Incubus Dreams

Ashlin snickered at draco's bold lie, rollign his eyes. Knowing there was a picture around somewhere, he'd just have to find it. Before looking at Harry, wrinkling his nose a little."Good. they should be good."He said snickering a little before shrugging."Well, you didn't like me when we were young, it's not my fault sarah was nicer."He said pouting a little."And of course you two would plot against me. i wouldn't get anything done if you two talked."He said amused at the man's wish. Not that she hadn't existed, but that he had known her. It was truly amazing to see him accept ashlin's obsession, though it wasn't as bad as it had been when they first met.
Harry shrugged a little. “i was brainwashed when we where young.” he admitted smiling a little. “Dumbledore had me believing all sorts of crap.” he pointed out, shaking his head a little. “besides, we'd let you rest occasionally.” he teased smirking at his lover. He knew normal people would have been upset, but Harry knew exactly what he was going through. As much as he had hated Fredrick, he had loved him as well, and after harry had killed him harry had missed him terribly, enough that he never dated after that. It wasn't until Ashlin that Harry realized how stupid he was being. He still missed Fredrick, but he wasn't going to obsess about him anymore. “besides as I recall you guys where the ass holes, not me.” he pointed out, smirking a little. “Draco started every fight we where ever in.”
Ashlin snickered as he ate a apple, raising a eyebrow before shaking his head."Oh no. Not me. DRACO was the asshole."He said pointing towards draco, who was being oddly silent. Amused as he blamed the blond."But me, I was a angel. Everyone but you liked me."He said snickering as he rubbed a hand over his face, sighing quietly.He was tired, and more then anything else, he wanted to make sure draco was feelign okay. He was being quiet, so he worried.
Harry snickered a little and Draco chuckled softly as he listened to them, not in a rage anymore, but it would be a while before he felt up to joking around. “Ashlin NO ONE liked you.” Harry teased smiling a little. “they where all AFRAID of you.” he pointed out. “that rumor everyone said about you being a Rapist probably didn't help.” he admitted shaking his head as he glanced at Draco and sighed. “Draco... you need a drink.” “no... I don't want to be drunk right now, I'll just start crying.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “and that's the last thing Kier needs to see...” he admitted smirking suddenly. “though if Ashlin could get me those chocolate things he makes so well?” he asked fluttering his eyelashes at Ashlin playfully, hoping that Ashlin would make those chocolate Truffles he loved so much.
Ashlin sighed getting up out of his seat before starting to gather the things to make them."You should be glad Tom loves them to_Otherwise you'd be drinking."he said sulking a little before smiling, tilting his head a little. Bristling slightly at the words from his lover, evene years later the idea that he could hurt someone like that broke him a little."I wasn't a rapist!"he said, the snap of temper breaking the good mood as he started cooking.
Harry smiled a little. “i know you weren't a rapist and you aren't now.” he stated simply. It was just a rumor started by a jealous jackass when you refused to fuck them.” he stated simply. “you where too in love with Sarah to be a rapist.” he teased smirking a little. “i bet she was a great cock blocker.” he teased chuckling a little as Draco smiled at Ashlin, well aware that the man would be making him chocolate truffles even if no one else in the entire world liked them, just because they would make Draco feel better. “Harry's a pretty god damn good cock block too.” Draco admitted scowling a little. “i used to want the twins, Fred and George, but every time I had a chance to talk to them alone Harry always showed up.” “what? Really? I never noticed...” Harry admitted, actually looking surprised. “he doesn't seem the sort!” “well, I highly doubt he ever even noticed he was too dumb.” Draco teased smirking a little, wary of anyone listening in. “he was a bit stupid wasn't he?” Harry asked, smirking at Draco. “he was always a bit stupid, didn't even realize his friends where being paid to be friends with him.” “what!? Seriously I didn't know that!” “yup, the entire Weasley clan, as it turns out, where getting five galleons a week to be nice to him.” “that's just sick.”
Ashlin sighed a little as he cooked, relaxing as he listened to the other two talking. Relaxing as he realized harry hadn't believed it. Shuddering a little he smiled, tilting his head as he listened before scowling at the idea of teh weasley's being paid."See, malfoy, you don't want to be with them anyways. You might get fleas."He said wrinkling his nose before sighing, tired already of pretendign harry wasn't harry, even if it was for the man's protection."And they claim tom's the sick on in this war. Please, can I do the wizarding world a favor, and just kill them?"he whined.
Harry smiled a little as he shook his head. “why would you want to be friends with them?” harry asked, puzzled at Draco who smiled sheepishly. “well, honestly Harry I was jealous, of you and them. The only real friend I had was Ashlin... and as time went on he was more interested in Sarah. I was lonely...” he admitted shrugging his shoulder. “Ashlin never realized and I made sure of it, because I knew Sarah was perfect for him.” Harry nodded. “i guess I never noticed either, I always thought you and pansy...” “blech, that's disgusting Harry! You know all those rumors about her?” “yeah?” “they're all true...” “...a...all of them? e..even the one about..” “the hippogryph? Oh yeah, she totally bent over for that beast.” “... I think I need to go puke...” “no you can't just kill them Ashlin, that would make them martyrs.” Draco stated with a roll of his eyes. “no, we need to make them the bad guys, if Harry where willing to help us...” “well, I guess it's time we get Harry then.” Thomas stated simply, he didn't like Tom, but he had to admit that Tom wasn't the bad guy in all of this. “we'll bring him here next week.” that would give everyone the chance to realize Thomas was strong, brave, powerful, and not about to betray them, so they wouldn't react so badly when they found out that he was actually Harry.
Ashlin rolled his eyes, choking a little at the mention of pansy, even as his heart hurt as he realized he'd made his friend feel bad, even if it'd been years since then."And the threstal.Can't forget him.Or hagrid."He added, just to make them lose it before grinning."No, millie's by far the most perfect for him."He said wisely before sighing, nodding. Hating the idea of having to pretend that long, but raelly, it was needed, so that they weren't attacking once they realized it was harry."And by then, they'll be used to me and..thomas dating. not to mention connor.Harry can't complain about me mistreating them then."He said hearing the death eaters walk past the door, rolling his eyes, because he knew they were worried about him and his new relationship.
Harry and Draco both gagged violently at the idea of ANYTHING fucking a Thestril. “Millie is perfect.” Draco admitted smiling a little. “it was stupid of me not to realize how much I loved her until after Harry left.” he admitted Harry snorting a little. “Draco you where ALWAYS stupid.” he teased smirking a little. “Ashlin are those chocolate things done yet? I'm hungry.” he whined rather pathetically Thomas chuckling a little. “you couldn't mistreat me even if you wanted to.” Harry teased at Ashlin. “you might be all big and bad but your a teddy bear to the ones you love.” he teased smirking rather wickedly. “plus I can kick your ass.” he teased, Draco laughing a little. “bullshit! No one can kick Ashlin's ass!”
Ashlin smiled as he just finished the other's chocolate truffles, setting a plate in front of him, before grinning at draco.Amused that the other was protecting his rep,even if it was true and he was totally incapable of raising a hand to harry."Of course I can kick his ass.I kick everyone's ass."He said pressing a kiss to ashlin's cheek."I am no teddy bear."
Draco grinned as he was given the truffles, popping one into his mouth with a happy groan,. Harry snorting a little as he shook his head. “he can't kick MY ass! Hell Tom can't even kick my ass! He's TRIED remember!?” hell, at eleven years old Harry had even kicked the ghostly image of Tom's ass. at twelve he'd killed a basilisk! At thirteen he'd driven off hoards of Dementor, at fourteen he'd taken on a newly born tom, yeah, Harry was definitely kick-ass. He yawned a little and smiled a little as he leaned into Ashlin's kiss. “you are totally a teddy bear. Cute and cuddly, when you want to be, rabidly mad and murderous when someone threatens your cubs.” he teased winking at the other. “i'm going to go check on the kids.” he decided glancing at the clock. “it's almost lunch time, Kier and Connor should be hungry by now.” he admitted grinning as he hopped out of the room. “i wonder how many people I can gross out by making them watch Connor eat raw meat?”
"Oh, probably a few. Tom'll probably puke on your shoes if you do it in front of him."He snickered before eating a truffle himself before looking at draco, making sure that he was eating. before deciding that was enough, batting the blond's fingers lightly."Enough. Save some for later. And you need to rest. And I need to let harry fuss over me."he said knowing the other was probably worried about him as much as draco."Uppisy daisy."he said pulling draco to his feet, "Come on lovely."
Harry snickered a little and shook his head as he smirked a little heading off to find the boys, returning with them ten minutes later, looking as pale as the moon as he entered the room where Draco was getting ready to sleep in. “Dray... your house has been raided...” he stated softly. “Lucius and Narcissa are fine, their here, but they...” he swallowed hard, Draco's eyes wide. “they, burned your house down...” “the... the manor is gone?” Draco asked softly before he leaped to his feet and ran out of the room in search of his parents, harry turning to Ashlin. “i know you won't let me go, so I want you to go home and get Connor's things, his clothes and his teddy at the very least... and the... stash, as well.” his wand, and the two prophecies had to be safe, protected. His wand because Harry knew it was more than a simple wand, it was Connor's wand. It had stopped working for Harry when Connor had been born. Of course Connor was only five, so he certainly could not use the wand just yet, but Harry was saving it for him. “Tonks is saying their going to try and hit the Goyle house next so you should be ok but for Merlin's sake be CAREFUL!” he ordered softly kissing the other intently, fear in his eyes, worried about what would happen.
Ashlin stole a quick kiss,growling at the idea that someone had been brave enough to go after the manor."I'll be right back."He snarled before apparating home. Looking around the house he paused, before gathering the things Harry had asked for, and adding only two of his own. The soft downy blanket that would have been his sons, and sarah's wedding ring and favorite blanket. Growling as he held the thigns close to him, he looked startled at finding himeslf suddenly facing aurors. Smirking as he tilted hsi head."Have whatever you wont find anything."He said apparating before they could stop him, sighing as he sat down in the front hall of riddle manor, sighing quietly. hating this. Hating that the only place he'd ever called home was going to be destroyed because of dumbledore's greed. But, there was nothing to do."Thomas?I got your things."He said getting up looking around for the man.
when Ashlin got back, both Harry and Connor where missing, neither Draco nor Kier knew where they where, Draco explaining that Connor had to go to the bathroom but was too afraid of all the strangers to go alone so Harry had gone with him, that had been just after Ashlin had left. They hadn't gotten back yet and Draco was starting to get worried. Ten minutes was taking a long time, fifteen minutes something was wrong, and twenty minutes was enough to make Draco worry. “no one's seen him or Connor.” Draco stated with worried eyes. “and they know better than to lie to me.” he admitted fidgeting nervously. “can you hone in on them? They can't have left the building, they would have tripped the alarms so their still here somewhere unless Tom took them somewhere...” but Tom wouldn't have, not when he knew it would upset Ashlin.
"And he knows better then to not tell me if he was going to."Ashlin said paling quickly, remembering the last time that he hadn't been able to find his love quickly. Losing Sarah had been enough to bring him to his knees, if he lost harry it would break him.Snarling as he tried to focus through the crowds of death eaters in the house he growled to himself, focusing on harry,and more important on connor, who to his own senses felt different then a wizard.Growling as he grabbed draco's arm,apparating them both. Knowing draco wasn't fit to help him,but he needed him there because if things went wrong, only draco could stop him rom injuring himself. Stumbling a little as they arrived with connor and harry, he frowned disortiented for a moment.
Harry was tied up in a long unused bathroom, his ankles tied to a sink and his wrists tied to a hook in the wall so that he had to lay on his side. His back was bleeding where he had been whipped, and hard too, bruises covering his sides, his shirt ripped apart but his pants intact. At least Harry hadn't been raped. Connor was sitting next to the toilette, crying, a dog collar around his neck, locked on by magic, a leash connected to it, tied around te base of the toilet, tied too tight for him to get free. He was unharmed, but naked, though he too had not been touched, he was naked and cold and his daddy had been hurt. Harry hissed when he heard the pop of Apparation, but couldn't turn to see who it was, so simply assumed it was his kidnapped. “filthy fucking Rat! You think Ashlin won't find me!? He'll rip you apart joint by joint!” Harry snarled, struggling against the ropes holding him. “beat me all you want! Your punishment will just increase with every strike against me!”
The snarl that filled the air was so far removed from human, that it didn't even sound like it came from ashlins throat. Shifting so Connor could see who had come he growled absently looking at Draco."Get them down. I'm going to go get the rat."He growled apparating back out, assuming draco would follow the command to get Draco down. Snarling as he walked into the meeting room, snarling as both lucius and tom stepped in front of him."What is wrong with you?"Tom said looking over the younger man, nearly snarling himself as Ashlin darted around him, grabbing the rat before he could run for the door. Lean fingers tightening around Peter's neck as he lifted him off the ground raising the shorter man so they were face to face."Did you think I wouldn't come for you?"He growled, ignoring the death eaters around him, a dangerous kind of arrogance, but he knew tom would stop them from interfering.
Harry flinched at the sound of the snarl before he relaxed, recognizing Ashlin's voice, smiling a little as Draco started untying Harry straight up, knowing that Harry's shoulders where probably dislocated from being hung the way he had been hung, yelping as Draco, very carefully popped them back into place before he broke t he spells holding Connor, pulling the boy into his arms and comforting him as Harry slowly stood up and let Draco apparate them both into the bedroom to rest and calm down, going to Asher's side to watch the bloodbath.

Peter choked and gagged as he was picked up by the neck, squeaking and squealing like the rat he was. “he's just a whore!” Peter complained. “he's just a dirty little slut that sullying out goals!” Theo, Draco, Lucius, most of the Death eaters gasped as they watched what Ashlin would do. It was what many of them had been thinking for some time, Thomas was just a whore, he was distracting, disobedient, and rude, he was in the way all the time, and even worse, he appeared to be twisting both tom and Ashlin in ways they thought was bad for their goals. But Peter was the only person actually stupid enough to say it to Ashlins face, or to Thomas's after the boy had kicked the lestrange's asses. They where all rather worried what Ashlin would do when Peter pointed all of this out, and even topped it with. “we'll get you a better whore! Thomas needs to go!”
Ashlin's face went cold before the smallest smirk curled his lips, tightening his grip as he held the rat lose, "Hmmm oh yes. I will see that he your funeral."The man cooed, sounding like he was totally losing it, not t insanity, but the rage that had been building since he'd lost sarah. Now he had a perfect target for all that rage and pain. Looking away, he tilted his head slightly, learing his throat to get the death eaters out of his way before he walked to Tom's seat. "Tom, may I borrow your table for a moment?" "You better destroy the damned thing, I don't want to sit in it after he's been in it."He said shaking his head as he conjured himself another chair, dropping into it easily, as if he wasn't worried about ashlin. Ashlin nodded absently sitting down in the chair himself before letting go of peter, but before the other had a chance to move to quickly, he let a hand go out.

Tom stared, frowning as he tried to figure out why ashlin had sat then stood, before he realized what the man was holding, saw the blood coating his hand. Paling slightly as he watched the thing beat once, twice. Realized Ashlin had left him alive. Before his smile matched the bloodthirsty one on ashlin's face as the younger man's hand closed, crushing peter's heart into pieces. "Stay away from me. All of you."Ashlin ordered before stalking out of the room ignoring the malfoy's or any of the others watching him. His grief had been the hammer used to break him, and rage was what he'd reformed himself in....and it would remain broken, until reality snapped back to what it was supposed to be. And he didn't know he was even walking the boundaries of insanity, not knowing just how far gone he was
Peter whimpered pathetically as he realized he had only pissed Ashlin off even more, when he was released he jerked to run to the door before squealing in agony as he felt his heart leave him, collapsing onto the ground, wide watery eyes begging, his high pitched squeaks begging for forgiveness, unleashing a bone chilling, hair raising scream of pain as his heart was crushed before he collapsed onto the ground, twitching wildly like the rat he was, finally falling still at Ashlin's order to be left alone, Draco looking pale, but following Ashlin out of the room,holding a healing salve to be rubbed into Harry's injuries, the poor man laying on his belly, because that was the only part of him that didn't hurt.

Connor rushed out of the room and slammed into Ashlin's legs, sobbing wildly as he clung to the man. “he s.. s.. said I was a pp.. pp.. pet, like a d.. doggy.... a.. am I a p.. pet Papa!?” he demanded turning his tear soaked face up to the other, all dressed up now, in multiple layers, suggesting that while Peter hadn't raped him, he may have touched him a little. Death had come far too quickly for the rat, but it had been a painful and terrifying death, so maybe now Ashlin could focus on comforting Connor and fixing Harry up.
Ashlin looked startled at being run over, yelping a little as he found himself being clung to. glancinig at draco, having realized the boy had followed after him."go see to harry.I'll take care of connor."he muttered, snappign out of it, because connor needed him to be there. Still skating to close to the madness, but for the moment he could focus on taking care of connor. Picking up the boy, he wrapped him in a hug, holding him close, pressing a kiss to the boy's hair,holding him close. nudging his office door open and sitting down in the chair, resting the boy in his lap,stroking his hair."No love. not a pet love, you're not anyone's pet."he said calmly, hating that he killed peter so quickly, but the rage hadn't allowed for anything else. Cradling his hurt and scared little boy, he struggled for calm."shh connor, I promise your safe."He said, frantic. Worried that peter had hurt him, had touched him like that...and for the moment his worry for connor eclipsed his rage at everything around him. As long as he had that, he wouldn't lose it...though the others would probably have to be careful, he was calm for the moment.
Connor sniffled, wiping his eyes on Ashlin's shirt. “he said I was a pet, and that I was going to be a pet, he was going to sell me, like a doggy, and that I was going to grow up to be a whore like daddy, but I didn't know what a w..whore was so he t..told me.” he sniffled starting to cry again. “i don't wanna have dirty sex with lots of people!” he wailed, clinging to Ashlin. “you won't let him will you!?” he pleaded sniffling violently as he shoved his thumb into his mouth sucking on it furiously. Peter was damn lucky Harry hadn't gotten to him, he wouldn't have died for weeks. “i don't wanna be a pet and a whore.” Connor whimpered, hiccuping from how upset he was, sucking on his thumb and sniffling a little. “where's Daddy? The bad man hurt daddy.” Connor whimpered, sniffling as he snuggled into the other, already starting to fall asleep, too tired and too traumatized to stay awake now that he was safe with his papa.
"Shhh love, I made sure he wouldn't hurt you."He muttered stroking the other's back,rocking him a little."Your daddy's fine. uncle draco's taking care of him."He said tears showing in his eyes a little, so scared for his boy. Feeling broken and shattered as he held his traumatized son. "Sleep lovely."He muttered the sleeping spell, letting him get to sleep before he stood, holding the boy against his chest as he nudged the door open, walking into the bedroom."How is he?"He muttered looking at draco, before looking down at Harry. Feeling traumatized and broken, distantly knowing draco would have to take care of him to. Feeling as he had when he first lost sarah, but only so much worse.
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