Incubus Dreams

Tom blushed a little shrugging a little. "Oh well, it was a perfectly selfish reason for staying here. Bellatrix wont look in here considering she thinks I'm straight."He said before paling a little, realiznig what he'd admitted to. Having not actually ever come out and said he was gay, but it was general assumption of why he'd never got married or had anyone in his life."But I'm glad you didn't have nightmares."He said settign the book aside getting ready to leave. He still had to deal with Bellatrix
he chuckled a little. “we both benefited.” he admitted smiling a little. “besides, you've been gay since your where seventeen, ORIGINALLY seventeen.” he teased smiling a little. “it's SO unfair that you came back from the dead looking like hell and then just snapped into that body.” he complained. “and I thought Malfoy's aged well.” he teased chuckling a little as he looked at Tom. “want to sleep in here again tonight?” he offered. “i can turn the bed into two if you'd rather?” guilt rushing through him, but having to ask, because he was selfish, and even the thought of Millie hating him forever and haunting his ass hadn't stopped his stupid mouth from talking.
Tom smiled a little."Oh well, you know it's not so bad being stuck in a 17 year old's body. Thugh it took alot of magic to get it and has the side effect of bella stalking me."He shrugged looking amused, blushing ever so slightly before he noddd."I would like that. Though if you don't want to mess up the bed you don't have to..."The dark lrd shrugged as if it wasn't a bi deal, blushing as he looked down.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “i'm sure Bella will be dead before long. She'll say something to Harry like she always does and either Harry or Ashlin will slaughter her.” he shrugged a little. “unfortunately Rudolphus found out what Bella did... she was bragging about it actually, so if they don't kill her he might.” he admitted shaking his head. “poor uncle Rudy...” he grinned at Tom. “at least it's not you he's mad at eh?” he asked his head tilted as he looked at the dark lord blushing. “your face is all red... are you sick?”
"Maybe.Your aunt probably gave me something."The man said latching on the excuse for blushing with a eagerness of a puppy. Not about to admit to a man who'd just lost his wife that he was attracted to him. Stretching he got up out of bed, heading for the door."Come on. We better go check on Ashlin and Harry, make sure Bella didn't try to kill potter."he said more of excuse to go then anything else. After all, they would have heard the shouted curses from Ashlin if Bella had.
Draco grimaced a little. “i hope not, Herpe's sucks man, even for a muggle disease.” he teased smirking a little as he slid out of the bed and stretched with a groan as he headed out of the room.

Harry himself had just gotten out of bed, feeling the desperate need to stretch his legs and pee, so he decided to go visit the public bathroom instead of the one in his bedroom, running smack dab into the woman everyone hated, Bellatrix.
"...ewwwww.Draco!"Tom whined, sounding like the seventeen year old he looked like. That was just to gross to even consider."Ewww...."

Bellatrix looked up at the teen,glaring at him as she fell back a step."Ickle potty, you should watch where you're going. You'll knock over your betters if you don't."
Draco laughed loudly as he grossed out the dark lord, shaking his head. “well Herpes isn't NEARLY as bad as Crabs!” he pointed out, snickering darkly. “and I've heard she has those too, you might want to get checked.” he teased snickering darkly as he shook his head, pausing as he heard Bella's voice, his eyes narrowing. “stay out of sight.” he whispered to the man, wondering what Harry would do. “you should take your own advice Worm.” Harry snarled his eyes narrowed. “do you not know who I am!? WHAT I am you stupid little brat?” he demanded. “i am Ashlin's lover, that means I outrank You Bella.” he hissed furiously. “and I'm an Incubus too, so I'm even stronger than you. You'd best start learning to control your tongue, before I cut it out.” he snarled before backhanding her, hard enough to send her to the floor. “better watch yourself bitch, I'm not the only person on this side of the war that wants to see you dead.” “damn... Potter on Hormonal rages is kind of kick ass.” Draco muttered, looking amused.
"Yes it is."Tom said snickering as Bellatrix yelped a little as she hit the floor raising her wand before pausing, seeing the man rounding the corner. Dropping her wand quickly when she saw Ashlin, not about to curse Harry when he was around."Whatever are you doing?"Ashlin said looking between the two, "N-nothing.He just ran into me Ashlin."She purred bouncing to her feet, leaning against his chest, ignoring the look he gave her for touching him."...get away from me."Ashlin ordered, whistling softly"Tom, come order your bitch away from me."he said having seen the two around the corner. "Ash I was avoiding her."Tom said shaking his head a little.
Harry snarled when she dared to touch his man and without warning he had her by the neck, punned against the wall. “you will NOT touch my man you little bitch whore! I don't want you spreading your diseases onto him!” he snarled his eyes narrowed viciously, Draco gently setting a hand on Harry's arm. “easy Harry... you might frighten Kier if he see's you doing things like this...” he warned, Harry growling but releasing her, Draco offering Tom a small grin. “oh and Bella? Harry is personally protecting tom from your nastiness, if Harry EVER see's you near tom again in a way that isn't strictly business, or hears about it, he'll rip out your heard and feed it to his chimera.” he warmed, humming as he dragged Harry off for a good cup of hot milk, the man complaining that he wanted cheesecake instead.
All three adults standing in the hallway stared at each other before Tom cleared his throat."I better go make food for Harry."He said ignoring the way Bellatrix was pleading with him to not let the others talk to her like that. Ashlin sighed rolling his eyes as he backhanded her, before following after the others, amused as he settled at the table as tom started making food. Knowing the elder coked when he was anxious or nervous. And wondering what was making him that way. After all surely bellatrix couldn't cause that so...looking at draco curiously."So, do you want anything else to eat?"He asked amused as he kissed harry's head.
Harry shook his head. “no, I want cheesecake.” he complained sulking a little as Draco rolled his eyes. “Harry you have to eat real food too.” he ordered firmly. “as your self appointed prenatal expert...” “my what?” Harry asked looking baffled, Draco rolling his eyes. “the guy who helps you with your nutrition and panic attacks during your pregnancy.” Draco explained. “now...” “who the hell said you got to be the one to tell me what to do!? I'm not listening to you!” Harry complained. “only Ashlin can tell me what to do!” and even then, that didn't mean Harry would do it. “fine, Ashlin tell Harry he has to eat real food too.” “i had real food!” “Pickles and tuna does not count as real food Harry potter.” “bit me Draco Malfoy I'll eat whatever the hell I want so there!”
Ashlin coughed to hid his laughter, amused as he looked at harry."You will eat something better so I can have a girl."he said leaning over to kiss him. Tom laughed as he looked at Harry, "I'm making you cheesecake. Now what else do you want?"He asked, amused because the three seemed determined to argue over everything. At least the arguments were distracting them from bellatrix and tom's attraction to Draco. He so didn't want to think about either right now.
he sulked a little and shook his head. “i don't wanna.” he grumbled crossing his arms and sulking at Tom. “i want a milkshake, strawberry.” he ordered with a growl sulking at Ashlin. “there you happy? I have a dairy now, I'm healthy enough.” Draco shook his head. “that is SO not healthy enough! You need to eat better Harry! Your too thin!” “like your one to talk! You eat better your thinner than I am!” “i'm genetics! Your lack of nutrition.” Draco pointed out, Harry snorting as he shook his head. “fine, make me a turkey sandwich then, with lots of Mayo, and some spinach on it, I like spinach, and black olives and pickles... and I want cheese on it too!...” he paused, pondering then. “and I want the crust cut off!” he ordered, well aware it was Draco who was going to get in trouble for making Harry eat something healthy.
Tom rolled his eyes as he started making the disgusting sandwich, "I'm going to injure you malfoy." Ashlin snickered watching the older man."Oh, but that's not what you really want to do is it?"he said watching him closely, noticing the barely tensing of shoulders before tom relaxed "Anything else master potter?"The dark lord drawled as he sat the sandwich and milkshake in front of him, looking utterly disgusted at the food choices in that sandwich.
Harry pondered and then nodded. “yes, I want banana peppers and some Jalapenos.” he ordered sucking down his Milkshake, Draco shuddering, looking a little green. “that's gross Potter.” “your face is gross Malfoy.” Harry stated simply, accepting the peppers form Tom and loading them onto his sandwich before taking a bite and groaning happily, grinning a little as Draco cringed. “you wouldn't hurt me, I'm saving you from Bella remember?” he teased smirking a little his head tilted. “besides, Harry really IS malnourished, Snape said so when the blood tests came back.” he stated simply. “he said that Harry needs to eat more, and eat healthier or there will be problems in the pregnancy.” Harry looked shocked and then sighed. “fiiine, I'll eat more and I'll eat a little healthier, happy!?” “i'm never happy.” Draco teased, even though he looked pleased.
Ashlin shfited resting his head on harry's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his waist, turned all the way in his seat so he could cuddle him as they sat in chairs"Well, I am."He said nuzzling his lover. Tom noddd a little s he sat down with his own sandwich, wrinkling his nose at the disgusting combonation but well, there was a reason he wanted it so it was easier to just go with the cravings."well,I could always protect myself from Bella.It's just more amusing to watch her freak out that I'm gay then anything else and declare that I'm just really confused.Or sleepwalking."
Harry huffed a little as he continued to eat his meal, sulking and scowling as he finished the sandwich before eagerly accepting the cheesecake and milkshake, humming happily as he devoured the desserts, licking his lips happily as he beamed at his lover, gently biting his lip before chuckling at Tom's complaining. “so your not gay, your just confused?” Draco teased lifting an eyebrow. “i think we should just kill her and be done with it.” Draco decided, yawning a little. “it's too early for this.” he complained, shaking his head. “really? It's the perfect time for sex.” Harry admitted smirking at Ashlin. “don't you agree love?”
"I do"Ashlin smiled snickering a little."And tom's only not killed her becaus for some reason, Draco's uncle actually loves her."He said wrinkling his nose at the idea of someone actually loving her. It was truly disturbing. Tom sighed rolling his eyes at the teasing, sipping his own drink with a sigh."I am not confused. She's confused."
Harry snorted a little. “apparently not so much anymore.” Harry admitted shaking his head a little. “i overheard them fighting, he told her if she ever tried to come near him again he'd sue her for every penny she owned.” he admitted. “not that she has any money herself, she's been living off of him all these years, she's really very useless.... can I be the one to kill her? Pleeease?” Harry pleaded in such a manner that you might have thought he was a child begging to open a present or open a piece of candy, looking delightfully wicked as Connor, Kier, and Lucius moved into the room for lunch, the boys breathless and full of giggles as Lucius smirked. “what did you guys do to Bella? She's throwing a hell of a temper tantrum.. yes Connor I know, I said a swear.” he stated with a roll of his eyes as he plunked a galleon into the jar.
Tom grinned tossing a coin into the jar before he answered."Oh, well she had this strange idea that climbing on while I was asleep was a hell of a good idea."He said wrinkling his nose."Harry took offense to having me scream like a little girl when I woke up like that." Kier looked up at his adopted uncle wide eyed climbing up in Tom's lap as he looked worried. Because tom didn't scream over anything, so he was worried."Are you okay uncle tommy?" Tom smiled a little ruffling the boy's hair as he sipped his milkshake."I fine kiddo." Ashlin snickered a little shaking his head."Yes, you can deal with bella."He muttered at harry wrapping a arm around him,"Don't worry Kier. We took good care of Uncle tommy."He said barely hiding the snicker because kier was the only person in the world who regularly got away with calling a dark lord tommy.
Connor looked worried too and Harry smirked, waiting for it. “Mister Dark Ruler of the Universe? Are you really going to be ok?” he asked his head tilted, harry clapping a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Harry had told Connor that Tom was trying to be the dark ruler, and Harry had decided to make a story out of it, claiming Tom to be the good/bad guy who eventually ruled over the dark universe with a calming fist. Connor hadn't run into Tom since then but Harry had just KNOWN it was going to be amusing. “oh... that was a lot more amusing than I originally thought it was going to be.” Harry admitted with a small snicker.
All three men's, ashlin tom and kier's, jaws dropped as they stared at connor before kier and ashlin cracked up. Tom stared sputtering soundlessly as he tried to figure out what to say. It wasn't often he was speechess, and he looked adorable with it. "...what?"He said sounding choked as he laughed looking at Draco, blushing hard. Aww he was so embarassed that he was being put on the spot. Ashlin snickered ruffling Connor's hair as the boy sat in his lap."Dark ruler of the universe huh?"
Draco was even laughing at the poor dark lord, Connor blinking up at Tom. “”you don't like it? Daddy told me a bedtime story and you where the Hero, AND you where Evil! Are you Evil Uncle Tommy? I like the evil villains the best, I liked the story because you where evil AND you won!” Connor admitted Harry snickering even harder, practically outright laughing by that point, Connor swinging a carrot like it was a sword. “Engarde ye Vile 'white dumbledorf! You shall have no hold over me and my evil ways!” now harry had lost it, he was leaning against Ashlin laughing so hard he had tears coming out of his eyes.
Tom looked at a loss for words as everyone in his life laughed at him. Clearing his throat as he picked up a carrott, swinging it at Connor's engaging him in a sword/carrot fight."En garde noble lord, I shall beat you, or I shall not be headmaster of a school!" Ashlin giggled holding Harry up as much as he was holding him."Its so wrong for Tom to pretend to be dumbledork."He giggled harder cracking up as the teen looking tom and connor danced around the room in a carrot fight.
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