Incubus Dreams

Kier giggled happily as he helped his friend give the cat a belly rub, smiling happily. Tom blinking slowly as he rubbed his eyes getting to his feet and moving over where to the others were. Giving them a look as he studied them."Anyone seen this mornings paper yet?"He asked curious to see how dumbledore had responded now that he was calming.
harry smirked and then nodded. “yup, Dumbledore's pissed and calling you a cheat and a liar.” he stated simply, pulling the paper out of his back pocket and reading aloud. “this fake potter cannot be trusted, Harry Potter has always hated the Dark Lord for killing his family and has never, and never will be an incubus. It is lies told by the dark lord to spread doubt and chaos!” Harry read dramatically. “it goes on to interview people.” he admitted smirking a little. “Harry potter most certainly was an incubus the last time I saw him, he was SO handsome...' once student Luna lovegood reports. 'Harry was kicked out of school, for no reason as I could see, there is no way in hell he was in Africa with amnesia, I know for a fact that kids head is as hard as marble.' declares Neville Longbottom. 'He was never any such thing! Harry went off on a training trip and vanished! We where certain he was dead until we found him in Africa!' Hermione Granger states.' it goes on for quite some time, student against student.” Harry admitted with a smug smirk. “but Dumbledore, as it says in the article, never gives proof that his Harry is the real Harry.” he admitted with a shake of his head. “i think it's time to tell the world about the Dursley's.” Harry admitted shaking his head as he wandered off to the corner to start writing a letter tot he papers, Draco looking confused. “who are the Dursley's?” he had never bothered to wonder where Harry went, being that he had no parents, but now Draco was wondering what had happened to Harry in those summer months.
Ashlin frowned looking thoughtful."His family, aunt and uncle."Ashlin said before watching Harry, looking worried. Taking the paper to look through it snorting a little amused. As uch as it hurt...yea, of course they said they lied."Apparently I killed my wife in a fit of rage."He said looking at the other two. Tom laughed,"Maybe at Dumbledore. What else does it say?" "That I just went insane and killed her and our son."Ashlin looked amused as snowbell walked over and rubbed against his legs, absently petting the chimera as he looked at the others, looking amused."He couldn't even get his supporters to beleive that. None say that I would do that, but wouldn't put it past friends Voldemort or Draco malfoy to do it out of jealousy. Apparently Dray, we had a thing going on the side."He laughed. Tom snickered starting to laugh harder as he trired to distract ashlin on what exactly the dursley's had done. He had a idea of what it was."Oh yea, Draco's hiding being gay. He is pretty enough.."
Draco smiled as he shook his head a little. “they think I was screwing you?” he asked lifting an eyebrow before smirking at Tom. “i'm Bi actually.” he stated simply. “Millie used to do this really awesome thing, where she'd put on a strap on and... oh yeah she really used to rip me apart.” he purred, just to see Ashlin blush like crazy, Connor running over to Ashlin and lifting his arms. “i want up!” he demanded pouting at the other. “and kisses! I want kisses Papa!” he demanded, Draco chuckling a little. “i think he really missed you.” the blond admitted grinning at Ashlin, Connor snuggling his daddy and yawning. “i want a nap Papa...” he whined softly, already half asleep. “Kier falled asleep in the castle.” he complained Draco chuckling as he went to fetch his sleeping son from the Lego construct, carrying him off to bed for his own nap time.
Connor lowered his blushing face to press a kiss to his sleepy son's hair he smiled holding him close."Ahhh lovely, we'll take a nap."He said shifting him a little heading towards the bedroom, laying the boy in his bed before looking at Harry."I should have looked for you..."he said looking pained that he hadn't even tried to track the two down while they were gone. Tom paled a little when he thought about millie..."Goddamn it draco, I didn't want to know that."He whined a little before reaching up taking Kier from Draco as the man got out of the lego castle, heading upstairs with the boy. Pouting a little as he looked at draco after they put kier to bed."So. Just what did you give me?"He asked sulking a little.
Harry blinked at the other and then smiled as he took the others hand. “you thought I left you.” he protested. “you where distraught and I wasn't in any danger, you'd have known if I was.” he promised kissing the other gently. “besides there isn't any way you could have found me.” he stated calmly. “i was down in America, using a false name and I got there the muggle way.” he pointed out smiling a little. “come lay down with me.” he ordered, abandoning his letter, needing the comfort of his lover. It was so much harder than he had thought it would be to talk about the Dursley's.

Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head. “you didn't want to know it, but you learned it anyway.” he teased, feeling a sick sense of satisfaction at making Tom stutter, blinking when he found Kier missing from his arms. “i didn't give you anything, it was harry.” he stated simply before shaking his head. “it was happy juice basically. For... depression.” he explained rather sheepishly. “i don't want Kier to know.” he admitted. “and I couldn't test it on myself in case it made it worse you know? I didn't want to go suicidal.” he admitted shrugging again. “i figured you would be fine.”
Ashlin smiled a little, following the other to bed, sighing as he crawled into bed with the other, wrapping his arms around the other with a smile. Looking content and easy."I know I know."He muttered nuzzling his neck feeling how tense he was."How are you?Whats wrong?"He muttered

Tom smiled a little as he rolled his eyes as he tucked the boy into the bed, looking up at the other."You just wanted to see me be a pony."he whined a little before walking out f the room with the other, looking pouty, which actually looked amusing considering he still looked 18
Harry smiled a little as he was laid down with and his smile faltered at the question. “i... the Dursley's are... a touchy subject for me.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “they used to keep me locked up, like an animal... they'd only feed me enough to make sure I didn't die.” he admitted softly, licking his lips. “the year I vanished, I went back to live with them... when they found out what I was, they whored me out, kept me locked in the cupboard under the stairs, and only let me out long enough to fuck someone, before they locked me back in.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “it's why I hate being locked in so much...” he admitted softly, he wanted the other to know, or he'd freak out when the story appeared on paper.

Draco chuckled a little. “admit it, you had fun.” he teased smiling a little at the other. “it's not often you can let down your guard enough to actually play.” he pointed out, shaking his head a little. “you look really cute when you pout like that.” he teased smirking a little. “don't let Bella see you like that or you might actually have to kill her for touching you in inappropriate places.” he teased chuckling a little.
Ashlin tensed before swallowing hard, shifting to wrap his arms around the other, raising his hand. Pressing a kiss to the incubus's palm he sighed slowly, calmly. Holding onto his temper with both hands. Even if he had every intention of giving the dursleys to tom...the man had a thing for child abusers."Oh...bloody hell..."He winced closing his eyes, ohlding the other tighter."Should I be apologizing then for locking you in my house?"

Tom glared at him as he headed for the kitchen, though he didn't look around for the woman through sheer force of will."Your aunt ALWAYS touches me in inapproiate places even when I tell her not to."He said ignoring the demand to admit he'd actually enjoyed himself.
Harry chuckled a little and snuggled into the other relaxing as he realized Ashlin wasn't going to freak out. “i...i killed them.. you know.” he admitted softly. “i didn't know how to control myself and all of my power built up and built up, feeding constantly was to much and I got angry. Uncle was going after me with a belt, for biting one of the costumers dicks.” he admitted. “and I blew them up. Everyone thought it was Tom... I guess I just let them believe it.” he admitted sighing a little. “i actually feel guilty about killing them, how sick is that?”

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “she's in France remember?” he asked smirking a little. “trust me you'll be the first to know when she's back, she'll make sure of it.” he pointed out, shaking his head a little. “you should just kill her and be done with it, no one likes her and she's completely useless.” he pointed out. “hell if you can't do it let Harry have a go at her, he's wanted a piece of her ever since she killed his godfather.”
Ashlin sighed a little, kissing his hand again, closing her eyes."not so bad. They were family, no matter how much you hated them."He said absently running his fingers through the brunette's hair."... dumbledore's going to flip when he realizes he has no control of how the public is going to react. They're going to know he's been lying to them about his fake harry."

Tom shuddered at the idea of bella being back before sighing, "Your uncle likes her."He pointed out. Having only spared her this long because for some reason he couldn't understand, it seemed like her husband liked him. Starting to cook he smiled a little, not even realizing he was moving around the kitchen with the ease of a man who did it alot, not something that he usually showed anyone, espicially any of the younger death eaters who thought he shouldn't lower himself to do things to his own good. though he really didn't trust anyone else to get near his food, espicially not bella
he nodded a little. “yeah, as soon as this story hits the press, most of the support is going to go out the window, no one would make up horrors like that, and I'm explaining the battle at the ministry, and the Prophecy as well, the one about me and Tom I mean.” he admitted smirking a little. “i was thinking of meeting this fake harry in person, preferably in a large crowded area and challenging him.” he admitted smirking. “he's either wearing a glamor, or he's using a mix of a polyjuice potion and an aging potion, either way they will fail after I strip him of it or the potion wears off.” he snickered a little and shook his head.

Draco smiled as he watched the other cooking, his eyes straying to Tom's ass, enjoying the view before he realized, with horror, what he was doing, swallowing thickly as an intense guilt washed over him for being aroused when Millie was dead, sighing a little. “my uncle is a delusional man who thinks she loves him.” he stated simply. “you'd be doing him a favor getting rid of her.” he suddenly sounded a little bitter, and it was clear he'd had another mood swing, normal for Draco after millie's death. They had all gotten used to it by now.
"Now, that would be interesting to see."Ashlin said snuzzling the other. Sighing quietly, because he was worried about how badly things could go, but he would back both his lover and tom in whatever plan they decided on."I'm sure if you ask tom he'll be able to set something up to confront this idiot."

Tom smiled a little, rolling his eyes, having been long used to mood swings, at least Draco's tended to be just emotional and not physical mood swings that involved hexes and curses."Yes, but he's happy thinking he loves her. isn't that better then-"Tom winced glancing towards the door, recognizing the magical signature, glancing at her nephew."You think it's like beattlejuice, and we talked about her to much?"He muttered, once agian, revealing just how much tiem he spent watching muggle movies in his spare time.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “maybe later, I don't feel like doing it right now.” he admitted shaking his head a little smiling a little. “you know... the boys are sleeping, and Draco and tom are distracted.” he murmured running his hands slowly down the others pants, chuckling a little as he kissed the others neck. “and we're both too tense.” Harry wanted to connect with his lover, needing to feel the comfort of someone who loved him against the memories of his family before freezing, a low snarl leaving his lips. “Bellatrix is here.” he growled, well aware she didn't know he was there.

Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “bitch.” he growled scowling a little. “well if you won't kill her maybe I will, Rabastan has to forgive me because we're family.” he decided, closing his eyes and sitting up rubbing his head. “i have another headache... I'm going to go lay down...” he lied, not very convincingly, well aware that he was leaving Tom to Bella, but he couldn't help it, he really would kill her if he saw her clinging to him, and he would NOT betray Millie by liking the Dark Lord.. he wouldn't!!!
Ashlin yelped under his lover's hands, wincing a little because besides the snarl the boy had reacted by tightening his hand somewhere painful."Well, tom'll deal with her.She's sucidially attatched to him. Despite him telling her he's gay."He said squirming a little trying to get the boy to loosen his grip.

Tom sighe quietly looking towards the door, before looking at Draco. "Would you be kind to warn...Ashlin that she is here."He said wincing as the woman in question walked in, wincing more as he nearly got glomped by the insane witch."Wondering why he really did put up with her when every instinct said kill her. Wondering if he really was so afraid of being the man the papers painted him, that he refused to take care of a problem. Conflict and confusion shwing on his face for a moment.
Harry suddenly realized that he was hurting the other and loosened his grip and gently stroked the others flesh to ease the pain. “sorry...” he muttered softly smiling a little. “i didn't know Tom was gay...” he admitted his head tilted as he kissed the others neck.

Draco shook his head. “he probably already knows.” he pointed out glaring at his aunt and shaking his head as he rushed off, not wanting to see what was going on, couldn't watch his aunt molesting Tom not even bothering to go into Ashlin's room, he knew Harry was in there, and Harry would know Bella was there. He was going to go hide instead.
"He doesn't spread it around but he is. He just doesn't...have someone to talk to."Ashlin said amused sighing softly as the other stroked him. Despite getting along with the dark lord, he knew the man was lonely, if only because he didn't know how to onnect to other people well. Hmmm maybe Draco should see to this...sighing contentedly as he let the other stroke him off, not focusing well enough to think bound what the other was doing to him.

A few hours later Ashlin frowned sitting up in bed sighing as he tried to figure out what was wrong. Shaking Harry's shoulder as he got out of bed. Not knowing what was driving him up, but knowing something was wrong."Harry, go check the boys."He growled before running out of the room to go check Draco and Lucius. Relieved to find both well, if a little concerned themselves. Wondering what was making them all edgy. Before he glanced at the cieling,realizing there was one place they hadn't checked. Tom did keep a whole floor to himself and refused to let anyone up there...but there was one person who'd invade that space without thought. Growling as he ran up the stairs he yelped as he found himself with Bellatrix sitting on his chest as the woman tried to get away, looking startled when Tom appeared in the doorway, looking a little haggard and confused himself."Get her out of here. And make sure she never comes back"The dark lord snarled before disappearing back into his room. Something had happened, to change tom's stance on Bellatrix, but the question was what?
Harry nodded and raced off to gather his kids holding their hands as he went in search of Ashlin, feeling relieved that his boys where safe, but feeling frightened that something bad was happening, blinking as Bella ran smack into him snarling at her, his vibrant green eyes narrowed in rage, feeling a sudden strange swell of protective instincts. Not over his children, but over tom, grabbing her by the neck and squeezing just enough to get her attention. “you would do well to leave Tom alone.” he stated before releasing her and shoving her so she could flee down the hall, gently picking Kier up, well aware he was probably scared. “come on Kier, lets go make Uncle Ashley a happy man.” Harry chirped. “he needs a good tickle.” he stated, dumping Kier on Ashlin's arms and glancing into Tom's area. “i'll be back.. I don't think he'll attack me.” but he was hesitant as he moved over to the door gently knocking on it. “tom? Can I come in?”
Kier grinned as he pounced on his uncle, both boys soon harassing their uncle and papa in a demand to play. Meanwhile Tom growled a little as he opened the door, frowning at the man on the other side."What?"He growled refusing to step back and let the other in. Waking up to morning sex was just long as the person riding his cock was the right sex. This was so not putting him in a good mood, which probably meant someone was going to get hurt if he couldnt find a good outlet for the temper.
Harry chuckled at his grouchy demeanor and shook his head. “just wanted to make sure you where alright, Bella came tearing out of here so fast I was afraid you might have gotten hurt.” he smirked. “and there's only one thing I can think of for her to be up here so I brought some heavy whiskey too.” he admitted shaking the bottle. “and since your probably really pissed off, I thought you could use a good duel before I hunt Bella down and gut her.” he admitted smiling at Tom. “hows that sound?”
"Dueling and whiskey.You really do know how to make a guy feel better."He sai snickering a little as he took the bottle from the other, taking a sip before he headed for the dueling ring downstairs, glancing at the incubus as they walked."It was...Gross!Oh man, that was disgusting."He grumbled, annoyed more that bella seemed to think he was so shallow that he'd change his mind over sex more than anything else.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “i know how you feel, I came out of the closet when I was fourteen.” he admitted, but everyone knew that, it had been in the papers. “Ginny Weasley, decided I needed to be 'fixed' and showed up naked in my bed almost every night. I woke up one morning, dreaming about another guy, only to find her screwing me. She was trying to get pregnant with my seed so I'd marry her.” he shook his head. “she was in the hospital for a month.” she admitted chuckling a little. “i can't imagine how disgusting Bella was, Ginny at least was kind of pretty, Bella is just... vomitus. You'll have nightmares tonight I bet.”
Tom nearly whimpered at the idea as he took another sip before shutting the doors to the dueling arena, pausing. Wondering if he should grab ashlin or draco to watch so he couldn't be acused of trying to kill the incubus."..Don't say that."He whined before sighing."how she can be related to Draco is a mystery to me. He's so pretty and she' you said, vomitus."He whined softly, blushing a little as he realized that he'd called the toher pretty. Shaking his head to clear the thoughts. Because he knew Draco was loyal to his wife, even if he had occasional bi tendencies. He wouldn't want to be with a man old enough to be his grandfather, despite looking as young as draco himself.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “oh don't worry you won't have nightmares.” he promised. “i didn't have any anyway.” he admitted shaking his head. “i think there might be some sort of monkey Dna mixed into her bloodline somehow.” he admitted shaking his head a little as he shrugged off his cloak, leaving him in dragon leather and fey silk. “no unforgivables, no dark curses.” he ordered, setting the rules. “no severing spells, nothing that will maim or kill.” he smirked a little. “cutting spells and pain spells are ok.” he didn't fully intend on fighting back, he would struggle just enough to let Tom vent some anger, but mostly he was going to be Tom's torture victim for a little while. He knew tom wouldn't hurt him too badly.
"Monkey DNA?That's disturbing potter."Tom said wrinkling his nose as he pictured that, shuddering a little as he nodded to the rules. Not bothering to voice his agreement before he started the duel. It was going to be better here. Twenty minutes later Tom sighed tiredly as he collaped to the floor with a sigh, running his fingers through his hair. Young he might appear, and more endurance than was probably naturally, but damned if he wasn't burning the candle at both ends trying to take care of everyone. And he was so tired, he hadn't been sleeping well, and he slept even worse knowing bellatrix was in the house."Going to go slaughter Bella?"He said sounding tiredly amused.
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