yet kiddo."Ashlin said ruffling his hair.
Harry chuckled a little as Draco smiled following along behind, Harry glancing at Severus. “Professor? Could I have a word with you later?” he asked, using the term professor to address Snape for the first time since Harry had met the man. “it's kind of important but it's not urgent so whenever your free.” he promised Draco lifting an eyebrow as Connor circled. “i wonder if he would a swear if I dropped a heavy thing on his toe like I did to uncle Sev?” he mused Harry choking on his air in order not to laugh. “Connor! Your not supposed to drop heavy things on peoples toes!” he chastised gently. “it was a accident!” he complained calmly. “honest! Right uncle Sev?”
Snape nodded, looking concerned. More willing to let the boy get on his good side, because while he was still james' son, but he was ashlin's mate. And therefore, worth protecting."I'll see you after dinner."He said before a small smile quirked his mouth, the first ever in the presence of harry, nodding ga little."It was a accident.He knocked a book off my desk." Ashlin whined quietly, wrinkling his nose a little, shaking his head as he ruffled connor's head."Oh no. don't go dropping things on my feet.."
he smiled a little and nodded, Connor giggling a little as he snuggled into Harry, looking up at Ashlin with a small smile as he yanked the other down for a kiss, nuzzling him gently. “hell just froze over love and now fire is falling from the sky, Severus Snape just SMILED.” he admitted with a small grin. Connor blinking up at his Papa. “if I pop out of a corner and go BOO, will you aswear then?” he asked his head tilted Harry chuckling. “Connor Papa doesn't swear.” he stated calmly with a small grin. “besides I think you have enough money there to buy anything. “nuh uh, I needs just a little bitty bit more.” he admitted shaking the jar before grinning at Kier. “lets go scare uncle Tom again so he aswears some more!” Draco chuckled as he followed the kids out, Harry smirking as he watched them, glancing at Snape and hesitating. “so, I know you still probably hate me and all but i'd like to apologize for all that shit back in school.” he admitted pausing. “though I never actually did anything to you I didn't exactly help either.” he admitted offering Snape his hand. “truce? For Connors sake?”
Snape looked amused, shaking his head at their antics before nodding."truce. Though should be more annoyed with you now then I was then."He snickered a little."Ashlin was a absolute bear to live with." "Was not." "...Tom made you sit in a corner, with a silencing charm on."The elder death eater pointed out, snickering a little before sighing, sitting down as he studied the two. "Now. What can I do for you? You look like you're worrying about something."He said, more worried about him because ashlin looked worried, then that he'd suddenly found a fondness for potter's son.
Harry chuckled a little. “well, you'll understand why I left soon enough.” he admitted shaking his head. “part of it was to punish the death eaters for trying to get rid of me... but the other part... well... I thought I was sick, went away for my health... but... er, well... I'm pregnant.” he admitted sheepishly. “and I'm not sure how far along I am... I wasn't even aware I could get pregnant again...” he admitted setting a hand on his belly. “i've been puking a lot in the mornings, and I can't hold down anything sweet... which SUCKS because I LIKE sweets!” he whined pouting a little. “can you fix me uncle sevvie?” he asked pouting at the other.
Snape stared at him, nearly dropping the potion bottle he had been holding. Both at the news, and the new name. Frowning as he heard ashlin snickering. "Don't call me that. It's weird."Severus pointed out to the other man, sighing as he shook his head."I'll try. I'll need time to research potions that wont harm either of you, and..."He trailed off as he started mentally going over everything that he would need to do. Ashlin snickered as he wrwapped a arm around his lover, pressing a kiss to his head."We better go. He's going to be thinking and researching for forever now."He said looking down at his lover worriedly.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. “i'm SO getting Connor to call you Sevvie.” he teased smirking a little, blinking as Snape went off on his list making, rolling his eyes a little as he followed Ashlin out into the hall, smiling a little. “should we go and tell Connor that he's going to have a little Brother or Sister?” he asked his head tilted. “and answer the most hated question in history?” oh yeah, and no doubt Connor was going to ask his Papa of course, and of course Kier was going to be there as well, and he was going to want to know too, and Draco was going to be too busy laughing his ass off to be any help at all.
Ashlin grumbled a little, because he knew exactly who was going to be answering questions. Because, well how else would get asked but connor's beloved papa? "Yea, we'll tell him.And Kier. And Draco."He said well aware that the malfoys weren't goign to let them leave. Smiling a little as he swung into the living room,scooping up his boy as kier banged into his legs."Uncle ashley!We gots lots of money!Tom said you're gonna pay for this.Pay for what?" Ashlin snickered, well aware he was goign to get a earful for bringing connor hear to rob the slytherin heir of money, even if tom did enjoy their company...not that he'd tell them."For beign a loving papa. Now Connor, we need to talk lovely."
Connor giggled a little and shook his jar, showing that it was all the way full, while Kier showed them another Jar that was half full. Connor hessitated at the information that they had to talk and bit his lip. “is it a big grown up talk?” he asked hesitantly, Harry nodding. “am I in trouble?” “no darling your not in trouble.” he promised smiling as he pulled Connor into his lap, Draco watching with a lifted eyebrow. “you know how daddy has been sick in the mornings?” he asked, Connor nodding. “ahuh, Daddy has a flu.” he agreed Harry shaking his head. “no, Daddy doesn't have a sick, Daddy is going to have a baby.” Draco nearly fell out of his chair in astonishment. “your going to be a big brother.” Harry explained, Connor looking stunned, and then overjoyed. “REALLY!?” he asked before pausing, the moment coming, turning to Ashlin. “Papa, where do babies come from and why does it make Daddy sick?”
Ashlin looked amused at Draco's reaction pulling connor into his lap, settling him on his knee as he looked at the youngster. Trying to figure out how to answer that.'Ah, babies come from.."He stopped trying to figure this out. Oh yea, poor ashlin having to answer question. Before smirking, oh yea. draco was going to kill him,but he really didn't know what to say."You know, I really don't know. Ask your uncle. Surely a smart guy like uncle draco would know.'He said pressing a kiss to connor's head. "Papa said I was dropped off by a snork!" "A stork?"Ashlin said looking amused at the blond.
harry snickered a little as Draco stuttered and stammered and Harry rolled his eyes. “Babies do not come from Storks Draco!” Harry complained shaking his head. “alright you two, you want to know where babies come from?” Harry demanded, smiling at the eager nods. “well when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they do a very special ritual, and then a baby starts to grow inside the mommy's belly.” he explained indicating his belly. “it starts out very little, smaller than your fingers.” he admitted, Connor looking amazed as he stared at his own fingers. “and then it grows bigger and bigger, and the mommy's belly gets very round, but you must NEVER say the word 'fat' in front of a pregnant mommy.” he explained smiling as Connor nodded. “ok daddy... whats the special ritual?” “that, is not for little boys to know.” harry teased tweaking the boys nose. “now go play while I tease your uncles.” he ordered watching the boys run away, lifting an eyebrow at the two men. “you two are completely pathetic.”
Ashlin pouted as he leaned back against the chair, studying his best friend before looking at his lover."Am not!"He whined tugging harry down into his lap, sighing quietly."Now, you know since you love me,and you're friends with him, that if we're pathetic, so are you."He pointed out, stealing a kiss amused at the man's explanation."Now. do we get to practice this special rituial, oh great non pathetic one?"He teased.
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